The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1324 The Secret Art of Burning Blood

Chapter 1324 The Secret Art of Burning Blood
Leaving aside the spirit stone veins, Yalong beasts are so easy to get?

And these people only ask for 20, 20, and what's the matter with [-] women?

"The people who need the population are barbarians. Although they are also of human blood, they are all devils!" As if seeing Gao Jiuding's doubts, Hua Qiancheng continued: "The population ratio of the barbarians is out of balance, and women are needed to expand the population size!"

Gao Jiuding looked calm, but in his heart he sentenced these guys to death.

Whether it is a monster or a barbarian, as well as the blood and fire next to it, they are not good things. For the human race, they are all targets to kill and then quickly.

Of course, when these guys met the human race, they immediately killed them.

Knowing what these guys want, will Gao Jiuding still talk to them?

Not to mention whether there are 20 sub-dragon beasts, but only [-] young women, it is impossible for Gao Jiuding to compromise.

No matter what one of these is, it is a condition that he cannot agree to.

"If you want it, it depends on whether you have the ability to get it!"

If you can't be good, then kill them all.

Gao Jiuding was full of murderous intent, and he was really angry: "Brother Hua, you come and block the four of them. I will deal with this monster first, and then I will have a good chat with those four trash."

"Okay!" Hua Qiancheng's eyes were shining brightly, and his whole body exuded aura. The leader of the younger generation is not so easy to bully.

He was able to survive the five people besieging and killing him just now. Although he has to face four people now, with Gao Jiuding there, it will be much easier.

It's a pity that his pagoda has been practiced for so many years, and it was actually destroyed in the collapse of the space-time tunnel. Fortunately, he got another treasure here.

Hua Qiancheng didn't talk nonsense, and in a flash, he carried a huge stove and killed him, blocking the other four.

And Gao Jiuding was staring at the monster clan, his whole body burst out with murderous intent!
"I'll kill you first today!" Gao Jiuding yelled, and a killing intent surged into the sky, attracting the attention of several powerful people in the small world, and they all looked this way.

"Who is fighting?" In the small world, amidst the ruins, someone stared into the distance with a suspicious expression, and there was a terrifying aura pervading there.

Looking from here, one can only see a puff of smoke and dust, and there is a murderous intent in the smoke and dust. It seems that someone is fighting fiercely there, and even the ground shakes slightly.

On the other side, someone also noticed it. They each pondered for a while, and then rushed over there quickly.

The battle in the distance started, and a furnace was thrown into the sky, blocking the attack of the four powerhouses.

Hua Qiancheng's imposing manner was unparalleled, and his mana swept across like a blazing fire, and he fought with the four powerhouses.

Although he is only one person, he possesses a powerful ancient weapon.

What's even more astonishing is that his magic power is so strong that once he returns to the peak state, it's no problem even if he can resist four masters at the same time.

boom!A wave of air billowed, bloody guns flew across the sky, but unfortunately they couldn't break through the furnace's defense.

That burst of flames blocked all the attacks of the four masters.

The faces of the four masters were gloomy, they didn't expect Gao Jiuding to be so straightforward when he came.

While they were attacking, they looked at a battle site not far away, and their expressions soon became serious.

"Kill!" With a cold shout, Gao Jiuding swung his fists to fight with the figure flashing past.

Gao Jiuding's fists were very fierce, stronger than before, and it seemed that because of the erosion of the chaotic atmosphere, his physical body was also stronger.

The Yaozu cultivator on the opposite side had a cold face and quickly resisted.

With a clang, the flying sword trembled, and the body of the Yaozu cultivator kept retreating. He was shaken back by that violent force.

Suddenly, the Yaozu cultivator roared and exploded completely.

I saw thick blood flashing across the body of the Yaozu cultivator, did this stimulate the blood all over his body?

Then his blood burned, which suddenly increased his aura several times.

Gao Jiuding was startled, did this activate a blood-burning secret technique?

He was using secret techniques at the cost of his own blood, trying to kill Gao Jiuding in a short time.

However, even if he paid the price, it would not be so easy to kill Gao Jiuding.

Although Gao Jiuding felt that the other party's own strength had increased several times due to the secret technique, he did not panic.

He waved his fist and called suddenly: "No matter what secret technique you use today, I will kill you!"

boom!Smoke and dust rose to the sky, wind and waves swept all directions, and the two powerful men fought together.

This time, although Gao Jiuding was determined to kill this guy, he still hadn't lost his mind.

It is actually very simple to kill this guy, after all, Gao Jiuding's strength has improved a lot.

However, if you want to integrate into the cultivation world here, especially among the human race here, you must not make people jealous or suspicious.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding was only fighting with his body training, and he didn't even use his domain power.

