The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1347 The Wonder of the Void

Chapter 1347 The Wonder of the Void
"Void monster? Deep space demon bird? Demonic energy is soaring!" Seeing this demon bird, Gao Jiuding thought he saw the headless demon god!

Gao Jiuding stared at the sky very cautiously, his aura was concealed, and he was hiding and staring at the huge demonic bird that was still in the void!
This guy's body is really too huge, even if he doesn't move, just exuding breath is frightening.

Even Gao Jiuding felt the slightest threat from such a huge demonic bird!

At this time, is it eyeing the huge blood of the human race, and wants to swallow the entire human race in the city?

At this time, the human warriors were entangled with the orcs, and the orcs, who saw hope, did not let the human races go, so at this time, the human legion could not escape at all. Whether it was a master or an ordinary soldier, they were all trapped in the battle formation. among.

Seeing that the devil bird was about to pounce on the bronze city not far away, Gao Jiuding's expression changed, and he finally decided to reveal his figure.

At this time, he was wearing bronze armor, holding an ancient stove in his hand, and rushed up with a loud shout.

If you want to integrate into the human race here, you will naturally have to hand in your name certificate. This time's battle can be regarded as a invitation!
Of course, even if he had no other purpose, it was impossible for Gao Jiuding to refuse to save him.

Seeing the devil bird staring at him vigilantly, Gao Jiuding's expression froze, and he threw the huge stove without any hesitation.

Countless people saw Gao Jiuding flying past, he held onto the huge stove to block the mighty monster.

In an instant, Gao Jiuding stood on top of the void, holding an incomparably huge stove in his hand, and killed the huge bird of prey in the void!
Gao Jiuding's actions caught the attention of the devil bird, and its huge eyes stared over.

Chirp!There was another ferocious cry, the devil bird moved, its wings waved, and the wind howled immediately, forming a terrifying storm of devil energy and rolling towards Gao Jiuding, it wanted to fly this little creature away.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding didn't dodge, his whole body was boiling with murderous intent, and he approached the devil bird.

Outside of his body, a powerful edge emerged, which belonged to his fighting spirit.

This is a defensive method similar to protecting the body. Gao Jiuding got the cultivation method, but he has never practiced it. Before coming here, he only deduced it a little bit. Unexpectedly, it will be used!
Since he wanted to integrate into this place, he naturally had to use the practice routines here.

The battle qi derived from the protective qi has considerable power. At this moment, with Gao Jiuding fully erupting, the battle qi soared into the sky, and with a bang, it hit the huge monster bird.

Chirp!At this moment, countless people saw that the furnace above the void exuded a monstrous power, which belonged to the power of an ancient weapon, and finally a part of it was stimulated, causing great trauma to the demon bird.

This blow not only contained all of Gao Jiuding's fighting spirit and power, but also the ancient power of an ancient weapon, so this blow directly penetrated the huge demonic bird's body, piercing its wings.

A stream of blood sprayed out, immediately turned into a black cloud, and spread to the surroundings.

The pitch-black blood, like the devil blood from hell, exudes monstrous devil energy. This is the blood of the devil bird, which exists like devil energy, or it is simply the product of the condensation of devil energy.

Everyone looked at Gao Jiuding in surprise, they didn't expect him to hurt the devil bird with one blow!
They saw huge feathers falling from the sky, and even saw Gao Jiuding's brow gleaming with blood!
After injuring the devil bird, Gao Jiuding did not stop his movements. He broke through the sky and killed the devil bird again.

This devil bird is too big, so naturally it is not very flexible, but Gao Jiuding's attack power is enough, it is not difficult to hurt this devil bird.

However, it is not so easy to kill this huge demon bird.

Seeing Gao Jiuding rushing towards him, the devil bird finally realized the threat. It turned around quickly, and as soon as it spread its wings, it flew away with the devilish energy all over the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"Run away?" Gao Jiuding was a little annoyed, there was blood in the center of his brow, but he calmed down in the end.

He just thought, if this devil bird is very powerful, he will directly get into the body of the devil bird and devour it.

The blood shadow magic skill is not practiced for nothing, as long as he turns into blood light, Gao Jiuding is almost an immortal existence.

It's a pity that the mighty devil bird might have sensed the danger, so it just spread its wings and flew away.

This situation made Gao Jiuding a little disappointed. This devil bird is very powerful. Its body and blood are treasures, but it is a pity that it ran away.

The countless human beings below were shocked. They only saw Gao Jiuding's blow to the sky, which immediately severely injured the huge demon bird, and then the terrifying demon bird ran away.

grunt!Someone swallowed and spit, feeling a little dry.

These people really did not expect that among their human race, there are such powerful masters.

