Chapter 1342
The canyon is surrounded by city walls to form a huge city, and the houses inside are lined up, neatly divided into eight large areas.

Obviously, they exist as a tribe, with countless tents and some simple facilities.

At this time, there were countless orcs in those open spaces, and they were very busy coming and going.

Among these orcs, Gao Jiuding could even see many old orcs, young orcs, and some orcs riding one powerful giant beast after another.

"Wolves, leopards, giant lions, giant tigers, mammoths, mammoths, and Yalong beasts? The creatures here are not much different from those on Earth, but they are stronger!"

Gao Jiuding carefully concealed and scouted the situation of this tribe, and found that many orcs were riding such and other mounts.

These mounts are numerous, and even at a glance, there are thousands of mounts.

Here, whether it is an old man or a child of the orc, or a woman of the orc, they can feel a kind of toughness, which is faintly stronger than that of humans.

Gao Jiuding attaches great importance to this situation. The overall strength of his monks is not as good as this orc tribe.

That's why he was surprised, the orcs were strong, and this group here might not even be the strongest.

And this kind of situation seems to be very common under this starry sky.

Fortunately, the orcs here are only physically strong and weak in other aspects.

"Under this starry sky, maybe the level of cultivation should not be expressed by magic signs!" Hiding aside, Gao Jiuding analyzed while observing.

The group of monsters he encountered before was too chaotic. Although Gao Jiuding noticed that their combat power did not match the realm shown, he only made a rough judgment.

Now that he saw this complete beast tribe, he knew adults and strong men through children, children, and teenagers. After a little analysis, Gao Jiuding could see clearly the division of cultivation levels here.

In Gao Jiuding's eyes, those children of the orc race all had the strength of his body training.

In other words, as long as they are slightly older infants and young children, they have the ability to refine blood, even the peak of blood refinement.

And those ten-year-old children have the combat effectiveness of the hemolytic stage. Of course, this kind of blood refining realm is not correct to divide the beast race.

Gao Jiuding has specialized in physical fitness, and it is more accurate to use his body training secret skill level to classify. For example, a boy from the orc race has a three-turn body training practice, while a youth has a three-turn peak body training state.

And many of these middle-aged men have the strength of rank four, which is equivalent to the state of the law, but unfortunately there are no other means of the law, such as spells, supernatural powers, and the realm of the soul. Nothing special either.

Therefore, the cultivators here, at the same level, are one class lower than those in blood refining and qi refining.

Their inheritance is ancient, and they still use the ancient implements and ancient runes that Gao Jiuding found in that ancient city.

Ancient artifacts are strong and sharp, nothing else matters, no matter how powerful a heavenly artifact is, it will also have some will of its owner attached to it, which can enhance the power of the domain.

For example, killing spirit and various domain powers, and the most common one is killing spirit. Even if it is a heavenly weapon with domain power, Gao Jiuding has never seen a few of them.

For example, in this giant orc tribe, Gao Jiuding did not find a few celestial weapons.

Also, although the orcs here have Rank [-] body training as adults, their combat power is not enough, they just strengthen their strength, and many of the orcs have not cultivated into the domain.

Therefore, among the four-turn orcs, there is a big difference in combat power, but the four-turn physique has too many flaws. For Gao Jiuding, he can kill him at will.

And the four-turn orcs who have cultivated the power of the domain, the combat effectiveness is more powerful, at least Gao Jiuding can't be killed casually, of course, if you are more serious, you can still be killed with a punch.

This is Gao Jiuding's current strength. He is already very strong. In comparison, it's not that the beast clan's strength is too weak, but Gao Jiuding's strength is too strong.

"Four turn cultivation base, cultivated into a powerful domain, with heavenly artifacts in hand, such a monk can be compared to the real monks of the early stage of Faxiang, and I can also be said to be in the middle stage of Faxiang now!" Gao Jiuding was a little complacent. It's not at the level of the mid-stage Dharma Aspect, but the physique and blood essence have definitely reached the level of a monk in the mid-stage Dharma Aspect.

In fact, no matter which aspect of cultivating a monk focuses on, as long as he breaks through a big realm and supplements his combat power with other means, he is considered a strong man.

It's just that Gao Jiuding's pursuit is all-round development. He has zero tolerance for any weakness in himself. This is also the reason why he has strong combat power and can defeat beasts with higher realms than him every time.

His current body training is at the mid-stage of the fourth turn, which is comparable to blood training. This is to improve his physique, but the blood training system is more inclined to the Qi training system, or it is the product of the combination of body training and Qi training. .

So for body training, Gao Jiuding turned to pure body training very early on, and that's why he cultivated his current level of cultivation in the mid-stage of the fourth rank.

