Chapter 1364
Every footprint left on the ground is three inches deep, like a large group of cavalry passing here.

Suddenly, Gao Jiuding found some clues, which made his face even uglier.

He quickly stepped on the wild dragon and immediately chased after it. He felt that those creatures should not have gone far, so he had to pursue them.

Seeing that tens of thousands of human beings were sucked to death in the entire valley, Gao Jiuding couldn't keep calm at all.

Seeing such a horrific scene, how can I not be angry?
He never thought about what kind of race it is that treats the human race like this.

Could it be that human beings are really so easy to bully?These races have absolute strength and can kill races at will?

Along the way, they met the orcs first, and then encountered an unknown race, creating such a tragic scene.

Tens of thousands of human beings were devoured alive to death, what a cruel method?

"No matter who it is, no matter what powerful race it is, it must pay a heavy price!"

Gao Jiuding's expression was icy cold, his killing intent could not be suppressed, and even the Huanglong beneath him was a little frightened.

He has been following the remaining breath around, fast tracking, trying to find the culprit.

For five hours in a row, Gao Jiuding didn't give up tracking, he ran all the way, chasing after that faint breath.

Sure enough, in front of him he finally found a strong and cold aura, just like the one he encountered before.

"Another gathering place has been destroyed!" Gao Jiuding stood in a gathering place, his eyes gleaming with silver light, showing infinite killing intent coldly.

I also saw a gathering place destroyed, countless human skeletons lay here in pain, flesh and blood and even souls were lost.

Here, no matter men, women, old or young, all end up in the same way, flesh and blood and soul are gone.

Seeing this scene, Gao Jiuding really couldn't suppress the killing intent in his heart. He scanned around and found that the residual aura here was more intense. Gao Jiuding guessed that this might be the aura left over just now.

"En? Not far ahead?" Gao Jiuding's face turned cold, and he rode the Huanglong and ran quickly.

At this moment Gao Jiuding's surging killing intent finally couldn't contain it, and it erupted like a mountain torrent.

The horrific scene along the way gave Gao Jiuding boundless anger, and the killing intent he had accumulated could no longer be suppressed.

Roar!The wild dragon roared past, and disappeared here in a blink of an eye.

While running, Gao Jiuding turned around and took out the wisp of breath he had sealed. At this time, he wanted to use this breath to find, track and prove.

Soon, Gao Jiuding discovered something with this strange breath, his face turned cold, and he immediately flew away.

Behind him, the wild dragon quickly followed, chasing after Gao Jiuding's figure.

A gloomy and cold atmosphere permeated the distance, and the black air was rolling over there, with an evil smell, which was creepy.

It was a black mist filled with a faint blue phosphorous fire, and the cold breath could even freeze the soul.

This huge black mist is rolling rapidly, and it spreads forward, as if chasing something.

As this terrifying mist passed, the vegetation withered one after another, and even formed a scorched scene, with no grass growing.

Rumble!In front of this black mist, there is a group of human beings running away. There are a large number of them, and many of them are riding tall war horses. Unfortunately, everyone seems extremely flustered.

Among them, many old people and children rushed towards the distance under the leadership of a group of cavalry.

However, as the black mist behind him spread and accelerated, it caused a strong sense of oppression to the countless humans in front.

"We can't run away, the evil thing is catching up."

"Go, leave us quickly, let's go!"

"Go!" In the crowd, one old man after another, with tears blurred, yelled, one after another.

Some old people turned over and fell directly. Immediately afterwards, countless old humans turned over and got off their horses and fell to the ground.

These old people wanted to use their bodies to block the evil black mist and buy time for those young people to escape with their children.

"Sister, we can't leave these old people behind!" In front of the team, there were two women in armor riding tall war horses. Judging from the situation, they seemed to be the leaders of the team.

And one of the short-haired women was anxiously talking to a woman beside her.

What is surprising is that the appearance of these two women is almost exactly the same, as if drawn out of the same mold!
The same delicate face, the same flawless skin, and the same big eyes make people feel pleasing to the eye.

These are two sisters. The younger sister has short hair and carries a huge saber, looking very heroic.

And the elder sister has long hair, exudes a strong aura, and a snow-white war gun is buzzing and trembling, sharp and sharp.

The team behind them, one old man after another, turned off their mounts by themselves, trying to block the black mist spreading behind them. This is a suicide act.

These black fogs are terrifying, especially those faint blue phosphorous fires, which are like will-o'-the-wisps from hell, which can devour human flesh and even souls, which is very terrifying.

Their previous gathering place was destroyed by this black mist, and now they are chasing and killing them all the way.

