The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1357 Flesh Supernatural Powers

Chapter 1357 Flesh Supernatural Powers

After digging out this huge blood orchid, Gao Jiuding started to wander around again!
There are a lot of spiritual things here, and he can't miss any of them, even if they haven't grown into blood orchids, he can't miss them.

"Huh? I seem to have forgotten something?" Just as he thought of the elixir that didn't mature, Gao Jiuding stopped in his tracks. He seemed to have forgotten something important.

Gao Jiuding returned to the place where the millennium blood orchid was dug just now. Now that he knew there was a dormant reincarnation blood orchid, why isn't there any here?
Even if it was swallowed by the giant python and refined, there should still be some here, right?

Gao Jiuding released his consciousness and looked around carefully, but he found nothing.

In this kind of place with abnormal gravity, even ordinary soil and rocks have a high density, so it is very unfavorable for Gao Jiuding's spiritual search, which is why he generally does not use spiritual consciousness.

But this time, Gao Jiuding couldn't miss it. Even if it's just a guess, he still needs to sort out the underground here.

"By the way, not only the dormant blood orchids, but also this mountain, since so many spiritual things can grow, it can't be so ordinary!"

Gao Jiuding's eyes widened, and he carefully checked the surrounding mountains and rivers, but the aura here was considered normal, without any abnormalities at all.

If not, Gao Jiuding should have discovered something a long time ago.

There is no abnormality, which is the biggest abnormality. This place is very strange, and there must be something wrong here.

How can there be no spiritual energy in a place where so many spiritual things can grow?

However, in Gao Jiuding's eyes, this place is just an ordinary mountain forest, and there is nothing special about the surrounding mountains, rivers and trees.

Of course, if it wasn't so normal, Gao Jiuding believed that this place would have been swept over countless times, even if there was that giant python guarding it, it wouldn't be able to stop the greedy monks.

The current situation here is that the real masters look down on them, and the low-level monks are looking for death when they come over.

So until now, this place has not been searched by anyone, which happened to be cheaper for Gao Jiuding.

The gods are self-obscuring, so is the spiritual vein also self-obscuring?This is obviously impossible. The spiritual veins that gather spiritual energy can hide themselves without knowing it. Is it a formation?

Gao Jiuding stepped on the hard ground under his feet. The gravity became stronger, and the soil here became firmer. Any kind of plant that can grow in this kind of soil is not comparable to the plants on the earth.

For example, the density and texture of the plants here, even a small grass, are many times higher than those of the thousand-year-old red sandalwood on the earth. Even an ordinary grass, its hardness is comparable to that produced by the earth. Iron wood.

And there must be a reason for every plant and tree here to grow like this.

Of course, the gravity environment is different, which makes the flowers and trees here more resilient, but what about the spirits?Without the spiritual vein, there will definitely be no spiritual things.

Gao Jiuding stomped vigorously and successfully made a deep footprint.

The soil and rocks here now have little effect on Gao Jiuding.

With a thought in Gao Jiuding's mind, he directly turned into a ball of yellow aura and sank into the ground.

With the advancement of Nascent Soul, Gao Jiuding's body has begun to be transformed, and has even achieved a part of the power of the blood shadow divine light. For example, now, he is practicing the earth system skills, and he can naturally cultivate the mysterious yellow body.

This is a supernatural power, which Gao Jiuding learned from local masters and deduced after a long period of time.

He remembered that before coming here, in the small secret realm of teleportation, he met a master who had cultivated into the real body of Wutu.

Therefore, during the several retreats before coming to this continent, when Gao Jiuding had time, he carefully deduced and practiced all the skills he had learned, seen, needed, and possibly needed. again.

For example, the field of time and space, this is the most difficult, he just scratched a little bit of fur, but like the real body of Wutu, the body of Xuanhuang, etc., because he has a solid foundation before, so after decades of using the domain of God, he will All done.

Speaking of it, it sounds very mysterious, but it is actually a body condensed with earth-type aura and a body condensed with black-yellow air. This is the difference between Wuji's real body and black-yellow body, and these are all Gao Jiuding's most basic physical supernatural powers .

At this time, Gao Jiuding even regretted it a little, he should have advanced to the Faxiang and Yuanying earlier, because after the advancement, he practiced supernatural powers much faster.

Don't talk about anything else, just talk about the blood shadow magic skill, so how difficult is it for Gao Jiuding to cultivate a blood god child?
But since he advanced to the Dharma, it has not been difficult at all to condense the Blood God Son.

Blood shadow, blood light, blood god, from the hemolysis period, blood refinement is the beginning, among the three realms, the blood god son just corresponds to the realm of the dharma phase.

Gao Jiuding knew this a long time ago, but he didn't expect that it would be so easy to condense the Blood God Son after advancing to the Dharma Form.

Almost as soon as he thought about it, the blood shadow would split out, and a blood god son would be condensed!

If it is not necessary to integrate into the soul, Gao Jiuding can condense countless blood god sons like this, but the strength depends on how much blood essence Gao Jiuding splits.

Therefore, at Gao Jiuding's current state, his strength also depends on how much blood he has.

