Chapter 1363 Tragic (100 Monthly Pass Plus Update)

"Is this being dragged to the depths of the ground by someone? Or was it dragged here from the outside world? Could it be for the blood orchid above the spiritual eye?" Comparing the location, Gao Jiuding found that the spiritual eye was just above the spiritual eye. The towering cliffs are full of blood orchids. If it is said that it was formed by accident, Gao Jiuding does not believe it at all.

"Anyway, since it's so convenient, let's use the traction array to pull this giant spiritual vein into the pagoda!" Without much hesitation, Gao Jiuding directly decided to strengthen the inner space of the pagoda.

At this time, the pagoda is already very powerful. After the traction array is arranged, combined with the dragon array in the giant spiritual vein, Gao Jiuding can slowly draw this spiritual vein hidden deep in the ground without spending much mana. , slowly and silently pulled into the space pagoda.

Sure enough, it was even easier to actually do it, because both the pagoda and the dragon-leading array in the spirit veins had exerted unimaginable strength.

The leading dragon array can use the power of the entire spiritual vein, and only wait for the traction disk to activate, and the two will immediately generate a huge traction force, involving the entire spiritual vein, and quickly move towards the space of the pagoda.

There must be a role of the pagoda in it, perhaps because the pagoda is too powerful, and Qi Ling controls the dragon formation outside, so it goes so smoothly.

Of course, it may be that the leading formation here is very powerful, and one is Gao Jiuding who is outside to fuel the flames.

When Gao Jiuding planned to pull this spirit vein into the space of the pagoda, he spent a lot of effort to strip this spirit vein from the ground.

Anyway, this spiritual vein did not affect the surrounding ore and land because of the sealing of the dragon formation, so there are no good spiritual mines and spiritual fields here.

In this case, Gao Jiuding simply stripped this spirit vein from the earth vein as a whole.

Without the influence of the surrounding earth veins, water veins and other factors, a spiritual vein at this time is like a huge earth dragon, it should be a crystal dragon, and it slowly crawls towards the pagoda space.

The pagoda was driven with all its strength, and a door of light with a khaki-yellow color was opened, slowly pulling the huge monster and moving it non-stop.

This time, Gao Jiuding only used it for three days, and moved this huge spiritual vein into the chaotic space-time desert in the pagoda space as a whole.

Of course, it is not accurate enough to call it a desert at this time. Due to the influence of time, many places in this desert have become oases.

And this time, a huge fusion of water veins and wood veins was pulled in, which made it even more powerful.

A giant spiritual vein has been added. It is not so easy to fully integrate into the earth veins of this place. What's more, there is still a chaotic space-time force that is affecting this land. Therefore, after relocating this giant spiritual vein , Gao Jiuding stopped paying attention after he didn't find that the spiritual energy had collapsed, and he was able to gather the spirit smoothly.

"Huh? There are so many secrets hidden here!" After completing the transfer of the spirit veins, Gao Jiuding immediately wanted to escape thousands of miles away. After all, he had gained a lot, and it was easy to arouse the jealousy of others.

But as soon as Gao Jiuding got out of the ground, he found that the surrounding mountains and rivers had all changed. It was not an ordinary subsidence, and the overall terrain and landform had changed.

A huge spiritual vein moved underground has a great impact on the terrain of this place, but because the stripped spiritual vein is not very flat, the overall impact on the outside world is not that great.

Fortunately, it has been raining frequently in this place recently, and there is no mountain torrent to change the terrain, otherwise, it would have attracted a large number of people to watch.

Now, there is no one underground spiritual vein. It should have been a simple ground subsidence, but now there are some hills and plains around it, which is quite strange.

"A new one? Could it be that it was hidden by the formation?" Having found out, he put away the pagoda again, and Gao Jiuding was no longer in a hurry to leave.

He chose an area where the nearest large plain and a hill meet, and escaped there.

However, after Tu Dun passed by, Gao Jiuding discovered that there was a strong smell of corruption in this place.

After searching the ground carefully, Gao Jiuding found traces of a formation. It is very likely that without the support of spiritual energy, this formation has stopped operating.

Obviously, this place is a secret place opened up in that huge spiritual vein. This kind of place is supported by formations, and the aura needed for the operation of the formation must come from the spiritual veins.

Therefore, no matter how many years have passed, this place is still very well preserved, but now that it has lost the support of the spirit veins, it immediately becomes dilapidated.

After a long time, when Gao Jiuding turned over a hill, he finally felt a familiar aura.

He soon saw that there were scenes of land reclamation everywhere, and it was obvious that there were human beings living here.

Unfortunately, before he was excited for a long time, he was stunned by the next scene.

Gao Jiuding rode Huanglong into a valley in front of him, but what he saw gave him a great shock.

