The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1360 Rebirth from a Drop of Blood

Chapter 1360 Rebirth from a Drop of Blood
The phoenix and the blood phoenix are different, the phoenix is ​​reborn from ashes of fire, and reborn from nirvana, but the blood phoenix can be reborn without fire or nirvana, and it can even be said to be truly immortal.

Gao Jiuding's newly formed direction, after all, despises the phoenix and is always a little bird.

It is impossible to directly generate the phoenix dharma, the only possibility is that the blood is not pure enough, so after feeling that the blood orchid has a powerful effect on the purification of the blood, Gao Jiuding was immediately excited.

He recalled the wild dragon, ordered it to guard the entrance of the cave, and immediately rushed into a relatively dry cave ahead, intending to practice hard.

Huanglong lay down here to guard the cave, while Gao Jiuding was already sitting cross-legged inside the pagoda.

Originally, Gao Jiuding wanted to set up formations around and cover all the places covered by the giant spirit veins with formations, but after thinking about it, Gao Jiuding felt that this was trying to cover up, and there was no 300 taels of silver here.

So he gave up directly, and now he is alone, making it too obvious that he wants to attract people to rob him.

In this case, it's better to keep it as it is. As for the wild dragon, let it continue to be the overlord of this place, so that it can also deter the cultivators who come to take risks in the mountains.

After calming down, Gao Jiuding finally took out a blood-red flower, which was an ordinary Millennium Blood Orchid.

After a little deduction in the visualization space, Gao Jiuding was sure that this kind of spiritual thing has magical effects, can improve the bloodline level, and even has unknown effects, which of course are good effects.

Without hesitation, Gao Jiuding swallowed the bowl-sized blood orchid in two or three mouthfuls, and then he felt different.

As soon as the blood orchid enters.It turned into a bright red slurry, quickly fused into the flesh.

boom!Gao Jiuding was in a daze, he didn't expect the medicine to be so powerful.

Just in an instant, Gao Jiuding's body started to riot. He felt his blood boil completely. His whole body's essence and blood were stimulated by this bloody liquid, and the blood in his whole body was mighty, forming a terrifying torrent, sweeping all over his body.

At this moment, he was a little frightened, feeling whether his physical body could not bear it and was broken by the boiling blood.

But his worry was unnecessary. At this moment, the heart in his body was vibrating like a huge spring.

It is the engine, that is, the source of power, an unknown force, the first thing to strengthen is Gao Jiuding's heart, so that his heart can continuously increase the energy and blood in his body.

Then Gao Jiuding's blood sea space began to boil. This is the blood sea, the sea of ​​essence and blood, and it is the eye of Gao Jiuding's blood.

The blood spring in Gao Jiuding's body was fused and opened up. At this time, the sea of ​​blood was being stimulated violently, and it kept vibrating.

As the sea of ​​blood trembled, the boundless sea of ​​blood actually swallowed the bloody liquid that the blood orchid had turned into.

The bloody energy is like a terrifying giant beast, but it was swallowed by the blood sea space in one go.

Boom!Suddenly, Gao Jiuding's body shook, and he felt an extremely violent vibration from the space of the blood sea, and even the surrounding area of ​​the blood sea trembled a little.

Gao Jiuding's heart was shaken, he saw that his blood sea space was gradually getting bigger.

Boundless sea of ​​blood, is there a boundary?And at this time, the invisible boundary seems to be expanding, expanding rapidly.

This is the first time for Gao Jiuding to know that the blood sea space after opening up can actually expand.

Gao Jiuding has a sea of ​​qi, a sea of ​​blood, and a sea of ​​consciousness in his body. When will these three mysterious spaces expand?

Gao Jiuding's previous accumulation is not unreasonable, but even so, he has never felt the expansion of the three!

In other words, the sea of ​​qi expanded at the beginning, but that was because the qi he cultivated continued to accumulate and increase, occupying a larger area of ​​the sea of ​​qi, rather than expanding the sea of ​​qi.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was astonished to discover that around the blood sea, a piece of rune emerged, exuding an extremely strong aura, imprisoning and sealing the entire blood sea space.

"Is this a seal? No, it should be a forbidden zone, or the upper limit of imprisonment? God's forbidden zone? A person is destined to achieve how much he is born. This is the limit!"

At this moment, Gao Jiuding still doesn't understand that this is his limit.

There is a so-called God's forbidden zone in the brain, which cannot be touched by human beings.

However, that is for ordinary people, and for cultivators, they are just doing it against the sky, just to break their own confinement.

Unexpectedly, the first time Gao Jiuding touched the confinement was actually within the blood sea space.

Since there are restrictions in the sea of ​​blood, then there are also restrictions in the sea of ​​consciousness and the sea of ​​qi?
At this time, Gao Jiuding realized that there is still a lot of potential to be tapped in his air sea space.

In recent years, Gao Jiuding didn't specialize in Qi refining at all, and this is the reason why his Qi Sea space stagnated, right?
Or, even if he tried hard, he still couldn't touch the restricted area of ​​Qi Sea?
Not to mention the sea of ​​consciousness, he doesn't know how to practice at all.

