The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1341 Orc Battle Star

Chapter 1341 Orc Battle Star
No matter what, the Heavenly Tribulation this time was unexpectedly weak!
Looking inside the sea of ​​blood, the electric light flickered in the thunder pool, and after a while, these electric lights connected with each other, condensed into groups, and finally turned into black water droplets, which fell into the thunder pool.

"Water of Thunder Tribulation, I didn't expect to get so much water so easily!" Seeing that Jieyun had been successfully refined, Gao Jiuding laughed.

Jieyun was swallowed by him before he could turn into a thunderbolt, but the energy that Jieyun gathered did not decrease.

Therefore, swallowing Jieyun is equivalent to swallowing all the thunder, fire, and wind.

Regardless of refining Jieyun, Gao Jiuding controlled the Five Elements Realm, flew quickly, and quickly left the place.

In just a split second, where Gao Jiuding disappeared just now, a huge monster suddenly appeared.

Originally Gao Jiuding thought it was an asteroid, but when it got closer, Gao Jiuding realized what kind of asteroid it was, it was simply a floating city!
"Ancient City? No, it should be War City?" Gao Jiuding looked at the giant city that flew towards him in amazement.

Although it is not as huge as the ancient bronze city that Gao Jiuding saw, it is definitely not small. Through the monitor he left behind, the length of this battle city is more than ten kilometers.

The huge battle city ten kilometers long and wide is just suspended in the void of the universe, and it is flying fast.

And at this moment, in that huge battle city, some people were also looking for something in amazement!
"I'm sure, someone here was going through the tribulation just now!"

"Why is it gone now? It can't be that the ferocious beast is going through the catastrophe here, otherwise we wouldn't have missed it!"

"Is that an intelligent creature? Found us coming, and ran away early?"

"Forget it, there's no need to track it down, it's very powerful to be able to pass the tribulation so quickly, we don't need to provoke it!"

Soon, the war city broke through the void, and jumped away directly.

Looking at Gao Jiuding, he was very surprised. Such a huge war city can actually perform space jumps?

Watching Zhancheng teleport away, Gao Jiuding also stopped. He didn't want to run away, but turned around and flew back again.

And at this moment, a real asteroid flew over.

The asteroid is very similar to the previous Five Elements Realm. It is a huge object with a diameter of two to three hundred kilometers. It has an atmosphere on it, and you can even see the emergence of the prohibition that flashes with spiritual light.

It was the dust in the universe, or the impact of a small meteorite, which triggered the asteroid's defense system.

Through the restriction in that layer of atmosphere, Gao Jiuding can see that this asteroid is also a living planet.

At this time, many people standing in the outer layer of the atmosphere should be masters, and they may also be voyeurs attracted by his tribulation.

"The tribulation is over, he is a master!"

"Let's go, I can't catch up!"

"It's a pity, I was thinking of gaining something!"

"Don't think about the harvest. Those who can succeed in crossing the catastrophe so quickly are all masters."

"En?" Gao Jiuding observed those people carefully, they seemed to be some orcs, which were obviously different from the monster monks, they should belong to the ferocious beasts turned into spirits, transformed into humans, but they were still very ferocious beasts.

"It seems that this place is not far from the large gathering place of the two races of monsters." Gao Jiuding looked at the asteroid flying away quickly, and knew that his chance had come.

Looking at the rotating and fast-flying asteroid, Gao Jiuding chased after it without hesitation.

These behemoths seem to be able to jump in space. If it is too late, this asteroid also jumps in space. Where can Gao Jiuding find such a guide?
Avoiding those masters flying around the asteroid, Gao Jiuding took advantage of the asteroid's rotation and landed in the asteroid's atmosphere from a corner where no one was around.

There is a large meteorite the size of a fist colliding into the asteroid, and in the midst of flashes of spiritual light, Gao Jiuding controlled the Five Elements Realm and also broke into a restricted area.

Because he was not familiar with the restrictions of the beast clan, after Gao Jiuding entered the atmosphere, he immediately closed the Five Elements Realm.

The fierce beasts on this asteroid are obviously very intelligent and have formed a civilized race, which is completely different from the previous beasts.

Entering the atmosphere, Gao Jiuding became very careful. With the help of the Five-Color Divine Bull, the Five Elements Realm, which had been completely refined, was collected by Gao Jiuding into the blood sea space for cultivation.

And Gao Jiuding quickly landed towards the inside of the asteroid following the chains of restraint.

Many small meteorites around Gao Jiuding were intercepted and hit by the prohibition at this time, and quickly turned into small fireballs and disappeared into the air.

These small meteorites rubbed against each other to start a fire, and they were burned up directly, so the disappearance of the Five Elements Realm was considered normal.

