Chapter 1349
On this day, Gao Jiuding came to a large mountain, but encountered some troubles.

Roar!From among the mountains in the distance, there was a fierce roar, and the sound could be said to be earth-shattering.

From a distance, Gao Jiuding could feel the terrible ferocious aura, which caused countless powerful beasts to flee.

As they got closer, the feeling became stronger. It can be said that the power was overwhelming, and all the beasts that were close were crouching and trembling.

This terrible deterrence came from a powerful beast, but the situation of this beast was not very good at this time.

In the middle of the mountain, a mess of trees collapsed, and amidst the smoke and dust, a figure was vaguely seen standing on a huge corpse. It was a two-headed tiger.

This tiger has two heads and is ten meters tall. Its body is pitch-black, and its fur is shining with astonishing luster. Unfortunately, on the foreheads of the two heads, the bloody king character has been shattered, and its brain has burst to death. It was killed by bombardment.

Such a weird double-headed tiger has a huge and terrifying body, its own bloodline is even stronger, and its strength is also very fierce. It is the king of this area, but it is a pity that it was slaughtered by Gao Jiuding.

However, Gao Jiuding was not happy at this time, because this jungle was too big and too dangerous.

At this time, Gao Jiuding stood on the two-headed tiger corpse, staring not far away with a serious expression.

His armor was broken and bloodstained, obviously he had experienced a fierce battle.

On the opposite side, a terrifying power swept over, suppressing all directions.

It was a dragon's power, and the tragic breath was suffocating. This breath came from the giant monster not far away.

This is a dragon, 20 meters tall, so it can't hide its figure. Of course, it didn't think about attacking Gao Jiuding.

This behemoth was attracted by the battle just now, or it was attracted by the blood energy generated by the battle just now.

It was the first time for Gao Jiuding to see a dragon-like beast with real dragon blood. It was not a real dragon, but it had relatively pure dragon blood.

This is not a sub-dragon beast, but a real dragon with dragon blood, although it doesn't look like the legendary dragon.

Gao Jiuding has seen the sub-dragon clan before, and is also very familiar with the pure dragon blood aura, so naturally he will not admit his mistake.

A creature that looks like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, not a snake-like dragon, what kind of dragon is this?

"Master, this should be the legendary wild dragon here, not a purebred dragon, but it is also very powerful!"

Hiding in Gao Jiuding's sea of ​​blood space, Huo Ling hadn't forgotten to observe the surrounding situation, so he reminded Gao Jiuding immediately.

"Earth wild dragon? Earth-type beast?" Gao Jiuding checked the information, this thing is really difficult to deal with!

Of course, Gao Jiuding has many means, and it seems that it is not difficult to kill it if he really wants to, but it is not good for the improvement of strength.

The wild dragon of the earth is a kind of land overlord, and even some sky overlords are no match.

Now Gao Jiuding is standing in front of such a wild dragon, it is 20 meters tall and looks very domineering.

The whole body of the Desolate Dragon was pitch-black, shining with a strong spiritual light, making his body look like jade, shining with jade luster, just from this appearance, it can be seen that the hardness of its skin and flesh must be scary.

That ferocious dragon head had two sharp horns on its top, exuding an astonishingly cold light.

The mouth full of fangs exudes a blood-colored light, and the most terrifying thing is the pair of dragon eyes, which are reflected like lanterns, giving people a strong sense of suffocation.

"The blood of this wild dragon is very pure." This is Gao Jiuding's judgment. He sensed the breath of this wild dragon and knew that its blood was of a high level.

What surprised him the most was that this dragon had a pair of sharp horns, and even those huge forelimbs were densely covered with a kind of scales. Are these dragon scales?

Ordinary ferocious beasts have only one kind of horny skin without scales, but this wild dragon in front of him has armor like fish scales. Gao Jiuding looks like a kind of dragon scales. The scales shone with a black luster. It's not easy to provoke.

However, the wild dragon in front of him was a little vigilant. It stared at the small figure, looking very cautious, because it felt a powerful threat from this little thing, which was an intuition cultivated from countless battles.

Gao Jiuding was also very cautious. The aura of the wild dragon in front of him was terrifying. It may have the strength of the late stage of the fourth turn. Even if it doesn't know supernatural powers, its combat power is still very impressive, mainly because it has a dragon scale for protection.

Gao Jiuding knew that with such a defensive power, even if he used a magic weapon, it would be impossible to break through the defense. This has been proved many times among the void monsters.

The best weapons to deal with this kind of beasts are actually locally produced war spears and long spears. This kind of heavenly weapon can better break through the defenses of these beasts.

"The blood of this wild dragon is probably a bit of the blood of a real dragon in the myth!" Gao Jiuding said with his eyes shining after feeling the strength of the wild dragon.

The barren dragon in front of him had a pair of horns, and its forelimbs seemed to have turned into a pair of dragon claws. It could be said to be a real dragon.

The blood of the dragon clan is a treasure everywhere. This thing can not only be devoured and refined directly to strengthen one's own blood, it is also very useful for refining alchemy.

