The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1334 Bloodline Awakening

Chapter 1334 Bloodline Awakening

The meridians were shattered and the runes emerged, which shocked Gao Jiuding. He didn't expect those rune chains to be so unstable.

But, now that he has done it, he cannot retreat, otherwise his body will be obliterated by the violent chaos.

This is a terrifying power brought about by the destruction of a small world, a terrifying energy that destroys everything.

Gao Jiuding frantically gritted his teeth and mobilized all the energy, and even introduced a cloud of gray gas, merged into this energy, and brazenly continued to attack the bloodline just now.

"Break and then stand!" A roar came from his mind, and then his body trembled, his meridians trembled, and the runes shone brightly, resisting this terrible impact.

But the next moment, the runes actually dimmed. They were directly crushed by a violent gray torrent, and quickly shattered. Then, that gray torrent carried an unparalleled power and power, and ran through that meridian all the way.

Boom!This meridian withstood that force, Gao Jiuding only felt his physical body shake suddenly, flesh and blood began to grow rapidly, and he returned to normal in an instant.

That gray torrent merged into Gao Jiuding's body, causing his entire physical body to improve rapidly, and the chaotic atmosphere from the outside world couldn't obliterate his body for a while.

This is the first reconstructed meridian, and as soon as it appears, it behaves extremely extraordinary.

Gao Jiuding's heart was shaken, he only felt a kind of majestic power coming from his blood, and this power began to merge, which made him instinctively feel that he was much stronger.

This is just a reconstruction of a powerful meridian, which means that he is on the right path.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding felt relieved, as long as he didn't die, he would always succeed.

However, before he could continue to think, two terrifying big hands clapped across the sky, setting off a huge chaotic storm.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding suddenly raised his head. Instead of avoiding it, he shook his body, aroused all the blood in his body, waved his fists, and blasted towards the two big hands.

boom!There was a loud noise, and a figure flew across the sky, and the chaotic mist rolled over, drowning it immediately.

Gao Jiuding's current strength is not enough to fight against the two giants. Of course, it is much better now than before, at least he has not suffered serious trauma.

At this time, his face became more and more confident, and his aura became stronger and stronger.

The heart moves at will, and a majestic energy accumulates and hovers in Gao Jiuding's body. This is the terrifying energy emitted by a large amount of medicine.

Even, Gao Jiuding opened his mouth to swallow a big mouthful of chaotic air, and directly proceeded to shape the second meridian.

As soon as he breathed out the chaotic destructive energy, the meridians in his body began to collapse in an instant, and a torrent of incomparably violent energy surged in and passed straight through. No matter how powerful the meridians were, they would be destroyed.

Rumbling. The torrent crushed and destroyed all the way, destroying the runes that shone all over the sky.

Under the berserk power of the chaotic atmosphere, the second meridian was completely crushed in an instant.

The meridians were broken, but the runes did not completely disappear. It can be said that the reshaping of the meridians this time has withstood the first test.

Gao Jiuding could only see the flashing of countless runes, and this meridian was reconstructed, forming a spiritual channel wrapped in layers of rune chains.

Gao Jiuding could clearly feel a trace of fairy spirit blending into his meridian.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding felt that his physical body was stronger again, but it seemed to be farther away from the five revolutions he imagined.

Once a meridian is constructed, the strength of the physical body will be increased by [-]%. Gao Jiuding was shocked by this kind of cognition.

Gao Jiuding didn't hesitate, the torrent of energy in his body rolled over and rushed towards the third meridian.

However, this time the impact failed. The third meridian could not bear the force, and it collapsed directly, without runes, and did not recover.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that he didn't care, he just opened his mouth and swallowed, frantically swallowing the chaotic air around him into his body.

In an instant, his entire body collapsed from the inside. This time, he had made up his mind to rely on his own accumulated knowledge to break through and stand up.

It seems that only when chaos destroys the meridians in his body can he trigger the medicinal power and reshape his body, or is it because the aura of chaos has activated the mysterious runes inscribed in his inner body?

Gao Jiuding knew that as long as he had enough medicine and resources, he would not die, because he had succeeded twice before.

Of course, he is guaranteed. The combination of the blood shadow magic skill and the great Asura's immortal body makes him really suitable for body training in this environment.

As long as he has enough background, he is not afraid of the obliteration of the energy of chaos. This is not fun, but he can combine his own advantages, and through this process, he will consume his background frantically to strengthen his body.

When the background disappears, if Gao Jiuding can't resist the engulfing of the surrounding chaos, then he will be miserable.

