The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1346: Deep Space Demon Bird

Chapter 1346: Deep Space Demon Bird
This time the orcs' surprise attack on the human race was originally a siege battle, but because the human race was relatively powerful, this sneak attack turned into a one-sided killing.

By this time, even the commander of the orc clan had been killed. It was unlucky to be overtaken by a 25-meter-tall supernatural being, and killed with a single blow.

The leader of the orc clan was killed, followed by a big collapse, and countless orc clans began to flee.

The orc army was defeated, and the situation stabilized at once. It will be a matter of time before humans win.

On the other side of the mainland, the Beast Legion was a bit stubborn. It was really difficult for this ancient and warlike race to be completely defeated.

In the starry sky, due to gravity, there are only two sides of the flat continental asteroid that are suitable for habitation. At this time, on the other side, the war is in full swing.

Humans have an advantage in numbers, but compared to one-on-one, their strength is much weaker after all.

However, the situation is gradually changing. With the attack of some strong people from the human race, the battle situation gradually began to stabilize.

"Oh Human Race, I, the Beast Race, will not let you go!" A shrill scream came, waking up countless humans in the battlefield. Of course, countless Beast Race soldiers were also alarmed. Scared the heart to stop.

I saw a figure flashing over, grabbing the body of a strong beast race with both hands, with both arms exerted force, with a hissing sound, blood sprayed the sky, and the strong beast race was torn in half, so dead that he could not live die.

At this moment, the man's power reached its peak, and a terrifying aura permeated the entire battlefield.

"Human race!" shouted loudly, and then countless people roared up to the sky: "Human race."

As if stimulated by this loud roar, the blood of all the human race on the battlefield boiled, and their blood was stimulated, smashing all the cowardly breath into a sharp edge.

Even Gao Jiuding, who was hidden on the other side of the mainland, saw this scene through the Huoling broadcast, his blood boiled, which let Gao Jiuding know that he is of the same blood as the human race not far away, the same race.

How many light-years apart are the human races actually connected by blood?
This point, now Gao Jiuding has no doubts at all, because the performance of Qi and blood in his body cannot be faked.

All the people participating in the battle, whether physically or mentally, became stronger after being watered with the blood of the beast race.

"Kill, the human race is immortal!" It is not clear who roared, and then, countless human race cavalry broke out.

The orcs dared to attack the war city of the human race, it was courting death, and only by defeating this army of orcs and showing the unyielding will of the human race, could other races be awed.

That is an aura of invincibility, no matter who it is, as long as they integrate into this big group, they will be excited and fight to the death!
It has to be said that the strong man of the human race is a master of war. He is very good at inspiring momentum. With just a few simple words from him, the aura of countless human soldiers became stronger and their will was condensed. , into the unyielding fighting spirit belonging to the human race.

Gao Jiuding was suspended above the sky, looking down at the entire battlefield. At this moment, his mind was extremely calm. He watched countless beast races being killed!

And the human race seems to be getting stronger and stronger, amidst the roar of the breath, the blood of the human race soldiers rushed to the nine heavens.

At this moment, in the boundless and vast starry sky, it seems that there are countless strong people, countless powerful races, who have sensed this blood.

The human race should not be humiliated, and not everyone can provoke the human race. Under this starry sky, if you want to bully the human race, you must pay the price in blood.

On the city wall, countless people's blood boiled with enthusiasm, and they watched the terrifying battle outside the city.

The beast clan came here and wanted to use the blood of the human race to water the glory of the beast clan, but unfortunately they were defeated. The commander of the beast clan died in battle, and then one by one the powerful beast clan was killed.

In the end, the entire orc army was defeated. At this time, most of the orcs had no contact with the human race, but turned around and fled.

The entire battlefield formed a one-sided slaughter, with countless human giant beast cavalry chasing and killing the orcs.

"Kill!" roars resounded across the battlefield.

It was a pity that a race that was originally strong was completely collapsed after being killed.

Under the leadership of the leader of the human race, several giant beast legions finally defeated these 200 million orc warriors!
With the defeated enemy army, they are chasing and killing, and they vow to kill these orc warriors.

At this moment, the glory belongs to the human race, and all the participants in the battle have obtained a great transformation, forming a powerful transformation from the inside out, incarnating a truly powerful self-confidence, standing upright.

At the same time, at another gate of the city, there was a battlefield that was coming to an end.

Over there, it was the place where the army of millions of orcs attacked, but it was a pity that they were defeated by a team of thousands of magicians from the human race.

The [-] sub-dragon beast cavalry of the beast race were severely injured by a thousand supernatural powers, and even some powerful beast races were killed.

