Chapter 1326
"Array pattern?" This is another kind of ancient pattern pattern, Gao Jiuding can see that these pattern patterns are somewhat similar to the ancient city runes he has seen, maybe they are in the same line, but later in the long river of time, they must have appeared again Variety.

Sorting out all the memories about the runes of the ancient city, Gao Jiuding obtained some records from the scattered memories. This is a kind of array pattern, and it is an ancient and powerful array pattern. It is very magical, it can be said to be as old and magical as the runes ,
He knew this thing, it was an ancient pattern, but the few people beside him were not necessarily so.

It seemed that they didn't know what it was at all. Now that they heard Gao Jiuding say that, they were all secretly surprised.

"This is an array pattern, what is an array pattern?" A barbarian asked curiously.

Others looked at it one after another, wanting to know what is a pattern?

But Gao Jiuding shook his head and said: "I only know one thing. The pattern is very ancient, and may even originate from the age of mythology. As for the specifics, I don't know. I only know that it is a powerful and ancient thing."

"What do you mean, don't you say this is an ancient formation?" the blood race said in surprise.

The ancient formation is different from the current system. At that time, the formation was formed with the help of the mighty power of heaven and earth, which was much stronger than the current formation.

However, the runes here really formed a formation, so this is an ancient formation.

Gao Jiuding nodded, admitting to this matter, saying that it is a formation is also right.

The so-called array pattern is to form an array, just like the hazy light curtain in front of you, it is actually an array.

This form of existence is closer to the domain, and the domain Gao Jiuding comprehended was obtained through reverse derivation.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding was faintly excited. The ancient formation can prevent outsiders from entering, so what kind of treasure is hidden in the formation?

"There must be treasures here." Everyone became very enthusiastic. With such a powerful formation guarding them, there must be magical treasures, and they were all moved.

At this moment, a barbarian later turned serious, and shouted: "Since there are treasures, break them quickly!"

After finishing speaking, he rode the sub-dragon beast and rushed past, then chopped down with an axe.

I saw that there was a bang, and the light curtain trembled for a while, and it retreated again and again by shaking it.

Everyone glanced at each other, and an agreement was reached. They shot together and bombarded the light curtain.

In an instant, everyone on the scene unleashed their strongest blows.

For a while, there was a violent roar in front, and the effect was very obvious. With their attack, the light curtain trembled and dimmed a little.

This situation filled the faces of the people present with joy, and then they bombarded harder.

Everyone wanted to quickly break the light curtain so that they could snatch the contents inside.

As for what's inside, everyone doesn't know, but they can guess and imagine, it must be a good thing.

And under the continuous bombardment of several powerful men, the solid light curtain finally gradually dimmed, revealing a little bit of the scene inside.

"Look, is that a palace?"

"My God, is there still a palace that hasn't been destroyed?"

Everyone was overjoyed, they stared at the light curtain in front of them, through which they could see a little shadow, inside was a huge palace, very grand and magnificent, the most important thing was that it was complete.

This discovery made everyone's hearts hot. There must be powerful treasures inside the palace.

This is the reason for everyone's excitement, even Gao Jiuding's heart became hot, he also wanted to snatch the things in the palace.

In a small world that is about to be destroyed, the building that can still be preserved until now is a treasure in itself.

Thinking of the 9000-year-old heaven and earth spirit that he obtained earlier, Gao Jiuding became even more excited. Everything here has a history of at least 9000 years!

"Continue, break this formation!" A barbarian leader shouted excitedly. He burst out with fighting spirit, and a scorching breath filled the air. Then, a black spear pierced through the air.

With a bang, the light curtain dimmed and trembled to shatter.

At this time, no one retained their strength, and they all rushed up quickly.

With the joint efforts of several powerful men, this huge and incomparably light curtain was finally broken.

boom!The light curtain trembled violently, and with a bang, the entire light curtain shattered, turning into a mysterious ray of light that scattered in all directions and fell into the ground.

Gao Jiuding's eyes were sharp, and he saw that the rays of light were divided into eight parts and fell into the ground in eight directions.

He didn't move, but secretly noted the positions of these lights, and then turned to look ahead.

"This..." Gao Jiuding was taken aback. What he saw in front of him was indeed a magnificent palace, but there were flowers, plants and trees around the palace, which surprised him too much.

There is a dead silence here, and everyone will be surprised to see such a lively scene suddenly. Moreover, are these flowers, plants and trees spiritual creatures?
Not to mention him, even the few barbarians present were all surprised.

