Chapter 1361
In just a blink of an eye, Gao Jiuding's entire sea of ​​blood swelled more than ten times.

At this time, Gao Jiuding's blood sea space was still rapidly expanding, and finally when the blood sea expanded to 99 times, it stopped suddenly.

Bang, a shock came from Gao Jiuding's body.

Gao Jiuding's heart was shaken. He saw the blood light in the sea of ​​blood rapidly circling, and soon formed a terrifying grinding disc, which was crushing the terrifying blood orchid that came continuously from the body, or from the stomach. energy.

In the end, the expanding blood sea was shrinking, it was reduced in size from 99, and finally stabilized when it became only in size.

At this time, the space of the blood sea changed. The space of the blood sea was originally blood-red, but traces of silver-white light spread, and finally became stronger and stronger.

Even within the entire sea of ​​blood, what gushes out is this silvery liquid!

Then the silver-white liquid gushed out into the sea of ​​blood, sweeping the whole body, almost in an instant, this silver-white liquid completely replaced the blood in Gao Jiuding's whole body.

"This is, my blood?" Gao Jiuding was a little dumbfounded. He felt the flow of blood, and his body vibrated. The original bright red blood was forced out of his body, and now it turned into a silvery white liquid, passing by like mercury.

All the blood in his whole body has changed, forming this silver-white blood, exuding a mysterious aura.

Even, as the blood entered the heart, his entire huge heart changed, as if poured with mercury, emitting a bright silver light, shining brightly.

Kaka!At the same time, with the transformation of the blood, Gao Jiuding's bones also began to be affected. The originally white and crystal-clear bones turned into silver-like bones, exuding a crystal-clear color.

Gao Jiuding felt that his physical body was undergoing rapid changes, and traces of silver threads were spreading, intertwined inside and outside the flesh and bones, forming a dense root system, which followed Gao Jiuding's body everywhere.

Gao Jiuding knew that his physical body had become different. He could feel that his physical body was getting stronger, and even his entire strength had undergone a fundamental change.

boom!At this time, in the blood sea space, a silver-white gas rose up, sweeping the whole body!
This is fighting spirit. Could it be that Gao Jiuding had unintentionally cultivated a silver fighting body?
This kind of supernatural power, which was only recorded in the inheritance talisman obtained in that ancient city, was cultivated by him unintentionally?
This is a supernatural power of the flesh, and he has cultivated it so simply?
At this time, the originally thin fighting spirit in Gao Jiuding's body changed from off-white to silver-white, more than ten times stronger than before.

This is not an improvement in quantity, but an improvement in quality. It seems that the original fighting spirit is sand, but now it is steel, which is essentially different.

"So strong!" Gao Jiuding stood up suddenly, and with a bang, the whole space began to shake. Gao Jiuding felt that he now had the strength to break through the inner space of the pagoda.

Standing up, the others didn't move, just standing here, feeling the huge changes in the body.

From the blood to the flesh, a mysterious and terrifying change has taken place, much stronger than before.

With a thought, Gao Jiuding appeared in the cave outside, and following his appearance, the surrounding caves immediately collapsed.

Gao Jiuding chuckled, because he didn't restrain his fighting spirit, he actually destroyed the cave where he was hiding.

Roar, the wild dragon outside the cave was frightened. It was sleeping, but it was awakened by a shock, and then felt a terrible breath coming from the collapsed cave, which seemed to stop the space in all directions. .

Huanglong rushed out immediately, avoiding the cave far away.

Standing in the distance, Huanglong stared at the entrance of the cave in horror.

At this moment, Huanglong happened to see a blurred figure, surrounded by silvery white arcs, causing the void to turbulent for a while, as if everything had slowed down.

Gao Jiuding walked out of the smoke and dust, but his heart never calmed down. He observed the current physical body and found silvery white arcs flickering, exuding a mysterious and powerful aura, which is the silver fighting spirit.

His fighting spirit has changed, and it seems that with the improvement of his bloodline, he has become stronger, even beyond his understanding.

Gao Jiuding couldn't guess how strong he was at the moment, he stared at Huanglong in front of him, and even wanted to try it.

Roar!As if sensing Gao Jiuding's meaning, Huanglong wailed in horror, and it immediately lay down on the ground and couldn't get up.

Gao Jiuding was a little stunned by this guy's performance, and then he shook his head amusedly, dispelling the idea of ​​cleaning up Huanglong.

If one's own mount was injured, wouldn't it be a loss of one's own?just forget it!

Originally, this ferocious beast with the blood of the dragon clan could block him a few moves, but now, it seemed that he could crush it with a single thought. The difference was too great, and there was no comparison.

At this time, Gao Jiuding also lost the idea of ​​refining the wild dragon as an incarnation, and doing so would be too much of a waste of time.

