The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1359 Immortal Phoenix

Chapter 1359 Immortal Phoenix
After wandering around for a few times, he felt that the underground formation was too complicated, so Gao Jiuding started to draw directly, because no matter how strong his memory was, it couldn't match the complexity of the underground spirit veins.

Of course, this is the trouble of happiness. If it is a middle-grade spiritual vein, or even a high-grade spiritual vein, it is unlikely to be so complicated.

This time, Gao Jiuding saw the difference of the giant spirit vein.

"It seems that the formation is not easy to set up!" While walking underground and drawing pictures, Gao Jiuding was still thinking about how to improve the formation here.

After improving the guardian formation, it is still necessary to design a reasonable time-space teleportation formation based on this formation, because it is necessary to reasonably extract the aura of this spiritual vein to activate the time-space transmission formation.

But no matter how he thought about it, Gao Jiuding felt that he couldn't use the formation plate he made directly. The formation formed automatically by throwing it out like a fool's plate is not easy to use here.

Even if you set up the formation yourself, you still need to understand the terrain and lay the foundation of the formation according to certain rules, so as to form an formation. All these require professionals such as formation masters to complete.

A half-baked guy like Gao Jiuding is definitely going to die now.

"The spiritual eyes here are hidden too deeply!" Gao Jiuding was a little helpless. He had wandered around the spiritual crystal in the center of the spiritual vein dozens of times, but he just didn't find the spiritual eyes.

The spiritual eyes must be different, as long as Gao Jiuding sees it, even if there is no spirit bead formed, Gao Jiuding can see it at a glance, but within a kilometer radius, Gao Jiuding just didn't find anything special.

"Is there any secret?" Gao Jiuding didn't believe that there was no spiritual eye here. He could have checked every inch of a cube with a radius of a kilometer.
There is likely to be a spirit bead in the spirit eye, and Gao Jiuding is absolutely impossible to miss, because his pagoda, the five elements, and even the Daohong furnace in the Huoling battleship all need the support of the spirit vein.

Well, he also forgot about the injured storage ring. If this storage ring with a huge internal space is integrated into a spiritual vein, its quality will definitely not be inferior to that of the Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda.

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't intend to keep this thing. He would either give it to Song Yue or An Shenxiu in the future. After all, he didn't need so many magic weapons for storage.

After wandering around for a week, Gao Jiuding couldn't help it anymore. In the dark underground, it is really not easy to find the so-called spiritual eyes that may only be the size of a palm.

This is the first time Gao Jiuding has encountered such a thing, so he is also very helpless.

He clearly knew that there must be a source of the origin of the spiritual veins here, but he just couldn't find it, and there is a reason for this.

"Don't worry, don't worry, such a huge spiritual vein has been discovered, can the spiritual eye still run?" Gao Jiuding drilled above the ground and looked at the surrounding mountains and rivers.

This place is different from the earth or the demon star, because logically speaking, this giant spiritual vein can at least radiate an area of ​​tens of thousands of kilometers around it.

If this is the case, the branch veins should extend very far. However, after wandering around for more than a month, Gao Jiuding discovered that the ground covered by this giant spiritual vein is less than a thousand kilometers away.

In other words, this giant spirit vein, together with all its branches, is within a radius of a thousand miles. Seven hundred kilometers away, there are only a few tiny spirit veins derived here and there, not even many small spirit veins.

Of course, this does not mean that this giant spiritual vein is small, because the land is three-dimensional, so that the volume of this spiritual vein appears larger.

"It's too concentrated. Is it because of the geographical environment? Are all the spiritual veins here like this, or is this one the most special?"

Gao Jiuding analyzed it carefully, and thought that this should be a common phenomenon, because all the substances here have a high density, so the gravity is also very high, which makes everything not grow big, and the spiritual veins can also grow. Jiuding already knew.

"That's good, it's more convenient to use. After all, a radius of ten kilometers is enough!" Looking at the surrounding mountains and rivers, Gao Jiuding was very satisfied with the drawn spirit vein map again.

Covering several hills and covering several large plains and forests, this kind of terrain is still very conducive to transformation.

"Unfortunately, there are advantages and disadvantages. Such a small area makes it difficult to find the spiritual veins here!"

This is an accidental finding of a spiritual vein. If it wasn't for the discovery of the giant python and the discovery of so many blood orchids, how could Gao Jiuding lock this spiritual vein?
If he deliberately came to look for the spiritual pulse, Gao Jiuding was not sure that he would be able to find it.

A large spiritual vein can develop a prosperous city, and a giant spiritual vein can definitely develop a huge city. On this continent-like planet, if enough spiritual veins are found, it should be very prosperous. But Gao Jiuding scanned this place before entering the jungle, and he only found a few dozen cities here.

