Chapter 1362
With sufficient resources and the help of the Time and Space God Realm in the hands of Gao Jiuding, An Shenxiu and others are not the same as Wuxia Amon in the past.

On this day, An Shenxiu was going to lead a group of Taoist soldiers to go out to hunt the demon group, but before she went out, she felt a strange coming, she didn't pay attention at first, but she was surprised the next moment.

"This is?" She frowned slightly, took out a jade talisman, and found that it was shining with light.

At first she thought it was someone who sent the message, but with a thought, she checked the information of the jade talisman, and her expression immediately changed.

This is Gao Jiuding's message. After receiving this message, An Shenxiu became agitated, and then she quickly came to the inside of a bronze hall deep in the canyon. Long-distance teleportation array.

Of course, the entire formation fully utilizes the large formation hidden in the canyon secret realm and this bronze hall.

The Bronze Hall was originally a teleportation array. It originally belonged to a demon battleship. Gao Jiuding and the others had obtained it for a long time, but they didn’t know how to use it. Unexpectedly, after studying the canyon secret realm for a period of time, they found that it was also a teleportation hall. , but its teleportation distance is longer.

With this kind of discovery, this bronze hall was directly sent here, and after being transformed, at least it has been able to connect to the large formation in the secret realm of the canyon, so that it is possible to form a new ultra-long-distance teleportation formation, which is the legendary space-time teleportation array.

Although this teleportation array has been built for a long time, they have never had the opportunity to use it. They just passed on the method of constructing the teleportation array to Gao Jiuding.

As for Gao Jiuding, he also needs the help of the Teleportation Hall, and what drives the Teleportation Hall is a giant spiritual vein.

Whether this will work or not depends on the experiment. As for where the teleportation hall of Gao Jiuding came from, it must be the one inside the pagoda.

An Shenxiu entered the bronze hall, and there were flashing runes everywhere. She entered it carefully, only to see the large formation composed of mysterious formations in the center, which was glowing.

This thing is the core of the entire space-time teleportation array, and it is actually running now, as if something is teleporting in the hazy light.

"This, can it really be activated?" An Shenxiu was a little surprised, and then, there was a flash of light, and a broken puppet suddenly appeared in front of An Shenxiu.

Seeing the familiar big knife puppet, especially the scattered parts inside, An Shenxiu immediately took out the jade sledgehammer, took a few photos and sent them to Gao Jiuding.

Gao Jiuding received the picture almost immediately. Looking at the sword puppet on the picture, some of the relatively fragile parts inside were all intact, and Gao Jiuding immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Such a broken puppet can be perfectly teleported, which naturally shows that the space-time teleportation array he built is working.

It's a pity that this teleportation array consumes too much spiritual energy. Even if it is dangerous, Gao Jiuding can't do more experiments.

It is definitely not possible to send personnel over here, no matter what, it takes a few more experiments before An Shenxiu and others can send personnel over.

Gao Jiuding thought for a while, and immediately put a blood orchid in a jade box with a flash of spiritual light, put it in the teleportation array, and teleported away.

On An Shenxiu's side, she soon saw the formation activated again, a ray of light flashed past, and then a space crack suddenly appeared in front of her, followed by a jade box.

After getting the jade box, the light disappeared immediately, and the surrounding aura became very thin.

Sighing, An Shenxiu also knew that now is not the time to send personnel and supplies on a large scale.

They have to do at least a few more experiments, and it is best to be able to teleport the top space pagoda, or battleship or battle city.

Only by being able to teleport space equipment to the past can a large number of personnel and materials be teleported at one time.

Picking up the jade box and making a few handprints, the layers of spiritual light on the jade box collapsed, and the restriction on it was opened!

Opening the jade box, An Shenxiu immediately smelled a wonderful fragrance spreading, which soon permeated the entire hall.

In the jade box, a delicate and beautiful flower appeared, which was a kind of blood-red flower, and it was the blood orchid that Gao Jiuding tried to send back.

An Shenxiu picked it up, observed it carefully, and then sent a message to Gao Jiuding.

Next, the light was shining brightly, and a jade box was sent over again. This time, there were [-] blood orchids in the jade box.

The first time was a test, and after successfully sending a blood orchid for the second time, Gao Jiuding dared to send [-] blood orchids at once.

This thing is too precious, even if it needs to consume a lot of low-grade spirit crystals for one transmission, Gao Jiuding will not hesitate.

A teleportation needs to consume tens of thousands of low-grade spirit crystals, which is not something everyone can afford.

If Gao Jiuding hadn't found a giant spirit vein, he would never have been willing to teleport three times in a row, and this was his limit.

Think about it, in just a short while, 3 yuan of low-grade spirit crystals were consumed. Is this what Gao Jiuding should do?
Thinking that he had never seen even a top-grade spirit stone before, even if it was a top-grade spirit stone, it would hurt his heart for a long time to use one.

