Chapter 1345
Looking at a stream revolving around a relatively large asteroid, Gao Jiuding could only be surprised.

Although it feels very strange, but more excited, this is a spectacle!
In this universe, it seems that any strange thing can appear.

"Master, the battle star of the orc race seems to have stopped, before a large continent, it is a flat asteroid!" Just as Gao Jiuding was studying the countless wonders in the video, Huo Ling The communication came through.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback, and said, "Stopped? Have you returned to the beast clan's lair?"

"It doesn't look like that. There seem to be many cities on that continent. Damn, a city flew up and blocked the asteroid from approaching. It's the human race!" Huo Ling looked very excited, and he seemed surprised.

"The city is flying?" Gao Jiuding murmured to himself.

"Yes, it is the ancient bronze city we have seen before, no, the city here is not an ancient city, and the runes are not quite similar, but it is even bigger, even bigger than the asteroid of the beast race." Huo Ling Said very excitedly.

"Bring the video live!" Gao Jiuding ordered directly.

Huo Ling executed it immediately, and soon Gao Jiuding saw the situation outside.

As soon as he saw the picture clearly, Gao Jiuding found that the two giants collided together.

The asteroid in the video crashed into a giant city, and then crashed into a vast plain opposite.

The asteroid did not land on the plain, but docked on the plain, and then countless figures appeared.

Gao Jiuding noticed that on the grassland outside the bronze city, a huge torrent rushed out, swirling smoke and dust all over the sky.

This is the Beast Race, the number definitely exceeded one million, and even reached more than 200 million. Such a large army is definitely not a treat for dinner.

Just looking at it, Gao Jiuding knew that these orcs wanted to take advantage of the fire and rob them. They wanted to use the impact just now to directly enter the city.

They did not choose the frontal battlefield, but from the gate of one side of the bronze city. This is the gate of the other side, which is also guarded by countless soldiers.

Boom!The ground shook, and the entire grassland trembled slightly. Countless soldiers on the city wall all changed their expressions.

The war came too fast and too abruptly, but these people were not afraid, but angry.

They saw countless orcs coming from outside the city, and huge beasts rushed towards the city wall.

However, this place was made of bronze, and when they approached, the orcs suddenly discovered that the city was actually very strong, beyond their imagination.

Every inch of the 300-meter-high city wall shone with a strong aura. During the flickering of the aura, countless runes emerged, and their attacks were all blocked by these runes.

"How is it possible that it was forged into a magic weapon?" The leader of the orc clan commander was horrified, obviously frightened.

Thinking that his powerful orc tribes don't have the ability to cast a bronze city into a magic weapon, but the human race here can actually do it?

However, it has already rushed forward and it is impossible to retreat, so it can only bite the bullet and kill.

He secretly thought, what about the magic treasure city?Anyway, under his strong strength, he will be destroyed.

When their orcs face the human race, they all have an advantage, and it is impossible to fail.

At this moment, the human race in the bronze city also reacted.

"Beast race?"

"Dare to attack us?"

"It should be taking advantage of the fire!"

At this time, inside the city, some human masters were angry.

"It's delusional for these orcs to take advantage of the fire and rob them. Let them taste our power!"

"I'm going to kill this orc army." A man with a determined face wanted to kill that orc army.

"Kill!" The commander of the human race finally issued an order. With just one word of the order, the blood of all the human races boiled and they all killed them.

They each led a huge army, and headed towards the outside of the city gate. The bronze gate came, and then countless soldiers rushed out.

The movement of several major legions immediately attracted the attention of the orcs outside.

Boom!The army rushed and collided head-on, bringing certain chaos to the orcs!

In an instant, a tragic battlefield was formed.

Humans and the orcs have not only fought once, they have no fear when they meet everyone, only anger, so everyone's face is excited, and the orcs panic for a while.

"Damn human race, crush it!" The orc commander was also angry. They never thought that they would hit a hard nail this time.

With a single order, ten thousand sub-dragon beasts were killed. This is the confidence of the orc clan. Only three thousand sub-dragon beasts appeared on the other side, and they are definitely not his opponents of ten thousand sub-dragon beasts.

The 15 sub-dragon beasts are generally seven meters high, and the tallest one is even [-] meters high. This is simply a war fortress.

The impact caused by the killing of these giant beasts is extremely huge, and on the human side, even some riders and warriors of the sub-dragon beasts cannot resist, and the only ending is to be crushed.

Roar!However, before the orc giant beast crushed over, there were loud roars from inside the city, as if some terrifying giant beast was roaring.

At this moment, countless human beings inside the city were moved. They watched huge beasts come out one after another.

