The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1330 The Ancient Demon God

Chapter 1330 The Ancient Demon God
This small world has at least 9000 years of history, no one knows this better than Gao Jiuding.

So, the demon corpse not far away has existed for at least 9000 years, right?Or even more distant?
Zombies are naturally more terrifying as time goes by, and this is still a demon corpse that can be cultivated.

The biggest difference between zombies and demon corpses is that zombies passively absorb the hostility, death, and yin qi of the world to grow, while demon corpses have wisdom and are monsters that can cultivate automatically.

This is a terrifying demon corpse that has been formed since ancient times. It is powerful and frightening, and it is not something they can fight against now.

With just a loud roar, everyone was injured, and they had to retreat again and again, without any thought of confrontation at all.

At this moment, whether it is the blood monks and others, or Gao Jiuding himself, there is only one thought, and that is to run away and leave this small world. This place is really too terrifying.

Those things, no matter whether they were ancient bronze coffins or ancient demon corpses, were terrifying existences, and they were not existences that they could fight against at present.

"Run!" The blood cultivator turned around and ran away without saying a word. Far away, they saw a group of powerful beasts, which were their mounts.

These mounts are very strong, but unfortunately they all ran away in fright and came here, they were lying on the ground trembling.

At this time, the blood cultivator waited for the others to mount their mounts, and ran away quickly, wanting to leave this small world.

And Gao Jiuding just rode Niulong, but suddenly felt an extremely cold light locked on him, it was a gaze full of killing and destruction.

The ancient demon corpse looked over, to be exact, it was staring at Gao Jiuding and the others.

At this time, the blood cultivator and the others turned around in horror, only then did they suddenly realize that the ancient demon corpse was staring at them?
Gao Jiuding felt chills all over his body. He looked at the 50-meter-high demon corpse, especially the cyan phosphorescent burning body, which was more terrifying than the ancient troll he had encountered before.

Roar!There was a ferocious roar, so mighty and mighty, that it shook everyone's mounts to the ground, trembling.

At this time, no matter how stupid they are, they know that the ancient demon corpses are staring at them, but why are they staring at them?

"Damn it, that thing is staring at us, what's going on?" a barbarian said tremblingly.

No one is clear about this question, because they don't even know why they were stared at by the demon corpse.

To put it bluntly, they are just a few little ants, why are they staring at them?
"No, that demon corpse is not staring at us, but our place." Gao Jiuding reacted suddenly, the demon corpse was not staring at these weak ants, but this place.

Suddenly, a barbarian leader raised his head and scanned all directions. He said in surprise, "No, I have been here before. The last time I lost more than 3000 elites here, we unexpectedly came to this place by accident."

"What?" Everyone's face changed drastically after hearing this. There must be something terrifying in this place, otherwise, how could thousands of elites have been lost?And now it has attracted the attention of a demon corpse, there must be a big problem.

Boom. There was a shock, which made Gao Jiuding and the other nine feel cold physically and mentally.

After the bang, another more violent shock came!

Everyone's face changed, and they felt the vibration from the ground getting stronger and stronger.

The danger was approaching, even the mounts of Gao Jiuding and others became restless, and it was useless for them to try their best to appease them. In just a moment, the group of mounts ran away frantically into the distance.

At this moment, the earth rumbled, and the whole small world seemed to be trembling.

Soon, Gao Jiuding was shocked to find that there was a black air rising from the ground behind them, spreading in all directions.

This is a thick black air, forming clouds and mist, instantly covering a radius of several kilometers.

Fortunately, everyone's speed was fast enough, and they had already rushed out of this range. They avoided the black mist area far away and watched the changes there.

"What the hell is that?" At this moment, no matter whether it is the barbarians, the blood tribes, or the fire tribes, they have completely lost the tyranny they faced when they faced Gao Jiuding, and their hearts are also broken. It is impossible to describe their hearts at this moment. of fear.

Seeing the black air sweeping across the sky, they all felt uneasy, they didn't know, what would appear over there?
Not only them, but even Gao Jiuding felt a little terrified. Looking at the black air sweeping across the sky, he felt that he had to run.

The existence there can attract the attention of that ancient demon corpse.

Roar!With a fierce roar, the demon corpse seemed a little angry, as if warning something.

However, that puff of black air was even more turbulent, rumbling out from under the ground, covering all directions.

Suddenly, in the black air in the distance, there was a violent sound, and the earth cracked in response.

I saw a thicker black air soaring into the sky, forming a black flame, burning all over the sky.

This is a wave of demon energy, which turned into flames and burned, arousing the wrath of the demon corpse.