Now that his body training has reached the middle stage of the fourth turn, he will not have any difficulty in continuing to accumulate mana and strengthen his appearance. After all, Gao Jiuding has no shortage of resources.

Therefore, as long as he finds a place and accumulates for a period of time, he will become a real monk in the mid-term of Dharma Aspect. After all, he has even survived the doom of the mid-term Dharma Aspect.

After clearing the level of cultivation, when Gao Jiuding looked at the Beast tribe again, he knew that even if he broke into this tribe, there should be no danger.

Roar!In the tribe, there was a burst of shouting suddenly!
At this moment, Gao Jiuding vaguely saw groups of gigantic beasts being imprisoned in huge camps one after another.

Gao Jiuding's gaze was drawn to it. The place he saw should be the tribe's beast camp, where the giant beast mounts were located. However, the number of giant beasts imprisoned there was frighteningly large.

Moreover, Gao Jiuding also saw a large number of sub-dragon beasts in one of the beast camps, of course they were underage sub-dragon beasts, just like the ones he encountered in the Five Elements Realm, they should have no cultivation Going out of the field, a fool who only has strength, otherwise he would not have been caught by the orcs.

"Hey, no, there are also powerful adult Yalongmons there!"

Just now he despised the orcs, but unexpectedly, Gao Jiuding sensed a powerful aura. It was the aura of a real adult Yalong beast. He was very familiar with this aura because it was very similar to the five bull kings he caught.

Now Gao Jiuding also knows that the five bull kings under the Five Colors God Bull definitely have the strength above the mid-stage of the fourth revolution, which is similar to the current Gao Jiuding's strength.

Therefore, in real comparison, he is still not as powerful as the five-colored bull. To know the true strength of the five-colored cow, it should be the peak in the late stage of the fourth revolution, which is equivalent to a great monk in the Dharma phase, and a great monk with no defects at all.

The five-color divine cow has a magic weapon, which is the five-color divine stone, and has supernatural powers, which is the gray annihilation ray formed by the combination of five colors.

With so many methods, if it wasn't for the Huoling Battleship's advanced Tongtian Lingbao, Gao Jiuding would have nothing to do with it.

It can only be said that Gao Jiuding took advantage of a lot of mistakes, so that he could successfully refine the Five-Color Divine Bull and achieve the Five Elements Realm.

Controlling a small world is Gao Jiuding's confidence to survive under this starry sky, and this is also the greatest foundation in his hands now.

If it wasn't for understanding the situation under this starry sky, Gao Jiuding would have been able to get along like a fish in water by simply relying on the Five Elements Realm in this starry sky.

It's a pity that he needs to understand the cultivation civilization here, because he needs to get in touch with his family, and he needs to build a space-time teleportation array.

All of these need to be obtained by some powerful forces, so Gao Jiuding took the risk and entered this small world of the orcs. No, this is an incomplete small world, and at most it is like a war city.

This asteroid has been greatly transformed, but this is just a mutated battle city. This kind of transformation can only be called a battle star, and it is not a small world.

"There, the aura is the strongest and most dangerous. Is it the orc powerhouse?" Gao Jiuding stared at the innermost part of the valley, faintly feeling several terrifying auras.

Just as Gao Jiuding wanted to continue to check and get more information, a sense of crisis immediately filled the air, and then a breath locked him, and he was discovered.

"Been discovered?" Gao Jiuding was startled suddenly, he flashed quickly, rushed out of the fog, and disappeared into the jungle in the blink of an eye.

But as soon as he moved, a figure suddenly rushed from the orc tribe, overwhelming with terrifying power.

This is an orc. He has a majestic figure, more than six meters tall, and his body is full of cold breath. Runes spread all over his body, exuding an ancient and terrifying aura.

Gao Jiuding didn't stay here. This is a tribe of orcs. The strong inside didn't know how much they were hiding. Naturally, they couldn't fight here, so they chose to leave immediately.

"Human race?" After flying hundreds of meters away, Gao Jiuding finally stopped, which surprised the orcs chasing after him. He didn't expect that this was a human race with a very strong aura.

What came after was a strong beastman, much stronger than the beastman Gao Jiuding had seen before, but Gao Jiuding was not afraid, instead he was a little eager to try his own strength with this beastman.

He wants to see if the orc civilization here has developed systematic cultivation methods, such as magic weapons and supernatural powers, and whether they have become popular. If not, then they are just a group of monsters.

"Death!" The orc didn't have any reasons, and immediately launched an attack when he found out that Gao Jiuding was a human only.

The cold and ferocious word of death fully expresses the relationship between the beast race and the human race.

The orc suddenly flashed, came to Gao Jiuding, and then punched him. He didn't even use a weapon, but just punched.

Feeling the strong death energy, Gao Jiuding was startled. This is the power of rules, which is a level higher than domain power.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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