The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1323 Fire Source God Furnace

Chapter 1323 Fire Source God Furnace
"Hua Qiancheng, today is the day of your death!" The words came, full of murderous intentions, and icy cold.

As soon as the voice fell, a huge power descended from the void!

I saw a figure trembling back, his face was flushed, blood slipped from the corner of his mouth.

But what is surprising is that there is a huge furnace suspended above this person's head, blocking most of the attacks.

It is Hua Qiancheng, who is the chief disciple of the Pagoda Sect, who has supported him until now.

The one attacking him was a young man with a gloomy face. He was carrying a sword. The sword was powerful just now, but he still couldn't break through the furnace defense.

"Huo Shisan, you've let me down so much!" Hua Qiancheng's face was a little pale, and his aura fluctuated violently. The figure he was staring at was one of the five people besieging and killing him in front of him.

"Hand over the Fire Source Stove, or today will be your death day!" Huo Shisan continued to say coldly.

"Haha, who said that this is the Fire Origin Stove of your Fire Clan? Since I got it, it's mine!" Hua Qiancheng laughed loudly.

"Why so much nonsense?" An unhappy voice came from the side.

At this moment, a young man came out, and he said: "Kill him quickly, I still have to find treasures, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you here."

Hua Qiancheng knew that this young man should not be underestimated, and besides there were three figures, all extremely powerful, who joined forces to surround and kill him at this moment. If he didn't try his best, he would definitely not be able to get away.

Why did these people besiege and kill him? Without thinking about it, they knew that there must be benefits. They just didn't know what benefits Huo Shisan of the Fire Clan gave to other people.

"I'm curious, what benefits does he give you?" Hua Qiancheng asked calmly.

His fighting spirit was boiling and burning, like a blazing flame that could not be extinguished. However, at this moment, his aura was already a little weak, and the light of the suspended stove above his head had begun to dim.

At this time, a middle-aged man sneered, waved the mace in his hand, and said with a grin: "He gave me a vein of spirit stone. If you give me two, I can consider saving your life."

"Don't talk nonsense, kill it quickly!" A figure was furious, he rushed forward quickly, and shot him in the head.

The air roared and moved, and the huge blood gun struck across, and with a bang, the furnace vibrated violently, and the light continued to dim.

Although the blow was blocked, Hua Qiancheng didn't feel well. The corner of his mouth was bleeding, and the injury was obviously not serious.

Although he had a furnace to protect him, he was still injured and could not withstand the bombardment of the five powerhouses.

He knew clearly that this was a guy from the blood race, he was full of vitality and blood, and his bloody gun was very powerful, and it must be an ancient battle gun.

This person is extremely powerful, and he must be a strong man in the fourth realm.

But right now, there are four of them, and they are all existences of the fourth realm. It can be said that today's existence is more or less ominous.

However, he wasn't afraid, he was just disappointed. He was extremely disappointed with an ally who came here with him.

"Shou die!" Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and a person leaped towards him and slashed down with a sword.

Hua Qiancheng's face was shocked, and the stove buzzed, blocking the sword.

With a bang, the brilliance of the huge stove dimmed, and then it shook violently, and the flames above the stove had dissipated and disappeared.

This blow was very terrifying, containing ferocious power, which shocked him again.

This is a guy from the monster family, and he came to this small world that was about to be destroyed by accident. The two cooperated very well, but after facing threats, he first attacked Hua Qiancheng.

This guy himself is extremely powerful in swordsmanship, and he almost killed him with a single blow. Fortunately, his ancient stove is a bit strong, otherwise he would never have survived.

However, the current situation is not optimistic. This blow has just passed, and another figure is killed.

A big knife cut across the air, the sharp edge faltered, and a crack was drawn in the void.

when!There was a loud bang, the stove trembled, and finally with a buzzing sound, it fell down.

Although this ancient artifact was not cracked, the light was dimmed and lost its power. This was a sign that he could not continue to use the ancient artifact after being severely injured.

The bloody guy in front of him had a cold face. He came forward with a knife in his hand, his power became stronger and stronger step by step, and finally oppressed Hua Qiancheng so much that his whole body trembled.

At this time, five figures rushed forward together, and they exuded a powerful murderous intent at the same time.

If there are no accidents, the next moment will be when Hua Qiancheng perishes.

"The monster clan is untrustworthy. If you can kill me today, you will accept revenge from my Pagoda Sect tomorrow!" Hua Qiancheng suddenly smiled, his face becoming very flat.

"The pagoda sect? Where's your pagoda? Isn't it true that if the pagoda is in place, the pagoda will be destroyed?" The monk from the monster clan sneered.

"Hmph, if it wasn't for the damage to the pagoda by accident, would you youngsters be able to threaten me?" Hua Qiancheng also sneered.

