Chapter 1354
"Huh?" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's face froze, staring at a cliff opposite, there was a bright red color there, looking carefully, it seemed to be blood-red lights, very dazzling in the mist.

After getting closer and looking carefully, Gao Jiuding discovered that there was a large blood-red plant on the cliff, or a strange flower, and it looked like an orchid.

"What kind of flower is this?" Gao Jiuding flew up as soon as he moved, wanting to go to see what happened.

However, just when he made such a move and wanted to step over the opposite cliff to check, he felt an extremely terrifying breath coming from under him.

Boom!Suddenly, a terrifying wave of water suddenly erupted from the Tianchi Lake below the cliff, as if a volcano erupted suddenly, causing a terrifying impact and knocking Gao Jiuding away.

While the other person was in the void, his face changed. He stared at the clear Tianchi that exploded, and saw a huge black shadow rising from under the Tianchi, which circled and formed a large black shadow in the water.

Then, Gao Jiuding suddenly saw a huge monster rushing out, it opened its bloody mouth, and swallowed towards him.

At this moment, Gao Jiuding didn't even have time to think, he dodged instinctively, and flew out in a single step.

boom!The huge monster jumped across the sky, but it was a pity that it couldn't meet Gao Jiuding's figure.

The huge body fell down, causing a terrible shock, the mountain was shaking, the rocks rolled down, and smashed into the sky.

In an instant, the entire Tianchi Lake was shaking, and the waves of water poured out a burst of white luster.

Gao Jiuding was taken aback, and he flew back quickly.

After retreating far away, Gao Jiuding stared at the Tianchi Lake. At this moment, he saw a huge python hovering proudly.

Rumble This giant python hovered from the Tianchi, its entire body hovering above a huge mountain peak!
The rocks above the mountain peak were crushed and slid down, and even the entire mountain peak trembled a little, because the mountain peak couldn't bear this huge python.

Gao Jiuding's eyes widened. He looked at the boa constrictor with its head raised. Is this also a snake?

This is indeed a snake, but to his horror, this giant python is too huge, even beyond his understanding.

"Damn, how could it grow so big?" He cursed. This giant python is roughly estimated to be more than 1000 meters long. The layout, the thousand-meter giant python, circled the mountain peak, directly pressing the hundreds of meter mountain peak under it.

This posture, this giant python is the mountain, right?

It hovered, bigger than this mountain!
And with the appearance of this giant python, countless creatures within a radius of more than ten kilometers immediately fell down, their bodies trembling, as if they were shocked by the breath of this giant python, and none of them dared to move.

"Is there any mistake?" Gao Jiuding stared at the giant python in amazement. There was a huge and slender horn on the top of its head, shining with a crystal light. This is the horn of the giant python. It really wants to transform into a dragon. ?

Snakes are different from sub-dragons, and even more different from wild dragons, thunder dragons and other dragons, because snakes don't have much dragon blood. It is said that there is a slight possibility of transforming into a dragon, but this trace is a real trace, which means it is almost impossible.

And the giant python in front of me is really going to transform into a dragon. Compared with the wild dragon, it must be much stronger, because it must be more difficult for the python to transform into a dragon.

Look at the giant python in front of you again. The giant python hovering on the mountain peak is extremely huge. At a rough glance, the smallest section is at least ten meters wide and more than 100 sections. The size of this giant python definitely exceeds 1000 meters long, it is simply incredible.

Moreover, what shocked Gao Jiuding even more was that this giant python had a horn on its head, and on its supposedly smooth back, there was a fin-like back spine that extended all the way to the tail, as if it were a python dragon.

"Father, can this giant python really be able to transform into a dragon? Snakes and insects can transform into dragons, this is not a joke! But, why does it look familiar? By the way, the tail in the pagoda teleportation hall is very similar to it , No, it should be more ferocious than the tail of this giant python, does it have any origin?"

When he was thinking wildly, Gao Jiuding saw the giant python move, he let out a strange cry, turned his body, and flew away with a whoosh, he was running away.

He sensed a strong threat from that giant python. Seeing that this giant python had horns on its head and fins on its back, he knew that this giant python was difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, this giant python is too big and Gao Jiuding is too small, otherwise, Gao Jiuding would have no chance at all.

After all, this is an existence that is about to transform into a dragon. It is still so big, and its strength is not bad. It is such a huge monster. The most important thing it lacks is attack power.

However, the body is too big, and when facing a small guy like Gao Jiuding, he lacks sensitivity and accuracy.

Of course, Gao Jiuding still needs to be careful, because this is no longer a boa constrictor, but a terrifying python dragon. It is because the blood of the body has evolved to this level, and if it wants to evolve towards the blood of a real dragon, who knows if it has any powerful supernatural powers? ?
Roaring Sure enough, even the sound of this boa constrictor changed, from hissing to roaring!

