The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1339 The world collapses

Chapter 1339 The world collapses
Without Yuanying's help, Gao Jiuding's Dharma appearance seems to be a little longer now. Is this considered progress?

"It doesn't look like a phoenix at all!" Now Gao Jiuding has confirmed that his dharma form is a blood phoenix. Among the phoenixes, the male is the phoenix and the female is the phoenix. Gao Jiuding's dharma form is naturally a blood phoenix.

"When the body is strong, it doesn't seem difficult to accumulate mana. After all, no matter how much mana is, the body can carry it. Without the constraints of the body, it is very simple to increase mana. It just takes time, and with the help of the Time and Space God Territory, time is not a problem!"

With his mind out of the sea of ​​blood, Gao Jiuding shook his arm slightly, and he was able to shake away the violent chaos around him. He felt that if he punched at this time, the space might be shattered.

Of course, he knew in his heart that this was only possible after the collapse of the small world and the unstable space.

If the space of the small world is stable, with his current strength, he cannot shatter the space.

After leaving this small world, you must first find a place to retreat, and it is best to find a human settlement, because there are too many dangers in this starry sky.

hum!Suddenly, Gao Jiuding felt a slight vibration in his hand.

He raised his hand and saw that it was the storage ring that was vibrating, which aroused his vigilance.

With a flash of his mind, he entered the storage ring and checked the situation inside.

As a result, as soon as the thoughts entered it, a burst of light rushed out, and the gray light flashed, turning into a huge egg.

This is a stone egg, which was thrown by the monster cultivator, wanting him to lure away the rock giant.

At this time, the huge stone egg in front of him was trembling, exuding a gray gas with a strong breath.

"What's going on?" What surprised Gao Jiuding was that this stone egg, which had been conceived for an unknown number of years, was actually devouring the breath of chaos.

A vortex formed around it, attracting chaos from all directions, forming an extremely terrifying chaotic vortex.

This stone egg is one meter high and fifty or sixty centimeters thick. It is gray and white with a mysterious luster.

Is this the reincarnation of a starving ghost?Gao Jiuding didn't think that this stone egg needs the breath of chaos to grow, otherwise, it should have shown something already.

Now, it is devouring the boundless chaos, and even attracts even more violent chaotic airflow.

This is a bit abnormal, is it hungry?But why are you hungry?
Gao Jiuding involuntarily looked at the storage ring on his finger, probably because of this ring, could it not carry living things?

This is the only possibility, and it is likely to be true. Gao Jiuding has long discovered that the five-element transformation array inside this space ring is not complete, and it is not a qualified space. At least it is much worse than the pagoda space. .

Originally, Gao Jiuding wanted to study this ring, but at this moment, the stone egg has gone too far.

Seeing the movement caused by the stone egg, Gao Jiuding's face changed. At this time, the stone egg was shrouded in a chaotic vortex, and Gao Jiuding couldn't get out.

Because Gao Jiuding was also surrounded by an incomparably violent chaotic air, and countless chaotic air penetrated into his body from his mouth and nose, and then poured into the sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's boundless sea of ​​consciousness began to turmoil, and the entire sea of ​​consciousness was ravaged by this extremely violent chaotic air current, as if it was about to turn into a real chaotic world.

But in the center of his sea of ​​consciousness, there is a mysterious ancient scroll to suppress it!
The word Dao turned into towering characters, covering the gray chaos, which stabilized the chaos.

It's a pity that this is just a phantom, not real. Of course, it should be more real and terrifying than the berserk chaos.

Sure enough, as soon as the giant characters came out, they stood upright and suppressed the violent chaos.

Gao Jiuding recovered, and looked at the chaotic vortex that was getting bigger and bigger, Gao Jiuding's eyes focused on the stone egg again.

Gao Jiuding stared at the huge stone egg in shock, and at this moment he even had the idea of ​​giving up the giant egg directly.

Because, if this continues, he may not be able to go out. After the destruction of the small world, Gao Jiuding will be lost in this vast chaos and nothingness even if he does not die.

hum!Just when he gritted his teeth and wanted to give up, the stone egg suddenly shook and buzzed, instantly engulfing the tens of thousands of meters of chaos, and then exuding a gray aura, rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness between his brows in a flash.

This incident made Gao Jiuding feel very uncomfortable. Why did everything go into his sea of ​​consciousness?This is very dangerous.

However, just as the huge stone egg entered the sea of ​​consciousness, it was suppressed by a huge giant character.

boom!In an instant, the huge words of Dao were pressed down, and the stone egg trembled, and then it was entangled with blood-colored silk threads, firmly blocked, and finally suppressed below by an ancient and mysterious scroll.

This ancient volume of Dao characters is very mysterious and even more powerful.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Shidan entered here, it was the first to be suppressed by it, unable to move at all.

