The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1344 Saw the Immortal World

Chapter 1344 Saw the Immortal World

This old man is the strongest in the orc tribe, the great elder of the tribe, and the only great elder.

You can feel the terrifying pressure from the slight fluctuations emanating from his body. This is a terrifying orc.

Gao Jiuding felt a strong threat, so he immediately left in stealth. During this process, he did not hesitate at all.

He knew that since the battle here caused the arrival of this orc powerhouse, he must be discovered by more powerhouses, and he had no choice but to leave.

Otherwise, this place is close to the orc tribe, so he can easily be besieged and killed by the strong orcs.

Now the Great Elder of the Beast Race withdrew his gaze and looked at the Beast Race lying in front of him, feeling a little dissatisfied.

"Even a human race can't deal with it, you're calling yourself a tribal warrior in vain." The Great Elder's words were very flat, but he terrified the beast race.

"Recently, the younger generation of the human race is growing faster and faster. It will be difficult to weaken the strength of the human race in the future."

At this time, the great elder said again: "Search carefully to see whether it is an outsider breaking in, or our human race has grown up here!"

The orc lowered his head and lay down to accept the order. His body was trembling, and he didn't dare to get up for a long time.

The Great Elder just glanced at the distance, then turned around and disappeared in place, as if he had never appeared before.

The rest of the orcs dared to raise their heads slightly after a long time. After realizing that the great elder was gone, he suddenly relaxed. At this time, his whole body was wet with sweat.

This orc's fear of the Great Elder has penetrated into his bone marrow. In his tribe, all the orcs are in awe of this Great Elder.

He knew very well that this great elder of the tribe was a terrifying master. If he provoked him, no matter what kind of creatures were there, they would be refined and devoured, even the monks of his own tribe were not spared.

But the great chief of this tribe didn't care, because the strength of the great elder was not at the same level as the great chief, so in the whole tribe, except for the great chief, the great elder was the most terrifying.

Regarding these, Gao Jiuding was not clear, but he also knew that his situation just now was very dangerous.

He raised his arm and looked at his cracked fist, the blood was slipping down, and it couldn't heal?

On the fist scar, there are strands of strange blood-colored energy entangled, making the wound unable to heal, and even blood flowing out faster and more. This is a terrible phenomenon.

clank!A ray of sharp edge rushed from the space of the sea of ​​blood, which was a wave of fighting spirit.

With a clang, the fighting spirit instantly shattered this strange energy, and the wound finally healed quickly.

"It doesn't seem to be very powerful, but it's a long-range attack!" Gao Jiuding carefully thought about what happened just now, the coercion that came from afar was a bit worse than the gods, demons and demon corpses he encountered.

"Could it be a god?" Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding became more careful in hiding. He not only restrained his aura, but also kept the invisible state in his hands.

But at this moment, far away inside that tribe, a figure moved and stared in the direction of Gao Jiuding.

This was the Great Elder just now, and he was a little surprised when he sensed that his aura was shattered.

It's normal for a breath to be shattered, but he didn't expect it to be eliminated so quickly.

"The human race is growing too fast. No matter in ancient times or today, the human race is a terrifying race. It seems that we must speed up and eliminate the surrounding human race as much as possible."

His expression was cold, and there was a terrifying bloody light in his eyes. The Great Elder murmured: "At that time, who else is the opponent of this clan?"

This great elder of the orc clan was really terrifying, no wonder Gao Jiuding ran away as soon as he sensed it.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding didn't know yet, just because of his appearance, the surrounding starry sky was about to set off another bloody storm, and it was aimed at the human race.

The Great Elder of the Beast Race has already ordered to exterminate the human race as much as possible, and realize the rise of the Beast Race with the blood of tens of millions of humans.

Gao Jiuding had already hid in the Five Elements Realm at this time, and the Five Elements Realm at this time was just like a stone, hidden so casually on the beach of a small stream.

From the outside world, the Five Elements Realm at this time is just an ordinary cobblestone.
A cobblestone is hidden among countless cobblestones, and even the aura on the outside will not be revealed, that is to say, even if Gao Jiuding observes carefully, he will not be able to see any difference in this cobblestone, so it will be more difficult for others to see Abnormality out of the Five Elements Realm.

Hiding into the Five Elements Realm, Gao Jiuding immediately felt a burst of relief. He still had a feeling of being spied on, but now it is completely gone.

Of course, Gao Jiuding wouldn't know, but the great elder was not relaxed at this time, because he couldn't sense Gao Jiuding anymore.

Gao Jiuding didn't care how much trouble he brought to the beast clan, he was currently hiding in the Five Elements Realm for cultivation.

