The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1358 Giant Spirit Vein

Chapter 1358 Giant Spirit Vein
"Haha, it's really different here. Looking at the surrounding aura, it looks like a formation! But why are there no artificial traces? There are still many flaws. Looking at it this way, it doesn't look like a artificially arranged restriction!"

Following the spiritual acupoint, he found the aura channel. Gao Jiuding soon discovered the abnormality, and the anomaly came from some rocks. The spiritual light flickered inside these rocks, and some formations were actually formed.

However, these formations were incomplete, so Gao Jiuding easily avoided some restrictions and continued to escape through some gaps.

"Could it be a naturally formed formation? This is very rare!" Soon Gao Jiuding had an inference.

Every plant and tree here, even a stone, contains spiritual energy. On the other side of the earth, such earth and rocks are considered spiritual mines and spiritual materials, but here, they are just ordinary earth and rocks, because there are too many of them.

Although it is common here, they contain aura after all, and can also transmit aura, so this place forms a channel for aura because it communicates with the underground spiritual veins.

And after years of being washed away by spiritual energy, these spiritual materials will inevitably undergo changes, which is why the restriction is naturally derived, forming an incomplete formation.

Thinking about it, some of the fairy materials that Gao Jiuding discovered before came from the same way, but those fairy materials existed around better spiritual veins, at least there should be some spiritual crystals growing around them.

The further down, Gao Jiuding confirmed his guess. When he really saw a spiritual vein, he was already admiring himself.

A spiritual vein hidden thousands of meters underground was discovered by him, how intelligent he is!

Looking at the dark spiritual light in front of him, Gao Jiuding didn't know what to say.

It was the first time he had seen such a huge underground water vein, and it was a water spirit vein.

"No, why is there a bit of green in this black? Could it be that the green is too rich to become black?"

Soon, Gao Jiuding realized that something was wrong. It couldn't be a pure water vein here, because there must be huge water veins around the water vein.

Based on the spirit vein that Gao Jiuding saw now, there should be a big river around, but there is no underground river, which is wrong.

Therefore, after careful observation, Gao Jiuding discovered that the black glare was not really black, but emerald green. This was a wood-type spirit vein, which was wrong, it should be a wood-water mixed spirit vein.

"That's right, the growth of the blood orchid must require two kinds of spiritual veins, wood and water, to provide enough spiritual energy!"

Gao Jiuding followed the spirit veins and kept going deeper. He almost immediately saw the spirit stones bred by the spirit veins.

The spirit stone is like a winding dragon, zigzags underground, constantly going deeper into the bottom layer.

There weren't many low-grade spirit stones, the middle-grade spirit stones were the most eye-catching, and as long as you went a little deeper, you would find top-grade spirit stones, and then Gao Jiuding saw countless top-grade spirit stones.

There is at least one large spiritual vein here, because there are too many top-grade spirit stones. It can be imagined that when the center of this spiritual vein is reached, there must be spirit crystals there.

The spirit crystal that contains the spirit of the fairy is what Gao Jiuding desperately desires now.

Of course, Gao Jiuding, the top grade spirit stone, also likes it very much, because he happens to use this kind of spirit stone now.

The practice of the Dharma Stage and the Nascent Soul Stage requires absorbing the high-quality spiritual energy from refining the best spirit stones in order to get twice the result with half the effort.

Otherwise, it is necessary to use the ten thousand year elixir to refine the elixir before it can be converted into pure mana. The spiritual energy contained inside must be less, and it is not as convenient and quick as the refining of the ten thousand year elixir.

However, one or two pieces of top-quality spirit stones are not as useful as ten thousand years of elixir, so what about 1 yuan, one million pieces, ten million pieces of top-quality spirit stones?
At this time, Gao Jiuding began to think. What he used to transform a large amount of mana before was all the blood of ferocious beasts produced locally.

Although those blood essences are easy to refine, but the purity is too low, it is obviously not as good as using top-grade spirit stones.

At this time, Gao Jiuding suddenly realized that the level of cultivation of the beasts here should not be considered wrong.

There should be monsters in the blood core stage everywhere here, and those who are a little stronger, their physical strength should have reached the realm of the Dharma phase, so the beasts here, the essence and blood in their bodies make Gao Jiuding, a monk of the Dharma phase, can be used.

"Unfortunately, perhaps because of the different environments, the beasts here only have bodies that have reached the level of blood pills and dharma appearances, but they are not in the realm of cultivation, because they are far behind in other aspects. Fortunately, this is the case, otherwise the human race would , where will there be a way out?"

After thinking about it, Gao Jiuding felt lucky. Humans have competed with the orcs for survival resources since ancient times, and it is no exception now.

For example, now, if he hadn't killed that giant python, how could Gao Jiuding have discovered and occupied this spiritual vein!

"Okay, there are so many low-grade spirit crystals, and no spiritual eyes have been found, it can only mean that this is at least a giant spirit vein, and there must be this middle-grade spirit crystal inside!"

Slowly escaped within the spiritual veins, but after discovering the low-grade spirit crystal, Gao Jiuding went deeper and saw the low-grade spirit crystal.

