Chapter 1350
If he really wants to catch this wild dragon, even if he doesn't use it, his subordinates can still use it in the future.

After all, real dragons are very rare. Even if its appearance is a bit ugly, even if its strength at this time is far behind that of real dragons. It is not what Gao Jiuding thinks of dragons. This wild dragon is also a rare material for incarnation.

Gao Jiuding has never cultivated the fierce beast in this starry sky, so he doesn't know the effect, but he knows that it can be cultivated. At this time, he wants to kill this wild dragon first, and then try to cultivate it. Look, if you can practice according to his ideas, then there is no problem.

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding erupted directly, his blood sea space vibrated, and the rich blood and qi erupted like a volcano, erupting with a terrifying force.

This is his fighting spirit, and the energy and blood that this fighting spirit spurs out is vast and boundless.

Therefore, what greeted it was a terrifying fist, a fist intertwined with runes, which finally hit its chest.

Up to now, Gao Jiuding has also figured out some applications of battle qi. With the ancient runes, his fists can stimulate the battle qi. Otherwise, the battle qi will hurt Gao Jiuding himself before killing the enemy.

boom!The fighting spirit erupted, and with the blow of the fist, the void in all directions suddenly calmed down, as if time and space stopped at this instant.

And the huge wild dragon was hit once, and then flew out with a bang, drawing a ravine that was [-] meters long.

Gao Jiuding's power is not only terrifying, but also the fighting spirit in his body is extremely terrifying. When he burst out, he was as strong as a wild dragon, and he couldn't stop it. Just this time, the wild dragon was sent flying, and blood spilled all over the ground.

The bright red dragon's blood was as heavy as gold, and as hot as fire, even withered yellow leaves were burned on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Gao Jiuding was taken aback. He didn't expect that the dragon's blood was so hot that it could ignite these leaves?
Roar!Huanglong roared, its huge body struggled to get up, but unfortunately Gao Jiuding would not give him a chance, he swung his fist and smashed it!
There was a rumbling turmoil, the ground shattered and trees fell.

This huge wild dragon was almost crushed and beaten by Gao Jiuding. With his fighting spirit erupting, even the mighty dragon clan couldn't resist its power and could only whine miserably.

The beating lasted for a long time. The originally domineering Huanglong, the noble and powerful dragon clan, was beaten to death at this moment, with no power to resist.

"Not bad, let's try again!" Gao Jiuding's face was full of excitement, this wild dragon is very powerful, if he didn't use his fighting spirit, he really couldn't take it down.

Now, he is going to try to refine it, to refine this wild dragon into an incarnation.

Compared with the void monsters and sub-dragon beasts encountered before, this wild dragon has better aptitude. Even those void monsters who can exert powerful domain power are not necessarily higher than this wild dragon. .

Gao Jiuding is already very proficient at the blood soul spell. He quickly carved it out with his own blood, forming a mysterious blood-colored character in the void, and finally split into two halves, one half flew into Huanglong's forehead, and the other half flew into his On the forehead, a mark similar to the blood slave mark was formed.

With the passage of time, the blood soul spell used by Gao Jiuding at this time has been very different from the original one. After all, this spell is too useful. As long as he has time, Gao Jiuding will study it.

He combined the soul restraint, blood spell, blood slave mark, etc., and fused the current blood soul spell. It can be said that as long as he successfully casts a trace of his blood into the soul of other creatures, it will be like possessing The cone of bone, no matter how difficult it is to remove.

As long as the blood soul spell is successfully cast, no matter how powerful the beast is, Gao Jiuding can easily control it.

Up to now, the blood soul spell can make Huanglong give up himself more conveniently. In the future, Gao Jiuding can go a step further and directly assimilate Huanglong's soul. At that time, it will be an incarnation of Gao Jiuding.

Roar!Perhaps it felt that its soul was imprisoned, and the dying dragon immediately struggled frantically. It roared furiously and ferociously. The sound was terrifying and earth-shattering, causing countless creatures to panic.

Ow!Angry dragon roars erupted from the wild dragon's mouth from time to time, and then the cloud of smoke and dust shot up into the sky, and the huge wild dragon rolled in it, struggling violently, kicking up countless rubble.

This wild dragon is 20 meters high and 40 meters long. Its movement is like a seven or eight-story building rolling, and the impact it causes is too great.

However, such a huge jungle overlord was easily suppressed by Gao Jiuding.

As the wild dragon gradually calmed down, a bloody light flashed between its brows. When the bloody barrenness completely disappeared, Gao Jiuding's spell would be successfully cast.

Gao Jiuding breathed a sigh of relief, he almost failed just now.

This situation surprised him a little. He didn't expect the spirits of the Dragon Clan to be unexpectedly powerful, and it was difficult to make them surrender. Could this be the pride of the Dragon Clan?

Unfortunately, in the end, under Gao Jiuding's brute force, he was successfully enslaved.

However, it was right to think about it, such a powerful wild dragon must be difficult to enslave.

