The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1337 Devouring Demons and Spirits

Chapter 1337 Devouring Demons and Spirits
After countless times of tempering, the aura of chaos has made Gao Jiuding's body stronger and more terrifying.

However, he has just integrated the meridians in his body, and the meridians are connected into a network, so this breakthrough is just a breakthrough of a small bottle.

It was only at this time that Gao Jiuding really realized that his physical strength had only reached the peak of the early Dharma phase, and he was only one step away from entering the middle phase of the Dharma phase.

Because Gao Jiuding once again sensed the malice from the depths of the sky, is this being stared at by the Dao of Heaven?Or was it being targeted by the Dao of Heaven?

It was also the first time that Gao Jiuding realized that even if he had a physical breakthrough, he still needed to cross the catastrophe.

Simple body training, in the middle stage of the advanced method, also needs to cross the catastrophe.

It was really the first time Gao Jiuding knew that there is a certain calamity if one reaches the ultimate level of body training.

"This is the real Dharma phase combat body. By the way, this is a combat body, a fourth-rank battle body? I'm afraid it can't be achieved, right? It's a pity that I don't know the cultivation system here, let alone the fourth-rank body trainers here. What is the situation."

As his strength became stronger, Gao Jiuding became clearer about his cultivation realm.

He is definitely not in the realm of the pure Faxiang period at this time. The so-called physique of the Faxiang period is simply a joke!
At this moment, Gao Jiuding's entire sea of ​​consciousness world was in turmoil.

Rumbling Long. Most of the chaotic atmosphere swallowed by Gao Jiuding entered the sea of ​​consciousness and merged into the chaos of the sea of ​​consciousness, forming a violent chaotic world. Here, it is full of the atmosphere of destruction.

With the improvement of cultivation level, Gao Jiuding's soul is also changing, and the first thing to change is the sea of ​​consciousness!

At this time, within Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness, there is a huge giant standing upright, exuding an aura of simplicity and vicissitudes, suppressing this new chaos.

The giant of Consciousness Sea suppresses the chaos, while the flesh body of Consciousness Sea stands in the chaos, forming a kind of balance.

It's a pity that he still hasn't specially cultivated his soul, so his consciousness, sea of ​​consciousness, and soul haven't changed much.

Feeling threatened, Gao Jiuding focused on the outside world again.

boom!Gao Jiuding raised his head and swung out a fist, causing the void to vibrate and cracks to spread.

With just one punch, the headless demon god's body trembled in front of him. It couldn't even dodge the punch and was hit on the body.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying force erupted, and with a bang, the Demon God's chest was shattered, blood splashed out, and his bones shattered. It was obviously injured by this blow.

This was the first time that the Headless Demon God was injured. After chasing and killing Gao Jiuding for so long, he was finally injured this time.

Gao Jiuding exerted all the power of his body, even the headless demon god couldn't resist it, it could only retreat again and again.

It's a pity that this demon god has no head, otherwise he must be roaring angrily at this moment.

However, vaguely, Gao Jiuding still heard terrifying roars, which were the conscious roars of the Demon God.

As Gao Jiuding unleashed all his combat power, the blood in his body was boiling, and countless thick meridians emitted a faint light, as if it was the surrounding chaos. The spiritual light composed of these runes exuded a terrifying aura.

Gao Jiuding has experienced such a process several times, so it is not the first time his meridians have changed like this.

Every time there is a change, runes emerge, and Gao Jiuding also understands some of these runes. He knows that this is the same as the ban, from the most common law ban, to the treasure ban, to the spirit ban, to the heavenly spirit ban , Cave Heaven Spiritual Forbidden, will become more and more complicated, and more and more powerful.

At this time, the meridians and blood vessels in Gao Jiuding's body were undergoing such changes, and with the help of these runes, Gao Jiuding's body became stronger and stronger like a magic weapon.

At Gao Jiuding's current level, even his blood has changed. Gao Jiuding can clearly feel that his blood is providing him with continuous power.

At this time, an ancient blood force emerged from his blood, giving Gao Jiuding an infinite support, so that every cell in his body had infinite vitality, so that he would not be afraid of death, and he would The Headless Demon God was beaten back again and again.

boom!A fist, without brilliance, exudes a simple and simple atmosphere.

With a bang, it hit the demon god's body, and there was a crisp cracking sound, and small cracks spread.

However, these cracks disappeared quickly, and the headless demon god's body became stronger, and its damage recovered in an instant.

However, as Gao Jiuding punched out one after another, the powerful Demon God also began to be unable to bear it.

The demon god's body finally split open, and the small cracks continued to expand, and finally spread to the whole body.

Streams of black and red demonic blood sprayed out, black and viscous, exuding terrifying demonic power.

The Headless Demon God's body was split, so it was very angry, and its pair of giant hands hit it angrily, but it was a pity that it was greeted by a small fist, and just this punch made the giant hand start to tremble, and then Cracks open.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's strength was already strong enough. He waved his fist again and again, and finally smashed one of the troll's palms with a bang.

