Chapter 1335
From the life hanging by a thread at the beginning to the current embarrassment, this is a huge improvement.

It turned out that facing the two giants, Gao Jiuding's life was in danger at any time, but now, he was in a panic, and now he was no longer an ant who was wantonly crushed to death.

Although the current Gao Jiuding doesn't feel relaxed, he no longer has that feeling of being in danger.

Only by fighting with the two giants can one truly appreciate the horror of these two giants. However, at this time, Gao Jiuding can survive their attacks, which is progress.

He didn't realize that he was being hunted down before, but now he was at the edge of the small world, under the destructive chaos storm, and unexpectedly, Gao Jiuding's potential was aroused little by little.

Of course, these two giants are also recovering, and their original strength is also terrifying.

This is the power of the ancient race. It has been silent for many years in this small world, and now it is awakened rapidly by the chaos storm. It is also a kind of awakening of the bloodline power of the ancient race.

Gao Jiuding is constantly improving, but he also clearly feels that the two are getting stronger.

boom!The chaos shattered, and a figure spurted blood and flew across. His body was shattered, and he penetrated into the tumbling gray storm.

Gao Jiuding's face was pale, he felt a sharp pain coming from his body, and his body was cracked again.

Yes, it was not shattered, but just cracked, and this part of the chaotic breath was also credited.

This time, because of the violent chaos, part of Gao Jiuding's body was obliterated, so his body was easily shattered.

During this process, Gao Jiuding was also extremely horrified, because he found that the speed at which the two giants became stronger was accelerating, and now it was becoming more and more obvious.

This is simply unbelievable, he can't believe that these two giants just woke up, how could they recover so quickly?
What followed was a difficult bloody battle, and Gao Jiuding was abused again.

It was only then that three brand new meridians were reconstructed, and an ancient and powerful bloodline power was obtained. I thought it could resist the two giants, but who would have thought that it would end up being beaten again.

Swallowing a big mouthful of violent chaos, let this destructive force in his body, violently impact and destroy.

The power of the blood was activated, runes flashed near the destroyed meridian, and soon a new meridian appeared, and then blood essence was bred to enhance Gao Jiuding's strength.

Roar!The rock giant roared, and the giant hand came across the sky, and the surrounding void roared and shook.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding saw that the rock giant's body was glowing, and he could even see gray runes flickering in the rock giant's body. This is a kind of gray stone rune, which belongs to the blood power of the Jinshi clan. .

The giant rock hand was gray and white, with runes gleaming, and the chaotic energy shattered where it passed, and a huge passage was torn open, and it was instantly pressed on the top of Gao Jiuding's head.

Gao Jiuding didn't retreat, he waved his fists to meet him.

At this moment, above his fist, there was also an extremely mysterious light, which was an ancient power belonging to the blood of the human race, with intertwined runes against the rock giant.

boom!With a punch, it hit the giant hand, and with a bang, the gravel flew, and was instantly assimilated and disappeared by the chaos.

The rock giant's hand trembled a little from the punch, but unfortunately there were not many scars.

What Gao Jiuding saw next surprised him very much. The giant hand was so powerful that it was frightening. He saw that the stone symbols intertwined all over the sky, and then formed a powerful energy that began to spread, and the small cracks instantly recovered.

The recovery ability seems to be no weaker than Gao Jiuding!
Gao Jiuding turned around and wanted to enter the deeper chaos, but a huge magic hand came to him, and with a bang, he was sent flying out in an instant before he could resist.

This is the Headless Demon God who came to him, and Gao Jiuding's physical body quickly collapsed with his violent beating, and then he was invaded by the violent chaos, destroying everything inside his body.

However, fortunately, there is this energy. The moment this chaos destroyed Gao Jiuding's body, it triggered the power of rebirth of his blood, and began to recover his body quickly, which also made Gao Jiuding stronger.

Gao Jiuding knew that it was due to the innumerable medicinal powers hidden in his body that hadn't been fully utilized. At this moment, with the collapse of his physical body, they naturally appeared to repair his physical body. This is the foundation.

Compared with the background, Gao Jiuding has never been in vain. Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding became ruthless, and once again introduced more chaotic air.

As he frantically attacked the meridians in his body, one meridian after another was destroyed and reshaped.

The ancient human bloodline, a powerful bloodline belonging to the human race, was triggered by the tyrannical chaos and destructive power, and turned into a terrifying force, quickly recovering Gao Jiuding's body.

This is a powerful bloodline, containing incomparably majestic bloodline power, which can make Gao Jiuding not so easy to die.

Just such an attribute is enough to make Gao Jiuding invincible.

Countless medicinal power and blood essence accumulated in Gao Jiuding's body quickly repaired his body and improved his physical quality.