In other words, on this huge continent, only a dozen large spiritual veins have been discovered.

"It seems that the cultivators here are not very powerful, otherwise they should have gone deep into the jungle long ago, and as long as they found the abnormality here, they should have found this spiritual vein!" At this time, Gao Jiuding became confident, because he Being able to defeat that giant python shows that he is very strong.

If there are masters comparable to him in those cities on Friday, where is this giant spiritual vein waiting for him to discover?

"Forget it, don't worry about it, let's repair it first, and when the repair is over, continue to work!"

Gao Jiuding had discovered the giant python's lair a long time ago. It can be said that the mountain where the giant python is located is the huge Tianchi below the mountain, and near the mountain, beside the huge Tianchi, there is a huge stalactite cave, and because of the high terrain, it is very dry.

Of course, there must be no shortage of water for stalactite caves to appear, but because of the topography of the mountain, the groundwater has penetrated into the ground smoothly according to a certain route.

"There is really no shortage of water here, so the appearance of the water-wood mixed spirit vein below is not without reason!"

Roar!As soon as he reached the entrance of the cave, Gao Jiuding heard a loud roar.

In the mountains, there was a loud roar that shook all directions. Countless ferocious beasts crouched down, trembling, looking very scared.

That roar contained a supreme arrogance, as if an overlord was roaring.

Is that a wild dragon?Gao Jiuding's eyes looked down the mountain, the wild dragon was roaring proudly, exuding a tragic aura, deterring the beasts within a radius of tens of thousands of meters.

"So strong, that guy was beaten with chicken blood? No, it should be more powerful than chicken blood!" Gao Jiuding realized the problem by sweeping around, and soon discovered the problem.

Around the spiritual point of this spiritual vein, naturally not only blood orchids were born, but also many other spiritual plants, but those spiritual plants grew in some hidden spiritual points.

You know, a huge spiritual vein has more than one spiritual point, but those spiritual points were covered by natural formations before, and ordinary people couldn't find it.

However, recently, Gao Jiuding was modifying the underground formation, which exposed some spiritual acupoints.

Obviously, the Huanglong with certain wisdom is the beneficiary.

The spiritual power attached to those spirit flowers and grasses is far inferior to that of blood orchids, but whether it is spirit grass or spiritual things, if you eat too much, you will get great benefits.

Previously, Gao Jiuding's eyes were all attracted by the blood orchid, but he didn't notice other spirits, which must have been cheap for Huanglong.

It's not stupid to think about that wild dragon. When Gao Jiuding made a fortune, it also got a little bit of light.

Looking at the Huanglong at this time, Gao Jiuding was a little shocked. He really didn't know how many spiritual things this greedy guy ate to become what he is now.

Seeing Huanglong's performance now, Gao Jiuding could only feel incredible.

This wild dragon is even stronger, but what is surprising is that the original 25-meter-high body has been compressed to become 20-meter-high, but its aura is even more domineering.

At this time, Huanglong's whole body was shining with a little spiritual light, especially the light on its scales was even more intense.

At this time, most of its body was covered with pitch-black scales, really like dragon scales, it looked very mighty.

Moreover, the pair of sharp horns on Huanglong's head were longer and sharper, and Gao Jiuding could feel a cold aura from far away.

This wild dragon has become so powerful, so it must have eaten a lot in the past month!

"The spirit flower and spirit grass in this place can actually purify the blood? It seems that the effect is very good." Gao Jiuding collected some spirit grass, and after a little deduction, he determined the reason why Huanglong could grow so fast.

In just one month, this wild dragon has more than doubled in strength. What if it eats more?
Gao Jiuding immediately thought of the giant python that turned into a dragon. If he swallowed all these spiritual herbs, the wild dragon wouldn't reach the strength of the giant python, right?

Thinking about it now, he still has thousands of blood orchids in his hand, and there is even a blood orchid that is older, maybe more than 1 years old. What would happen if he ate it?
"So much, it's nothing to eat. I just want to see if my blood can improve quickly!" Gao Jiuding quickly made a decision.

The blood shadow magic skill he practiced pays more attention to the purity of blood, which can be said to be his foundation.

In addition, he absorbed the blood essence of the blood phoenix to cultivate the blood shadow magic skill, so Gao Jiuding has always suspected that he now also has the blood of the blood phoenix.

For the purification of blood, he has always spared no effort. If the blood keeps improving, can Gao Jiuding really have the blood of the immortal phoenix?
The reason why Gao Jiuding had this idea was because after he refined his body and blood, the dharma form he cultivated was always a little bird.

Gao Jiuding had suspected for a long time that he might have cultivated the blood phoenix dharma. Unfortunately, his little bird dharma looks too frustrating to have the majesty of a phoenix at all, and only when he goes all out can there be a phoenix in that dharma look.

(End of this chapter)

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