The cultivator of the monster family was furious, and he said with a gloomy face: "Hua Qiancheng, Hua Qiancheng, you have the protection of the sect, so I don't have it? Kill you, the new generation No. 1 must be my Born among the monster clan, today our five strong men can not only kill you easily, but other guys who are alone will not end well either."

"You can go to hell!" The monster cultivator's face was cold, and he rushed towards him like a roc. He raised his sword brazenly and stabbed him.

This sword locked on Hua Qiancheng's heart, he was unable to dodge it, he could only stand there not waiting for death to come.

Death is not terrible, but it is a pity that the death is unclear, which is a pity, and it is too useless.

"If you are not of my race, their hearts must be different!" Suddenly, a roar came from afar.

This roar was like rolling thunder, and then a terrifying sharp edge roared towards him.

There was a rumbling sound in the air, it was a bloody long sword coming through the air!

The monster cultivator's face was shocked at first, and then he stabbed without hesitation, wanting to kill Hua Qiancheng with one blow.

It's a pity that the blood sword rushed to it in an instant, and exploded with unparalleled power, lifting the ground [-] meters in front of the monster monk.

boom!There was a shock, smoke and dust billowed, and the five figures flew back quickly.

Especially the monster cultivator, he stared at the bloody long sword in front of him in surprise.

This is Gao Jiuding's magic weapon, and it is the highest level killing weapon in his hands.

Originally, Gao Jiuding didn't think about making a move, but the last words of the monster monk made Gao Jiuding wake up.

These monsters are not good things, so he rushed over immediately.

The other four people's faces froze, staring at a wave of air coming from a distance, and then saw a figure approaching in an instant.

The person who came was Gao Jiuding, he was full of blood and energy, as soon as he rushed to him, he punched him!
With a bang, the faces of the three figures in front of them changed drastically. They resisted hastily, but were blown away by a berserk force.

"Gao Jiuding!" Yaozu monk stood up from the ground with a flushed face and shouted in disbelief.

He stared at Lai Gao Jiuding, this guy seemed to be stronger, this time he punched the three of them and sent them flying.

Although the remaining two did not move, they cautiously began to retreat.

At this time, the other four suddenly felt that this guy was a little too strong.

Especially the punch just now, there was no fluctuation in fighting spirit at all, and it was able to repel them only by relying on the strength of the physical body.

That's why they were shocked, it was incredible.

"Senior Brother Hua, can we still fight?" Gao Jiuding came to Hua Qiancheng and asked.

At this moment, the anger in his heart was soaring, faintly about to erupt.

Hua Qiancheng smiled plainly, and said, "I'm fine, if I say I can still fight, I'd be deceiving myself and others."

Gao Jiuding didn't say much, he directly took out a large cup of golden liquid and gave it to Hua Qiancheng to drink.

The latter looked surprised, but he didn't refuse the kindness, and he drank it clean in one gulp.

In an instant, a strong energy fluctuation emanated, causing the people on the opposite side to look shocked.

Under everyone's gaze, Hua Qiancheng recovered from his injuries in an instant, and his aura reached its peak state.

Gao Jiuding nodded in satisfaction. It was the first time he used the Immortal Spring Liquid, and the effect was the best.

Hua Qiancheng was fine. Gao Jiuding turned around and stared at a figure in front of him. It was this monster guy who wanted to kill all the human monks.

"I used to get along well with the boss of your monster clan, but you actually unite with outsiders to kill all the human monks who are alone?" His words were very calm, but behind this calmness, there was a turbulence hidden murderous intent.

The Yaozu monk on the opposite side sneered and said: "Haha, I don't know which little monk who came out of the corner, really thinks that he is a character? My elder brother just wants a treasure on your body. If you kill you , I don’t know if I can get it? You came just in time, and I just settled it with you, so I won’t bother to find you.”

"Really?" Gao Jiuding glanced at the other people beside him with an extremely calm expression, and said with a sneer, "I really want to know what benefits this guy has given you? I can give you double and help me kill him."

"Really?" The guy with the bloody gun came up and said with a smile: "Actually, we just want to get some benefits. Since your human race is so generous, I'll just say it directly. Give me two veins of spirit stones. OK."

"What about you?" Gao Jiuding's face was very calm, because he also wanted the Lingshi veins, but unfortunately he was reluctant.

Well now, I finally heard good news. It seems that in this starry sky, spirit stone veins are not uncommon. Otherwise, there would be two if this guy would not open his mouth.

At this time, another person said with a sinister smile: "He gave me 20 young women, and if you give me 40, I will help you!"

"Give me one hundred thousand sub-dragon beasts cultivated by your human race, and I'll help you kill him!" The third person said with a chuckle, as if he didn't care.

And the rest of the people stared at Gao Jiuding and said, "I also want one hundred thousand sub-dragon beasts. If you can give me this, I will help you too."

Such a request is really too much, and Gao Jiuding has so many benefits?

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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