The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1329 Ancient Demon Corpse

Chapter 1329 Ancient Demon Corpse
"Ancient writing? Then how did this copper coffin come from? It doesn't have anything to do with our Huaxia, does it?" Gao Jiuding couldn't help but yell at Huo Ling.

However, after seeing the bronze coffin, Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded. He felt that his head was not enough, but before he could think about it, he saw the copper coffin suddenly shook and slammed into the ground with a bang. Suppression came around the pit.

Everyone could feel the huge pressure, so when the bronze coffin moved, everyone's faces turned green with fright, and everyone wanted to run away immediately
Boom!There was a loud noise, like thunder exploding in my ears.

The sound waves radiated, and with a bang, Gao Jiuding and others were sent flying.

Gao Jiuding got up quickly, and he didn't have time to wipe off the blood from the corner of his mouth, but before he wanted to run, he saw the huge ancient bronze coffin pressed down.

However, many of them were suppressed this time, but the abyss, and at this moment, there were bursts of terrifying loud noises from the abyss.

Dang Dang
The huge bronze coffin was suspended in the sky, and nine thick iron chains were hovering. When the huge coffin was pressed down, there were horrible loud noises from under the ground, which shocked the faces of the nine people present, and their mouths and noses were bleeding.

The huge ancient bronze coffin kept bombarding the abyss, as if there was something terrible under the abyss.

But Gao Jiuding and the others had already avoided far away, and no one dared to continue approaching.

"What's there?" The blood cultivator no longer showed a ferocious look, but showed a look of horror. The situation in front of him was too terrifying.

He was also injured by the shock, and he didn't pay attention to the ticking of blood in his nostrils, but just stared there in fear.

On the huge copper coffin, hovered nine thick iron chains, the whole body was black, like a dragon hovering, time and time again as the giant coffin was suppressed, there were clattering sounds.

Rumbling. A black air rushed from the abyss and swept across all directions. Even the huge ancient bronze coffin was shaking. Obviously, it could no longer be suppressed, maybe it had no power to suppress the unknown existence below.

Above the ancient coffin, the eight ancient artifacts buzzed and vibrated, casting immeasurable divine light, together with the ancient coffin to suppress the abyss, but unfortunately they still couldn't suppress the black light rushing from the abyss.

Roar!Suddenly, a loud roar resounded from the abyss.

With this loud roar, the surrounding land collapsed and cracked, and huge ravines spread thousands of meters away.

Gao Jiuding and the others backed away again and again, blood spilled from the corners of many people's mouths again, and they were shocked by that roar again.

At this time, Gao Jiuding and the others were really scared, there must be something terrifying in the abyss.

And the huge bronze coffin, including the nine ancient artifacts, was used to suppress the ominous thing, and now that one is missing, it seems that the power is not enough to suppress it.

"Damn it, it's all because you took away that ancient artifact, and it's fine now!" The blood cultivator blamed Gao Jiuding madly.

He didn't even think about it, who didn't want to seize the ancient artifact just now?

It's just that they didn't succeed. Instead, Gao Jiuding got one by himself.

Now he blamed Gao Jiuding, but Gao Jiuding didn't even look at him, just stared into the distance in shock.

The huge ancient coffin fell into the abyss directly, emitting monstrous power.

Boom!There was a loud noise, as if some kind of colossus was beating the ancient coffin, with one blow after another, the pounding vibrations came, and the nine people's hearts were frightened.

They retreated quickly and retreated a long way before they felt a little more comfortable in their hearts.

Following the crashing sound, Gao Jiuding's quiet heart actually started to synchronize with the sound. Synchronization and resonance are not a good phenomenon.

Almost instantly, Gao Jiuding felt his heart beating more and more violently, as if it was about to break in the next moment.

"Damn it, what the hell is that?" The barbarians were all terrified, they finally saw something, the ancient bronze coffin was knocked out little by little, flying into the sky.

In the abyss in the distance, a horrible black air suddenly rushed up, and then a big hand swept across the sky, and with a bang, the giant coffin was directly blown out.

However, the huge ancient bronze coffin was suppressed immediately, and eight rays of light shot into the sky. Although one of the ancient artifacts was missing, it was still powerful, and it suppressed the giant hand.

boom!There was a shock, and the earth was completely split.

Gao Jiuding and the others were horrified. Looking from here, a vaguely terrifying figure loomed in the smoke and dust, which was very huge.

Roar!A roar came, shaking in all directions, and even the whole small world trembled.

At this moment, not to mention Gao Jiuding and others, even the monk who was on the side of the small world and was being chased by the rock giant stopped in fright.

He was hunted down by a huge rock giant, and he was already in a panic at this time, and even a few times, he almost confessed here.

But the next moment, after the giant roar came, it caught the attention of the rock giant, and it also stopped, staring into the distance.

"What's going on, is there something terrifying coming out again?" The Pagoda Sect monk looked into the distance in surprise.