The effect of this attack gave Gao Jiuding unparalleled confidence, and he finally had a chance to defeat this terrifying headless demon god.

Roar!A roar from the soul oscillates in the chaos.

This was the scream from the Headless Demon God, and it was the last scream. It was finally blasted by Gao Jiuding with his fist.

In the chaos, suddenly there was a pitch-black liquid that sprayed in all directions. This was the demonic blood of the demon god, and it was the essence of its power.

Even Chaos couldn't swallow this stream of demonic blood for a while, but at this moment, Gao Jiuding was holding a huge heart, and in this heart, the sealer had more demonic blood.

The whole body of this heart is black, exuding terrifying power, and it also has endless vitality, but it is such a heart of a demon god, which was caught by Gao Jiuding.

Just now the demon god's heart actually wanted to escape, just this is enough to show that the demon god is much more powerful than that rock giant.

Can a heart escape?When he saw this situation, Gao Jiuding suddenly realized how lucky he was to kill this demon god.

It has been eroded for a long time, and its strength has been weakened to the limit.

But now, after being killed, this demon heart still wants to fly away, wanting to be resurrected.

Unfortunately, how could Gao Jiuding let it fly?

This is a treasure that contains the essence of the terrifying power of the headless demon god. It can be transformed into real flesh and blood during the transformation between reality and reality. Therefore, Gao Jiuding has been refined, can it also absorb all of it?

At this time, Gao Jiuding also had a clearer understanding of the immortality of the great Asura, because every piece of flesh and blood of this demon god contained its soul power, which was the fundamental reason why it was still alive and kicking after losing its head.

Immortality, this is the foundation of one's life!

Boom!Gao Jiuding grabbed the huge demon heart and was still vibrating violently, but it was a pity that he couldn't fly away.

Keeping it is a hidden danger after all, so Gao Jiuding didn't hesitate, he directly turned into a bloody light, wrapping this huge demon heart.

Among the blood shadows, blood god sons emerged one after another, and began to devour the supreme demonic blood in the huge demonic heart.

The ancient demon god was very powerful, with ancient and majestic blood power. After being swallowed into the body, it immediately formed a terrifying impact. Unfortunately, it was finally crushed by Gao Jiuding's blood shadow and turned into his power.

He wants to use the power of the demon god to temper his body, and use the blood power of the ancient troll to improve himself.

I saw that Gao Jiuding took out a heart again, this is the heart of stone, the heart of the rock giant.

Inside this heart also contains the blood of the rock giant, which belongs to the powerful blood of the Jinshi clan.

The Blood God Son can devour everything, so this rock heart can also be devoured by him.

The blood shadow magic skill is good, it can devour anything!

Roar!Gao Jiuding roared up to the sky, his physical body finally couldn't bear it, and with a click, his body split open again.

This shows that he has replenished all the resources consumed before, and he has replenished too much this time.

Without hesitation, he crazily rushed into the depths of the chaos, where the atmosphere of chaos was even more violent.

In the depths of the chaos, it was even more frightening. As soon as Gao Jiuding entered here, he felt that his body was collapsing, and he lost a large piece of flesh and blood in an instant, making his body blurry and about to dissipate.

At this time, there were two majestic blood powers inside Gao Jiuding's body, which were swallowed by the transformed blood light, and transformed into a stronger energy, sweeping the whole body and recovering the body.

This is the power of his blood shadow supernatural power, which he has cultivated successfully. It seems that he can swallow any power.

It is because of this attribute that Gao Jiuding has such an amazing recovery ability. Now he can even devour the blood of the ancient gods and demons.

This is the power of human monks. As long as the skills are good, the potential seems to be endless.

And the performance of the blood shadow magic skill is even more domineering, and the ability displayed is even more terrifying.

Gao Jiuding knew that this was no longer an effect that could be achieved by a single kung fu method, and there must be his blood power in it.

After tempering the body again and again, the blood power in Gao Jiuding's body had already awakened. He knew very well that it must be because the blood of the blood phoenix had been completely refined by him, and it was starting to work.

Now, with the help of a large amount of medicinal power, coupled with the destructive power of chaos and the power of regeneration of blood, Gao Jiuding finally devoured and fused several kinds of power to obtain non-sublimation.

Yep?Suddenly, Gao Jiuding was startled, and he felt something strange between his brows.

In his sea of ​​consciousness, the boundless chaos was tumbling, and there was a huge jade trembling inside.

This piece of jade is extremely huge, with a round body, and it is exuding a radiant divine light at this time.

This collected ancient artifact seems to be awakening itself?At this time it was shaking in Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness, it seemed very angry?
boom!At this moment, the ancient jade glowed, and a terrifying force erupted, shaking Gao Jiuding's entire sea of ​​consciousness world.

(End of this chapter)

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