If it weren't for this, Gao Jiuding really didn't want to continue to strengthen his physical fitness, because after strengthening his physical fitness, he would strengthen and purify his blood, and the blood brought more high-quality blood, and the strength of the blood directly determined Gao Jiuding's strength. The strength of the Blood God Son cultivated by Jiuding.

The Blood God Son is very powerful, this Gao Jiuding has long known that whether it is cultivating the second incarnation or the magic weapon, with the Blood God Son, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

Of course, the Blood Shadow Dungeon can also ascend to the sky and enter the earth, but compared to the Earth Dungeon technique, the supernatural power of the mysterious and yellow body has more advantages.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding's body transformed into the mysterious yellow light and immediately merged into the earth.

At this time, the hard earth and rock were no different from Gao Jiuding, it was not an obstacle to Gao Jiuding, it even became a nutrient for Gao Jiuding.

At this time, Gao Jiuding felt that he was a bit like a fish in water. No, it should be a dragon entering the sea. The originally solid earth became a gas station. As soon as Gao Jiuding entered the ground, he immediately felt a strong earth-type aura pouring into his body.

This description is a bit wrong. It should be that all the spiritual energy in the earth has been absorbed and gathered by his avatar's black and yellow body, rushing in quickly.

At first Gao Jiuding was taken aback, but when he understood what was going on, he immediately beamed with joy.

Not only would escaping into the ground not consume his mana, but it could actually enhance his cultivation. Where could such a good thing be found?

While absorbing the aura from the ground, Gao Jiuding analyzed the attributes of these auras. The aura of the earth attribute must be the most, but it is not only the aura of the earth attribute, but also the aura of wood and metal, and even a part of the aura of fire and water. .

Only now did Gao Jiuding realize that his mysterious and yellow body escaped into the ground, absorbing the spiritual energy of the five elements, not the spiritual energy of the earth element as he thought at first.

The human body has its own five-element attributes, and the balance of the five elements can lead to a long life. The five-element aura he absorbs now can be transformed into the earth-type aura, which is the key.

"Isn't this just a small five-element transformation formation?" Gao Jiuding sensed the changes inside his body, and as he transformed into a black and yellow body, his body also became a small five-element transformation formation.

"It doesn't matter, it's a good thing anyway!" After getting used to the ground, Gao Jiuding immediately started to inspect the surroundings.

This mountain forest must be extraordinary. He is sure that there should be at least a large spiritual vein underground, and there is even hope to find a giant spiritual vein. If it is a fairy vein, that would be even better.

Of course, if there are immortal veins here, the giant python should be more powerful, or those blood orchids should be easier to advance to spiritual objects, so Gao Jiuding didn't expect too much.

"Eh? Why not?" After searching around, I was surprised, let alone a giant spiritual vein, Gao Jiuding didn't even find a small spiritual vein, which is very abnormal.

"What's wrong?" Such a situation is definitely wrong, but Gao Jiuding didn't want to understand what was wrong.

"By the way, if you search from Xuelan, you should be able to find some traces of the spiritual vein!" Gao Jiuding quickly sorted out the clues. He was too excited to patrol the periphery, and he should start from the most important place. That's right.

Sure enough, Gao Jiuding found the spiritual acupoint very easily this time.

The place that can spawn a large number of spiritual things is naturally a place with rich spiritual energy, and there is a spiritual cave with a spiritual vein leading to the outside world.

Gathering spiritual energy is the function of spiritual acupoints, so this kind of spiritual acupoints are natural formations with the effect of gathering spiritual energy, and the ability to gather aura is very strong.

The reason why it looked normal before was entirely because of the aura absorbed and gathered by the blood orchid. Now that the blood orchid has been collected by Gao Jiuding, a cloud of spiritual mist has gathered in that empty place. Gao Jiuding can see it at a glance. To the strong aura over there.

"There is no gathering of spirits around, only that area has the strongest effect of gathering spirits. Could it be that this spirit vein is hidden very deeply?" Gao Jiuding came to the large area of ​​ordinary blood orchids in the capital to check, this is only the periphery of the spiritual acupoint.

Soon, Gao Jiuding locked the center of the spiritual acupoint, where the huge blood orchid grew.

And on the periphery, Gao Jiuding also found many blood orchids hidden underground and dormant, and they happened to surround the huge blood orchid!
In other words, there are blood orchids growing on the entire spiritual acupoint, and the piece Gao Jiuding collected before is just a small part of the blood orchids that happened to bloom!
And some blood orchids that have reached the limit of flowering and withered and hid in the ground dormant, all gathered around the huge blood orchids.

"Looking at it like this, there's no need to transplant all of them into the pagoda. It's not bad to grow here, but it takes a long time!"

Gao Jiuding was very happy when he found another seven or eight hundred blood orchids hidden in the ground, but he didn't start transplanting again, but planned to keep them here to continue growing.

There must be a large spiritual vein here, otherwise these blood orchids would not grow so well.

Gao Jiuding found the center of the spiritual acupoint, sank immediately, and kept going down.

(End of this chapter)

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