The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1338 Phoenix Bloodline

Chapter 1338 Phoenix Bloodline

Gao Jiuding was startled by the great change in the sea of ​​consciousness, and then all his attention was focused on the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, before the ancient jade was raging, a huge bloody light came from the center of Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness, and then, a towering big character was suppressed.

With a bang, the big characters suppressed the ancient jade extremely domineeringly.

hum!At this moment, Gu Yu was completely awake, its whole body was pure white, exuding a hazy luster.

However, as a large Dao character was suppressed, the aura on the ancient jade was shattered, and finally the appearance of the jade was also shattered, revealing a huge head. Is this the head of the god?

Looking at the crystal-like skull, Gao Jiuding naturally wouldn't think that it was just an ordinary crystal skull.

At this moment, he was extremely sure that this was the head of the headless demon!

No wonder after Gao Jiuding got this thing, the headless demon chased him desperately.

Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded. In his consciousness, he saw that huge head lying horizontally in the void, gushing out endless energy.

Inside the sea of ​​consciousness of the rumbling high Jiuding, rays of light flickered, intertwined into dense formations.

Numerous formations emerged on the crystal skull, resisting the invasion of the avenue runes.

That ancient scroll seems to have a moment of poor skill, because up to now, it has only swayed a ray of light.

There is only one Tao word, it seems that it can't completely suppress this crystal skull.

But at this moment, the earthen pot, which was standing still but watching the excitement, suddenly jumped and landed on the forehead of the crystal skull.

With a sound of touch, all the runes on the crystal skull disappeared, and it was suspended naked in Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​consciousness, and finally landed in a corner of the sea of ​​consciousness, hovering here and not moving.

Before Gao Jiuding knew what was going on, he felt a pain between his brows, and then a ray of light soared into the sky, turning into an aurora and flying into the chaos.

Gao Jiuding was shocked, he stared at the aurora in front of him, which was the skull.

At the moment when the skull appeared, Gao Jiuding vaguely felt the radiance was brilliant, and the aura was ancient and vast, as if a ninety-five supreme being descended, the aura swept across and oppressed all directions.

That kind of power should belong to the power of gods and demons in a complete state. Knowing this, Gao Jiuding couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

He couldn't believe that there was only a pair of bones left, and it was still so strong.

It's a pity that it was hit by the cornucopia, and the crystal skull seemed to run away immediately.

Where it flew over, the chaos shattered, rushed all the way into the depths of the chaos, and finally disappeared, leaving only an irresistible power, which is the majesty of gods and demons.

grunt!Gao Jiuding swallowed a mouthful of spit, and said involuntarily: "The head of the god and demon appeared, so, who is buried in that huge bronze coffin?"

He couldn't imagine who was buried in the ancient bronze coffin.

I don't know how many years this crystal skull has been suppressed, but Gao Jiuding knows that it has the ability to fly out by force, and its strength is not something he can fight against.

Just now Gao Jiuding felt that the center of his brow was about to be pierced.

Fortunately, with the suppression of the cornucopia, he recovered in an instant, and the void black hole in the sea of ​​consciousness was also spread by a bloody light, and he recovered in the blink of an eye.

hum!In Gao Jiuding's Sea of ​​Consciousness, the gray chaotic air rolled, like a party of chaos roaring.

That ancient and mysterious Dao scroll was shaking, and it exuded a monstrous power. Was it angered by the skull's actions?

Gao Jiuding didn't care about it, he just stared at the tumbling chaos in the distance, but he didn't plan to go deeper.

Because, he felt that the strength of his physical body at this moment was still unable to resist the more violent chaos, so he could only stand near the edge now.

Behind him, there is a small world that is rapidly destroying. At this moment, the whole earth is trembling, making a terrible sound of destruction. This world is about to be destroyed.

boom!At the edge of the small world, the earth is rapidly disappearing, the ruins turn into nothingness, dissipate into the vast chaos, and become a part of the chaos.

Gao Jiuding stood in the nothingness, surrounded by chaos, constantly bombarding his body.

His physical body is already strong enough to stand in the chaos without being obliterated by the chaos here.

boom!Gao Jiuding's arm trembled, and there was a bang, chaos rolled around, and the mist disintegrated and disappeared.

With just one swing of his arms, he can erupt such terrifying power. Can't imagine how terrifying his current power is?
Moreover, as an incomparably violent force swept through his body, his physical body was still improving rapidly.

This time, he did not continue to reshape the meridians in his body, but used it to temper the tiny blood vessels inside his body.

Gao Jiuding is using two huge hearts and the power of these two ancient bloodlines to temper his own bloodline. Of course, only Gao Jiuding dares to do this.

He killed the rock giant to obtain the stone heart, and killed the headless troll to obtain the magic heart. Naturally, he should be able to suppress these two bloodlines. After all, their bodies were destroyed by Gao Jiuding. With a whole body of strength.

