Chapter 1352
For the sake of secrecy, there may be a kind of soul restriction in the souls of all the orcs. When foreigners want to read it, it will inevitably be triggered, and it will explode from the core. Those with weak souls may be directly shocked to death.

"These ancient races seem to have many secrets." Gao Jiuding murmured, wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, then jumped onto the body of Huanglong, sat cross-legged, and healed the wounds of consciousness in his body.

This time, his soul was almost shattered. Fortunately, there are many means in the sea of ​​knowledge, otherwise it will be miserable.

While recovering his consciousness damage, he sorted out the memories he saw just now.

It seems that the continent under his feet is not simple, the human race can survive here, the battle city is indispensable, and in the memory of the orc squad leader, there is also the panda fleet.

The fleet here is also a space warship, and its combat power is very strong. At least the defense and attack power are not comparable to the earth warships.

"A small world is actually hidden? Is this an existence more powerful than a five-star warship? But how strong is a five-star warship?" Knowing this, Gao Jiuding also had a little desire for the city here.

Only by entering the city, can one get in touch with the human race here, come into contact with the war city here, and even enter the small world here, and obtain some things that are absolutely difficult to obtain from the outside world.

With an idea, Gao Jiuding planned to get out of the jungle, but before going out, he still had to go to the destination that the orc squad wanted to go to.

Next, Gao Jiuding sorted out the information he got on Huanglong's back.

Of course, he didn't forget to use the wild dragon to clean up the troubles in the jungle.

This wild dragon is a powerful jungle overlord by all means. Now it is easier to lead the way with it. It is very convenient to rest and enlighten, practice and recover.

In the Sea of ​​Consciousness, Gao Jiuding's soul consciousness is recovering, and more than half of his mind is immersed in some secrets he has obtained, especially a map among them.

He was looking at the memory of the leader of the orc clan, picking out some useful things, distinguishing them carefully, and understanding things and secrets that he didn't know.

This sorting out opened Gao Jiuding's eyes. He understood countless things that he didn't understand before, and now he understood them one by one, and finally got rid of the embarrassing situation of lack of knowledge.

This comprehension took a few days, and even Gao Jiuding didn't wake up all the time, completely immersed in the ocean of knowledge.

He is like a huge sponge, frantically absorbing nutrients from the sea of ​​knowledge to enrich himself.

And the wild dragon never stopped, it traveled all the way across the mountains, killing countless beasts to serve as food, during this period, it encountered many powerful beasts, and even some of them were also dragons.

Roar!For example, in front of them, they happened to meet a sub-dragon who was about to enjoy a delicious meal after hunting.

This is a huge sub-dragon, full of evil spirit, full of ferocious fangs, dripping some liquid.

This is a megalodon, the most ferocious of the sub-dragons. At this time, it is roaring with its head held high, warning the wild dragon in front of it.

This megalodon has a huge body, 15 meters high, comparable to Huanglong. Unfortunately, compared to Huanglong, Megalodon's strength is really much worse!
Facing the roar of the megalodon, the wild dragon was very angry. As the overlord, it could not be provoked, so the wild dragon rushed forward quickly, roared and bit down.

Boom!Two huge and ferocious dragons immediately fought together!
After all, the huge wild dragon has stronger blood, and even has a taller body. When the power is compared, the megalodon is suppressed.

Sure enough, it didn't take long, even Gao Jiuding on the body was not affected, the megalodon's neck was directly scratched by Huanglong's claws, it bit its throat and slammed it violently.

At this time, the megalodon screamed miserably, and finally lost its strength, and was bitten to death by the wild dragon.

The terrifying Desolate Dragon is bound to die if it bites down. This megalodon is very powerful, but it is a pity that it encountered this Desolate Dragon.

"Megalodon?" Gao Jiuding was a little stunned after being awakened. He stared at the dead body of Megalodon, a little surprised.

He didn't expect that this wild dragon would meet this megalodon and kill him so easily.

He didn't even feel it himself, the wild dragon killed the other party.

Gao Jiuding was very pleased, and even more satisfied with this wild dragon. A strong bloodline is really useful.

"This is for you to eat and reward you!" Gao Jiuding was in a good mood, and waved a bunch of blood crystals, which were blood crystals.

When the wild dragon saw these crystals, it immediately became very happy, and even the megalodon swallowed the small pile of blood crystals in one gulp.

A small pile of blood essence is only a hundred pieces, and all of them are low-grade blood crystals.

It has been a while since I got these blood crystals, and Gao Jiuding has already researched their functions.

This is a good thing to improve the bloodline, and it can be used for cultivation. Even these fierce beasts can also absorb the energy in them to improve themselves.

After this period of research, Gao Jiuding is very clear about the role of these blood crystals. Some powerful beasts must be raised with these blood crystals, so that their bloodline ability can be improved. This is how the beasts become stronger. fundamental.

