The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1327 Nine Ancient Artifacts

Chapter 1327 Nine Ancient Artifacts
Through the spiritual light outside the bronze pillars, everyone finally discovered that each of the nine large pillars was inlaid with an ancient and powerful artifact.

"A big halberd." The barbarian who used the big halberd as a weapon looked surprised, but he just watched without moving, because he felt an extremely strong threat from that huge pillar. It is an instinct formed in the face of crisis.

Another barbarian with a big gun next to him was also staring excitedly at a pillar with a bone spear inlaid on it. Amazing, needless to say, this is also an ancient artifact.

Then, everyone stared at the nine huge pillars in front of them, each pillar was inlaid with an ancient artifact, some were weapons, some were artifacts.

These things all have one thing in common, the breath is as ancient, as powerful and terrifying, these are nine ancient artifacts.

What are these nine ancient artifacts used for?Is there a huge crisis hidden?

Everyone has experienced the power of ancient artifacts, but there are nine ancient artifacts, which is really unbelievable.

"Nine pieces of ancient artifacts?" Someone swallowed, very excited, but did not act.

Everyone was not stupid. They looked at the nine huge pillars, which exuded brilliant rune light, and the nine powerful ancient artifacts inlaid on them. No matter how they looked at them, they seemed to be a shock.

No one wants to be the first to take the risk, because there are so many nine ancient artifacts, and there are only nine people present, everyone can get one.

Gao Jiuding's face was full of vigilance, he stepped back slightly, and did not approach these pillars.

Hua Qiancheng next to him also retreated, which aroused the vigilance and attention of the others, and they all followed and retreated.

This situation made Gao Jiuding a little speechless: "Everyone, the baby is in front, why are you following me back?"

"Joke!" A barbarian said with an unhappy face: "I feel that these nine pillars have secrets. You must have discovered something. Otherwise, how would you know the so-called pattern outside?"

"Yes, you still tell us, what is this thing?" Another barbarian also asked.

However, Gao Jiuding shook his head, he stared at the nine pillars, and said: "I only know that there are nine ancient artifacts inlaid on these nine pillars, forming some kind of mysterious prohibition that is operating, as if it is suppressing something. "

"Maybe the entire hall is a large formation, which is used to suppress something. Now if you want treasures, do it quickly. I'll just watch." Gao Jiuding said affirmatively.

The others were all speechless, they looked at Gao Jiuding and really wanted to give him a few knives.

He said this, as if he didn't want babies, didn't he just want them to take risks?

"Then you don't dare to go?" The blood race said a little annoyed: "Since you dare not, then these ancient artifacts are all mine, don't you regret it?"

The blood clan exuded a ferocious aura. He rushed forward, jumped up a pillar, and reached out to grab a blood-red spear.

boom!As soon as he approached, the pillar immediately radiated into the sky, and the runes began to fly all over the sky. As soon as the blood race approached, countless runes immediately bombarded him, and instantly sent him flying.

This guy didn't even have time to dodge, he was knocked into the air.

He flew out and smashed in front of everyone.

flutter!This vampire was in a tragedy, he spat out a mouthful of blood, and then backed away with horror on his face.

He was so terrified that he really thought he was going to die just now.

Before he could even react, he was bombarded and nearly hung up here.

Fortunately, he himself was strong, and although he was injured by the shock, his life was not in danger.

"Hiss! So powerful?" Another barbarian leader gritted his teeth and said, he was really frightened. At this moment, they didn't dare to try it lightly.

Now, everyone stopped moving, and none of them dared to go forward again, but all the guys here wanted the ancient artifact on the pillar, which made people tangled.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding seemed to have discovered something, he slowly approached the pillar, and was carefully observing something.

There are the most barbarians here, and they are also the most arrogant. After one of the barbarians saw Gao Jiuding's movements, his eyes immediately became very fierce, because he just remembered that this guy knew these ancient patterns.

"What are you looking at me for? I'm not a beauty!" Gao Jiuding said flatly.

However, he changed his voice and continued, "I guess there is only one way to get these ancient artifacts."

"What way?" Everyone looked excited and stared at him.

Only to hear Gao Jiuding continue: "The way is to seize these nine ancient artifacts at the same time, and each of us will deal with one of them, so we shouldn't be backlashed."

"Are you sure?" The vampire didn't quite believe it. He suspected that this guy wanted to harm people, and wanted to kill them here.

This may exist, as long as you have an idea about the nine ancient artifacts, you can only try it.

In fact, Gao Jiuding didn't know the method at all, and the method he mentioned was just an excuse.

It would be great if he understood these ancient patterns, he just wanted everyone to try it out together, it's good if he succeeds, and if he doesn't succeed, he has an excuse to shirk it!