His guess was right, Gao Jiuding and others in the distance ran away in fright, but they were really frightened by that terrible thing and had to run away.

"Damn, you bastard, hurry up and throw that ancient artifact back, or we'll be doomed!" The blood cultivator shouted in horror as he ran.

Gao Jiuding didn't pay any attention to this ferocious vampire at all. It would be a dream to let him throw back that ancient artifact.

And the other people who followed looked at him one after another, thinking that he should throw back the ancient artifact, otherwise they might be finished.

However, Gao Jiuding was full of helplessness at this time, because that ancient artifact couldn't come out.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, a huge piece of ancient jade was suspended there, Gao Jiuding couldn't refine it at all, and he couldn't mobilize it at all that night, let alone release it.

"I can't control it, so please yourself!" Gao Jiuding could only answer honestly, but it aroused everyone's anger.

While fleeing in embarrassment, those guys were still staring at him. These guys really wanted to give Gao Jiuding a few blows at this moment.

However, before they decided to teach this guy a lesson, a shock came from behind, and then, black air filled the sky and came in mightily.

boom!A wave of air tumbling, instantly sent everyone flying, smashing a distance of hundreds of meters.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was shocked to see that in the abyss in the distance, a huge figure soared into the sky, exuding a monstrous fierceness.

It was a terrifying thing, covered in black air, like a fog, and it was impossible to see what it was.

However, the only thing visible is a pair of terrifying blood-colored eyes, like two lanterns hanging high in the void.

hum!The ancient bronze coffin shook, and it carried eight beams of light that shot up to the sky and suppressed the huge figure.

In an instant, the sky and the earth turned pale, and the whole small world began to tremble violently, as if it was about to shatter.

Roar!The ominous creature roared, and its giant claws struck across the sky, hitting the giant coffin with a bang.

Gao Jiuding looked at the terrifying thing in the distance in horror, and as the black mist all over his body disintegrated, he finally revealed its true appearance.

"Hiss! What is that?" The blood cultivator's face turned green, and he was almost scared to death.

A terrifying figure emerged over there. He was 50 meters tall, with green hair flying all over his body, like a furry ape.

But Gao Jiuding knew that it was not an ape, but a terrifying thing.

This is a legendary ominous creature, very frightening, unexpectedly appearing in front of everyone now.

"That's a legendary demon corpse!" Gao Jiuding's eyelids twitched. Looking at the 50-meter-high giant, he was sure that it was a terrifying demon corpse.

What is a demon corpse? This is something that turns into after death. It can be said to be a kind of zombie, or a big rice dumpling. However, he has heard of this kind of thing a lot, but this is the first time he has seen it.

I didn't expect to see this kind of thing for the first time, and it was such a powerful head.

"You mean, that's a zombie?" Everyone had strange expressions on their faces. Is there such a huge zombie?
Although they didn't believe it, but thinking about it now, except for a bigger body, it really looked like a zombie.

For example, that pair of huge claws, with green hair flying all over the body, and a mouth full of ferocious fangs.

The blood-colored eyes shone fiercely, this is a terrifying giant zombie.

"That's right, this is a demon corpse!" Gao Jiuding said as he backed away quickly.

After withdrawing from a further distance, Gao Jiuding said again: "I have read related records in some ancient books that this kind of thing covered with green hair is a zombie, but not all zombies are dead but not stiff!
If the body is stiff after death, it is a zombie. You all know what a zombie is. If the environment is suitable and if you can continue to practice, the zombie may reach the state of transformation and transformation. It is not an ordinary zombie, but a monster. corpse.

You can think of it as a zombie becoming a demon. It has the ability of a zombie as well as the ability of a demon clan. Therefore, every demon corpse has terrifying abilities and is difficult to kill. It can be said that a demon corpse is a more terrifying existence than a zombie. "

When everyone heard it, it was okay, no matter what ancient books they read, at least now that terrifying demon corpse has come out of the abyss.

In fact, what kind of ancient book is it? Gao Jiuding obtained the information from some incomplete memories.

clang!In the distance, there was a clanging sound, and thick iron chains circled around. As the huge bronze coffin was pressed down, the green-haired demon corpses were sealed in circles, and they were about to be suppressed.

But Gao Jiuding and the others saw in horror that the huge demon corpse waved its arms and struck across the sky. The sound came.

The iron chain stretched straight, and there was a rattling sound. On the thick iron chain, runes flickered, but gradually dimmed, and finally it was pulled into several knots with a snap, and the fragments fell to the ground.

Roar!That huge demon corpse roared to the sky, the sound was terrifying, and a black air swept all directions, it was a corpse air.

Gao Jiuding was terrified when he saw that the black air in the sky was burning quickly. Is this the terrifying corpse fire?And the level is definitely not low.

Now Gao Jiuding can be sure that that terrifying existence is the ancient demon corpse.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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