This can be regarded as the inheritance of Gao Jiuding's bloodline. The power hidden in the bloodline has just been manifested, and it is gradually showing the horror of the bloodline of the human race.

Gritting his teeth, Gao Jiuding insisted, he swung his fists and fought to the death with the two giants.

As long as others are still in chaos, they can use chaos to temper their bodies.

He needs stronger strength, this is an opportunity, the only opportunity.

If this small world hadn't collapsed and was about to be destroyed, such a terrible chaos of destruction would not have been born. This is the best opportunity to temper the body.

Moreover, the two giants in front of him are the best means of hammering. Fighting the two giants, although the body will collapse at any time, and he will suffer heavy injuries at any time, but it can make him recover quickly.

boom!Gao Jiuding fought to the point of madness, his body was shattered and flew, and before the blood was spilled, he was wiped out by the violent chaos and disappeared.

However, the next moment he charged up again, constantly waving his fists, playing with his own strength.

The blood shadow magic skill also played a great role at this time, because no matter how broken his body was, it would still be quickly reassembled under the effect of the blood shadow magic skill.

As long as the blood light is not wiped out by the chaos, the body splitting, shattering, or even shattering will not cause substantial harm to Gao Jiuding.

In fact, not only did it not cause any damage to him, but it also allowed him to continuously purify his blood.

During the process of breaking and reshaping his body, Gao Jiuding was still using the berserk chaotic power around him to break through the meridians of his body arbitrarily and gain the power of the supreme blood.

Although the power of this kind of blood rebirth has just germinated, Gao Jiuding's meridians have been broken one after another, and one after another, a total of thirty meridians have been reshaped.

This means that Gao Jiuding's blood shadow magical skill is really perverted. The moment his body collapses, it will turn into a ball of blood light, and then it will recover. Otherwise, Gao Jiuding will have [-] lives. It's getting cooler.

boom!After the quick reply, Gao Jiuding immediately made trouble.

Chaos was pierced by a fist, the void was trembling, and small cracks spread. This is a kind of space crack, and the edge of the small world is collapsing at an accelerated rate.

As the space crack was opened, more chaotic airflow gushed out, devouring everything.

However, Gao Jiuding used these more powerful chaotic air currents to attack the meridians, purify the blood vessels, and temper himself, so as to obtain a stronger improvement.

"Ha!" shouted angrily, and with the chaos rolling, the mist roared and collapsed, which was shattered by a small figure.

Gao Jiuding unleashed the ultimate strength of his body, constantly waved his fists, and tempered himself.

As time passed, the physical body was destroyed and restored, forming a life-and-death transformation, allowing him to achieve amazing improvements.

This is a kind of complete breaking and then standing, it is the sublimation of the physical body, and the transformation of the blood.

The stronger Gao Jiuding's body was, the more terrifying the power he displayed was. His punches were so heavy and mighty that the void trembled, and cracks spread out and then disappeared.

These spatial cracks are incomparably small, but they are astonishing.

In the past, it would not be difficult for Gao Jiuding to shatter a piece of void, not to mention creating a space crack, but here, in this small world, he couldn't shake the void even if he wanted to, but now he can really do it. this step.

The space of this starry sky is already very stable, let alone in the small world where the space is more stable. Being able to do this shows that Gao Jiuding's body has improved too much in a short period of time.

Not to mention other things, even Gao Jiuding's pagoda space, Gao Jiuding has never been broken, this point has been tested in the pagoda during the process of Gao Jiuding's cultivation.

This is also a small world, but this is a small world on the verge of destruction. Even so, being able to break the space here is enough to prove how powerful and terrifying Gao Jiuding's physical strength is at this moment.

Roar!The rock giant screamed, its giant hand was injured, traces of bright red liquid flew out, and was instantly swallowed by chaos.

Its giant hand was cracked by a small fist, and it couldn't recover in a short time.

With the erosion of Chaos Qi, the rock giant's hand could not recover for a while, but it received a fierce blow from Gao Jiuding.

I saw Gao Jiuding flashing rapidly, swinging his fists and bombarding him!

With a bang, the huge rocky palm shattered instantly, flew into the chaos, and disappeared.

This punch was very violent, and as runes emerged one after another, Gao Jiuding's fist hit the surface of the rock giant's body and began to shatter quickly.

This rock giant is not as powerful as the headless demon god. Now the rock giant is being beaten by Gao Jiuding, and the latter is beating Gao Jiuding.

Sure enough, Gao Jiuding became miserable within a few strokes. When he was focused on dealing with the rock giant, he was captured by a huge devil's hand, and quickly flew into the chaos and disappeared.

boom!The small world vibrated violently, the edges shattered faster, and the endless chaos was swallowing this small world at an even faster speed.

As the three powerhouses fought, a terrifying destructive force was formed, accelerating the demise of the small world.

(End of this chapter)

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