In Gao Jiuding's body, majestic energy was flowing mightily, and as he swallowed the violent chaos time and time again, all his blood vessels and spinal cord were tempered from the inside out.

Gao Jiuding's blood essence was hidden here, and finally flowed into the blood sea space.

And as the two huge energies in his body flowed through his blood vessels, Gao Jiuding's blood essence was changing at a terrifying speed.

Time passed bit by bit, as Gao Jiuding crazily used the Chaos Tempering Body here, the whole small world was on the verge of destruction, and the speed of destruction was accelerating.

Even at the edge of the small world, everything is disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye, and where the chaos passes, everything turns into nothingness.

Here, the chaos is getting more and more violent, and Gao Jiuding can't bear it anymore.

Roar!There was a roar from the depths of the chaos.

Gao Jiuding looked at the depths of the chaos with a shocked face, where the chaotic energy was even more violent!

It was hard for him to believe that someone could resist the erosion of chaos, but Gao Jiuding guessed that the huge copper coffin must be in chaos.

Moreover, this guess was soon confirmed.

In the chaos, there is indeed a huge bronze coffin.

With a loud roar, Gao Jiuding saw a huge thing chasing a huge copper coffin crazily.

It was an ancient monster corpse, and its strength was even stronger than before. After a cursory inspection, Gao Jiuding was sure that the strength of this ancient monster must have surpassed that of the headless demon god.

"So strong!" Gao Jiuding stood in the chaos, watching the battle in the depths of the chaos in shock.

What is even more astonishing is that the huge bronze coffin is lying in the chaos, and it is swallowing the breath of chaos gathered from all directions. Is it cultivating?Or is it recovering strength?
To restore strength, actually use the breath of chaos?Is it devouring the chaotic breath?

No matter what, at this time the huge bronze coffin gave Gao Jiuding the feeling that it was powerful, and it became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, the copper coffin shook, and chaos followed in all directions, pressing on the huge demon corpse at the same time!

There was a terrifying loud noise in the distance, and even Gao Jiuding could feel the terrifying vibration.

That ancient demon corpse should not have lost too much power, or it has recovered most of its abilities, otherwise it would not be so powerful and terrifying. Its current performance is much stronger than that of the headless demon god.

Of course, it may also be that the strength of the headless demon god has not recovered much, and the head, the most important part of his body, is missing.

One is that Gao Jiuding's strength improved faster, which allowed Gao Jiuding to gain strength and temporarily overwhelm the headless demon god, and eventually the headless demon god would be beaten to death by him.

boom!Another shock came, setting off a chaotic storm, and Gao Jiuding had to retreat quickly.

Only at this time did Gao Jiuding realize that the aura of that ancient demon corpse had skyrocketed!
However, the ancient bronze coffin was not weak either, a single vibration of it was enough to withstand the attack of the ancient demon corpse.

Both are very powerful, and both seem to need the breath of chaos to restore their strength, so in the end, the two entered the depths of chaos and disappeared before Gao Jiuding's eyes.

Gao Jiuding stood there, unable to regain his composure for a long time, he was shocked by the terrifying scene.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's strength has improved a lot, but he is still no match for the ancient demon corpse.

Even Gao Jiuding recalled that he was lucky to be able to kill the ancient demon god.

That's right, thinking about it now, the ancient demon god is still so powerful without a head, but he himself has been sealed in a small world for countless years, and his power has been worn out to the limit by time.

After entering the chaos, Gao Jiuding used the destructive attribute of the chaos to constantly digest his own background and strengthen his strength!

The constant and rapid increase in strength allowed him to overwhelm the recovery speed of the headless demon god, and it ended in misery.

Boom!Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's body shook, and he felt that the two forces in his body were completely consumed and turned into nutrients for the growth of his physical body.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding felt very clearly, he could clearly feel that he could break through the bottleneck of the early stage of Dharma Aspect at any time and advance to the middle stage of Dharma Aspect.

And in this process, his body has to go through the tempering of the thunder calamity. Only by resisting the baptism of the thunder calamity and consolidating his current cultivation, can he use the power of the thunder calamity to smoothly advance to the middle stage of the Dharma.

However, Gao Jiuding would not do this. Although his body had reached the peak of the early stage of the Dharma Form, his mana was obviously not enough to advance to the middle stage of the Dharma Form.

Of course, Gao Jiuding's soul has no chance to reach the strength of the middle phase of Faxiang.

Looking inwardly, he looked at the little bird dharma form in his body, which became a little bit longer. Is this the crystallization of mana condensed?Or was he born naturally because he has the blood of the phoenix?
The stronger the dharma form, the deeper the magic power. Now Gao Jiuding's dharma form is still a bird, although it looks very similar to the legendary phoenix, but as long as it is not transformed into the dharma form, Gao Jiuding's dharma form is chubby and cute Cute look.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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