The moment Gao Jiuding turned around, the giant python roared, and then, with a bang, its huge body flew towards him.

That giant python was actually flying, and its speed was not too slow, it chased Gao Jiuding and swallowed it in one gulp.

At this scene, Gao Jiuding was so frightened that his hair stood on end. This giant python can fly into the sky?Such a huge body, how did it fly?

Also, the gravity here is stronger than his Five Elements Realm. Although Gao Jiuding has adapted, he knows very well that the gravity here is ten times stronger than that in the Five Elements Realm, right?

This is a thousand times the earth's gravity, even Gao Jiuding is here, he looks like an ordinary person, this is the reason why the fierce beast here is so powerful.

Being able to withstand a thousand times its own gravity, Gao Jiuding's movements are already very difficult, but this giant python, which is countless times bigger than him, actually flew up?
How could he still fly in this environment?

Gao Jiuding increased his speed rapidly, and ran ten miles away in the blink of an eye, but at this moment, the giant python behind him slipped from the void.

boom!The ground shook, and the huge python flew over ten miles, but unfortunately it couldn't catch up with Gao Jiuding's figure.

It quickly slid down the void, smashed into the jungle at the foot of the mountain, and set off a shocking cloud of smoke.

That thousand-meter-long body overwhelmed countless ancient trees, crushed countless rocks, and the whole earth split apart. The scene was really terrifying.

And Gao Jiuding, who flew out at this moment, wiped off a cold sweat secretly, he was secretly rejoicing that this giant python could not really fly into the sky.

This was just a ten-kilometer gliding from a high altitude before falling. However, he remembered that his Huanglong mount seemed to be in the forest!
Roar!Sure enough, there was an angry dragon roar, and a slightly larger Huanglong roared angrily.

The roar was not low, but no matter how you listened to it, it felt a bit strong on the outside but dry on the inside.

The surrounding sound waves rolled away, blowing away the smoke and dust in the sky, revealing a huge python hovering.

This is a giant python whose bloodline has evolved to be extremely powerful and has reached the level of dragon transformation. It is staring at the roaring wild dragon at this time.

Gao Jiuding's expression froze, he also stared at his wild dragon, and a thought flashed in his mind, that is, using the wild dragon as bait, can he kill this bloody dragon-turned giant python?

Of course, Gao Jiuding would be even happier if he could be captured alive. If he refined this giant python, how powerful would he be incarnate?
"Kill!" A cold shout came, and with Gao Jiuding's kill, a huge spear appeared in his hand.

This ancient spear has no other advantages, it is sharp, it should be able to break through the defense of this giant python, and only in this way, Gao Jiuding has the confidence to fight against the shocking giant python whose bloodline has transformed into a dragon.

hiss!For a moment, the python roared and the earth shook. They smashed into a group and smashed everything within a radius of [-] meters.

Booming, a mountain torrent erupted in the distance, setting off a huge wave of [-] meters, spilling countless giant trees and rocks, causing the surrounding earth to shake.

There was a thousand-meter-long giant python, which easily lifted a 25-meter-high wild dragon and smashed it onto a hill.

That wild dragon, blood was flowing all over his body, and the hot dragon blood seemed to be on fire, which looked very tragic.

It roared proudly, exuding an incomparably domineering aura, but unfortunately it was still much weaker than the giant python.

Gao Jiuding saw that this was not the solution, the two of them simply couldn't suppress this behemoth.

"Huoling, suppress it!" The pagoda was not used, because it was the last line of defense to protect Gao Jiuding, so Gao Jiuding ordered the Huoling battleship to directly suppress the kilometer-long behemoth.

Huo Ling had been spying on the battlefield for a long time, following Gao Jiuding's order, it appeared immediately, and emitted a strong glare, enveloping the entire giant python.

The Huoling battleship is currently playing with the supernatural powers of Ruyi's size and size. As soon as it appears, it expands rapidly, enveloping the giant python in an instant, trying to make it immobile.

hiss!The giant python roared, but was crushed by a huge warship, and then, a huge battle gun stabbed, with a bang, there was a violent impact sound, and then the giant python spurted blood, and it was injured.

A spear that can be said to be invincible, made a huge impact after stabbing the giant python, which is enough to prove the strength of the giant python's defense.

However, there was something even more powerful, the giant python's huge horn suddenly hit it, and with a clang, it directly sent the battle gun flying out.

At this moment, the giant python's huge tail struck across, and with a loud bang, the Fire Spirit battleship flew across a thousand meters away.

Gao Jiuding stood on top of the battleship with a calm expression. He stared at the crazy python, secretly surprised.

He didn't expect that this dragon transformed into a giant python was so powerful that even the Huoling battleship could be knocked into the air.

 Thanks for the 72 coin reward from the 200 brothers who lived with the fate, and thank you the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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