However, the huge ancient bronze coffin suspended in the sky seemed to have noticed the situation here, and it was humming and vibrating.

Boom!The ground trembled, and then with a bang, a gigantic figure rushed up from the ground and blatantly rushed towards the distant demon corpse.

The tragic aura emanating from the colossal monster was so overwhelming that all the big mounts went limp in fright.

Gao Jiuding's eyes widened, looking at the huge black shadow, he finally saw clearly what it was.

And it is precisely because of the clarity that it seems a little shocking, even unbelievable.

"Another ancient monster? No, is this a demon? Or a troll?" His words attracted everyone's attention, and they all looked over.

Among them, the blood cultivator was very annoyed, he stared fiercely at Gao Jiuding, but unfortunately the latter didn't care.

Hua Qiancheng looked a little surprised, he looked at Gao Jiuding's figure, and didn't know how he knew these huge and terrifying things.

That terrifying black shadow, full of demonic aura, is an ancient demon god.

He has seen this thing once, but only in the ancient city, in the memory of the swallowed golden phantom, this thing is indeed a demon.

It's not an ordinary demon, but a demon with the same name as the gods. The gods and demons, in Gao Jiuding's cognition, this is the existence above pure yang.

Of course, it is impossible for the demon gods and demon corpses who have been trapped for many years to be at the peak of their strength, but even so, they are existences that Gao Jiuding and others cannot provoke.

boom!In the distance, the ground was broken, smoke and dust rose into the sky, and two huge ominous creatures were actually fighting.

Gao Jiuding and the others were terrified, and they continued to flee quickly.

At this moment, while they were running, they were also frightened, because they all felt that the whole world was about to be shattered.

Huge boulders fly into the sky in the distance, demonic energy billows and surges, corpses burn for nine days, the scene is like the end of the world.

And the whole small world trembled and was about to be shattered because of the battle between these two behemoths.

Roar!With a ferocious roar, the demon corpse struck angrily. Its giant claws stretched across the sky, but unfortunately it was blocked by a magic hand.

In an instant, the heavens and the earth were quiet, the whole world seemed to be quiet, and time seemed to stop.

Gao Jiuding and the others looked stiff. This feeling was very bad, as if their entire consciousness had been shattered by that blow.

Boom!A violent explosion sounded, the ground collapsed, the void was turbulent, and finally from the center of the collision between the two, a trace was split, which was a space crack.

As soon as this crack appeared, it immediately attracted a huge air flow. This is a gray chaotic air flow. They can destroy everything and devour everything.

hiss!Everyone gasped suddenly.

With just one blow, it shattered the small world and blasted out a crack in space, which is really too terrifying.

Gao Jiuding's face changed drastically, and he stared into the distance. One of the two giants was filled with demonic energy. Its body was also 50 meters high, but what shocked people was that the demon had no head.

"Headless demon?" The ancient demon god without a head?And just like that, he still hasn't died?It's just unbelievable.

The others were also terrified, their eyes shone with unbelievable light, because they also saw that the demon god had no head, could a headless creature still be alive?
I definitely didn't believe it before, can I live without a head?No one will believe it.

However, the demon god right now really has no head, and a viscous black liquid is gushing from its entire neck, which is demon blood.

Even though it lost its head, the demon god was still terrifying. It and the ancient demon corpse were killed together. The two were huge and powerful. Under one blow, the earth collapsed again.

boom!There was a shock, and the small world continued to tremble.

In the distance, the ruins of a city flew up into the sky, which were blown up and shattered by two terrifying existences.

Moreover, Gao Jiuding and the others saw some flickering spots of light from the ruins scattered all over the sky, which were treasures.

However, none of these treasures dared to go there to take them. It was the place where the two fierce monsters fought, and going there would mean sending them to death.

Just watching here, one can feel a terrifying oppression. If one gets close, one cannot even move, and one will be crushed into powder!

Everyone even suspected that the aftermath of the battle between the two big guys could easily kill everyone.

When this time passes, it is simply a death, no matter how good the treasure is, there is no life.

"Is it really another ancient demon god?" Hua Qiancheng asked in shock.

He was really frightened, a monster corpse is enough to be scary, but now there is another demon god, and this troll is obviously not weaker than the monster corpse.

Roar!Suddenly, the situation on the battlefield in the distance began to change.

Originally, the demon corpse was roaring and the demon god was ferocious. These two terrifying existences were fighting endlessly, but then they stopped suddenly.

Gao Jiuding and the others looked into the distance in astonishment, why did they stop hitting after hitting?They really couldn't react.

However, everyone's eyes suddenly widened. They saw the huge demon corpse, and turned around to kill the suspended bronze coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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