Of course, Gao Jiuding's appearance was abnormal, so he moved very quickly!
He didn't destroy the restriction network in the atmosphere, but moved quickly along the chain formed by the restriction.

Gao Jiuding slowed down only when he moved thousands of meters away.

Because he could clearly see the aura that formed the formation, Gao Jiuding was able to drill around the loopholes in the formation.

After only ten minutes of using it, Gao Jiuding landed in a forest.

Just after landing, Gao Jiuding originally wanted to find a place to observe carefully, but he felt that there was movement not far away.

The body stopped under a towering tree, Gao Jiuding became extremely cautious.

He was afraid of being noticed, and in that case, masters would flock to him soon.

Regarding the invasion from the outside world, Gao Jiuding did not believe that the masters in this asteroid would remain indifferent.

However, things were obviously not as bad as Gao Jiuding imagined.

Gao Jiuding just felt a strong aura, but this aura was rapidly moving away.

Gao Jiuding didn't think too much, he didn't hesitate at all, and quickly chased after that breath.

This guy wouldn't have seen him landing from outer space, so he wanted to tip off the news, right?

Gao Jiuding's speed was very fast, and it didn't take long for him to see an orc appearing in front of him.

It was so hairy that it didn't even look like a man transformed into a beast. This was simply a half-orc who could stand up and walk.

This orc was tall and tall. Compared with the fierce beasts that Gao Jiuding had seen, although it was not as good as it was, his aura was also very strong.

"Beastmen. They don't have the monster aura of the monster clan, but their blood is more vigorous. This is very similar to the Void Monster Beasts that have been seen before!"

Gao Jiuding pondered for a while, finally hid his figure, and followed the orc carefully.

He didn't alarm the orc, let alone chase after it to rob and kill it, but followed carefully. At this time, Gao Jiuding really wanted to see if there was a tribe of powerful beasts nearby.

This question is very important and must be understood clearly, so he followed up cautiously.

The orc was on its way quickly, and it was also very alert, but unfortunately its strength was a bit weak, and it couldn't detect someone following it at all.

Gao Jiuding restrained his breath and followed all the way. After a long time, he found that the orc had entered a large mountain.

Surprised and curious, he followed, and soon, he saw the orc enter a mist.

Just looking at the towering giant trees there, one can tell that it is an ancient jungle, and the fog inside it is so dense that it is hard to see clearly.

Even from the sky, some of the situation here could not be noticed, which made Gao Jiuding feel a little bit of danger.

Roar!A loud roar came faintly from the mist ahead. This is the existence of a ferocious beast!
However, just as Gao Jiuding was about to enter the mist, he suddenly dodged and hid himself. The next moment, he saw a group of giants walking out of the mist.

Eleven orcs came out, all of them were riding tall wolf-shaped ferocious beasts, as if they were on patrol.

After following for a while, Gao Jiuding was sure that this team should be a patrol team, a small team of orcs.

Without provoking those wolf riders, Gao Jiuding returned to the surrounding area of ​​the ancient forest. After studying for a while, Gao Jiuding cautiously entered the mist.

Entering it, there was no danger at all, Gao Jiuding passed through the mist directly, and only then did he suddenly discover that it turned out to be a huge valley inside.

At the entrance of the valley is an incomparably majestic city wall, cast from black rock, shining with mysterious runes.

It turned out that this place is really an orc tribe, and judging from the situation, it is still an extremely huge giant tribe.

Gao Jiuding was extremely vigilant, and he sensed countless powerful auras from within the 300-meter-high city wall.

This is the aura of the strong orcs. Many of the auras are on the same level as the beasts killed earlier, and these are obviously not the strongest among them.

Gao Jiuding could sense that there were many more powerful auras, and the most frightening thing was that a few of them gave Gao Jiuding a strong sense of crisis.

He was not impulsive, let alone entered it, not to mention anything else, but the runes on the city wall gave Gao Jiuding a dangerous feeling.

Gao Jiuding has a feeling at this time, if he enters it, he will definitely be discovered.

"Sure enough, it is a huge tribe. It seems that the orcs are more powerful than I imagined, so we must be cautious." Gao Jiuding secretly thought about how to find the gathering place of human beings through accepting people.

If all the human races lived in this free-flying asteroid like these people, he would not be able to easily find the human civilization here.

However, if you want to get some useful information from this huge tribe, you obviously disagree.

Gao Jiuding could feel that this tribe was very powerful, especially the city wall, although it was not as powerful as the ancient city he had seen, it was still very extraordinary.

In this huge tribe, the exact number of orcs is not clear, but just looking at the huge city, one can tell that there must be a lot of orcs inside.

The larger the number, the higher the chance of a master appearing.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding carefully concealed his figure, rose into the mist in the sky, and looked down at the huge valley.

(End of this chapter)

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