In the palace built by Huo Ling earlier, Gao Jiuding was being repaired.

Entering this starry sky, Gao Jiuding has been exhausted all the time, but now, he is finally a little more stable.

Gao Jiuding would be even happier if he could follow this group of orcs to a truly civilized place.

At this time, he could only resign himself to fate, so what Gao Jiuding could do was to continue to practice.

Recently, his cultivation base has improved rapidly, and now it is time to settle down.

There is no need to practice body training, after all, he has just raised a great realm, and now he is mainly accumulating mana, and even Yuanying needs to practice hard, after all, he has rarely practiced Qi in recent decades.

Of course, the most important means, supernatural powers and domains, must also be studied carefully, and these cannot be completed in a short period of time.

Staying in the Five Elements Realm, I found some elixir and collected some poisonous insects, which were used for medicinal baths.

If you don't exercise, you can't miss your homework. Since you have the resources to restore your body, you can't give up the stimulation of your body.

It is one of the fastest methods for Gao Jiuding to cultivate now.

Of course, it is also possible to temper the body with the powerful [-]-meter waterfall. If you can also let the five-colored cow add food, and hit his body with some heavy tree trunks and stones from time to time, then you can practice It will be faster.

However, medicine is needed to support it. For example, Gao Jiuding used the blood essence of the Five Elements Bull Demon to refine the magic pill. As for the ice pill, he has prepared a lot of materials before, and now he can try to refine it .

Others, such as Longevity Pill, Huiyuan Pill, Explosive Spirit Pill, as long as Gao Jiuding can think of, he will refine some.

Of course, Gao Jiuding would not be in the Five Elements Realm for cultivation, alchemy, and weapon refining. He naturally wanted to use the Space-Time God Realm inside the pagoda.

Entering this starry sky, he also created a land of chaotic time and space. At this time, Gao Jiuding had already figured out the characteristics of some chaotic lands of time and space, especially some places where spiritual plants grew rapidly, and the spiritual energy consumed in those places More, obviously time flows faster.

Although it has not been fully tested yet, Gao Jiuding has locked on an area with a time flow rate of more than 30 times, which is the desert where he first found the broken small tree and grew rapidly.

Of course, there is no desert there now, only a towering tree shrouded in colorful light.

If Gao Jiuding wanted to take advantage of this space-time God Territory, he still needed to settle within the big tree.

Therefore, for the next time, Gao Jiuding can only hide in the tree hole inside this big tree to practice.

Hiding in the turbulent flow of time and space, Gao Jiuding deduced exercises, refined tools and alchemy, and even cultivated magic tools.

There are many things to do, but Gao Jiuding did not forget to observe the changes in the outside world.

Month after month has passed, and a year later, the sky outside has changed a lot.

In the Time and Space God's Domain at this time, more than 30 years had passed for Gao Jiuding.

Because the Huoling battleship left outside is constantly transmitting the outside world to him, so Gao Jiuding is very aware of the changes in the outside world.

When Gao Jiuding entered the orc asteroid, he didn't bring the Fire Spirit battleship with him, but left it outside.

With Gao Jiuding positioning the Huoling battleship, Huoling can track him even if he is far away from the orc asteroid.

In this way, Gao Jiuding positioned Huo Ling, and Huo Ling fell behind. It followed the orc asteroid and kept advancing until it came to a large area covered by stars.

Of course, this orc battle star has not yet entered any star system, they just came to a large asteroid belt.

After seeing the video sent by Huo Ling, Gao Jiuding stared blankly. He was sure that he came to the fairy world.

The starry sky here is absolutely different from that on the earth, and it is also very different from the place he went to first.

The biggest difference is that the sky here is brighter, and the fire spirit has also been confirmed. Every inch of the sky outside has a strong spiritual energy, and it is densely covered with air suitable for human survival.

Therefore, every rotating asteroid here is suitable for human survival.

Now that humans can survive, what about monsters?What about the elves and sea monsters?

How many creatures are here?How many civilizations have formed?How many races are there?
In the video that Gao Jiuding saw, many asteroids were covered with lush vegetation.

Looking at the spherical green asteroids one by one, Gao Jiuding was speechless!

When he saw the asteroids standing upside down and sideways like mountain peaks, Gao Jiuding felt that he saw a fairy mountain.

In the Kuiper belt, Gao Jiuding has seen such a base before, and he has seen this kind of fairy mountain like in the movie Shushan, but he did not expect to see countless such fairy mountains here.

"Huh? There is a stream flowing in the starry sky? Is it too much?" Gao Jiuding finally came to his senses.

The starry sky here is not cold, and there is air. Since there is air, why can't there be water?
 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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