Gao Jiuding's current actions are extremely crazy. He swallowed the energy of chaos, merged into that torrent of energy, and struck towards the third meridian pulse.

boom!Just one touch, the runes all over the sky were torn to pieces by the berserk chaos!

The energy swept all the way, piercing through the third blood meridian, and then the runes emerged, and another meridian was rebuilt.

As soon as this meridian was opened, Gao Jiuding's body vibrated, and he could only feel his collapsed body recover quickly under the gushing energy from the meridian, and he could even feel the strength of the meridian increasing rapidly.

Gao Jiuding felt that in the re-formed meridians, the newly bred essence and blood became a little different.

Especially at the moment when he stimulated the essence and blood again and recovered himself, Gao Jiuding's feeling was even clearer.

He could feel that the blood essence at this time seemed to carry a mysterious power, which could restore his body faster.

"The power of blood?" This was the first time Gao Jiuding felt such a feeling.

He has always heard before that the legendary beasts and fairy birds have this kind of blood inheritance.

"En? My bloodline seems to be extraordinary!" Gao Jiuding studied his own bloodline while experiencing the changes in his body.

He absorbed the blood essence of a blood phoenix, so his bloodline became very extraordinary.

I am afraid that this is the key reason why his body can be broken again and again!

Gao Jiuding suddenly thought that the immortality techniques he practiced seemed to be unable to guarantee his immortality under such circumstances.

Instead, the blood of the blood phoenix that he has been neglecting is more useful, reborn from the ashes?Rebirth from a drop of blood?

I'm afraid it's rebirth from a drop of blood, the greatest supernatural power of the blood phoenix is ​​rebirth from a drop of blood.

If this is true, then Gao Jiuding will focus on strengthening the bloodline in the future. However, the bloodline is not enough, because even if the blood-infiltrating Phoenix is ​​strong, it is not killed by someone?
Although it still had a chance to capture it, didn't Gao Jiuding fail to capture it successfully?
Be careful, there is no big mistake, after thinking about this, Gao Jiuding no longer pays attention to the power awakened in his own blood.

The ancient energy that emerges from the bloodline is the power of his bloodline. Although it can quickly increase the strength of Gao Jiuding's physical body, and it can be improved in all directions, isn't this normal?

This is talent, he still needs to work hard!
Twelve regular meridians, eight extraordinary meridians, a total of twenty major meridians, if all of them are reconstructed, his whole body will be reconstructed again, which is a real rebirth.

Coupled with the rebirth power of the blood, Gao Jiuding will soon reach the pinnacle of his life. At this time, Gao Jiuding is so confident.

Roar!Suddenly, a loud roar came from ahead, startling Gao Jiuding who was about to continue his body training.

He looked up, and saw a rock giant approaching, and it was angrily waving its giant hand and smashing it down.

This blow was very violent, causing chaos to scatter. When I looked carefully, I found that the rock on the surface of its body had been corroded.

Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that these big guys are not invincible!

At this time, Gao Jiuding was full of confidence, he didn't think about it at all, he directly shook his body, mobilized all his strength, and hit with his fist, this is his strongest punch now.

boom!The fist was shining, and even the tumbling chaos was blown away, directly opening a passage.

Gao Jiuding's punch contained infinite power, and a small crack was punched out in the void.

There was a bang, a giant hand swept towards him, and then he was hit by a fist, making an extremely dull sound, the giant hand was blocked, and Gao Jiuding was sent flying.

Even so, Gao Jiuding was pleasantly surprised, he was finally able to contend against this rock giant a little bit.

Roar!The rock giant roared, but before it could continue to shoot the next attack, the surrounding chaos was violently tumbling, and then a black magic hand broke through the chaos, roaring down, setting off a chaos storm.

The headless demon god came, and sure enough, Gao Jiuding's expression froze, and he saw a huge demonic hand.

This time Gao Jiuding was not afraid, let alone avoiding it, instead, he had a kind of eagerness to try.

He just wanted to try and see if he could fight against these two giants with his current physical strength.

This is still the edge of the small world, and a gray air current is rolling, swallowing the entire small world bit by bit.

These gray gases are a wave of energy produced by the destruction of the world, which belongs to the power of destruction.

boom!There was a loud noise, the void trembled, and the chaos exploded, revealing two behemoths.

A rock giant, the mottled rock body is shattering, while the other is a headless demon god, covered in black air, but it looks a bit messy.

The most shocking thing was that under the attack of these two giants, Gao Jiuding didn't look too embarrassed.

Compared with the two giants, although Gao Jiuding's body is small, he possesses terrifying power. He has already been able to fight against the two giants at the same time.

Although he was still beaten, it was an unbelievable sight. He was able to fight against the two giants by himself, but he was only slightly disadvantaged.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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