The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1332 Goldstone Cub

Chapter 1332 Goldstone Cub
Roar!Suddenly there was a loud roar in the distance, and the sound waves rolled, which attracted Gao Jiuding's attention.

He looked there strangely, there was a puff of smoke and dust rising there, and then he saw a huge giant rushing quickly.

When Gao Jiuding saw the giant, his face immediately became very strange. He had already recognized that the giant that came running was the rock giant.

Then, he was surprised to find that the rock giant was chasing and killing a figure, which was the No. 1 pagoda sect monk he saw when he entered here.

At this moment, the pagoda sect cultivator's face was pale. He had been hunted down for so long, and he almost died many times.

What made him resentful was that the rock giant was chasing him, and for a moment he couldn't figure out why he was chasing and killing him!
Of course, maybe he knows it well, but he is not yet in a desperate situation, so he is reluctant to give up his vested gains.

Boom!The two huge monsters were approaching quickly, and finally caught the attention of the Pagoda Sect monk.

He was startled suddenly, and saw a huge headless demon god waving his hands wildly, hitting a figure.

After looking carefully, he suddenly felt better, and it turned out that the guy he saw was Gao Jiuding.

However, after seeing clearly what happened in front of him, he was so happy in his heart. Just now he hated this guy to death, but now seeing that he was also hunted down, he immediately became very happy.

"Hahaha!" The pagoda sect monk roared while laughing wildly: "Gao Jiuding, you bastard, you will still have today. How does it feel to be hunted down?"

He was mocking here, but he forgot that he was being hunted down by the rock giant, and the terrifying rock giant behind him.

Sure enough, this guy was in a tragedy. When a huge rock hand blasted down, he suddenly came to his senses.

boom!The big hand bombarded, and a huge crater was smashed into the ground.

He saw a figure rushing out of the smoke in embarrassment, but he was horrified to see Gao Jiuding rushing towards him.

The pagoda sect monk was so angry, he turned around and ran, roaring as he ran: "Damn Gao Jiuding, it's good that you are hunted down, why did you bring me here? I'm not finished with you."

Boom!A gigantic hand slapped across the sky, and Gao Jiuding dodged in embarrassment, but he was not injured.

He was very fast, filled with blood, and flew past with dust in the sky.

With just one breath, Gao Jiuding caught up with that guy, and the two began to fly away side by side.

At this moment, behind the two of them, they were chasing two gigantic giants, but to Gao Jiuding's disappointment, the two giants did not fight.

"Trash, why are you still being hunted down by rock giants? Could it be that you stole their child?" Gao Jiuding asked while flying quickly.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was still wondering why the rock giant only chased and killed this guy?That's the weirdest bit.

As soon as his words came out, the Pagoda Sect monk was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became wrong.

He was also suspicious, but he really couldn't bear it!

But, if it wasn't for that thing, why did the rock giant only hunt him down?And if you chase after it for so long, there must be a problem.

When he thought of this, he immediately made a decision, and his expression became strange at this moment.

The pagoda sect monk turned his head to look at Gao Jiuding, and then at the headless demon god behind him who seemed more terrifying than the rock giant. His expression began to change drastically!
Feeling that the threat from behind was getting more and more serious, the Pagoda Sect cultivator's expression was fixed. He seemed to understand something, and then he mocked: "Gao Jiuding, are you still the same? Why is the headless demon god behind him only chasing and killing you?" ? Could it be that you took off his head?"

"Or, you seduced his wife?" He hit Gao Jiuding viciously.

This guy could also tell that the headless demon god behind him was chasing after Gao Jiuding, but before he could get his composure, two giant hands behind him attacked at the same time.

A giant rock hand, a huge magic hand, clattered down.

Gao Jiuding and the two could only dodge in embarrassment at the same time, they rushed out of the smoke and dust quickly, and they didn't even care about some gravel hitting their bodies.

At this moment, what they were concerned about was how to get rid of the headless trolls. They were really dangerous.

"You guy, you're really not a good guy. I'll go first, and you'll be hunted down by the rock giant!" After speaking, Gao Jiuding suddenly turned around and rushed to the other side.

That sentence caught the attention of the Pagoda Sect monk, and his expression kept changing, as if he was making a decision.

He gritted his teeth suddenly, glanced at the huge rock giant behind him, then changed direction, and quickly chased after Gao Jiuding.

With one breath, he came to Gao Jiuding's side, which surprised Gao Jiuding for a while, and then he became vigilant.

"What are you following me for? Do you want to help me block that headless demon?" Gao Jiuding squinted his eyes and asked while running.

However, the pagoda sect monk was full of distress and reluctance, but soon his expression became very firm.

His appearance aroused Gao Jiuding's inner vigilance. He felt that there was something wrong with this guy.