And a low-grade spirit crystal can be exchanged for at least 100 yuan of top-grade spirit stones, right?When did Gao Jiuding burn the best spirit stone?
Besides, who would be stupid enough to exchange low-grade spirit crystals for top-grade spirit stones?These are treasures with a big difference in level, one is regarded as fairy treasure, and the other is regarded as earth and stone.

Gao Jiuding's heart ached, but An Shenxiu's heart ached and surprised.

This time the teleportation is mainly on Gao Jiuding's side, so the aura from Gao Jiuding's side is mainly consumed, while An Shenxiu's side is just passively drawn. After a little consumption of aura, the door of teleportation is opened, so the consumption It's not big, but this can further explain that Gao Jiuding's consumption is very high.

"This is the so-called time-traveling?" An Shenxiu was a little surprised, but when she saw the effect of Xuelan, she was even more surprised.

Of course, Gao Jiuding told about An Shenxiu's surprise, so he didn't take it seriously, because there were too many things he needed to do at this time.

Putting away the teleportation hall, Gao Jiuding felt distressed when he saw that a large piece of low-grade spirit crystal was missing.

"It actually consumes so many low-grade spirit crystals. It seems that this space-time teleportation really cannot be used lightly." Gao Jiuding said to himself in the spirit vein.

In front of him, a mysterious pattern shattered and collapsed, and finally disappeared.

He had a strange expression on his face, thinking how many low-grade spirit crystals would it take to teleport a person or a giant beast there?
Moreover, what he arranged was a small space-time teleportation array. If he wanted to teleport people or giant beasts there, he had to arrange an incomparably huge array, otherwise he couldn't do it.

"It's time to keep working hard." Gao Jiuding didn't think about going back to the ground, he wanted to continue looking for the spiritual eyes here, but if he couldn't find the spiritual eyes, the harvest this time would not be considered complete.

In Gao Jiuding's eyes, there was a gleam of silver-white light, and then his figure flashed, and he appeared in the distance.

The high-ranking poison once again escaped around, and he continued to work, while on the other side of the distant starry sky, inside the small secret realm of the canyon, An Shenxiu recruited all the high-level officials, and was distributing and arranging the precious blood sent back by Gao Jiuding orchid.

After learning about the effects of these things, everyone was shocked.

This is a good thing to improve bloodlines, like Anshenxiu, if she takes a blood orchid, it will definitely increase the strength of her wood and fire bloodlines.

In fact, in the final analysis, it is to make it easier for them to get close to the power of the two elements of wood and fire. That is to say, refining the blood orchid is actually improving their aptitude.

Spiritual objects that can affect the change of aptitude are definitely existences against the sky. Everyone present here has only seen them in legends, but this time they not only saw them, but also ate them.

For these, Gao Jiuding didn't think about it anymore, after sending them back, how to distribute them was their business.

And he himself continued on the journey, trying to find out the complete context of this spiritual vein.

After searching inch by inch, until the end, Gao Jiuding doubted his own perception. Is there a so-called spiritual eye here?

The core of a spiritual vein, the origin of a spiritual vein, the gathering point of the essence of a spiritual vein, does such a place really exist?Or can it not exist?

After searching for such a long time, but still not finding it, Gao Jiuding himself was a little puzzled, why hasn't he seen any clues yet?
However, this idea was abandoned by him not long after it appeared. He had always believed that there must be a spiritual eye here, but this spiritual eye seemed to be deliberately hidden.

He believed that it would definitely not be hidden naturally, and it was very likely that someone had discovered it, or used it, otherwise the spiritual eye could not have disappeared for no reason.

However, the area covered by this spiritual vein is really not small, and it exists three-dimensionally. It is really a bit difficult to find one side without missing any position.

Yep?On this day, when Gao Jiuding passed a place where low-grade spirit crystals and middle-grade spirit crystals were intertwined, he felt a strange aura, as if there was some kind of strange aura left nearby.

"Eh?" Gao Jiuding was a little bit more familiar with the place with the same aura, and hallucinations appeared in front of his eyes.

"This? Small world? No, it was a secret place, or an underground cave?" After passing through a restriction, Gao Jiuding came to an illusory place.

The reason why it is called illusory is because it does not look like a stable space.

"It's so strange. Could it be that this is the hub of the formation? Leading the dragon formation? Pulling the dragon veins? Haha, doesn't that mean that you can directly collect this giant spiritual vein?" Gao Jiuding immediately found out that here It is the spiritual eye of this dragon vein.

I don't know what it is, but in the spiritual eyes of the spirit vein, a formation is arranged. At this time, combined with the natural formations in the spirit vein, Gao Jiuding already knows that this is not an ordinary formation, but a kind of dragon sealing A formation that combines the formation and the leading dragon formation.

The dragon-sealing array is used to seal and hide the spiritual veins, while the dragon-drawing array is used to pull the spiritual veins.

(End of this chapter)

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