The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1343 God-like existence

Chapter 1343 God-like existence
Gao Jiuding learned from the cultivation system of the beast clan, and he has also practiced killing fist. He naturally knows how powerful it is to condense this killing intent into the field, and to be able to condense the rules, even if there is only a trace of the power of rules , nor can he do it.

This is the background, the cultivation system is different, and the accumulation of others is definitely not what Gao Jiuding can achieve in three days and two mornings.

Gao Jiuding's face was calm and expressionless, but his blood was mobilized like a huge wave, and he began to roar.

In the sea of ​​blood, the huge spiritual pool began to boil, and then a huge force spewed out from it, following Gao Jiuding's fist to meet it.

boom!One big and one small, two fists collided, making a dull sound.

The air roared in all directions, and the surrounding trees were swept away by the air waves, but the two only felt the great power of the other, and then both bodies retreated five meters at the same time before stopping. The two of them were a little basic, and they were evenly divided.

The orc looked surprised. He didn't expect the human race on the opposite side to be so powerful, which made him a little vigilant.

And Gao Jiuding was even more surprised, don't look at him lifting weights lightly, as if he didn't use too much force, but only he knows that he has mobilized all his background, and even so, it's just an equal share?
This orc was very strong, and the opponent probably didn't use his full strength just now, but just like this, it put great pressure on Gao Jiuding.

"Kill!" The two jumped up at the same time, shaking their fists and killing each other instantly.

These two people were extremely powerful physically, and their willpower was even more powerful. With two murderous shouts, it seemed that the surrounding space was filled with killing intent.

They all bombarded each other with fists, but the beating was muffled continuously, and traces of blood spattered out.

The beast clan's body was injured, he was not as terrifying as Gao Jiuding's physical body.

That's why the orc race, which was originally unscrupulous and open and close, was shocked. The physical strength of this human race is absolutely terrifying.

"The special bloodline of the human race? It's even stronger than my race, so I can't keep you!" The beast race was very straightforward. After guessing that Gao Jiuding might be a master among the human race, it immediately burst out with all its strength. Kill Gao Jiuding.

Naturally opposed races, when they meet, naturally have to find a way to weaken them.

boom!The power of the bloodlines of the orc powerhouse erupted, which aroused Gao Jiuding's vigilance.

However, Gao Jiuding's face was extremely calm. He waved his fists, showing all his strength, especially his physical body began to vibrate, and there was a faint aura of overwhelming momentum.

Gao Jiuding unleashed all his magical powers and fought against the beast clan on the opposite side. He wanted to find out the details of the beast clan master.

"Kill!" The two powerful men rushed into the mountain range, punching back and forth, shaking the void, and even a gust of fist wind swept across, causing huge rocks to shatter and towering ancient trees to collapse.

Boom!A rocky mountain in the distance cracked and half of the mountain collapsed.

There, two figures fought fiercely, one big and one small, killing each other into a ball.

The strength of Gao Jiuding's physical body was shocking, and the powerful force was punched out with his fist. Even the beast master didn't dare to resist it easily.

It can be said that every punch of Gao Jiuding at this time is a supernatural power, because every punch of his will bring strength like a mountain. It can be said that his fist is as heavy as a mountain.

Every punch of Gao Jiuding made the beast clan on the opposite side feel extremely uncomfortable.

He was equally powerful, but his physical body was not as terrifying as Gao Jiuding. He had already been beaten to pieces and was in a terrible state of embarrassment.

Such a situation shocked the orc strong man, he couldn't believe that this was something a human could do.

The beast race and the human race are feuds, they often fight, but when did the human race have such a powerful existence?
boom!A shock came, and the two figures retreated separately.

Gao Jiuding was also very surprised. From this orc, he felt a strong oppression. The overall strength of this orc was stronger than all the orcs he had encountered before.

Even Gao Jiuding guessed that the strength of this orc tribe should not be considered the strongest among the entire orc tribe, which also made Gao Jiuding a little surprised by the strength of this orc tribe.

This is just an orc that was chased out. If there are other more powerful orcs, how powerful are they?

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding didn't have the heart to try, but wanted to end this orc as soon as possible.

The commotion of their battle was too great, and it must have attracted the attention of the masters above this battle star.

"Kill!" A cold shout came, accompanied by a murderous intent, Gao Jiuding used his killing fist with all his strength, trying to kill this strong beast race quickly.

After a long time, everyone knows that aliens have invaded this asteroid.

With a bang, a fist blasted past, the air was turbulent, and the mountain-heavy strength inspired a terrifying punch, which made the face of the beast race change drastically.

There was a flicker between the eyebrows of the beast clan, a clang, and a terrifying sharp edge.

Gao Jiuding clearly saw the runes flashing between the eyebrows of the orcs, which made him suddenly think of those runes he got in the ancient city.

