The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1325 Mysterious Ruins

Chapter 1325 Mysterious Ruins
With a bang, Gao Jiuding's fist hit the Yaozu cultivator's heart directly, blood sprayed, bones shattered, and a fist pierced out from the back of his heart.

The Yaozu monk only felt his heart was broken, his strength was rapidly dissipating, and his vitality was also rapidly disappearing.

He felt it, it was the breath of death, and at this moment, darkness overwhelmed his consciousness.

"No, I don't want to die, I won't die!" Suddenly, the fear of dying drove the monster monk completely crazy.

Although there was darkness in his consciousness, the monster cultivator still mobilized his whole body.

An extremely dangerous aura permeated the air, and Gao Jiuding, who was originally relaxed, changed his face wildly.

I saw the monster monk's body spurting blood, but it formed a strange force, intertwined into a terrible state.

This is his remaining life force, and he unexpectedly burst out with a secret technique, wanting to make a last-ditch effort.

Gao Jiuding backed away quickly, and he stared at the monster monks in front of him very cautiously. These big monks are really annoying, because you never know whether they have any disgusting cards.

At this time, the monster monk was covered in blood, and he was like an evil ghost crawling out of hell.

"I will drag you to hell even if I die!" The monster monk roared madly, his whole body was covered with blood, and his bones even melted.

He turned into a blood man, burning an astonishing blood-colored flame, and rushed towards Gao Jiuding at such a speed that it was impossible to react.

But Gao Jiuding didn't panic. As a blood demon who cultivated blood nerves, would he be afraid of a guy who worked so hard to become a blood man?

Gao Jiuding just had a thought, and the blood all over his body rushed out. Not to mention, as the blood light appeared, strands of gray gas spread and intertwined on the bloody fist.

Following Gao Jiuding's punch, with a bang, the blood light instantly dissipated, and the power of the fist was unstoppable, piercing through the blood man.

"Ah, you're going to die, I'll wait for you in hell." The monster monk's body trembled, and he roared mournfully, like the wailing of an evil ghost, which was creepy.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding was unmoved, his fist slammed fiercely, and with a bang, the blood man exploded into a cloud of blood foam and scattered in an instant.

At this moment, the four Gao Jiuding in the distance had stopped, and they stared at Gao Jiuding, feeling chills in their hearts.

They felt the horror of this guy. He has never used mana from the beginning to the end?
I saw that Gao Jiuding picked up a ring from the flesh and blood fragments on the ground, which was the storage ring of that monster clan.

He didn't look much, turned around after putting it away, and punched the four masters.

With a bang, several figures retreated quickly.

The four masters stared at the approaching Gao Jiuding, the punch just now was too fierce, the runes pressed down, and they were almost injured by the shock.

"The demon clan is dead, how about you?" Gao Jiuding had no expression on his face, and stepped forward to force him away. At this time, Gao Jiuding's aura was even stronger, obviously stronger than before.

This time, none of the four masters magnified their words, and now they can't speak casually.

"Do you think that just the two of you can fight against the four of us?" A strong barbarian's face was cold, and his heart was filled with murderous intent. He really wanted to kill Gao Jiuding's majesty, but it was a bit difficult.

However, if Gao Jiuding's prestige is not killed and he is not given a lesson, where will the face of the four masters be put?

Just when the four of them were about to join forces and teach Gao Jiuding a lesson, several figures from afar rushed here, attracting their attention.

"You guys came just in time, let's teach this newcomer a lesson together, otherwise he will be defiant!" The barbarian leader said this immediately when he saw several figures approaching.

Gao Jiuding raised his eyes and saw that the first person riding a fierce beast came first.

And two more figures rushed over one after another, a middle-aged man riding a tall giant tiger, with a halberd exuding astonishing sharpness.

The remaining one was riding a sub-dragon beast, holding a huge battle axe, and swept across the crowd with surprise on his face.

As soon as the three of them arrived, they attracted the attention of several people present, especially the barbarian leader who was even more delighted.

He walked out quickly, looked at the three people who came to him, and finally smiled.

"You guys came at the right time, let's go together, teach this new guy a lesson, and see if he's still defiant." The barbarian leader said well, but the three who had just arrived didn't even look at him.

They swept Gao Jiuding and Hua Qiancheng, and finally looked at the blood on the ground in the distance. At this time, the field was in a mess.

One of the three said with contempt on his face: "Who do you think you are? If you want us to be together, just be together?"

"That's right, do you think we are fools?" The other person replied flatly, and continued: "I have nothing against these guys, you can teach them what you want, and I will watch."

"You fight, hurry up, I want to see the excitement!" The other two laughed lightly, but their words made the faces of the four masters even more gloomy.