Such top-level bloodline beasts are extinct on the other side of the earth, and I don't know what's going on here, and why there are so many of them.

Roar!A dragon roar sounded, and the wild dragon was already impatient, it rushed up and bit down.

It wanted to swallow this little prey, and even though his aura was dangerous, it still couldn't stop the overlord's attack.

Huanglong is so powerful and domineering, but Gao Jiuding is not weak, but in an instant, Gao Jiuding escaped the swift and violent surprise attack.

boom!There was a shock, the ground roared, smoke and dust rolled up the gravel and flew up, and the huge two-headed tiger's body was even thrown out, breaking a big tree.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was in the void, full of blood and energy. As soon as he fell, he directly swung his fist and smashed it down.

With a bang, the wild dragon reacted quickly, flicked its tail, and hit Gao Jiuding, blocking the punch.

However, the power of this punch was too strong, causing some blood to ooze from the tail of the wild dragon.

The splash of dragon blood convinced Gao Jiuding that the attack method he used was correct.

Since he couldn't break Huanglong's defense, Gao Jiuding used his dark energy to directly attack the muscles under Huanglong's scales!

Sure enough, it worked. It's really not for nothing to practice supernatural powers across mountains.

This situation stimulated the ferocity of the wild dragon, and it kept roaring, but it was Cheng Yaojin's three-axe, as if it had no other supernatural powers except tail flicking, biting, and pounce.

At this time, the wild dragon bit down on the figure falling in the void again.

boom!A fist hit, and with a bang, Gao Jiuding flew up again with the help of the counter-shock!

Now Gao Jiuding is also cautious, this Desolate Dragon's defense is really strong, he has to be cautious.

In the blow just now, Gao Jiuding felt that the force from his arm was very strong. Even if he used the supernatural power to beat cattle across the mountain, he couldn't even hurt Huanglong's head.

This barren dragon, full of evil spirits, even formed a substantial domain, rolled up into the sky, forming a powerful impact, and instantly sent Gao Jiuding flying, making it impossible for him to continue to attack.

As soon as Gao Jiuding fell to the ground, he saw a terrifying shadow approaching in an instant.

The wild dragon bit down with a big bite, and its fangs were thick, revealing in front of Gao Jiuding's eyes, which put a very strong pressure on Gao Jiuding.

"Kill!" Gao Jiuding yelled angrily, unleashed his punches and blasted away.

The air was turbulent for a while, and the ripples radiated, shaking the surrounding trees to sway.

His strength reached the extreme, and with the vibration of his blood, a huge shock wave was gushed out, causing huge damage to the surrounding environment.

With one punch, Gao Jiuding shook the void in front of him!

The wild dragon's body trembled, as if it couldn't bear this terrible blow.

However, Gao Jiuding's blow still didn't hurt it, and even the skin was broken a little bit. From this, it can be proved that the defensive power of this wild dragon is extremely amazing.

boom!Then, a claw roared over!

With a bang, Gao Jiuding blocked it with his fist.

But this time, Gao Jiuding was sent flying out.

Gao Jiuding looked at the opposite Huanglong in surprise, he only felt the horror of this wild dragon at this time.

Because Gao Jiuding was on top of the dragon's claws, he actually felt a force breaking the defense.

This kind of power can directly penetrate his attack and act on his fist. Is this the power of piercing armor?It can't be the supernatural power of fighting cattle across the mountain, right?

This should be Huanglong's innate ability, which even Gao Jiuding finds it difficult.

The destruction caused by this outburst of power is staggering, and nothing can stop the pair of dragon claws.

Ow!The wild dragon roared, and waved a pair of terrifying dragon claws. Whatever it caught was crushed, trees were broken, rocks were shattered, it was really unstoppable.

Gao Jiuding kept avoiding, he felt the huge pressure from Huanglong.

On that huge body, there was a jet of black gas, which was the supernatural power from the dragon clan.

It is this kind of power that poses a huge threat to Gao Jiuding. If this power is not broken, let alone killing this mighty wild dragon, it is hard to say that Gao Jiuding can escape with his life.

drink!Gao Jiuding yelled again and again, and fought with Huanglong in front of him.

One big and one small, the power of both of them is very terrifying, within a radius of [-] meters, they are all affected by the war.

A gust of fist wind swept over, the rock shattered, turned into ashes and dissipated.

And with the sweep of the wild dragon's tail, the trees collapsed and flew across the sky, setting off huge smoke and dust, covering the sky, and the scene was terrifying.

Boom, a rocky mountain collapsed, and it sank down with a roar. It was smashed to pieces by the wild dragon.

The huge dragon's head bit down fiercely, and a small section of the rocky mountain was bitten off, and the terrifying dragon's claws waved, causing the entire mountain to vibrate and collapse.

In the smoke and dust, Gao Jiuding was always looking for an opportunity. He didn't think about killing this wild dragon that had already started to transform into a dragon, but whether he could be seriously injured and then refined into an incarnation?
(End of this chapter)

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