Sure enough, the pagoda sect monk snorted coldly and said: "Gao Jiuding, I won't play with you anymore, come and help me block that rock giant!"

"Dream!" Gao Jiuding tried to avoid this guy vigilantly.

"This is my reward for you. Help me block the rock giant!" The pagoda sect monk didn't give Gao Jiuding a chance to dodge at all. As soon as he finished speaking, he waved out a round object and quickly threw it at Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding was startled, then instinctively answered, and the next moment, his face turned green.

It turned out that what he caught was a huge egg, moreover, it was a stone egg.

Gao Jiuding just glanced at it, and his face turned dark. Did he mean what he said?
He looked at the huge stone egg in his hand, it was gray and white, as if it had been polished from a rock.

However, after seeing the intense white light emitted by the stone egg, Gao Jiuding immediately trembled with fright, he probably guessed right.

The one emitting white light is either a fairy material or a creature with vitality. This is obviously not a fairy material, but if it is a living thing, it must be the Jinshi clan.

Gao Jiuding knew what this stone egg was without having to think about it. The Jinshi tribe was a creature born in this world. Obviously, this stone egg conceived a creature, needless to say, it must be the cub of the Jinshi tribe.

Whether it is the cub of the rock giant or not, it must have something to do with it.

So the moment Gao Jiuding saw the stone egg, Gao Jiuding's expression changed instantly.

Just after taking the stone egg, Gao Jiuding almost threw it out.

But before he could make a move, the rock giant behind him went crazy, it accelerated instantly, and rushed over in an instant.

The rock giant waved its giant hand and slammed it down on Gao Jiuding fiercely.

boom!Gao Jiuding reacted sensitively and quickly, he dodged quickly and escaped the attack.

Then he looked left and right, only to find that Pagoda Sect monk was looking at him with pain all over his face.

The pagoda sect monk's reaction speed was also very fast. After the guy ran away from a distance, he still gloated and said: "Gao Jiuding, you can deal with those two giants by yourself, I won't accompany you anymore!"

As he spoke, as soon as his speed increased, he ran several kilometers in the blink of an eye.

The pagoda sect cultivator has a full foundation, and at this moment, he broke out with all his strength, and his speed was very fast, and he ran tens of thousands of meters in one go.

When he saw that Gao Jiuding was entangled by the two fierce creatures, unable to continue chasing him, the monks of the Pagoda Sect stopped before the ruins.

At this time, he had a heartache on his face: "What, I lost a Jinshi clan. Fortunately, I still have one."

While he was waving his hand, another stone egg appeared in the palm of his hand, and this stone egg was filled with vitality, with strong life fluctuations, which was very different from the one thrown to Gao Jiuding.

The aura of Gao Jiuding's stone egg was much weaker, obviously not as strong as this one's vitality.

"This is the Stone Spirit Clan. If I cultivate it, it will definitely increase my strength!" Looking at the stone egg, the monk of the Pagoda Sect was already smiling.

Carefully put away the stone eggs, the pagoda sect cultivator already looked excited, he turned and looked into the distance, where the two huge giants were frantically crushing a small figure there.

At this time, the figure was extremely embarrassed, which made the Pagoda Sect monk feel more comfortable.

"Hey!" The pagoda sect monk sneered a few times, then turned around and left quickly, and he also flew towards the entrance.

These two stone eggs were actually the ones he met when he reached the mountain first, and he put them away directly.

At that time, Gao Jiuding arrived there before he had time to check. This is the reason why he has been hunted down.

He stole the same race or descendants of the rock giant, how could the rock giant let him go?
Don't miss it, a rock giant may not lay eggs. If so, then these two stone eggs are likely to be the last creatures born from that mountain, or that spiritual plant, or even this small world. , or gods?

A small world that is about to be destroyed is making its final struggle?

At this time, the last essence gave birth to the last hope?

Can this kind of creature that was born and raised by nature save the world?

This small world is so weird that anything can happen.

For example, a corpse after death can be turned into a demon corpse, a demon god whose head has been beheaded can be resurrected, and even a mountain can give birth to the Jinshi clan?
Gao Jiuding, who was being hunted down at this time, was full of strange thoughts in his heart, but being hunted down by two giants was really not a good thing.

At the edge of the small world, a hazy mist is sweeping in all directions, swallowing everything, and there is boundless chaos there.

As these chaos spread, this small world was being swallowed rapidly, and the attacks again and again accelerated the collapse of the small world.

The destructive power brought by the chaos and the two fierce creatures is extremely terrifying, just like before your eyes.

Boom!Two behemoths, a rock giant and a headless demon god, are frantically bombarding a small figure.

At this time, the small world was rapidly shattered, and Gao Jiuding was also very uncomfortable. At this time, Gao Jiuding was in a mess, his armor had been broken and disappeared, and his whole body was dripping with blood.

(End of this chapter)

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