This orc has also condensed a talisman?It's not that I don't know what level the talisman is, at least it is a golden talisman, right?

The sharp edge pierced towards Gao Jiuding, and Gao Jiuding felt something in his heart, and he swung his fist to hit it. When there was a loud noise, he realized that it was a short spear formed by a rune.

This short spear was white all over and exuded a fierce aura, obviously very sharp.

Even Gao Jiuding faintly felt that the lethality of this weapon was astonishing. Although it was not as strong as the ancient weapon, it was not weak either.

clang!There was a clang, sparks flickered, and Gao Jiuding swung his fists again and again, hitting the short spear that had been killed, but unfortunately he still couldn't smash this amazing short spear.

Gao Jiuding was a little surprised, this is not an energy weapon formed by runes, but a real entity, or a magic weapon?

The treasure of the field condensed by will?Could it be that the so-called ancient artifacts were cultivated in this way?

Gao Jiuding was very surprised, and the orc on the opposite side was even more surprised. He came to kill with a short spear in his hand.

The two entered the depths of the mountain and startled countless ferocious beasts. Unfortunately, all the ferocious beasts were scared away by the terrifying aura of the two.

boom!A big tree collapsed, and was swept across the sky by a wave of air.

That short spear struck horizontally, carrying the force of a thunderbolt, causing the surrounding ancient trees to break off one after another.

However, Gao Jiuding on the opposite side was waving his fist, and a faint light was filling the air, and that aura of aura derived runes from his fist.

With rune protection, Gao Jiuding's fist was harder than the orc's short spear.

Of course, the orc could also inspire the runes drawn all over his body, but the runes he displayed were obviously not as powerful as the short spear condensed on his forehead.

The rune is attached to the body, so will Gao Jiuding. He has been able to easily attach it to his fist.

Therefore, the fist that was originally very ordinary now has an extremely heavy aura. This is a kind of fist force, a ray of great fist intent, and every blow will cause terrible destructive power.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding doesn't have the beast clan's ability to condense short spears. This is obviously a high-level rune application, even a method that is more powerful than supernatural powers and domains.

boom!The fist wind swept across the huge nearby rocks, and those rocks immediately turned into dust.

As Gao Jiuding accelerated his attack, punch after punch, the opponent's body trembled, the short spear was about to split, and some blood even splashed out from the corner of the beast clan's mouth.

Judging from the current situation, the beast clan is not as good as Gao Jiuding in terms of the use of runes, so this powerful beast clan was injured.

The bigger Gao Jiuding became, the calmer he became. He launched the killing field, bombarding repeatedly, and even a bright light erupted from his fist.

boom!There was another loud bang, and the orc couldn't bear the heavy fist, and was finally blasted to the body, and the whole person vomited blood and flew out.

Before he flew down, Gao Jiuding's figure flashed towards him one step at a time. He raised his fist and punched him.

Click!There was a crisp sound, bones shattered, and the orc's chest was sunken three inches, and blood sprayed out.

This blow caused the Orcs to suffer severe injuries, and they were about to be killed on the spot.

When Gao Jiuding waved his fist and exploded with extreme strength, intending to blast and kill this orc, Gao Jiuding suddenly felt a crisis was approaching. He didn't have time to think, so he waved his fist and hit the void above his head.

Boom!There was a violent vibration, and there was a huge force pressing down on the void, which instantly sent Gao Jiuding flying.

The breath circulated, and a wave of mana circulated throughout the body, urging Gao Jiuding's blood to circulate at a faster speed.

It's okay, Gao Jiuding's body trembled a little, but fortunately he was not injured.

However, Gao Jiuding was still scared at this time, because he saw a terrifying figure flying towards this side.

This was the aura of a strong beast clan. Sensing danger, Gao Jiuding didn't stop, and immediately flew back invisibly.

This is the first time he has used invisibility after entering this star field.

Whoosh!As soon as he left, a figure flickered over, appearing at the place where Gao Jiuding stood just now.

This is also a beast clan. Although his tall body is not as tall as the beast clan just now, his aura is extremely terrifying.

This orc was wearing a strange kind of clothes, with black lines all over his face, shining with a strange luster.

On his neck, there is a bloody skull necklace, bloody and chilling.

"Human race?" The beast race stared at the direction Gao Jiuding left, and murmured.

He held a huge skeleton staff in his hand, the whole body was white, and it was composed of countless tiny skulls. From the eye sockets of those skeletons, there was a little bit of red light, which was very strange.

It was this orc who made a sudden attack just now and almost injured Gao Jiuding severely.

He didn't expect that Gao Jiuding was not only strong in strength, but also in physical fitness.

"Great Elder, you are here!" The orc who was almost killed came to him and saluted extremely respectfully. He lay on the ground, acting like a devout believer, kneeling down to worship his god.

However, this old man of the orc clan really looks like a god, and his status in the orc clan is like a god.

(End of this chapter)

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