"Think carefully, do you want to try?" He asked a little funny.

Now, everyone, you look at me, I look at yours, I don't know what to do, there are nine people present, one for each is just right.

Among them, five were all well-known barbarian tribal warriors around, and the only one who was with Gao Jiuding was Hua Qiancheng from Pagoda Sect, and he was seriously injured earlier.

Even if he recovers at this time, he cannot continue to fight fiercely, Gao Jiuding knows this very well.

These barbarians here are a little bit confident, thinking that they will be eaten, so they will not hide any ideas they have.

As for Gao Jiuding, naturally he wouldn't let them take advantage.

Of course, he didn't want to have long nights and dreams, so he proposed a solution that seemed to solve the problem.

Gao Jiuding also had no choice, because he knew in his heart that he couldn't waste time now, because more people might discover this place at any time.

Of course, it was more likely that he was discovered by monks from other sects. Others didn't know about it. He knew a monk from the pagoda sect who was being hunted down by rock giants at this time.

Now, the nine people are all thinking of obtaining these ancient artifacts, but they don't know whether it is risky to try.

"Let's go together, I want that mace!" A barbarian decided directly.

Afterwards, the others did not object, and each wanted to obtain these ancient artifacts.

Although their respective weapons are very powerful, and some even have ancient artifacts, who doesn't like having too many treasures?
Sure enough, after making a decision, the nine people immediately prepared, and after distributing what they wanted, they could work together to remove the nine ancient artifacts.

"Go!" Gao Jiuding shouted, and he also decided to fight.

No matter what era the formation is, no matter how powerful it is, the best solution is to break it directly.

As long as you rely on brute force to break the condensed power of the pattern, any formation will be broken.

The breath of the nine figures spread out, and they rushed up suddenly, and rushed towards the nine huge pillars!

Each of them chooses one thing to grab, and then pulls it out together.

Boom!In an instant, the entire hall shook, and the nine huge bronze pillars began to vibrate violently, emitting immeasurable light.

The light quickly turned into Taoist runes, and while the runes were flying all over the sky, the runes interweaved in the void of the hall to form a light curtain.

Afterwards, terrifying rays of light formed energy and bombarded the nine figures.

Gao Jiuding aimed at a huge bronze pillar, and there was a strange piece of jade inlaid in it. The jade exuded a hazy luster, with an ancient aura, which was very eye-catching.

There were weapons and utensils on the other pillars, but he fell in love with this piece of jade at first sight.

So the nine people rushed forward together, each quickly trying to grab an ancient artifact, but the next moment, several figures were blown away.

boom!A shock came, which shocked Gao Jiuding.

He only felt that what he was grasping was a surge of energy, which vibrated and almost knocked him out, but he was a little psychologically prepared, so he exhausted all his strength in this grasp, under the influence of his infinite mighty power However, the piece of jade was still caught by him.

However, before he dug out this piece of jade, he felt an even greater force coming from the nine pillars and hitting him instantly.

puff!Gao Jiuding's body flew horizontally and landed on a corner of the hall, where several people just stood up.

Only at this time did they realize that Gao Jiuding's body was cracked. Could it be that his body was broken?
Thinking of the previous battle, Gao Jiuding was cut in the neck, but his head was not cut off, but now he just shook his body a little bit, and his body was shattered?
The faces of the blood and fire monks who had conflicts with Gao Jiuding earlier flickered, and murderous intent flashed across their eyes, but they did not move.

They were also blasted out, but not as serious as Gao Jiuding. After all, Gao Jiuding was the last one to be blasted out, which means he persisted the longest.

"What a powerful anti-shock force!" A barbarian later said with a face full of surprise. Up to now, he still feels a little trembling in his arms.

Just now, he almost thought that he was going to die, but fortunately there was not much harm, otherwise he would be sad now.

At this time, Hua Qiancheng was also surprised. He stared at the nine pillars in front of him, but he could only see a ray of light. At this time, the runes in the sky were flickering and intertwined, as if stimulated by everyone.

"Junior Brother Gao, that power is too strong, it seems that nine forces have merged together, so we can't take out the ancient artifact at all." Hua Qiancheng said.

Gao Jiuding was naturally very clear, he nodded and stared at the huge pillar.

The piece of precious jade above shone with a charming brilliance, and as the runes jumped, mysterious runes spread, intertwined into mysterious formations.

There are nine ancient artifacts on the nine pillars, and all of them contain powerful and mysterious power.

Now, even the nine of them can't take it out together.

 Thanks for the 72 coin reward from the 200 brothers who lived with the fate, and thank you the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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