Chapter 1331
The demon corpse went to smash the ancient bronze coffin, but the remaining headless ancient demon god suddenly turned around and faced Gao Jiuding and the others.

In an instant, everyone's hearts stopped, their blood froze, and their faces became stiff.

The demon god has no head, but everyone has a strange feeling that the troll is staring at them.

That's right, the ancient demon god suddenly changed and turned to face the crowd, as if a pair of invisible eyes were staring at them.

"Damn it, why is that demon god facing us again?" The blood cultivator growled in fear, he was terrified.

Of course, not only him, but everyone felt chills. It was really terrifying to be stared at by a demon god.

Then the ancient demon god was fighting with the demon corpse, why didn't he stop fighting?He even turned around to face them, clearly trying to take them away!
"Run!" It's not clear who yelled, and ran away crazily on his mount.

Then, a large group of people quickly turned around and fled towards the distance, where the gap in this small world was.

This dilapidated little world was about to collapse, so the crack in the space that Gao Jiuding and the others broke in earlier appeared.

Boom!At this moment, the ancient demon god moved, and the whole world trembled when he moved.

When everyone looked back, their faces turned pale and bloodless in fright.

All I saw was that gigantic demon god leaped loudly and rushed towards the crowd.

In the blink of an eye, it was crushed on top of everyone, and the terrifying power came down, and the huge demon god came overwhelmingly.

At this moment, everyone was unreserved and made their strongest blows one after another.

With one after another magical powers, the huge demon god blasted into the void, but unfortunately, all the attacks were crushed with just a sweep of a big hand.

The demon god just took advantage of the trend, and the nine figures flew across the sky immediately, and several mounts exploded into flesh and blood fragments, which scattered all over the ground.

Gao Jiuding and his mount were sent flying thousands of meters away, and while suffering severe injuries, even the Niulong he was sitting on was seriously injured and fell to the ground.

Gao Jiuding clearly felt that it was him that the demon god wanted to attack?
As soon as this idea came out, it almost scared him.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had to wonder if it was related to the few treasures he had snatched earlier?
"Let's go!" Gao Jiuding thought of this and got up quickly.

He didn't forget to drink a stream of golden liquid for the mount to recover. Even if Niulong couldn't increase his escape speed, he could still let it stop disasters in critical moments!
Compared with other people's mounts, Gao Jiuding's Niulong was considered lucky. For example, Hua Qiancheng's mount was blasted by the demon god as early as the first time, and the beast was still not strong enough.

Just now Gao Jiuding passed by Hua Qiancheng and dropped something, it was a kettle.

Just now Hua Qiancheng himself was seriously injured by the shock, and Gao Jiuding took him away for a while, and he was drinking a cup of fairy spring gold liquid to recover.

After getting help, Hua Qiancheng didn't talk nonsense, and was quickly recovering from his injuries.

The rest of the people, those with dead mounts, were all running away as fast as they could, not even caring about their injuries.

At this moment, they saw the horror of the Demon God and experienced the horror of death.

"Bastard, this damn demon god, my mount!" A barbarian yelled frantically while running away quickly.

His mount exploded into pieces directly, his body was also severely injured, and he was running away after swallowing a kind of elixir.

Like him, everyone else has been traumatized to varying degrees.

That demon god was too terrifying, with just one hand, he severely wounded a large group of people.

"Damn it, this demon god seems to be targeting one of us!" After running for a while, the fleeing people kept avoiding in embarrassment, and someone finally noticed something strange.

That troll seemed to be bombarding one of them, as if it was heading towards him.

When everyone looked over, they all found out that it was Gao Jiuding who was targeted by the demon god.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was also sure that he was really hunted down by the Demon God, probably because of the treasures he obtained from the Great Formation of Sealing Demon God, which attracted the Demon God's attention, so he chased and killed him.

Gao Jiuding was not sure about this situation at first.

At the beginning of the demon battle, perhaps it was the strong breath of the demon corpse that attracted the attention of the demon god. After the fight, the demon corpse seemed to want to smash the ancient bronze coffin, and the demon god suddenly sensed the treasure hidden in Gao Jiuding's body. That treasure must be very important to the Demon God.

"You bastard, did you steal the demon god's wife?" A barbarian's words were vicious, and he roared wildly at Gao Jiuding.

As soon as these words came out, Gao Jiuding was furious immediately and almost wanted to kill him, but the demon god chased him fiercely behind him, Gao Jiuding already felt the terrifying demon power coming, he had no choice but to continue to run away.

But at this time, everyone separated from him suddenly, and distanced themselves, and fled separately.

At this time, everyone really discovered that the headless ancient demon god did not chase them, but only Gao Jiuding.