However, this is also very normal. Everyone present is a person of status, and none of them are stupid.

There are people of all races in the field, including human race, blood race, and fire race.

Even the barbarians, although they are aggressive, have a bit of brains to become a leader.

And the people who come here are not much different in strength, how could they listen to your orders?

Depending on the situation, the strength of Gao Jiuding and Hua Qiancheng is not weak. Even, the few people who came later were still thinking, if they really fought, would they stand by Gao Jiuding's side and form a good relationship?

"Don't you want to fight?" Gao Jiuding looked at the four people in front of him and said, "If you don't want to fight, then I will leave. I don't have time to spend time here with you. I just entered here for the first time, and I haven't gained any rewards yet. Good stuff."

Others all looked at Gao Jiuding, but none of them spoke.

"Senior Brother Hua, let's go!" After Gao Jiuding finished speaking, he took Hua Qiancheng and left, and the expressions of the rest of the people immediately changed.

Now it is the previous four masters who are riding the tiger, and now the monster monk who is the master is dead, and it is impossible to obtain the benefits they want.

As for killing Gao Jiuding, I have no idea about it now, after all, everyone is not of one mind.

And no one is a fool. Looking at the three people opposite, the meaning is very obvious. They just plan to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. No one will do such a thing.

If the four of them really do something, maybe the three guys who just arrived may stand on Gao Jiuding's side.

This is an instinct of self-seeking for balance. If the balance is broken, you will be in danger. Under such circumstances, everyone knows how to choose.

"Junior Brother Gao, there seems to be something over there!" At this moment, Hua Qiancheng said to Gao Jiuding via sound transmission.

Hua Qiancheng glanced at those guys behind him, and then said in a voice transmission: "After I entered here, I walked straight all the way to here, and I feel that there seems to be something inside."

Hua Qiancheng was very cautious, and the fluctuation of the sound transmission was very weak, but the people behind him were all strong, so they naturally sensed it.

At this time, their expressions were a little strange.

However, their movements were quick and their choices were very precise. Those guys simply left the original matter behind and quickly followed.

Gao Jiuding looked ahead in surprise. There was a huge ruin there, but looking from this side, he really didn't see anything special.

"What can there be in these ruins?" A barbarian leader glared at Hua Qiancheng with a displeased face.

It's a pity that the latter didn't even look at him. He even ignored these people and just reminded Gao Jiuding emphatically.

"I have entered once, but I can't get in anyway, as if there is an invisible barrier." Hua Qiancheng saw that there was no way to hide it, so he opened his mouth directly.

"We've been in there too, it's dangerous there!" A barbarian later said with a smile.

Hua Qiancheng said helplessly: "Originally, I wanted to forcefully break through that layer of barriers, but I met that monster clan and them. In the end, you know the situation."

After Gao Jiuding heard this, he nodded slightly. He thought for a while before saying: "Don't worry, the monster clan is dead. As for the four of them, we will get back this face in the future."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the gloomy faces of the four masters, but cautiously stepped forward to examine them carefully.

Several other people came over one after another, no one lagging behind, they all wanted to compete for good things.

"Huh?" After a long time, Gao Jiuding was surprised, and he noticed something strange.

Gao Jiuding stretched out his hand, but felt a blockage. He couldn't see it, but he really felt that blockage.

Others also found out, all of them were surprised and felt that something was wrong.

There is a ruins in front of them, but why can't they enter it, it seems that there is an invisible thing in front of them.

"What's going on?" A barbarian murmured in surprise: "Why can't I enter? It seems that there is a force blocking it."

Gao Jiuding glanced at this guy with contempt. Didn't this later guy go in before?

The rest of the people also made discoveries one after another, but unfortunately, this force blocked everyone from entering the ruins.

At this time, the blood clan who used the blood gun snorted coldly, raised his hand and hit it, and with a bang, the whole ruins shook.

But at the next moment, Gao Jiuding and the others changed their expressions drastically, and retreated instantly.

From a distance, everyone stared in horror at the ruins ahead, where a strange energy was being generated.

"The ruins are gone!" Suddenly, Hua Qiancheng was shocked, "The ruins are gone, what is this?"

In front of his eyes, the ruins he had seen before disappeared, leaving behind a hazy light covering a large area in front of him, and it was this light that prevented everyone from moving forward.

Gao Jiuding cautiously stepped forward to check, and soon saw something.

This hazy light is composed of small runes, intertwined into a light curtain to prevent outsiders from entering. This is a bit like the defensive supernatural power of the five-colored bull, but it is not like it, because the prohibition here is obviously required. It is easier to understand than the domain of the five-color divine cow.

 Thank you for the rewards of the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, the life of the fate72, and lads4017 brothers!
(End of this chapter)

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