Gao Jiuding's face trembled when he saw it. He thought, he must have been angered by that crystal skull just now, and then took the lead in suppressing this stone egg. This kind of behavior made Gao Jiuding feel a little speechless.

However, seeing that his sea of ​​consciousness was safe, he didn't stop there.

Gao Jiuding swept around, and violent chaos rolled in, quickly submerging Gao Jiuding.

"It's time to go, this small world is going to be destroyed!" Gao Jiuding carefully stared at the depths of the chaos for a while, and finally turned around regretfully and rushed out of the edge of the chaos, entering the small world that was about to be shattered and destroyed.

He originally wanted to stay here and use the chaotic energy to temper his body, but unfortunately he didn't have the time now, the small world was about to be completely shattered, and if he didn't leave, he would have no chance to leave.

As soon as Gao Jiuding entered the small world, he suddenly felt a violent vibration. Cracks spread across the ground, which was a sign of collapse.

He didn't hesitate, his body shook, and he passed by in a flash. Now he is like an aurora, and the speed is shocking.

This is a terrifying speed, and it is the terrifying scene formed after Gao Jiuding's physical body has improved to the current level.

Feeling the speed like light, even Gao Jiuding himself was a little stunned.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Jiuding saw that huge crack, which was the entrance and the only exit.

However, the space exit at this time is trembling violently, obviously the space is extremely unstable.

As soon as Gao Jiuding moved his mind, he came to the entrance of the space. He stood there and turned to look at the small world behind him.

He sighed a little in his heart. Although he didn't get anything when he entered here this time, even the last huge bronze coffin ran away, which was considered a big loss. However, his gain was really not small, and the biggest gain was himself. He finally obtained unparalleled strength.

Gao Jiuding didn't stay any longer, he stepped into the trembling space crack, and disappeared here very quickly.

It's not that he doesn't want to wait, waiting for the moment when the small world is destroyed, maybe he can get a great fortune, but it's just a delusion.

The moment the small world is shattered, there will definitely be precious essences of the essence of heaven and earth, not to mention other things, the essences of the five elements that generate the five elements, such as the energy of black and yellow, the essence of sunflower water, etc. , will definitely appear, but there are not many people who have the strength to collect it.

Gao Jiuding asked himself that he didn't have the ability now, at least he couldn't fight out from the vast chaos and nothingness.

He could only step out of this small world that was about to collapse and destroy with regret, and just after he left, the entire world was destroyed at an accelerated rate, chaos surged in, engulfed this small world, and finally exploded into an extremely condensed light. A kind of origin of heaven and earth.

boom!Suddenly, a huge copper coffin rushed out of the chaos, instantly swallowed the aurora, then turned around and rushed into the chaos, disappearing.

As the small world collapsed, outside the entrance of the small world, a large group of people ran out in embarrassment.

These people all rushed out of the small world.

"Damn it, I didn't get any benefits this time!" A young man said angrily, this is a barbarian leader.

If Gao Jiuding was here, he would recognize that this very arrogant guy is in a mess now.

His mount had already been blasted by the headless troll in the small world, and now he had no mount.

However, he didn't care about this, the mount can continue to grab.

The problem is, this small world has entered destruction, and it is impossible to enter it. This is the last time he entered this small world, but he has not gained much.

This is the reason for his anger, not only him, but also some other masters are a little upset.

No way, this time entering it, none of them gained any benefits, and the only ones who gained benefits were those few people.

Among them, although the Pagoda Sect monk who framed Gao Jiuding was regretful, he was faintly excited.

He got one thing, and it was a very good thing, otherwise he wouldn't be hunted down by the rock giant.

As for now, he looked at the front with a sneer, the space crack was trembling violently, and it would collapse and disappear at any moment.

What he was thinking about was Gao Jiuding. Has Gao Jiuding been killed by the two giants at this moment?
This question, thinking about it, feels very enjoyable, very cool!

Throwing away a stone egg caused Gao Jiuding to be hunted down by the rock giant, and he was lucky to get one and escape.

At this time, many monks looked strange. They saw the two human monks who came here.

Not to mention the pagoda sect monk who got the stone egg, the other person, he is riding the Niulong of Gao Jiuding, who is it not Hua Qiancheng?

However, as soon as he came out, Niu Long became a little violent, and directly flew Hua Qiancheng off his back.

The latter didn't care, he flew up quickly and landed on the ground, looking at the berserk Niulong with a complicated expression.

This is Gao Jiuding's mount, and the ordinary monks of the Pagoda Sect naturally recognize it. He immediately became happy when he didn't see Gao Jiuding's figure at this time.

And some other barbarian leaders also vaguely guessed something.

(End of this chapter)

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