They didn't even know what terrifying existence was hidden in the black mist.

Escaping, other than escaping, they really can't think about it, because anyone who comes into contact with the black mist and phosphorous fire will have their flesh and blood burned, and finally be swallowed up by this black mist.

"No, come back to me!" The long-haired woman yelled sadly, but unfortunately, all the old people who fell off their mounts behind them were all engulfed by the black mist, their flesh and blood dissipated, their souls wailed and struggled, and were swallowed up. Into the black mist.

This scene made countless people look terrified and panicked.

At this moment, no one dared to stay. They speeded up and fled towards the distance. The only thing left were two figures.

The delicate and beautiful faces of the pair of sisters were full of despair.

Among them, there is still anger and unresolved sadness. Many of their relatives have died in this mist.

"Sister, let's go!" Beside her, the younger sister was nervous, her relatives were all dead, if they died here too, let alone revenge, the rest of the tribe would definitely not be able to survive.

Therefore, the two sisters immediately turned around and galloped away on their horses!

It's a pity that the mist has already surged up and is rapidly approaching the two sisters, and it is about to swallow the two figures.

"Sister, you go!" Suddenly, the younger sister's face was determined, she suddenly turned around and raised the knife, gathering all her blood, and rushed towards the black mist.

She wanted to use her own flesh and blood to stop her for a moment and win a chance for her sister.

Unfortunately, her sister thought the same, the two sisters turned around almost at the same time, and rushed towards the black mist!
At this moment, the hearts of the two sisters are full of sorrow, and the two sisters are really going to live and die together.

"Sister, we can't avenge our revenge!" The younger sister's face calmed down.

The two of them looked at the black mist that was getting closer and vaguely, and finally saw a group of shadows in the black mist all over the sky. They were a group of cavalrymen, and their bodies were filled with a faint blue phosphorescent fire, like a group of ghosts.

"Is this a ghost?" The elder sister was stunned, looking at the black mist that was getting closer.

It was indeed a group of cavalry, and they rushed forward without making a sound, as if they were not real bodies, because there was not even a trace of sound while walking, they were really like ghosts.

"There!" At this moment, Gao Jiuding, who had just chased here, turned cold. He looked at the black mist that was about to swallow two figures.

Gao Jiuding speeded up, and at the moment when he was about to touch the black mist, a huge black flag appeared in his hand, and waved it up and down, piercing through the black mist in the distance.

Boom!As a huge flag roared, it passed through the black mist in an instant, and with a loud bang, the black mist in the distance was shattered, and a faint blue phosphorescent fire collapsed and disappeared!

With this stroke of Gao Jiuding, he finally brought out the group of terrifying figures.

This group of cavalry was bombarded by a banner, and dozens of figures were immediately shattered, turning into a cloud of black and blue blood and flying away, and then swallowed by nearby figures.

"Human soul-destroying banner?" A hoarse voice came, accompanied by a kind of icy breath, as if it was about to freeze the surroundings, even the soul.

This is a terrifying figure, its body is filled with phosphorus fire, although the dark blue flame is burning, but this flame exudes a cold aura.

This is another yin fire, and it is the purest yin fire, not cold flame or cold flame.

Roar!Being raided and causing losses caused the group of black cavalry to be angry.

This group of ghostly and terrifying cavalry, each with a ghostly blue phosphorous fire burning on their bodies, really looks like evil spirits from hell.

The pair of twin sisters were going to try their best, but they were shocked by this sudden change.

After retreating far away, they saw a huge wild dragon coming.

Roar!With its roar, it immediately pierced through the black air, and then saw a figure rushing forward, standing in front of the two of them, staring at a group of cavalry ahead.

"Ghost clan Yin soldiers?" Gao Jiuding's expression gradually turned cold. At first he thought he had encountered a group of demons, but he didn't expect that he actually saw a ghost.

Although he had never seen such a group of ghosts before, he would not admit his mistake as long as he took a look at them.

Gao Jiuding stared at a group of cavalry in front of him, about a thousand in number.

These thousand cavalry rode a terrible mount, shaped like a wild horse, but with a sharp horn.

These mounts are all black, with a faint blue flame flickering, this is phosphorus fire, and it can also be called ghost fire.

This kind of flame gives people a cold aura, which can devour flesh and blood, and even soul.

The thousand ghost riders gave Gao Jiuding a strong sense of threat, and it was only one thousand, which gave him an extremely terrifying feeling.

Especially the figure at the head, it was riding a tall ghost horse, its body was full of wildfire, and its cold aura seemed to freeze the air.

(End of this chapter)

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