Gao Jiuding trembled all over, and the silver arcs flickered and disappeared, and he restrained him. At this moment, his whole body's breath dissipated, and he turned into a flat figure.

Just now, his power made Huanglong terrified, but now, Gao Jiuding has completely disappeared from Huanglong's perception. This is because Gao Jiuding sealed all his blood and blood, and sealed it with fighting spirit. This is better than protecting the body. Gang Qi is easy to use.

"The fighting spirit seems to be stimulated by the blood?" Feeling the strength of the fighting spirit, Gao Jiuding didn't care.

He had never practiced well before he got the training method of fighting spirit.

And this time he felt the power of his bloodline, but he himself didn't know what the power of his bloodline was, so he could only faintly feel it was very strong.

"Those ordinary blood orchids are useless to me." Gao Jiuding knew that ordinary blood orchids were useless to him.

This is for sure, if you eat too much spiritual things, there will be no effect. It's not that the efficacy of the medicine has weakened, but that Gao Jiuding's strength has increased too much. The current medicinal power is already a drop in the bucket for Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding is like this now, the effect of ordinary blood orchid medicine is too weak for him.

Of course, don’t be afraid of waste, eating it will still add a little benefit, but the price-performance ratio is not high. If he continues to eat it, it will be a waste. It’s better to use it to cultivate his wife and children, and there is a Maverick with the same blood as him. True brother.

At this time, Gao Jiuding was even more grateful to Yihu. If he hadn't provided the blood of the blood phoenix, would Gao Jiuding have achieved what he is now?

The more he practiced to a higher level, the more Gao Jiuding set his sights on that phoenix blood essence. Without it, how could Gao Jiuding have cultivated the blood shadow magic skill?
This skill can be said to be his guarantee of immortality!

At this time, Gao Jiuding was thinking, whether to send these blood orchids back and give them to Yihu and others?

Thinking of this, Gao Jiuding acted directly, quickly found another cave, and began to arrange it inside.

He wanted to set up a temporary formation, extract the power of the underground spiritual veins, and see if he could have the ability to travel across time and space, and send these blood orchids back.

Song Yue had already given Gao Jiuding a design blueprint, which was mainly researched from the small secret realm of the canyon. Of course, they also combined many other technologies of the teleportation array, otherwise it would be impossible to determine the design blueprint in their hand. The blueprint of the teleportation array belongs to the space-time teleportation array.

As their power grew stronger and their areas covered became wider and wider, the teleportation array, which was originally very rare, was nothing.

Not to mention anything else, they discovered many teleportation arrays one after another in a group of asteroids in the outer domain.

For example, the teleportation array in the direction of the ancient city, the huge poisonous continent and some small teleportation arrays around it, and finally the canyon secret realm and some teleportation arrays around it.

It's just that the demon group there is too powerful, even Song Yue and the others have been exploring cautiously.

In the end, they broke into the secret place of the canyon and occupied it.

With the passage of time, Song Yue's strength is also improving rapidly. At least up to now, those big and small Shuras can no longer threaten them. Even King Shura, they can fight against one or two.

Otherwise, Song Yue and the others' development speed would be greatly restricted.

The stronger the strength, the more resources you will get, and with enough resources, the stronger your strength will be.

At this time, Song Yue and the others' strengths were rapidly improving like a snowball.

With the canyon secret realm as their base, Song Yue and the others could finally gain a foothold among the asteroids in the outer domain, and the rest of the time would be easy.

In the canyon secret realm, there is not only a huge invisible time-space teleportation array, but also many small teleportation arrays inside, and these small teleportation arrays are connected to some hidden areas inside the main asteroid, such as the Poison Continent, and other hidden places.

It was with this small transmission network that Song Yue and the others could gain a firm foothold in the asteroid belt.

In fact, it can be seen from King Mo Luo and King Shura's storming of the small secret canyon before, that the main base of the asteroid that was driven by the outside world is the small secret canyon.

Those outsiders could get along in the asteroid belt only through this small secret place in the canyon. Now that Song Yue occupied it, they naturally have the capital to resist the demon group.

On this day, An Shenxiu was training his subordinates. If they wanted to survive in this asteroid belt, a large formation of Dao soldiers was not available.

Fortunately, they don't lack formation maps. As long as the soldiers obey the discipline and add some equipment support, they can easily form large formations. In this kind of Daoist formation, individual combat power is nothing, and it mainly depends on the number of people.

The larger the number of people, the better the equipment, and the stronger the combat power of the formation. Of course, if the fighters forming the formation are stronger, it must be better.

The formation of Taoist soldiers now is mainly to deal with large demon groups.

As for the big and small Asura among the demon group, they need experts like An Shenxiu to deal with them.

(End of this chapter)

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