The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1328 Bronze Coffin

Chapter 1328 Bronze Coffin
The situation in the palace was somewhat unexpected. After finding out that the treasure could not be obtained, everyone looked at Gao Jiuding and was a little annoyed.

"Didn't you say it's okay? I almost couldn't stand up." The blood clan stared at Gao Jiuding with fierce eyes, and asked coldly.

The Fire Clan monk next to him also snorted coldly: "Yes, you said, nine of us can do it together, what about now?"

The others didn't speak, just looked at Gao Jiuding, but Gao Jiuding didn't answer, he just stared at the nine pillars, looked back and forth, and finally looked at the ground of the main hall.

"This seems to be an ancient seal!" Gao Jiuding put forward his point of view.

But all the people present had gloomy faces, especially the vampire, who was almost pissed off.

This guy said for a while that nine people could get the ancient artifact together, but now he said it was an ancient seal, was he playing tricks on them?
"I'm not in the mood to know what seals are not sealed. I just want to get one thing." The blood clan said annoyed.

Unfortunately, Gao Jiuding only glanced at him and didn't care.

At this moment, there was some shock in his heart, and the thought of leaving this hall flashed faintly.

In the past, Gao Jiuding had always maintained a kind of vigilance after encountering in that ancient battle city, especially after seeing that towering giant hand.

Right now, this hall is full of dense runes, if these runes are fine, Gao Jiuding doesn't believe it at all.

At this time, these runes seemed to be activated, intertwined into an ancient seal as the runes flickered.

Although he couldn't understand the seal, he knew that it must be very powerful. If so, then what exactly was sealed here?
This was the reason why he worried him the most. If he waited for someone to take down the ancient artifact, destroy the seal and release something terrible, then they would be miserable.

boom!Suddenly, the main hall shook slightly, and the nine pillars trembled suddenly.

The nine pillars, which were already emitting hazy light, were full of light, and the engraved pictures of mountains and rivers, birds, insects and beasts on them flashed one by one.

The raptors pounced, and the beasts roared. They seemed to be about to rush out of the pillar, and they became active in an instant.

This sudden turn of events caused the nine people present to retreat in surprise.

However, at the next moment, the nine pillars rumbled, and cracks appeared one after another.

Click!There was a crisp sound, and a huge pillar cracked, and the cracks spread. Then, everyone was surprised to see that the remaining eight huge pillars followed the cracks. Is this the end?
The nine huge pillars in front cracked one by one, and as the vibration became more and more intense, they finally exploded into powder with a bang.

"Run!" Gao Jiuding's face changed wildly, he didn't dare to stay for a moment, turned around and exited the hall as quickly as possible.

The other eight people also turned around and ran away, none of them dared to stay.

Because as the nine pillars turned into powder, the entire hall began to crack, and even with the vibration, it was about to collapse.

The nine of them rushed out of the hall in a flash, came outside, and looked at the hall not far away.

"What's going on?" Hua Qiancheng stood next to Gao Jiuding, and asked with a face full of surprise. He stared at the trembling hall in the distance, but he still didn't understand what was going on.

Just now, everyone felt an extremely dangerous aura pervading, and they ran away without thinking.

At this moment, several people stared into the distance with somewhat suspicious expressions. The towering hall was collapsing rumblingly, setting off a puff of smoke and dust soaring into the sky.

The air wave rolled and swept across, and everyone could feel the strong impact.

boom!Suddenly, the hall in the distance shook suddenly, and with a bang, it collapsed directly, forming an extremely huge abyss.

There, the black air was overwhelming, and a terrifying atmosphere filled the air, which was suffocating.

Gao Jiuding looked at the collapsed hall in shock, where nine rays of light shot into the sky.

Looking carefully, it was immediately confirmed that it was the nine ancient artifacts with ancient aura, were they aroused?
Gao Jiuding saw that at the original location of the main hall, nine ancient artifacts were flying across the sky. They vibrated violently and sprinkled runes all over the sky.

No need to think about it, these nine ancient artifacts are indeed suppressing something.

At this time, around the original main hall, there were eight spiritual lights, which were eight pieces of crystal clear jade.

When Gao Jiuding saw it, he rushed forward without any hesitation. In the blink of an eye, he waved his hand and put away all eight pieces of jade.

"Damn it!" The blood cultivator was furious, and he rushed over without saying a word, because all nine ancient artifacts appeared.

Like him, the rest of the people broke out one after another, and they each grabbed an ancient artifact.

Nine figures, each quickly grabbed the nine ancient artifacts that flew up.

Gao Jiuding was the fastest. He collected eight pieces of jade first, and then caught a brilliant jade in a flash.

