Chapter 1356 Nine Turns Immortal Grass

The flowers on the cliff look a bit like orchids, and they look like a legendary blood orchid.

There are many legends about the blood orchid, even on the earth, especially in the legend, some ordinary snakes can turn into giant pythons if eaten!
At this time, Gao Jiuding also learned from the memory of the leader of the beast race that this is an extremely precious spiritual object of heaven and earth, and the group of beast races came here just for such a piece of blood orchid.

Of course, those orcs came here not to gather medicine, but to explore this piece of blood orchid.

I'm afraid they don't know that there is a giant python here?Otherwise, how dare they come here?
"It turned out to be a blood orchid? There really is such a thing? That giant python can grow so big, it must have its credit!"

Gao Jiuding's heart was shaken, he swept across the cliff in front of him, and saw a large area of ​​blood-red flowers, all blood orchids.

These strange blood orchids have nine leaves, and the green leaves and blood-red petals form a sharp contrast.

This blood orchid is very effective, but it can only target flesh and blood.

However, this is also very useful, and the growth of this blood orchid is not so easy.

It is said that the blood orchid blooms once every 100 years, and it will continue to grow after blooming.

The blood orchid has only two leaves at the beginning. After flowering, the leaves will grow and grow more and more as time goes by. With the increase of leaves, the medicinal power of the blood orchid will also increase sharply.

It is because of this characteristic that the medicinal power of this blood orchid can be continuously enhanced with the passage of time.

"According to the memory of the leader of the orc clan, how many years has the blood orchid been used?" Gao Jiuding looked at the blood orchid in front of him in surprise.

The original two-leaf blood orchid can only grow the third leaf 100 years after flowering, the fourth leaf will grow after 200 years, and it will take 300 years for the fifth leaf to grow.

In this way, it takes 100 years for each new leaf to grow, so how many years will it take to grow nine leaves?

From the third leaf, a total of seven leaves have been added, so it has increased from 100 years to 700 years.

It takes 1000 years to add the first four leaves, 500 years to the fifth leaf, and 600 years to the sixth leaf, which is 100 years, so it takes 800 years to reach nine leaves.

And this is not counting the growth time before flowering, so each of the Nine-leaf Blood Orchid in front of me has a growth period of 3000 years.

This is not over yet, Gao Jiuding also knows from the memory of the leader of the orc clan that this kind of blood orchid is almost immortal, and when it has grown enough to have nine leaves, this kind of blood orchid will be considered to have completed a big cycle of growth cycle.

That is to say, when it reaches nine leaves, it will not continue to increase the number of leaves, but will wither, and all the energy will be concentrated back to the roots, and continue to accumulate strength. When the leaves grow again, it will start to increase from two leaves. After nine pieces, it will enter another reincarnation again.

That is to say, the nine-leaf blood orchid does not die after withering, but enters dormancy, waiting for the next bloom.

If it is opened nine times, it will take 9000 years to form another precious and powerful spiritual thing-Nine-turn Immortal Grass.

According to the information in memory, Gao Jiuding learned the magical effect of these blood orchids, which is to increase vitality, or simply to increase lifespan.

This is a kind of spiritual thing that can activate cells and make cells metabolize continuously. After nine reincarnations, it has the attribute of immortality. It is said that eating it can make people become immortals immediately and live forever.

"Isn't this the same effect as meat mushrooms? Immortality is impossible, but it can increase lifespan and make it easier for people to advance to immortality. It is still possible!"

"It's no wonder that the giant python can grow horns and even transform into a dragon. It turns out that it is the effect of this blood orchid. This is simply a supreme treasure for improving bloodlines."

Gao Jiuding looked at Xuelan regretfully, now he couldn't figure out how many times these Xuelan had reincarnated.

However, he does not lack spirits of this level, so the blood orchids here must continue to grow!

If Gao Jiuding really needed it, he might as well just swallow the big guy that is nine meters in size and is about to give birth to a flesh.

There are a lot of blood orchids here, and Gao Jiuding found hundreds of them without careful counting. These are all thousand-year-old spirits, which are much higher quality than ordinary thousand-year-old spirit grass and ten-thousand-year spirit grass.

However, this number is too much.

He looked at so many blood orchids, and thought that if they could be taken by people, wouldn't it be possible to transform the bodies of those people and even generate ancient blood power?

It is not easy to transform a snake into a dragon. From now on, one can imagine that this kind of blood orchid can transform the blood.

"Dig up!" Gao Jiuding couldn't calm down when he thought of this, he acted immediately, digging the rocks with both hands, digging out all the blood orchids one after another, and quickly collected them.

The digging took an hour, and more than 1000 blood orchids were excavated!

At this time, Gao Jiuding stopped on the cliff, staring blankly at a giant bloody flower in front of him.

"This, is it also a blood orchid?" Gao Jiuding looked at the huge orchid in front of him in shock.