Whether it's Niulong or the newly captured Huanglong, Gao Jiuding intends to use this blood crystal to cultivate it!

As for wasting blood crystals, Gao Jiuding didn't think too much about it, because compared to smashing and filling the spirit veins, the consumption of feeding fierce beasts was nothing at all.

Of course, it was also because these low-grade blood crystals had no effect on Gao Jiuding's blood, otherwise he would not be willing to waste it like this.

Now, Gao Jiuding is very satisfied with the Huanglong in front of him, so naturally he doesn't mind training it.

More importantly, he gained some local knowledge and knew how to raise ferocious beasts.

It's a pity that the identity of the orc captain is not very high, and Gao Jiuding knows only a few secrets.

However, these are already very precious to Gao Jiuding, even far surpassing the memory contribution of the Sun Fire Clan.

After all, the Fire Clan's memory is incomplete, and there were some things he didn't know before. After this comparison, Gao Jiuding gradually understood some secrets.

"Go, continue on the road!" Gao Jiuding ordered with some anticipation, let Huanglong continue on the road, and he himself put away the dead megalodon.

Encountered many creatures along the way, Gao Jiuding had never seen many creatures before, even if he imagined that he had never seen them.

boom!He was sitting on the back of the wild dragon, and suddenly looked in amazement at a grassland in front of him, where a large group of huge creatures were walking.

These creatures are huge in size, even much bigger than this barren dragon.

"Dragon Clan again? Or Thunder Clan?" Gao Jiuding observed the group of giant beasts. This was the first time he saw a beast with elemental power in the outskirts of this starry sky, and it could even be said to have formed a domain power.

"Thunder dragon group?" After confirming what type of monster it was, Gao Jiuding looked into the distance in amazement.

That group of gigantic beasts was exactly a group of brontosaurus.

What shocked him was that the smallest of these brontosaurus was 20 meters high, and the tallest brontosaurus was as high as 50 meters.

This group of brontosaurus was numerous. Walking on the grassland, each step vibrated and walked slowly. That posture, that demeanor, is this a posture of flat pushing?
Gao Jiuding observed for a long time, and directly confirmed that this group of thunder dragons are really powerful.

Don't think that these brontosaurus are very slow and look clumsy, but between them walking, one step is hundreds of meters, which is simply too scary.

Although this group of brontosaurus were huge, they wouldn't be able to cover hundreds of meters in one step, right?Needless to say, this must be a kind of supernatural power, so close to the end of the world, or a thousand miles away?Or is it shrinking into an inch?

It's a bit like shrinking the ground into an inch, this is a space magic power!
Gao Jiuding had thought of hunting Thunder Dragon just now, but feeling the great blood, Gao Jiuding gave up directly.

After discovering that the thunder dragon might have cultivated supernatural powers, Gao Jiuding didn't dare to move, he was afraid of disturbing the group of thunder dragons.

Looking at the leading brontosaurus, Gao Jiuding even felt a strong crisis from its 50-meter-high body.

So Gao Jiuding was very conscientious and not impulsive, because from the memory of the orc captain, Gao Jiuding learned that these thunder dragons were still docile.

Docile, do you mean that as long as you don't provoke them, they are docile?

Originally, the picture in my memory felt like that, but looking at it now, meekness and so on are simply a joke. With such a large individual, the power itself is terrifying. Moreover, the blood in the body of these brontosaurus is extremely powerful, and it is almost certain to have Lightning supernatural powers, and possibly space supernatural powers.

Who would dare to provoke such a powerful dragon beast?

At this time, even the wild dragon under Gao Jiuding was very cautious, it stared vigilantly at the thunder dragons passing by, and remained motionless, is this also from the heart?

This wild dragon has always been very arrogant, when was it so cautious?

Looking at the huge thunder dragon surrounded by electric arcs, Gao Jiuding said strangely: "These thunder dragons, can't they really be thunder?"

Gao Jiuding knew that although there were strange creatures like electric eels on the earth, fierce beasts with the body of thunder were still a kind of miraculous existence.

The closer he got, the more Gao Jiuding could faintly feel that the trace of lightning gave him a very different feeling.

This is a bit frightening, isn't this group of thunder dragons just a name?Could it be that they really have a special bloodline power that gives them the power of lightning?
Gao Jiuding is very sensitive to thunder and lightning, and the horror of heaven's punishment still makes him feel lingering fear. Thinking about these thunder dragons, how could they have the ability of thunder and lightning?

He couldn't figure it out, he couldn't imagine it, and even felt a little different.

According to the memory of the orc captain, this kind of dragon is only huge in size, but it is very gentle and has no violent attack.

However, looking at it now, Gao Jiuding feels uncertain, the small electric arcs on the Thunder Dragon's body will burst out a piece of electric spark from time to time, will this kind of big guy be docile?
 Thank you for the 72 coin reward from the 200 brothers, and thank you to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, the poison you thousands of times, lads4017 brothers for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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