"Here, what happened?" Gao Jiuding's face was gloomy, and he stared at the whole valley.

He determined that this is a place where human beings live. There was a large earthen wall built, but unfortunately it has collapsed.

Entering from the gable ruins, Gao Jiuding discovered that there were signs of collapse everywhere in the entire gathering place.

Here, countless wooden houses have collapsed, and there are even traces of being burned. Black smoke rises, and the surroundings are in a mess.

Of course, these are not the reasons for his ugly face. The reason for his ugly face is because there are countless skeletons lying in the ruins.

These skeletons are large and small, and there are many, at least tens of thousands of people.

And these skeletons are all human, but it is unknown how long they have been dead.

This was a normal thing at first, but what made Gao Jiuding angry was that the flesh and blood of these bones disappeared, as if absorbed by something.

Gao Jiuding quickly came to a pile of bones. He looked at the human bones piled up in front of him, dark red blood stains, broken weapons, and even saw some shreds of meat left on some bones.

He stared at a small skeleton, the flesh and blood were gone, and the death was extremely painful.

That big jaw, with a pair of bony hands clutching the soil, looked very painful, as if he had experienced an extremely miserable torture before death.

"Who is it!" A deep roar resounded, shaking the entire valley, and countless ruins raised smoke and dust.

Gao Jiuding was really angry. Tens of thousands of human beings here were killed so cruelly that even their flesh and blood disappeared.

Obviously, this gathering place here was originally supposed to be protected by a formation, but when the formation disappeared, they were attacked by powerful enemies.

Gao Jiuding's face was gloomy and cold, and his whole body was full of murderous intent. Was the disaster here caused by the fact that he collected that spiritual vein?
Gao Jiuding checked the wreckage all the way, and it turned out that tens of thousands of people were like this. Except for some who were pierced by sharp weapons and died, the rest were sucked to death.

He had never seen such a terrifying scene, let alone imagined it.

Ferocious beasts are cruel, but they won't catch humans to feed them. Could it be a beast race?Or the Yaozu?

I heard that they even used living humans as sacrifices, but the sight in front of them is definitely more terrifying.

The flesh and blood of tens of thousands of human beings has been sucked alive. Is this torture to death?
Even, Gao Jiuding felt that the whole valley was filled with resentment and a little bit of unwillingness.

It's a pity that all the resentment here is useless, because there are no resentful ghosts, and even lonely ghosts don't exist.

Gao Jiuding's face was full of anger. He guessed a possibility that the tens of thousands of human beings here were not only swallowed by something, but even their souls were swallowed up.

"Damn it, who did it?" Gao Jiuding gritted his teeth and roared in a low voice.

He looked at the densely packed skeletons around him, and that expression of pain and unwillingness could be clearly seen even the loss of flesh and blood.

At this moment, he has never felt such anger, even if the beasts besieged the human gathering place and killed countless human foot soldiers, he was not so angry.

After careful inspection, Gao Jiuding was in the air soon, and he felt a strange gas, which was a chilling breath.

"What kind of creature left this?" Gao Jiuding's face was cold, his eyes were flickering with a terrifying silver light, and at this moment he was staring at the tiny wisp of gas caught in his hand.

This is a black-blue gas, filled with a cold breath, as if it can devour flesh and soul.

This was the first time Gao Jiuding saw it. He didn't know what it was. Even in the incomplete memory of the Fire Clan and the memory of the leader of the Beast Clan, he couldn't find relevant records.

However, Gao Jiuding believed that this was the aura left by the culprit.

He immediately sealed it up, sealed the wisp of gas that was about to dissipate with a rune, and quickly checked the entire gathering place.

He wanted to get more information so that he could track down the murderer. This guy had already touched Gao Jiuding's bottom line, making Gao Jiuding's heart full of murderous intent.

Such a terrifying and evil existence that devours human flesh, flesh and soul must not be left alone, otherwise it is unclear how many human beings will suffer.

At the exit on the side of the valley, Gao Jiuding found some traces. The trees here have traces of being scorched.

The strange thing is that there are no traces on the rocks, the only traces are trees, flowers and plants, etc., all turned into a kind of black.

It was withered, and even turned into a kind of charcoal. When Gao Jiuding touched it, a charred tree collapsed directly, turning into powder and dissipating all over the ground.

"The vitality of plants and trees has also been absorbed?" Gao Jiuding was shocked. He scanned around and found that many trees, flowers and plants were in the same condition.

These flowers, plants and trees have all been sucked out of life breath, as if it is a terrible thing that can swallow all living beings, causing all this.

Afterwards, he discovered that there were many footprints on the ground, like the footprints of a ferocious beast.

However, Gao Jiuding had never seen such footprints before!
 Thanks for the 72 coin reward from the 200 brothers who lived with the fate, and thank you the king of the emperor, the queen of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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