Gao Jiuding almost failed just now, mainly because he didn't expect Huanglong's resistance to be so fierce.

Fortunately, Gao Jiuding's soul has become much stronger recently, so he didn't fail, and the result of failure is that his consciousness is severely damaged, while Huanglong's soul is annihilated and dies. Such a result is definitely not what Gao Jiuding wants.

Roar!The soul was affected by the blood soul curse, and the wild dragon roared softly, appearing weak, but it was surrendering.

However, it itself was seriously injured, and now it had no strength at all, so naturally it couldn't stand up, and could only lie there panting.

Gao Jiuding looked at the wild dragon in amazement. At this moment, the will of the wild dragon was not much affected by him.

If it was an ordinary ferocious beast, he should have lost himself at this time, right?

Gao Jiuding observed this wild dragon carefully, not to mention other things, but the aura on his body, it is worth studying carefully.

That layer of aura seemed to form mysterious runes, and these runes were engraved on Huanglong's scales.

Gao Jiuding saw traces of traces on the scales, intertwined with each other, forming scales engraved with beautiful runes one after another. Is this the ability manifested by the blood?

It should belong to innate supernatural powers or bloodline supernatural powers, and the bloodline of this wild dragon is still improving.

Only when the purity of the blood veins gradually increases, can the power of the blood veins be manifested outside the body.

"This is for you!" Gao Jiuding took out a bucket of fairy spring gold liquid and poured it directly for Huanglong to drink.

The wild dragon is not stupid, on the contrary, its wisdom is very high, otherwise the spirit would not be strong!
Feeling that it was a good thing, Huanglong opened his huge dragon mouth, swallowed all the spiritual liquid with one gulp, leaving nothing behind.

This stream of psychic fluid contained majestic energy, instantly sweeping across Huanglong's body.

The efficacy of Xianquan Jinye is undeniable, especially when it is first used, the efficacy is even more astonishing.

Therefore, Huanglong's injury can be said to have recovered in an instant, and then the medicinal power of the fairy spring gold liquid continued to spread, and began to improve, temper or purify the blood in Huanglong's body.

As the golden liquid from the fairy spring continued to spread to all parts of Huanglong's body, the aura of Huanglong became stronger and stronger. In just a short while, it was about half stronger than before.

Seeing this situation, Gao Jiuding was shocked. He stared at Huanglong standing up in front of him, and jumped up excitedly.

With such qualifications, what else can he say?Gao Jiuding couldn't be more embarrassed to have such a big improvement after just swallowing so much Xianquan gold liquid!
Gao Jiuding stood on Huanglong's body, and then, a boom came!
The earth trembled, the trees collapsed rumblingly, and the speed of the wild dragon was so fast that it could be said to be crushed all the way.

At this moment, Lin Yigao Jiuding felt extremely comfortable.

Catching a wild dragon instead of walking, and it is still such a huge wild dragon, this is much better than the fierce beast he encountered before, even a sub-dragon beast like Niulong is incomparable.

With the wild dragon, Gao Jiuding could hurry on his way. On the way, countless beasts fled one after another. They were all intimidated by the might of the wild dragon, and none of them dared to stop them.

Gao Jiuding looked very speechless, there was no beast blocking the way, so how could he sharpen it?Also, those ferocious beasts are all his harvest.

In fact, Gao Jiuding was like stepping on ants to kill these ferocious beasts that even the might of the Huanglong could not resist, and there was really no chance to sharpen them.

Even the wild dragon under him can't play any role in sharpening.

Gao Jiuding could only lament, it seemed that he wanted to sharpen his body, but he couldn't do it here, which made him feel a little disappointed.

Yep?Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's expression changed, he stared at the distant mountain, and felt that there was a different atmosphere there.

He pondered for a while, his heart suddenly moved, and he remembered this relatively familiar wave of breath.

This aura was actually the same as that of the beast race, which aroused Gao Jiuding's curiosity.

He ordered Huanglong to approach it quickly, he wanted to see what happened, if it was a beast race, he would kill it, because Gao Jiuding felt that it must not be the top expert among the beast race.

It is human instinct to bully the weak and fear the strong, and to bully the weak, and Gao Jiuding is no exception.

There was a slight vibration in the mountain, and then it became stronger and stronger, attracting the attention of a group of people.

This is a group of orc warriors. They are hiding and resting here, but their faces are not very good-looking.

"What's going on, is there a ferocious beast coming?" A team leader of the orc clan asked with a suspicious expression on his face.

Behind him was a large group of people, at least 100 in number.

The aura of these orc warriors is very powerful and can deter some ferocious beasts, but in Gao Jiuding's feeling, that's not the case.

Such a group of guys, I really don't know who gave them the confidence to walk in here.

Just for a while, as the shock came, the faces of the more than 100 orcs became more serious, and they felt a powerful aura approaching quickly.

 Thank you for the reward of 200 coins from the brother who poisoned you ten thousand times, and thanks to the brother who is the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!
(End of this chapter)

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