Even if there is some way to cultivate the consciousness and soul now, it is still impossible to touch the boundary of the sea of ​​consciousness, let alone touch the restricted area.

But now, he accidentally discovered that he had touched the restricted area of ​​the blood sea.

This is a good thing, but it is not so easy to break through the Blood Sea restricted area.

At this time, Gao Jiuding had already discovered the power of the runes that emerged in the restricted area, which was equivalent to a powerful seal, blocking Gao Jiuding's potential, and allowing him to practice to a certain level at most before he would stagnate.

Unfortunately, with the current strength of Gao Jiuding, it is impossible to make a breakthrough, let alone shake this seal.

To break through this God's forbidden zone, one must break the seal formed by this stream of runes.

However, at this moment, the sea of ​​blood was silent, as if the energy of the blood orchid had been consumed.

Gao Jiuding frowned deeply, and felt that his essence and blood had become stronger and more viscous, and even the condensed blood god son had increased a lot.

This feeling didn't satisfy him, as if he couldn't improve his bloodline, it was really irritating.

"Is it really a forbidden zone for gods? Does breaking this seal make you a god?" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding thought of the gods that existed under this starry sky.

Regardless of whether these gods are much worse than immortals, or whether they can compare to monks Chunyang and Huashen, anyway, Gao Jiuding knows that there are many gods here, what does this mean?It shows that there is a broad road to becoming a god here!
Although it must be difficult, it should be much easier than becoming a fairy, right?
Since the protoss can be formed here, it means that there are a lot of protoss. Since the number is large, it naturally shows that the method of cultivation is perfect and should not be difficult.

This time Gao Jiuding touched the forbidden zone of God, does it mean that as long as he breaks the forbidden zone, he can also become a god?
The Fire Clan, the Metal Stone Clan, and other elemental groups, like the Shui Clan and the Thunder Clan, are all easy to become gods, right?Because under this starry sky, these races are all descendants of the gods. In ancient times, they were the gods.

"Human beings can naturally become gods. I really don't believe that this seal cannot be broken!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand and sprinkled a large amount of blood-colored flowers, and then crazily swallowed one after another into his stomach.

If this crazy approach is shown to some knowledgeable and strong people, they will definitely be shocked and dumbfounded.

After Gao Jiuding swallowed a hundred blood orchids in one go, he felt that it was still not enough.

He frantically took out more blood orchids, and opened his mouth to gnaw and swallow them indiscriminately.

As long as Xuelan is still there, he can continue to cultivate. Therefore, strengthening his strength is the most important thing now. Being a miser will not end well.

After understanding this point, why would Gao Jiuding want to continue cultivating these thousand-year-old blood orchids?
Boom!At this moment, a hundred blood orchids entered the entrance and turned into a terrifying blood-colored liquid, forming a torrent that swept across the body.

But before this torrent was absorbed, another more terrifying torrent came, shaking his entire body.

The energy contained in so many blood orchids is extremely terrifying. Gao Jiuding's face flushed for a while, then turned bright red, and finally dripped blood.

This is his blood essence, which was forced out of his body by that terrifying torrent of energy.

At this time, Gao Jiuding felt a little regretful, he felt too reckless, but it's useless to think about it now.

He has a hole card, even if his body is blown out, he still can't die, it's better to have blood nerves, with this magical skill, no matter how he plays or takes risks, his life can be guaranteed to the maximum extent.

Although he had confidence in his heart, Gao Jiuding was still very nervous at this time. Not only was his whole body trembling, but his energy and blood burst out, and even the space of the silent sea of ​​blood boiled completely again.

A viscous liquid erupted from the sea of ​​blood, which was a kind of powerful blood. Afterwards, the sea of ​​blood vibrated, and a great suction burst out, which swept all the terrifying torrents from the whole body and swallowed them into the sea of ​​blood. middle.

Boom!As soon as he swallowed this huge bloody energy, the spirit pool in the entire blood sea swelled, and then began to tremble violently, as if it was about to be shattered in the next moment, so frightened that Gao Jiuding's heart stopped slightly.

However, the next scene made Gao Jiuding feel relieved.

I saw that the spirit pond in the blood sea space, after swallowing all the mana, qi and blood, and the torrent of medicinal power, was transformed into a blood-colored brilliance in just an instant.

Seeing this bloody light, Gao Jiuding immediately calmed down. The bloody light is his supernatural power. It turned out to be a blood shadow, but now it has turned into bloody light. This is a supreme supernatural power.

As long as all of himself can be turned into blood, Gao Jiuding is immortal.

Of course, the blood light couldn't be used up, otherwise, he would have died.

Now all the power in his body has turned into blood, this is twisted into a rope!
As long as there is a little blood left, he can be reborn with a drop of blood. This is also the power of blood, right?
Gao Jiuding found out that he was on par with the rebirth magic power, but he likes it!
When the blood light appeared, Gao Jiuding's spiritual pool began to swell, and as the spiritual pool began to swell, the entire blood sea also began to swell.

 Thank you for the 72 coin reward from the 200 brothers who lived with the fate, and thank you the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, poison you thousands of times, lads4017, and book friend 20190609084344505 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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