The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1355 Scarlet Orchid

Chapter 1355 Scarlet Orchid

You know, the Huoling battleship is now considered to be a heaven-reaching spiritual treasure in a complete state!
Tongtian Lingbao belongs to the combat strength of the Great Cultivator of the Dharma Phase Period. With such combat strength, it is still unable to fight against this giant python!
However, Gao Jiuding didn't have a chance, and now Gao Jiuding also discovered that this giant python seemed to be weak in other aspects except for its physical strength.

It's a pity, even if this is the case, it is not easy for Gao Jiuding to catch him alive.

Of course, it is not easy to kill this giant python, but it is obviously more convenient to die, so Gao Jiuding immediately urged the Huoling warship to rush away.

Huanglong was not idle at this time. Although he was the most injured, his courage was still there. Seeing that the Huoling battleship was blocking the front, Huanglong immediately followed Gao Jiuding and rushed up.

boom!In an instant, the war among the three caused a nearby mountain to collapse directly, kicking up a cloud of sand, and then, a terrifying torrent rushed out from the inside of the mountain, forming a trend of destruction.

This torrent flooded the battlefield in an instant.

The wild dragon roared and struggled desperately. It quickly jumped out of the torrent and retreated far away. Unfortunately, at this moment, it was still hit by a huge tail.

With a bang, Huanglong's body fell directly to the ground, and was caught in the torrent again, looking a bit miserable.

The wild dragon is the overlord of the land, but whether it is in front of the giant python or in this vast torrent, it seems a little weak. It was wrapped around its body by the giant python, and it couldn't move for a while.

As for Gao Jiuding himself, his face was full of anger. He swung his gun and smashed it down with a bang.

This time, the body of the giant python was smashed apart, and many scales flew off.

Roar!The giant python hissed in pain, its sharp horns flickered, and it clicked against the huge battleship, causing Gao Jiuding's body to shake, and he felt a terrifying force coming from him.

With a bang, the Huoling battleship was thrown into the air by the huge impact, then fell again, fell and rose again.

This repeated, even Huo Ling, is not feeling well now.

At this time, Huo Ling was already urging the battleship with all his strength, runes were intertwined all over the sky, and restrictions appeared out of thin air, and Huo Ling went all out.

As a Tier [-] battleship in peak condition, the Huoling Battleship now has the combat power of a Tier [-] Tongtian Spirit Treasure, and even so, it barely limits the range of movement of the giant python.

This size is really big, it really works, at least the divine power is not comparable to Gao Jiuding's smaller body.

It's a pity that with the fire spirit battleship restricting the python's activities, Gao Jiuding broke out in an all-round way, making the giant python scream miserably.

Gao Jiuding's body is too small and his speed is too fast, while the giant python's body is too big. As long as the speed slows down, it will be the target of Gao Jiuding and Huanglong.

Of course, the main thing is that the Huoling battleship is more powerful now. The Tongtian Lingbao is equivalent to the combat power of a great monk in the Dharma phase, and it is the combat power of the top monk in the Dharma phase. This shows that the giant python suppressed by it has at least this level. The combat power of the Great Cultivator of the Dharma Phase.

And this is only achieved by brute force. It can even be said that the real strength of this giant python is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary human monks, because of its large size.

It's a pity that the fire spirit not only relies on itself to resist the giant python, but also relies on the ancient runes that were inscribed into the battle body.

This rune contained mysterious power, so ancient and vast that it even suppressed the giant python.

However, the giant python has a horn, and the sharp fins on its back stand upright, exuding mysterious traces. This is the power of blood, and this power will give birth to some innate supernatural powers.

This giant python has already begun to transform into a dragon, and has produced an astonishing metamorphosis. It is definitely not an ordinary python, and it is likely to have terrifying abilities.

boom!Gao Jiuding jumped up, exuding overwhelming power, the sea of ​​blood in his body shook, and a terrifying force gushed out, which was all his strength.

All the qi and blood in his body were transformed into battle qi, and Gao Jiuding went all out to attack!
The void in all directions suddenly became silent, as if imprisoned by a mysterious force, everything slowed down, and even produced an illusion of stillness.

This is the power of the domain, and it is a very rare space domain, which even has a trace of the power of the time domain.

In the domain of space, Gao Jiuding learned from the void monster Black Tiger, while the traces of time came from the domain of time and space in the pagoda.

After staying in the Time and Space God Realm for a long time, Gao Jiuding understood some of the mysteries of time.

At this time, he went all out and naturally wanted to give full play to his own advantages.

Of course, he didn't use the Blood God Son, otherwise, this giant python wouldn't be able to fight him at all, because Gao Jiuding only needs to get into its body and slowly consume and absorb its whole body's energy and blood.

Doing that can only improve his cultivation, but what Gao Jiuding needs now is a strong combat power, a powerful avatar is more in line with his interests.

Urging his strongest domain, Gao Jiuding waved his fists in it, concentrating his whole body's fighting spirit to fight down.