"Ah!" Suddenly, someone screamed in horror. This is a later Manchu, and his face is full of horror at this time.

Gao Jiuding took the time to look, and suddenly trembled with fright.

The Manchu just grabbed an ancient gun, but the flesh and blood in his palm turned into powder in an instant.

At this moment, not only him, but everyone saw it.

Just as they grabbed an ancient artifact, they immediately felt a surge of terrifying energy. The flesh and blood on their palms immediately exploded with a bang, leaving only a bone hand.

"Ah..." Just like the barbarian before, all eight people present stared at the ancient artifact in their hands in horror.

The flesh and blood on their hands was unexpectedly smashed to pieces, leaving only bones.

Before they had time to think about it, everyone was blown away by a stronger force.

The eight people are all terrified, what is going on?

Their respective palms were all shattered into flesh and blood. At this time, the bones were white, and there was still traces of mysterious energy acting on them, making their palms unable to heal.

It was at this moment that the others were shocked to find that Gao Jiuding hadn't been blown out.

I saw that the other person was still above the sky, clutching the jade, his body trembling slightly, although blood burst out, but he still didn't let go.

"Suppress me!" Gao Jiuding felt very painful, but he roared angrily, urging all the mana in his body.

Gao Jiuding's whole body was full of mana, and immediately activated a mysterious force in his body. Immediately, Gao Jiuding's entire body was glowing, and then the light formed runes one after another, forming mysterious rich men one after another.

These runes hovered, and finally suppressed the strongly resisting jade, and collected it into the sea of ​​consciousness between the eyebrows.

After collecting the mysterious jade, Gao Jiuding was so excited that he wanted to take the opportunity to collect other things.

This made the eight figures in the distance all furious, but they didn't dare to rush forward because their palms hadn't recovered yet.

"This damn guy!" The blood cultivator looked shocked, but he was helpless, because he felt that his own strength was not Gao Jiuding's opponent at all.

Collecting ancient artifacts at the same time, they were injured, but Gao Jiuding succeeded, this is his skill.

Others also had the same thought, and they all looked surprised, feeling a little shocked that Gao Jiuding could collect an ancient artifact.

Why wasn't this guy's hand shattered?This is simply unbelievable, and at this moment, they thought of this guy's physical body, which seemed to be very strong.

boom!At the next moment, everyone saw in astonishment that Gao Jiuding was bombarded by eight rays of light, and he sprayed blood all over his body, and flew out backwards.

Gao Jiuding got up with a pale face. If anyone stared into his eyes, they would find that his eyes were full of shock.

He originally thought that if he collected a piece of ancient jade, the other ancient artifacts would have no power, but the fact was just the opposite, he was blown away by the bombardment.

This made Gao Jiuding a little unbelievable, he stared at the eight rays of light in the distance, thinking about the state of these eight ancient artifacts now?
Boom!There was a loud noise, and the earth shook suddenly, as if it was about to shatter in the next moment.

Gao Jiuding's face froze, and he saw that there was a black air coming out from under the eight intertwined rays of light.

There was a bang, black light filled the sky, and a terrifying arrogance rushed straight to Jiutian.

The entire small world was violently turbulent, causing everyone present to turn green with fright.

"What's that?" The blood cultivator unconsciously began to back away in horror, staring at that side with incredulous eyes.

The same was true for Gao Jiuding and the others. Their steps retreated again and again, and their faces were full of horror.

In the big pit there, a flame burst out suddenly, it was a blue flame burning.

In this cyan flame, there are nine thick chains, clattering and extending, pulling a huge thing slowly rising.

grunt!One of them swallowed hard, and he said unconsciously, "Then that's a huge bronze coffin?"

At this moment, in the dark abyss where the palace was originally located, a huge coffin was rising up.

Following the whirling of nine thick chains, they saw eight intertwined rays of light, a total of eight ancient artifacts, hovering above the giant coffin.

This is a huge bronze coffin, which is nine meters long, and densely packed with symbols.

The most astonishing thing is that the surface of this copper coffin is engraved with countless densely packed characters, and there are many symbols. According to certain rules, a kind of characters are formed, which is obviously an ancient language.

"What kind of characters are these?" Gao Jiuding was a little surprised. He felt that these characters were a bit familiar, but they were definitely not runic characters, but some real characters, not symbols, but some mature characters.

This kind of writing is very similar to an ancient Chinese writing, but Gao Jiuding couldn't recognize it for a while.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding received a message in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, which was the message that Huo Ling sent to him after seeing the external situation in the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

"Is this an ancient script? Is it a lost script from ancient times? This is an ancient script from my human race. I've seen it on Tiandao Net before."

(End of this chapter)

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