"Ride on my mount, go!" Gao Jiuding suddenly leaped to distance himself from Hua Qiancheng, his speed was very fast, leaving such a sentence, he turned and ran to the side.

Gao Jiuding didn't care about Hua Qiancheng, he led the headless demon god away by himself.

It was too late to say anything at this time, his speed was so fast that he disappeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

And the headless demon god was even more terrifying. It quickly crushed it, rolled up the dust and disappeared into the distance.

Everyone looked into the distance in shock, never thinking that there are so many terrible things hidden in this small world.

Roar!A loud roar woke up the dazed crowd.

Everyone suddenly realized that there was another terrifying thing.

That ancient demon corpse was still frantically fighting against that huge ancient coffin.

Hua Qiancheng and the other barbarians all looked at the huge figure in the distance with ugly expressions.

I saw a pair of giant claws strike horizontally, the void trembled, and then cracked with a crack.

A space crack was opened in the stable small world space.

Of course, the small world space at this time should not be very stable, otherwise, it is very likely that the powerful ancient demon corpse would not be able to break through the internal space of the small world.

At this time, the entire small world is becoming more and more turbulent, destruction is accelerating, and chaos engulfs everything violently.

This situation is not clear to everyone, they can only look into the distance in shock.

That huge demon corpse was going crazy, but that huge bronze coffin was also very powerful.

Even though an ancient artifact was missing, the huge bronze coffin could still suppress that powerful demon corpse.

Above the void, the huge bronze coffin pressed across the air, exuding a monstrous power.

However, the demon corpse is also extremely powerful. It swung its pair of giant claws again and again, creating cracks in the void again, and then a chaotic energy surged in, engulfing everything around it.

hiss!At this time, everyone suddenly realized the danger.

The blood cultivator first glanced at the crowd, and then looked at the direction where Gao Jiuding disappeared. At this time, his face was already smiling.

"Hey!" He said with a sneer, "I don't know what's wrong with that guy, but he will be chased and killed by the demon god. I don't think he can get out alive this time."

"I think so too. That headless demon god is too terrifying, even without a head!" Another barbarian said in horror.

Most of these people believed that Gao Jiuding could not escape, and his only end was to be hunted down to death.

But Hua Qiancheng wasn't too worried. He knew that Gao Jiuding hadn't lost much in the space-time tunnel last time, so this time he could also avoid the demon god's pursuit.

Hua Qiancheng couldn't see Gao Jiuding's strength clearly, but he knew that Gao Jiuding's calm demeanor didn't seem like he was sacrificing himself for them.

Therefore, that guy didn't die so easily. Hua Qiancheng knew that Gao Jiuding must have many secrets, which were not comparable to the current him.

Suddenly, a violent shock came, awakening the reverie of several people present.

They turned around and looked, their faces turned pale with fright, as if they saw something terrible.

I saw a cloud of gray mist billowing in the distance, quickly thinking about the sweeping from here, almost in an instant, that misty mist engulfed everything that passed by.

It can be said that where the mist passed, everything was assimilated and disappeared.

"The world is going to be destroyed?" Everyone shouted in horror.

They realized almost immediately that this small world was about to be destroyed!

Thinking of this, no one dared to stay any longer, they all ran as fast as they could, and fled towards the entrance of the small world, that is, a crack in the exit.

At this time, Hua Qiancheng's expression was a bit complicated. He looked at the gray air current rolling in from a distance, turned around helplessly, and left quickly, riding the tall and tall Niulong.

Just as they were leaving, Gao Jiuding was dodging a huge demonic hand behind him in a panic.

As soon as the magic hand came down, the earth roared and huge boulders flew into the sky. The scene was really scary.

boom!A magic hand waved again and again, almost knocking Gao Jiuding into the ground a few times.

But Gao Jiuding was very frightened and angry at this time, he didn't know whether the pagoda could withstand such an attack, so he didn't dare to take risks.

Fortunately, the demon god is too big, it is far less flexible than Gao Jiuding, so it can't hit Gao Jiuding accurately, otherwise Gao Jiuding can only use the pagoda to resist.

Gao Jiuding has a lot of hole cards, even if he is hit, he can use the blood shadow magical power to evade, but it is too embarrassing to be chased like this.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was observing the headless demon god, and he wanted to see what flaws it had.

The troll doesn't know why it lost its head, but it can be guessed that it must have been chopped off by a powerful existence, and even its body was sealed here.

Unfortunately, because the small world was about to collapse, the seal should have been broken before the troll rushed out.

There is also the ancient demon corpse, which may have been sealed as well, but the ancient demon corpse was suppressed by the giant coffin and the nine ancient artifacts.

 Thank you~ Brother Awakened for the reward of 200 coins, thank you Brother Emperor Queen of Earth for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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