Chapter 1351 Soul Search
boom!Sure enough, the trees in front shook, and a huge rock was torn apart, sending up a cloud of smoke and dust.

However, when a huge monster rushed out of the smoke, the faces of these orcs finally changed.

The leader of the orc clan leader exclaimed in horror: "It's the wild dragon of the land, and its blood is pure. It has already grown some dragon scales. It is powerful. We are not opponents."

"Damn it, is there someone on this wild dragon?" a beast soldier shouted in shock.

Then, all the orc warriors were terrified, because they saw a figure standing on top of the wild dragon, and it was still a human being.

They are bereaved dogs on this continent ruled by the human race. Now they want to run away when they see the human race. What's more, seeing such a scene, a human coming riding a 20-meter-high wild dragon, how can this make them not afraid?
"Run!" I don't know who yelled, more than 100 orc warriors turned their heads immediately, and they started to escape riding some giant beasts, but Gao Jiuding, who was standing on Huanglong's body, had a slight sneer on his face.

He stared at the fleeing orcs, and when he moved his footsteps, the wild dragon under him roared and rushed forward. It still made the same move, opened its mouth and swallowed the two orcs and their mounts in one gulp.

This is a terrible scene, which made the remaining orc warriors even more frightened, and they ran away frantically.

It's a pity, how could these orc cavalry outrun the wild dragon under Gao Jiuding?

Sure enough, within a few moments, screams came from the jungle. More than 100 ordinary orc cavalry were swallowed up by the ferocious wild dragon, and none of them slipped through. Only the most powerful orc captain remained.

"Human race, you bully me orc race and no one." The captain roared sternly, staring at the Huanglong who was walking step by step, already trembling with fright.

Since ancient times, death has always been difficult, and no one is not afraid of death, even the mighty orcs are no exception.

Knowing that he must die, the leader of the orc clan was about to collapse.

Gao Jiuding didn't mean to pity this guy, he stared at the squad leader with murderous intent all over his body.

Gao Jiuding thought for a moment before sneering: "Tell me, how many members of your beast clan appear here? Where did you come from? Where did you come from? Why did you come here?"

"Hahaha!" The leader of the orc clan burst out laughing, his expression was extremely crazy: "Human race, do you want to know the secrets of our clan? You are delusional."

"Hmph!" Gao Jiuding's face turned cold, and he murmured, "You think I won't know if you don't tell me? I didn't want to grab your soul to search for it, but don't blame me if you don't cooperate."

"Don't you dare!" The orc captain was terrified. He obviously knew what soul searching was, and he also knew how miserable it would be if his soul was captured. memories, ideas.

As Gao Jiuding's soul became more and more powerful, coupled with the various secret techniques he had practiced recently, especially after realizing the continuous improvement of the ancient runes and the soul, Gao Jiuding felt that he could control other people's souls at will.

Now, he just wanted to try and forcibly read the soul memory of the orc captain.

Gao Jiuding flashed up to the leader of the beast clan, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on the head of the leader of the beast clan, which terrified the leader of the beast clan who wanted to resist.

"You can't do this, you will be chased and killed by the strong of our clan!" The captain of the beast clan roared miserably with a face full of horror.

It's a pity that he was suppressed by a flurry of flying runes, and then Gao Jiuding's face was cold and quickly depicted mysterious silk threads. The silk threads formed runes and intertwined together to form a terrible rune chain.

This is because the small rune chains were quickly linked together to form a more complex prohibition, combination of prohibitions, and after the more complex soul-restriction was drawn, Gao Jiuding quickly hit the eyebrows of the orc.

In an instant, the orc captain's body stiffened, and he became a little stupid because his sea of ​​consciousness was imprisoned.

"Come out for me!" Gao Jiuding's soul locked onto the soul of the beast clan, and with a thought, he slowly pulled out a mysterious pattern from the forehead of the captain of the beast clan.

The prohibition is combined into an array, and when the sea of ​​consciousness is blocked, the soul can be found, besieged, and the soul of the leader of the beast clan can be found.

So at the center of the pattern at this time, a light and shadow was suppressed and blocked, and a human figure was faintly visible, which was the soul of the leader of the beast clan.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding's face was full of joy. Of course, he was also a little surprised. He was happy that he could succeed, but he was surprised that this successfully forcibly suppressed the soul of a living being, and was captured by him alive. But living soul.

Taking out the living souls of others, does this mean that in the future, he can also be like the demons in the legends of the earth, who can extract other people's living souls for refining weapons at will?

Thinking of this situation, how could Gao Jiuding not be surprised, or is this method a bit too terrifying?