In this city, whether it is the city lord or the deputy city lord, or even the commanders of the major legions, all have powerful forces that these people cannot match. They are a deterrent, and their presence can deter the surrounding starry sky.

However, anyone who saw the power of the demon bird just now knew that it was not easy to deal with, but the sudden appearance of a human master scared it away!
"Unfortunately, when this devil bird came, we were unable to kill all those beast races." At this time, many commanders who came back to their senses were all regretful, feeling a little regretful that they could not kill all those beast races.

"Those fleeing orcs must not be far away, why don't we kill their battle stars?"

"Hey, where's that master from my clan? Why did he disappear too?" At this moment, Gao Jiuding was nowhere to be seen.

Everyone on the human side felt relaxed, but on the orc side, the atmosphere was not good.

The orc rushed to the edge of the human battle city, thinking of plundering, but unfortunately, things were worse.

Because the arrival of the devil bird gave them a chance to breathe. At this time, their battle star was leaving the mainland and flying towards the distance.

Don't think about it, the orcs have suffered a lot, and they are trying to escape.

No one saw that Gao Jiuding took advantage of the chaos to follow the retreating orc soldiers and hid in the orc battle star again.

Gao Jiuding really didn't expect that this seemingly primitive asteroid is so flexible, it can fly freely like Zhancheng, and it is more free than Zhancheng.

Now that we met, Gao Jiuding naturally wanted to study it carefully.

It just so happened that the Orcs lost a big battle. It shouldn't be as tight as before, right?
This is Gao Jiuding's opportunity. Gao Jiuding really wants to follow this group of beasts and study them well.

Also, these orcs seem to have some secrets, for example, they are a group of wandering pirates, as long as they find a chance, they will grab a ticket.

But this time it aimed at the flat continental asteroid, but unexpectedly knocked off the front teeth.

Through the words and phrases during the war, Gao Jiuding knew that this pirate-like beast race also had its own secret base. Now that this group of guys have lost a lot, they should hide in their secret base and recuperate for a while, right?

And Gao Jiuding was also interested in their secret base, because Gao Jiuding also wanted such a base.

As for the former Human Race Continent, it's not that Gao Jiuding didn't want to stay, but after thinking about it in the end, he gave up because he didn't have much future for development there.

If he was alone, he would naturally have to rely on a large force. However, he was not alone. If he had so many subordinates, if they all came over, how big a base would it need?
Therefore, Gao Jiuding decided not to do anything, but to follow this group of orc bandits, planning to take over the magpie's nest.

In the following time, Gao Jiuding began to retreat again. Of course, the Huoling battleship that stayed outside did not forget to track down this orc asteroid.

During this period of time, Gao Jiuding can be regarded as gaining insight. He has encountered too many strange things along the way, such as the big tree growing in the void, and the branches grow in the void. Even the root system is coiled in the void, how does this grow?
Of course, these are tree monsters, which are different from ordinary plants, so after encountering this kind of void forest, even those ferocious orcs can only take a detour.

Others include Nether Lake, Nether Mist, Netherstorm, and more.

In this starry sky, after all, it is not a vacuum, so it is not surprising what kind of phenomenon occurs.

Of course, there are more races and civilizations here, such as the gathering place of the Blood Race that Gao Jiuding has seen, and some gathering places of the Fire Clan and Jinshi Clan with a small population, and even the Wood Clan, Shui Clan and other races.

Many races here have a long history, such as the Fire Tribe, Shui Tribe, and Jinshi Tribe. Although there are not many in number, they are very powerful.

Along the way, those orcs robbed twice more, one time they robbed a group of eagle-headed monsters with wings, and the other time they robbed a group of fish monsters.

Gao Jiuding also noticed that these two ethnic groups have their own civilization, but their technological civilization is relatively low-level, even if they practice civilization, it is only a crude body-building civilization.

Therefore, neither of these two groups blocked the orcs, and were robbed of everything. Even the entire group was plundered by the orcs and entered the asteroid, which seemed to be used as food or for alchemy.

Seeing such a cruel genocide war, Gao Jiuding could only wipe off his cold sweat and continue to struggle.

If the previous human city was breached, the fate of those human races would be the fate of the eagle-headed clan and fish clan at this time.

After wandering around for more than half a year, after the orcs restored order, they speeded up.

Gao Jiuding noticed that the environment here is more complex, and there are more large and small planets inhabited by civilizations.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also understood the operation method of the orc asteroid, that is, the battle star. This battle star must be a transformed asteroid, which is densely covered with a large number of formations, and its flight depends entirely on A huge flying array.

The power is a spiritual vein in the center of the asteroid, and it is a large spiritual vein. It is this large spiritual vein that drives the prohibition formation on the entire asteroid, and the most peculiar thing is the defensive formation and power. Array.

(End of this chapter)

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