The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1336 Rapid Progress

Chapter 1336 Rapid Progress

Gao Jiuding flew out of the mist, only to realize that the surroundings were already in chaos, and even the distant land had disappeared.

However, without any hesitation, he rushed into the depths of the chaos again, unleashed his strongest power, and fought against the two giants.

The rumbling chaotic aura continued to engulf this small world.

But Gao Jiuding fought fiercely here, he forgot the existence of time, sharpened himself little by little, and made himself stronger gradually.

This time, Gao Jiuding finally easily resisted the erosion of these chaos, and even shattered and devoured some of the chaotic breath, turning it into a supreme nutrient to improve his physical fitness.

Boom!A vortex appeared in the chaos, and countless auras around it rolled into the vortex, causing violent shocks.

At this time, Gao Jiuding opened his mouth and was swallowing the chaotic energy in all directions. The vortex was created by him after he swallowed the chaos. Cracked, about to shatter.

This time, the destruction started from the inside out. However, this powerful destructive force did not cause Gao Jiuding's body to collapse immediately. Instead, his body recovered quickly following the destruction.

Cracks appeared one after another, and then recovered, making Gao Jiuding's body stronger. This is the reason why Gao Jiuding went crazy.

He has been able to support the destructive power of chaos, so Gao Jiuding will frantically devour the breath of chaos.

Of course, this requires a lot of resources to support, so at this time, Gao Jiuding is no longer devouring the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum one by one, but directly crushing the Ganoderma lucidum, turning it into a bloody mouthful.

A large amount of Ganoderma lucidum and some thousand-year-old ginseng were swallowed by Gao Jiuding in an instant to replenish his own consumption.

The energy contained in each elixir is too powerful. Although it is fused with the chaotic atmosphere and impacts the meridians, the remaining energy is still incomparably majestic.

And these are his confidence to continue devouring the chaotic breath.

Ow!In the chaos ahead, there was a shrill scream, and the rock giant fell down screaming.

The rock giant smashed into the chaos, causing chaos.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding finally knocked down this powerful rock giant, but he would not give it a chance, so Gao Jiuding rushed up again quickly.

boom!With a roar, the rock shattered, and the rock giant's body began to collapse after being punched by Gao Jiuding.

By this time, the huge rock body of the rock giant had already been riddled with potholes by Gao Jiuding.

The gigantic rock giant was very miserable. First, its giant hands were smashed, then its body was smashed, and finally it was smashed into pieces by Gao Jiuding, flying into the chaos.

Huh?Gao Jiuding looked at the fast jumping thing in front of him in surprise, what is that?
Seeing that strong aura made Gao Jiuding hesitate a bit, because the vitality of life over there was so strong that it didn't look like he was about to die at all.

Gao Jiuding stood not far away, not approaching, he just looked at it like that, and soon he saw clearly.

The rock giant that was completely shattered by Gao Jiuding, there was actually a huge heart in the pile of scattered fragments, which was emitting a hazy gray-white luster at this time, and was not swallowed by the chaos.

"This is a heart? Can it be revived?" Feeling no danger, Gao Jiuding no longer hesitated, he stepped up and put away the heart directly.

Afterwards, Gao Jiuding turned around and stared at the side, where a gigantic giant was chasing after him, it was the headless demon god.

The demon god should be a spirit body. A demon god who can cultivate a spirit body can still have the current combat power without a head. What kind of method is this?
The most important part of the body has disappeared for no reason, and this god and demon is still alive and kicking. What kind of existence is it?

Gao Jiuding still felt guilty: "Next, it's your turn!"

Gao Jiuding's words stimulated the strength in his body, and he rushed up suddenly, fighting with the headless demon god.

The combat power of the two is still stronger than the headless demon god, but Gao Jiuding is not weak at this time, tempering his body again and again, turning the background hidden in his body into strength.

Of course, the headless demon god is even more powerful, the ancient power of the gods and demons surged out, as if awakened from the distant years, the power is overwhelming, covering the sky and covering the earth, making it difficult for Gao Jiuding to breathe.

However, for the sake of stronger strength, Gao Jiuding persisted tenaciously. As long as he was not killed all at once, Gao Jiuding was like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang, constantly honing himself bit by bit to make himself stronger .

This is the tempering of life and death. The physical body is undergoing life and death transformation. Under the obliteration of chaos, under the attack of the demon god, and under the action of countless medicines in the body, Gao Jiuding's body is undergoing earth-shaking changes every moment.

Gao Jiuding's body has never been destroyed, reshaped, and strengthened so comprehensively at this moment.

Moreover, under the extreme state of life and death, Gao Jiuding completed the transformation again and again. Under this extreme stimulation, Gao Jiuding's physical body is rapidly becoming stronger, which can be seen from his attack power.