Feeling that he couldn't move, the giant python's eyes were flickering with panic, it wanted to struggle and fight back but found that its whole body was heavy and it couldn't move at all.

boom!With a heavy blow, Gao Jiuding's fist fell, the top of the python's head blossomed, and blood sprayed out.

As soon as Gao Jiuding's fighting spirit came out, the surrounding space seemed to stagnate, and the giant python at this time was unable to fight back at all.

Gao Jiuding was a little surprised, this giant python really has no magical powers or domains?
Although it was a bit strange, Gao Jiuding waved his fist quickly without hesitation. He concentrated his whole body's fighting spirit and hit it down. His heavy fist was like a mountain pressing down.

Boom!There was a shock, and the huge torrent seemed to be a little stagnant, as if it had been beaten to a halt by this punch!
The body of the giant python cracked and cracked, and then spread from the neck, and was finally pierced by Gao Jiuding's punch.

Since the addition of combat energy to fists also has the effect of piercing armor, Gao Jiuding simply didn't use the heavenly weapon spear. He exerted force with both arms, and his whole body was boiling with combat energy.

The fighting spirit formed runes and gathered on Gao Jiuding's fist, and finally Gao Jiuding's fist was wrapped in runes, exuding a strong aura.

A ray of crystal silver light flickered, and then hit the giant python's body like raindrops!

Punch after punch, Gao Jiuding hit the giant python roaring angrily, but unfortunately, within a few minutes, the giant python was beaten so hard that it couldn't move, of course it wasn't dead yet.

Creatures like snakes and insects have very strong vitality. Even if you smash their heads, their bodies can still live for a long time, let alone be beaten like noodles now.

"Grandma, this giant python is really powerful. Its blood has become a dragon, and the power it generates is too strong. It is almost impossible to suppress it." At this time, Huo Ling also looked very embarrassed. Fortunately, it was only the hull of the ship that was hit by the tail of the giant python. .

At this time, Gao Jiuding was not feeling well either, he was covered in blood, and his armor and clothes were already in tatters.

He gave a wry smile before putting away the giant python. Of course, such a giant python still needs to be suppressed, so Gao Jiuding directly sent the giant python to the area around the Teleportation Hall inside the pagoda, where there was still a sea of ​​flowers!
There, there was the Burial Soul Flower watching, Gao Jiuding was not afraid that it would wake up and make trouble.

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't mind killing it if he really couldn't refine its soul, this giant python is a good thing.

Not to mention other things, this bloody dragon-like giant python is full of treasures, whether it's blood, meat or bones, they all have powerful medicinal power.

Gao Jiuding was very happy to capture this thousand-meter-long giant python so easily, but he was still a little puzzled.

Since leaving that chaotic star field, the ominous beasts he encountered again, although they were of a high level, were still much worse than those void monsters.

"Probably because of resources, if there are enough fairy materials here, as long as it is used by this giant python, it can at least grow a body of powerful scales. At that time, its defense cannot be broken. With the brute force of the python, who is still his opponent?"

Gao Jiuding stared at the giant python inside the pagoda and carefully inspected it. It was beaten badly. Apart from the fire spirit battleship restricting its activities, even Gao Jiuding's punches became very powerful.

At the very least, Gao Jiuding already has the ability to break the defense, otherwise, he really has nothing to do with this giant python.

Therefore, all of this is rooted in the aura of fairy spirits. In the outer star field, although there are many star systems, there is a lack of fairy materials and aura of fairy spirits!

So the ferocious beasts here are ferocious beasts. They have no achievements in monsters, not to mention domain knowledge, and they don't have such a strong defense. This is the reason why Gao Jiuding bullies these ferocious beasts again and again.

But this giant python is obviously different, it doesn't know domains, and it doesn't have any supernatural powers. So, why is it so powerful, or why it can grow so big?
Roar!Gao Jiuding was awakened by a loud roar.

Not far away, a huge barren dragon rushed up from the mountain torrent, it raised its head and roared!

Huanglong was really angry, because it was almost hanged in the water by this giant python.

Now that the python was captured, it was able to get out, but it seemed very irritable.

Think it is the overlord of the land, the supreme overlord among the dragon clan, and now it is in such a miserable state?This really makes it angry.

However, Gao Jiuding ignored the angry wild dragon, he flew directly into the sky, and once again came to the sky above the Tianchi Lake.

Under his careful sensing, there was no such strong aura in Tianchi Lake. At this moment, Gao Jiuding flew to the opposite cliff with peace of mind.

It is said to be a cliff, but its area is not small. The reason why it looks so steep is definitely caused by the giant python's constant circling and grinding.

On the cliff, there is a piece of green land, the area is not small, and there is a bloody light in it.

The blood-red light that Gao Jiuding saw earlier was emitted by a blood-red flower.

When he came close, Gao Jiuding suddenly felt a strong fragrance coming to his nostrils, which made the blood in his whole body boil, and even the blood sea space began to vibrate.

"This is?" Gao Jiuding stared at the blood-red flower in front of him in shock.

There are many blood safflowers, all of which are rooted on hard rocks.

These flowers are very strange, with short rhizomes, nine leaves, and the petals are as bright as blood.

(End of this chapter)

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