But at the next moment, everyone suddenly realized that this was not a time to be in a daze, but a time to enter the palace to snatch.

Whoosh!Sure enough, a barbarian leader rushed forward first, then Gao Jiuding quickly caught up with his figure, and then one after another quickly rushed towards the gate of the palace ahead.

At this time, a barbarian leader behind really had the urge to give Gao Jiuding a blow, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it.

The people here are not slower than him, if they stop, they will definitely be in bad luck.

"The treasure is mine!" A roar came, and everyone saw that one person finally revealed his arrogant side.

A barbarian roared towards him like a cannonball. He surpassed everyone and rushed into the hall in an instant.

This situation aroused the anger of everyone, and they broke out their strongest power one after another, and rushed into the hall in an instant.

In the hall, several figures rushed in, but stopped immediately.

As soon as Gao Jiuding and the others entered, they felt an extremely strong aura rushing towards them. They stood in the hall without moving, but stared at the hall cautiously.

I saw that the entire hall was very empty, and there was nothing there. The only thing that existed was the nine huge bronze pillars in front of me.

On these nine huge pillars, densely packed runes are engraved. There are majestic mountains and rivers on them, and the sun and moon rotate at the same time. This is an ancient engraving.

On these engravings, there are countless huge raptors with bright feathers and ready to flap their wings.

Of course, there were also countless ferocious beasts, exuding a tragic aura, which made everyone present suffocate for a while.

This kind of engraving is very realistic, as if real birds of prey and ferocious beasts were sealed inside. As the runes flickered, huge creatures roared and struggled, as if they were about to pounce on everyone.

hiss!Even the most thoughtless barbarians knew that this was unusual, and they gasped almost at the same time.

One person said in surprise: "What the hell is this? It feels like it's real. The breath is too scary."

"It can't be real, right?" The Fire Clan was horrified, he suspected that the ominous creatures on the nine pillars were all real, and that would be really terrifying.

However, looking at these struggling and roaring shadows, everyone knew that this was a fake.

But even if it is fake, it is still frightening, they are really afraid of these raptors and beasts.

Looking at such a scene, Gao Jiuding's heart was also very shocked. He faintly felt that these nine pillars were not simple.

Each of these nine huge pillars is ten meters thick, with flashing engravings and filled with runes, forming a series of mysterious lines spreading inside. It must be an ancient pattern inside.

"There are some ancient formations imprinted on this pillar, very powerful!" This is Gao Jiuding's understanding, because he felt a kind of pressure. On the nine pillars, there are countless ancient formations imprinted. What kind of evil is this to suppress? thing?

His words aroused everyone's vigilance. Some people suspected that this was suppressing something terrible, because they had entered this small world several times, and every time they entered, they suffered heavy losses.

One person said with a serious face: "This place is very weird, I have a feeling of jitters, there must be a huge crisis here."

"The last time I brought people into this ruins, I encountered a terrifying tide of black mist in one place, which swallowed me more than 3000 lang in an instant, but we didn't know what it was at all." A barbarian said seriously .

Gao Jiuding's expression changed, and it was only then that he realized that these people seemed to have encountered terrible things.

To engulf three thousand elites in an instant, could it be the breath of chaos?These are his thoughts and guesses.

The blood race on the side also smiled wryly and said: "You're okay, my five thousand elites are all dead, and I haven't come out since I entered a mountain. I only heard countless screams, and I didn't dare to enter."

"Are you the same?" At this time, Gao Jiuding finally knew why these guys were so cautious, because they had all encountered terrible things, and they didn't even know what caused them losses.

Now this hall is really too weird. Here, apart from a huge pillar, there are also mysterious lines spreading on the ground, interweaving into a large area, covering the entire hall.

Seeing this situation, everyone was terrified. They didn't see the treasure, but they felt a strong crisis. They had to be cautious, otherwise they would definitely die.

"Look, there's something on the pillar!" At this moment, a man pointed to the pillar in the hall with a startled expression and exclaimed.

When everyone heard the words, they all raised their eyes to look, and suddenly found something strange, there was something embedded in the pillar.

Gao Jiuding's eyes flashed, he stared at a pillar, and he saw that there was really something inlaid on it.

Moreover, upon closer inspection, it was found that it was a precious sword. The whole body of the sword was gray and white, as if it was cast from rock.

However, at this time, this gray-white simple stone sword exudes a sharp edge, and the wisps of breath exude, shocking people's hearts.

This is an ancient artifact, powerful!

(End of this chapter)

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