A bright red liquid dripped from the blood-colored petals, exuding bursts of fragrance, refreshing.

After careful identification, he was sure that it was a blood orchid, but it was much bigger than the blood orchid he picked just now!

The blood orchid in front of him was as big as a washbasin, and the spiritual liquid like blood beads was dripping down.

Gao Jiuding reached out to take a drop, and suddenly found that the drop of liquid had invaded his fingers!

Gao Jiuding immediately felt a powerful energy sweeping his whole body, making the blood in his whole body boil, but after a while, Gao Jiuding felt that his essence and blood at this time were more condensed than before, which shocked him .

"How long has this blood orchid grown? The effect is so good?" Gao Jiuding became cautious. This huge blood orchid must have grown longer than the previous ones, even beyond ten thousand years.

Ordinary blood orchids mature once every 3000 years, and only after nine reincarnations will they be born with spirituality and become spiritual things.

And the huge blood orchid in front of him must be more than 3000 years old.

Even Gao Jiuding doubted whether this blood orchid was close to a perfect state?

After 7000 years and nine reincarnations, spirituality can be born.

However, Gao Jiuding did not see the flesh doll in this blood orchid.

After observing carefully for a while, Gao Jiuding found seven traces on the blood orchid's root system, proving that it had reincarnated seven times.

It seems that the eighth reincarnation is about to end, that is to say, it is about to enter the ninth reincarnation.

"It will take another 3000 years to complete the practice. By the way, the nine-meter-high elixir has not yet matured. Otherwise, the meat doll inside it should be able to exist without the body!"

Gao Jiuding didn't know much about these spiritual creatures, so he could only infer the growth process of these spiritual creatures based on the legendary ginseng doll and Zhiren Zhima.

Thinking of the various spiritual objects that he was about to get, Gao Jiuding's mouth felt a little dry.

Looking at the huge blood orchid in front of him, he felt that the giant python seemed to want to use this blood orchid to improve its bloodline, and even wanted to use this blood orchid that was nearly ten thousand years old to completely transform and evolve into a dragon.

Gao Jiuding feels sympathy for that giant python, it's okay to be ambitious, but in order to realize your ambition, you must have the strength to protect yourself, right?
Just like now, if it swallows this blood orchid, Gao Jiuding may die if he encounters a giant python again.

No wonder that giant python wanted to come back during the previous battle. It turned out that it wanted to come back and swallow these blood orchids so that it could kill Gao Jiuding here.

If it swallows this spiritual thing, how much will the strength of the giant python be enhanced?
It is impossible to become a fairy, but it is certain to break through to rank five and become a powerful monster with the physical combat power of the pure yang stage.

Gao Jiuding was able to barely resist the level of combat power of the great monk of Faxiang, and with the addition of the Huoling battleship, he could suppress it.

But if you think about it carefully, like the five-color divine cow is also a combat power at the level of a great monk, but it has supernatural powers and domains, so it is difficult to deal with it!
If it wasn't for the luck to refine the five-color god stone, it's hard to say whether Gao Jiuding could suppress the five-color god bull.

But now, his combat power has improved so much, when facing the giant python in the field of Dharma monks, he still needs the cooperation of the fire spirit battleship to do it!

If the giant python advances and enters another great realm, let alone suppressing the giant python, it is a blessing to be able to escape from the sky.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding itself has a strong fighting spirit, but the Huoling battleship fused with ancient runes is even more powerful. As long as the Huoling warship inspires the power of the runes, even a five-colored bull can be suppressed, let alone a dragon that is about to transform into a dragon. Monty Python.

That rune contained a mysterious and ancient power, even Gao Jiuding himself didn't know how powerful it was!

It can only be said that the giant python is unlucky, not only did it die, but it was also unable to possess such a spiritual creature.

"The ambition is great. I want to transform into a dragon and soar, but it's a pity that you don't have the fate, let alone the luck!" Gao Jiuding suddenly had some inexplicable insights, as if he had an understanding of something.

He is a little silent, he is thinking about a question, if he does not have strong strength, can he obtain these opportunities?

Even, even if you encounter it, if you don't have the strength, it is impossible to get such an opportunity.

Even all his accumulations may have the chance to become other creatures, more precisely, they should be chances.

Gao Jiuding pondered for a long time, and finally he chuckled and dug out this huge blood orchid.

He dug carefully, and after more than ten minutes, he dug out the whole blood orchid.

After collecting it carefully, Gao Jiuding left satisfied.

The harvest this time is huge. He has these blood orchids. If he eats all of them, the bloodline will definitely evolve. As for how far the bloodline has evolved, it is really hard to say.

The harvest this time was unexpected, but Gao Jiuding was very satisfied.

 Thanks for the 72 coin reward from the 200 brothers who lived with the fate, and thank you the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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