As for magic weapons and supernatural powers, although Hua Qiancheng has seen them before, Gao Jiuding doesn't intend to use them here, because ordinary magic weapons and supernatural powers are almost useless against the current masters.

This time was also his chance. He didn't expect that the Yaozu would unite with other races to kill all the human monks who were alone. This would definitely cause public outrage.

Originally, Gao Jiuding didn't want to do it so quickly, but now it seemed that he had to kill him.

Therefore, his whole body burst out with energy and blood, and with his fists, he beat the Yaozu cultivator uncomfortable all over.

His fist was shining, at this moment his fist was like a mountain, it was too heavy, ordinary people couldn't bear the berserk power at all.

The monster cultivator was shocked. He thought he could kill Gao Jiuding with the secret technique, but now it seems wrong.

Click!He struck with a sword, and when he struck a fist, there was a clanging sound.

Not to mention that he didn't believe that a fist was so hard, even the four masters of other races who were observing here didn't believe it.

"This guy has such a powerful fist, but his body is so terrifying?" The blood clan was so shocked that he almost forgot to attack.

The other three were equally surprised. They were all doubting their lives and thought they were wrong.

Gao Jiuding has not used mana until now, which is simply unbelievable.

They were surprised, and the monster was even more terrified. He didn't feel the terror until he actually faced Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding's physical strength finally made him feel a little shudder, which is a kind of fear, the fear of death.

He knew that he seemed very powerful now, but that was because of the secret technique.

If time passes, the effect of the secret technique will weaken, and even form a weak situation.

By that time, he will be miserable.

As time passed, the Yaozu monk became more and more anxious, and was almost hit by Gao Jiuding several times.

At this time, he couldn't keep calm anymore, so he could only attack crazily.

"Die to me!" The monster cultivator couldn't stand it anymore, he roared crazily, his fighting spirit boiled all over his body, intertwined into a huge phantom, this is a big roc.

This blow was already his strongest blow, if he still couldn't hurt Gao Jiuding, then he had to consider running away.

Now Gao Jiuding's strength has surpassed his imagination, only the strength of his physical body is against him, a strong man who can even be urged by his appearance.

This time, it will be the last battle in his life, the more Gao Jiuding fights, the heavier his fist will be.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's fist became a little different. On his fist, there was a hazy light, and runes flickered and intertwined, causing the figure in front of him to dodge in embarrassment.

Boom, boom, boom, Gao Jiuding was very calm, he waved his fists, one punch was stronger than one punch!
The runes danced and intertwined all over the sky, hovering around the body, and as the fist rolled over, it burst out with unparalleled power.

At this moment, he felt that his body seemed to be different, with a trace of berserk power emerging from the inside of his body, condensing on his fists, causing the void to tremble.

"Kill!" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding yelled, his whole body was full of blood and energy, runes intertwined and condensed on his fist.

In the end, all the runes turned into a mysterious ancient character, emitting an astonishing bloody light, and smashed down with a bang.

With a punch, the void trembled, and the space of the small world showed slight signs of rupture, which made everyone's faces change in fright.

The monster cultivator stared, his body was filled with blood, and he raised his sword to strike Gao Jiuding's fist in the most powerful posture.

This is the most powerful blow that he unleashes at the cost of his vitality, the most powerful blow.

boom!There was a loud noise, followed by a shock, and a terrifying air wave rolled out, forcing out the four figures not far away.

Among the dust and smoke, there were two figures looming, and they quickly exchanged blows, and there was a quick clanging sound.

Gao Jiuding unleashed all his strength, using the most powerful boxing technique such as killing fist, to bombard and kill continuously.

His body exudes a hazy light, and traces of gas diffuse out, which is a kind of power spreading.

As soon as these gases come out, even the space of the small world becomes extremely unstable, as if it will be shattered in the next moment.

It can be seen from this that the power hidden in Gao Jiuding's body is very extraordinary.

boom!The monster cultivator was stunned. He looked down and found that his chest had been hit by a fist at some point.

The violent force tore through his body and passed through.

Seeing his body being pierced, the Yaozu cultivator felt a fear of death, he slashed with his sword frantically, wanting to chop off Gao Jiuding's head.

clang!The sword light flashed, sparks flew.

This sword cut Gao Jiuding's neck, but what shocked people was that he couldn't cut it in, as if this was not a fleshy body, but extremely hard steel.

The monster monks were shocked, desperate, and terrified.

This time, he finally slashed at Gao Jiuding's neck, but unfortunately he couldn't hurt him. Even the top-level flying sword in his hand was cracked by a trace of gray gas, and it shattered to the ground.

"Why are you so strong? Could it be?" The demon cultivator was full of fear. He stared at Gao Jiuding who was close at hand, knowing that it was the Immortal Body of Vajra.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding wouldn't talk nonsense to him, so he pumped his fist and hit him again.

(End of this chapter)

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