The entire orc army was killed outside the city before they could enter the city. This is a proof of the strength of the human race.

Now the human warriors here are already able to kill the enemy outside the city instead of being killed by the enemy inside the city. This is an amazing transformation. In a dangerous environment, those who can survive until now Race, the strength is definitely not weak, but even so, millions of orcs were defeated in a short time.

"Kill all these orcs!" roared one after another on the battlefield, as the orcs fled in defeat, they were chased by human cavalry.

At this moment, the war is coming to an end, the victory belongs to the human race, the prestige belongs to the human race, and the glory also belongs to the human race.

Gao Jiuding kept floating in the void, overlooking the entire battlefield. He didn't go down to help. He knew that no matter what race he was at this time, he couldn't stop the indomitable momentum of human beings.

The human race here is very strong, and even has an aura of arrogance.

A human race with such an aura is a powerful human race. Only after countless bloody battles can the humans here form such a strong self-confidence.

Yep?Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's expression froze, and he turned to stare into the distance.

He felt that an extremely depressing aura was rapidly approaching here from a distance, as if something terrible was coming here.

Soon, his face became very serious.

Gao Jiuding looked at the distant sky, where a black spot was approaching rapidly.

Looking from here, nothing was found, but as the black spot got closer, it was suddenly discovered that it was a large cloud.

The rumbling thick dark clouds, tumbling and surging, quickly swept towards here.

In the thick black cloud, there was a terrifying aura, and the tragic smell was overwhelming, attracting the attention of countless humans and beasts on the earth.

Many of the mounts seemed a little flustered. They were shocked by the tragic aura, and they seemed a little restless, as if there were terrible things hidden inside the dark clouds.

"What's that?" At this moment, countless people were attracted on the city wall. They watched the dark clouds rolling in from the void, and felt a terrible crisis.

The dark cloud came roaring, causing turmoil in all directions, as if there was a terrifying demonic energy within it, about to engulf the entire city.

Even the light on the void was blocked, the light on the entire continent was dim, and soon the entire sky was darkened.

Everyone, including the several major legions that were chasing and killing the remnants of the orcs, all stopped, and they returned quickly, because they also felt that the dark cloud was extraordinary.

"Could it be that another powerful race came here?" Many people were surprised, but they were still furious in their hearts. Just after killing a big clan, another guy who didn't know what to do or die came over. Are they easy to bully when they are human race?

All human beings, sensing the overwhelming power, are not only not afraid, but even more angry.

This time and again, being bullied to the door was simply unbearable.

"Deceive my human race?" Countless people yelled angrily. They exuded strong blood energy from their bodies, forming a huge smoke of blood energy that enveloped the sky above the city. Started and swept across thousands of miles.

This majestic blood energy is the blood energy condensed by tens of millions of people, and belongs to the most masculine and strong blood energy of the human race. This kind of blood energy sweeps across the void for thousands of miles, completely shaking the dark clouds that swept across the sky. scattered.

hiss!As the dark clouds broke away, revealing the scene inside, countless people gasped.

In that dark cloud, there was a huge monster hovering, its body was unbelievably huge.

This is a ferocious bird, the whole body is filled with black air, the whole body is black, exuding a monstrous fierce air.

At this time, the ominous bird was surrounded by a black air, and the black air was burning like a magic fire, and the void was scorched to ripples, as if it was about to shatter.

Such power is terrifying, even suffocating.

"Grandma, is there such a big bird!" Some people were dumbfounded. They stared at the black clouds above the sky after they collapsed, revealing a huge and fierce bird.

Seen from the bottom up, the ferocious bird was pitch-black, with bright feathers exuding a metallic luster, and a pair of giant claws shone coldly.

When it spreads its wings, it is 800 meters long, which is simply unbelievably huge.

Everyone has never seen such a huge ferocious bird, let alone such a monstrous and terrifying existence. It is impossible to imagine how it grew up with a huge thing of hundreds of meters.

It stands above the void, motionless, with two eyes as big as a cow, shining with a blood-red luster, reflecting an incomparably brutal murderous intent, shocking people's hearts.

Chirp!With a ferocious cry, the ferocious bird stared at the city below, and the blood energy of countless human beings gathered below. In addition to the battle just now, the energy and blood emitted were even more majestic. This is the reason that attracted it to come.

Roar!With a roar, a huge supernatural being jumped up first. He swung a huge metal pillar and struck across the sky!
With a bang, the dark clouds broke, and the raptor backed away with a slight vibration.

 Thanks to the King of Heaven and Earth, Supreme Xuanwu, oh, I lost my brother's reward before!
(End of this chapter)

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