This situation made him a little bit awe-inspiring, and he felt that he had to be vigilant about this aspect, otherwise, he didn't know what kind of cultivation path he would take in the future!

Practicing the blood shadow magic skill is the direction of the big boss of the blood demon, and now extracting other people's living souls is definitely the practice of evil demons and heretics.

This kind of thing must not be done too much, otherwise it will definitely affect one's xinxing.

Don't think too much now, because now is the time to read the memory of that squad leader.

The soul of the leader of the beast race was roaring crazily and struggling violently, but unfortunately he couldn't escape.

It can only be suppressed by a huge will, and even start to explore his soul consciousness bit by bit.

At this time, Gao Jiuding felt completely different. As his consciousness locked onto the soul in front of him, a huge memory was read out.

Gao Jiuding's face was full of shock. From the moment he received this memory, he saw countless pictures flickering. The memories of the leader of the beast clan's life were all in these countless pictures.

Gao Jiuding was ecstatic, this kind of method is a bit against the sky!
Read other people's memories, so what secrets do other people have?In this way, is it possible to obtain some secrets?For example, the strange inheritance of some races?

As for privacy or something, that's the impurity, the part that Gao Jiuding doesn't like to read.

Quickly read this stream of memory, not devouring, not merging, Gao Jiuding only selects useful readings, just like reading to acquire knowledge, check the accumulation of the memory leader of the beast clan, and turn it into his own ocean of knowledge.

This is an invaluable way of learning, if not brutally so.

However, for the many secret knowledge, even if he knew cruelty, Gao Jiuding would not miss this opportunity.

"Bold, who will steal our family's inheritance?" However, when Gao Jiuding read a core and wanted to check the cultivation inheritance of this orc team leader, an accident happened.

From the soul core of this orc, there was a terrifying roar, accompanied by a vast and boundless energy, and with a bang, Gao Jiuding's consciousness was shattered.

puff!Gao Jiuding staggered back, his face was pale, it was because of the impact on his mind!

It was just this impact that Gao Jiuding was almost rushed into the sea of ​​consciousness by that energy. Fortunately, he was shattered by a bloody light between his eyebrows, so he did not suffer more damage.

Gao Jiuding stared in shock at the dead leader of the orc clan. His soul had dissipated, and even the patterns he had drawn collapsed and dissipated, as if shattered by a mysterious and powerful energy.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding was a little startled, the orc soul core actually hides such terrifying energy, and even that loud roar almost severely injured his soul consciousness, which is too terrifying.

"Is this also a soul restriction? There is no simple race that can survive here. It seems that I have to be more cautious. It is a pity that I have not been able to enter the soul core, otherwise I would have learned about the inheritance of the beast race. "Gao Jiuding said with some regret.

However, although he is a pity, he still has an incomparably huge harvest.

He obtained a lot of local knowledge from the orc captain's soul memory, and he discovered that there are still many secrets here, and these many secrets are beyond his imagination before.

It is Gao Jiuding's extreme desire to understand the situation in this starry sky.

Previously, the information that Huo Ling obtained was incomplete at all, but this time, the memory he obtained from the mind of this native aborigine was much clearer.

"This starry sky is really huge and amazing!" Gao Jiuding said regretfully.

At that time, he should have taken some risks and followed the battle star of the orcs into their ancestral land. Maybe Gao Jiudao could find a fairy vein in the ancestral land of the orcs.

"We need to speed up, maybe we can get some good things this time!" Soon Gao Jiuding calmed down again, thinking of the purpose of the orcs coming here.

Gao Jiuding already had high expectations for this starry sky, but he still underestimated the resources here.

Because there are many monsters here, the terrain is complex, and they are often attacked by void monsters, so even if the human race is powerful, they cannot completely occupy the wilderness, and even if they carry out large-scale development, it will be very dangerous.

Therefore, in the jungle and deep mountains, there are many large and small spiritual veins hidden, and there are naturally various spiritual medicines and spiritual mines around the spiritual veins.

Of course, there are not only spiritual veins here, but even immortal veins.

Immortal veins, immortal materials, and immortal objects are the purpose of the beast clan coming here this time.

They ventured into this complex and vast continent for the sake of a kind of fairy.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding was eager to peek into the secrets of the beast race, and before he could fully read the memory of that unlucky guy, he touched the soul restriction in his soul and suffered backlash.

Gao Jiuding will also arrange such a restriction, but he can never arrange it deep in the soul, and can precisely lock specific memories.

Gao Jiuding still admires that the orc can hide such a soul restriction in the soul, making it impossible for people to read the core secret.

Just a restriction broke his will. It seems that all the ancient races are the same, they all have the inheritance of the soul.

(End of this chapter)

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