That is to say, Gao Jiuding did not find the most central position of the dragon's head, which shows that the spirit crystal at the position of the dragon's head is of higher quality.

"This is the first time to discover a giant spiritual vein, it is worth commemorating!" Gao Jiuding knew that as long as there is a giant spiritual vein, he should be able to barely arrange a space-time teleportation array.

Gathering spirit pulses to activate the time-space teleportation array consumes the spirit energy of the spirits, and the low-grade spirit crystals here are naturally the resources that are consumed!

As for the middle-grade spirit crystal, it must not be moved, otherwise this giant spirit vein will be useless.

Gao Jiuding continued to grope forward, he followed the direction with the strongest aura and the brightest aura, and soon, he found the middle-grade spirit crystal.

This kind of spiritual crystal has strips of bright yellow gold wires inside, so it looks more dazzling and conspicuous.

"The golden thread is the condensed spirit of the fairy, right? Could it be the spirit crystal of the gold system? No, isn't the spirit crystal different from the five elements?"

The first time I saw Zhongpin Lingjing, Gao Jiuding was also a little confused.

Low-grade spirit crystals don't have any external manifestations. I didn't expect middle-grade spirit crystals to grow gold threads.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding can't use this spirit crystal now, and naturally he doesn't know what is special about this spirit crystal.

Now these are not the point, the point is to find out if the middle-grade spirit crystal here is the limit!

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding found the center of the middle-grade spirit crystal after a little investigation, but no top-grade spirit crystal appeared, which shows that this is a giant spirit vein, not a fairy vein.

If there were high-grade spirit crystals, maybe it would be different here, but unfortunately, Gao Jiuding didn't know what high-grade spirit crystals were like, why would it be a fairy vein if there were high-grade spirit crystals?

Logically speaking, there are some fairy spirits in the upper-grade spirit veins. Could it be that such fairy spirits are very different from the fairy spirits in the upper-grade spirit crystals in the fairy veins?

"It doesn't matter, it's enough to set up a space-time teleportation array!" Gao Jiuding immediately became happy after investigating the situation of this spiritual vein.

After he figured out the veins of this giant spiritual vein, he must perfect the formations around this place, which are incomplete and need to be repaired.

As he got deeper into this set of spiritual veins, Gao Jiuding also guessed some of the functions of those formations, but they had the functions of protecting, hiding the spiritual veins, and aura.

Or, it also has the effect of stabilizing the spiritual vein. Anyway, the natural formation derived from this spiritual vein serves this spiritual vein.

"No matter how you look at it, it looks like the trapping dragon formation, the nailing dragon formation, and the binding dragon formation! These formations used on the spiritual veins are very similar to this naturally derived formation? Could it be that the cultivator came from these natural formations? Among the formations, the formations that are stable and conceal the spiritual veins learned?"

"Maybe that's the case. It seems that the natural formation is also a good thing, but it's a pity that it's incomplete. It should be the result of careful research by later generations based on this formation!"

While searching for the location of the spiritual eye, Gao Jiuding memorized the distribution of the underground spiritual veins!

To set up the formation, one needs to figure out the direction and structure of the entire spiritual vein, otherwise it is impossible to use it perfectly, and even when the formation is activated, it will cause damage to the spiritual vein.

Therefore, after the cultivators discovered the spiritual veins, they set up formations such as the trapped dragon formation, not only to hide the spiritual veins, but also to stabilize and protect the spiritual veins.

The area covered by a giant spiritual vein is really too large, so for the next time, Gao Jiuding slowly wandered underground.

Of course, he was also looking for the location of the spiritual eye. The dragon head was found, but the core spiritual eye in the dragon head had not been found yet.

Because there is a possibility of producing Lingzhu in the place where Lingyan is located, it is impossible for Gao Jiuding to let this place go.

It's a pity that this spirit vein is too big. It's just the place where the middle-grade spirit crystals are produced. It should be as large as 100 meters long, wide and high. And the middle-grade spirit crystals produced in this kind of spirit veins are definitely impossible. Fangfang gathered in one place, and the spiritual veins are not straight, so it will take some time to find them.

The essence of the center of this spirit vein must be a hundred meters long, and the place where the low-grade spirit crystals are derived must also exceed a kilometer!

The area covered by top-grade spirit stones is more than ten kilometers, the coverage area of ​​top-grade spirit stones is [-] kilometers, the coverage area of ​​middle-grade spirit stones is [-] kilometers, and the coverage area of ​​low-grade spirit stones is more than [-] kilometers.

Of course, this is Gao Jiuding's speculation according to the earth's routine, but if you really go underground, the spiritual veins cannot be generated as you imagined.

Therefore, underground, up, down, left, right, front and back, there are all spirit stones. If Gao Jiuding hadn't been able to escape into the spirit veins and avoid some troubles by checking the forbidden aura, he really couldn't see clearly, the entangled What is the direction of the huge spiritual vein?

"No wonder there is a dragon-hunting profession in the cultivation world. It is so troublesome to find the spiritual veins. Will it be more difficult to find the spiritual veins?"

 Thank you for the 72 coin reward from the 200 brothers, and thank you to the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, the poison you thousands of times, lads4017 brothers for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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