Now Gao Jiuding's fists are getting heavier and heavier, and the light is getting brighter and brighter. It's not just his fists that can emit light. Even the meridians in his body are reflected in his entire body under the combination of countless runes. The internal organs, bone meridians, all of these are clearly visible.

Even in the end, Gao Jiuding cracked the void with every punch, and chaos emerged, which was a great horror.

Of course, if it is within a complete small world, it is absolutely impossible for Gao Jiuding to break through the space so easily.

Now that this small world is being destroyed, he created such a terrifying space rift.

But even so, it still proved how terrifying his physical strength was. As time passed, the Headless Demon God could no longer suppress him.

"Kill!" Gao Jiuding stretched out his agile movements, waving his fists and hitting him non-stop.

Without supernatural powers, domains, or even magic spells or magic weapons, Gao Jiuding kept his body pure, mobilizing his blood energy into the sky, and beating the surrounding chaos.

The surrounding area was hazy, and chaos surged, as if the mist was enveloping the air.

This is the edge of the small world, and as Gao Jiuding's movements accelerated, the destruction of this small world was accelerating.

Especially at the edge of the small world, a piece of chaos has formed, which is full of aura of destruction, devouring everything every moment.

These chaotic auras are very violent and contain extremely terrifying power of destruction. No matter what they encounter, they will be destructive and unstoppable.

Even this vast small world is gradually being swallowed up, and nothing can remain.

However, in such a terrifying place, there is actually a headless demon god standing in the midst of the chaos, waving a pair of huge arms to shake the surroundings and make the chaos tumbling.

This headless troll is very terrifying, covered in black energy, blocking most of the chaotic energy from eroding in, but a small part of the chaotic energy still eroded, but was quickly assimilated by the demon god.

It is because of this that the demon god's body is also constantly getting stronger.

Up to now, at this time, the physical strength of this demon god has far exceeded people's imagination. At this time, the demon god's body is black, shining with a metallic luster, and even mysterious black lines can be seen shining out.

This is a kind of magic pattern, which belongs to the power of the demon god.

boom!A magic hand struck, the void trembled, cracks spread, and the small world shattered even faster.

However, what is even more astonishing is that Gao Jiuding, who fought against this powerful headless demon god, seems to have adapted to such a powerful demon god and the endless chaos.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's whole body was glowing. It was a layer of runes. His body was covered by a layer of runes, making his whole body exude a hazy luster.

However, with the attack of the demon god, the luster on Gao Jiuding's body became more and more dim.

As time passed, the light shrank by itself, but Gao Jiuding's aura became heavier and heavier.

When the brilliance of Gao Jiuding disappeared, his body exuded a desolate breath.

The fist hit, with a bang, a chaotic storm was set off.

This time the battle was even more fierce than the battle with the rock giant!

From the very beginning, Gao Jiuding was beaten by the demon god, and Gao Jiuding's body kept collapsing, and it was collapsing rapidly.

If it hadn't been for the accumulation of some medicinal power before, which allowed his body to recover quickly and gradually become stronger, Gao Jiuding would definitely not be able to support the powerful attack of the Demon God.

Up to now, he has been able to fight against the Headless Demon God for a long time without losing, which is a huge improvement.

Just like before, the rock giant pressed him down and beat him, but he was still killed in the end.

Now at this point, Gao Jiuding's physical body is stronger than before countless times. Even the chaos rolling around him can't shake his physical body, only the sound of metal and iron colliding can be heard.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding obviously felt that his body hadn't broken through the limit, and even his body was still far away from breaking through the limit.

The tempering of the body this time also let Gao Jiuding know that after advancing to the stage of Dharma, his physical potential has become huge again.

Since there is potential, it is necessary to dig it out. Gao Jiuding has never hesitated to do things to increase his own background, but now, it is just consuming part of his resources.

Now he just consumed some Ganoderma lucidum, even Gao Jiuding was not willing to swallow a thousand-year-old ginseng.

In addition to these, he also has Xianquan gold liquid, blood spar, and some other miscellaneous elixir. Since those cannot be cultivated and reused on a large scale, Gao Jiuding is very frugal in using them.

He was willing to consume resources and the environment was suitable, so Gao Jiuding made rapid progress in the process of being bombed again and again and recovering again and again.

Qiang Qiang Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's body trembled, and his breath was restrained to the extreme, as if he was an ordinary person without strength.

However, the chaotic air from all around filled his body and impacted his body. However, during this process, his body only burst out sparks and splashed out. As for his body, there was no slightest injury at all.

 Thank you brother androk for the reward of 300 coins, and thanks to the king of heaven and earth, brothers ads4017 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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