Each of these giant beasts is ten meters high, and there are thousands of them in number, and these giant beasts are not ordinary beasts, but giants.

The leader is a giant, 25 meters tall, with black hair surging all over his body, and his strong blood is overwhelming, shocking countless creatures inside and outside the city. He is like an ancient demon god.

"It's a divine soldier, the divine general of our clan!" Someone's face became excited, and the master of the human race finally dispatched.

What's even more frightening is that these giants are all resisting a huge bronze pillar, and these are all tailor-made weapons.

Looking at these weapons, one can tell that they are specially cast. They are the 1000 most powerful people in the human race, and they can only show the current scene through the cultivation of supernatural powers.

Gao Jiuding could also see this, he knew that these people used supernatural powers, because the aura outside their bodies was too strong.

Gao Jiuding put away the jade document that he carried with him a long time ago, and sneaked out of the orc asteroid.

He escaped from the orc asteroid following the aftermath of the asteroid hitting the mainland. At this time, he used the invisibility power to hide in the sky above the battlefield.

These giants must have cultivated supernatural powers similar to Faxiang Tiandi, making themselves bigger and carrying more powerful forces, so their combat effectiveness is even more amazing.

It's a pity that this is a physical supernatural power, not a large-scale offensive magical power, so in this kind of battle, you can only rely on numbers to win.

Boom!A thousand huge giants rushed out of the city, and they stalked to kill, which shocked countless orcs into panic.

The breath of these giants was too terrifying, giving people a feeling that they couldn't resist at all, so, in just an instant, a thousand giants waved bronze pillars and killed the vanguard of the orcs.

In this instant, there was a rain of flesh and blood on the battlefield, and countless beast races were brutally blasted into flesh and blood.

Those huge giants one after another are simply terrifying killing machines, and no beast race can resist them.

Even the commander-in-chief of the orc clan was terrified. He was chased and killed by the largest giant, and that huge metal pillar smashed across the air. Broken into pieces.

The violent power caused the orcs to be defeated for a while. Countless orcs roared in horror, screaming and being blasted into flesh.

Even the powerful commander of the orc clan was seriously injured by a pillar, and the horror of the giant was finally reflected.

This is the first time that Gao Jiuding has seen this kind of powerful Dao soldiers in an organized system. Yes, they are Dao soldiers, not the Dao soldiers that Gao Jiuding hastily formed, but the Dao soldiers built by accumulating countless resources over a long period of time.

A group of supernatural beings who practiced the same kind of supernatural power and fought together were really powerful. Once they arrived on the battlefield, nothing could stop them.

Even when those strong beast clans came to kill them, their weapons bombarded them, but there was a clanging sound. The equipment of this group of Taoist soldiers was also good, with bronze armor on their bodies, and those beast clans covered in animal skins could not hurt these giants at all.

Roar!With one loud roar after another, a thousand giants crazily waved the bronze pillars, smashing down one sub-dragon beast after another. If the beast tribe riding the sub-dragon beast couldn't dodge it in time, it would have to be smashed into meat paste.

These sub-dragon beast cavalry are very strong, but what a pity they encountered a thousand armed supernatural beings. Compared with them, they are not at the same level at all.

On the side of the orcs watching the battle from the rear, they haven't collapsed yet, and they are already considered elite.

It was also at this time that some orc leaders really realized that the power hidden in the human battle city was not easy for them to deal with!

"What a terrifying supernatural power!" Gao Jiuding broke into a cold sweat. He felt very bad, because he could see clearly that when those giants waved their bronze sticks to attack, the enemies on the opposite side couldn't dodge at all.

That is to say, this is not simply a magical power of the law, heaven and earth, it also incorporates the field of power, so it can lock the enemy and prevent the enemy from dodging.

Even Gao Jiuding wouldn't dare to say that he was sure against such a group of supernatural beings by simply using strength.

"Charge!" Just after the supernatural beings dispersed the orc team, another order came from inside the bronze city.

Numerous human cavalry came from the city. They brandished their weapons and rode all kinds of fierce beasts to kill the orc team.

As part of the sub-dragon beasts were killed, and most of the remaining orc cavalry were seriously injured, the entire battlefield was directly overwhelming.

This group of orcs was suppressed for the first time, and was hunted down by humans.

Finally, the huge orc army collapsed, countless orcs fled, and countless giant beasts roared miserably!

This is really an incomparably huge change. It is definitely not a fluke that human beings can survive under this starry sky.

"Kill all these orcs, our human race will not be bullied!" roared again and again, and several giant beast cavalry crushed and passed by. They surrounded the entire orc army and carried out ruthless strangulation.

(End of this chapter)

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