The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1367 Concentric Blood Curse

Chapter 1367 Concentric Blood Curse

Taking a last look at Gao Jiuding, the young man turned around and quickly disappeared in place.

As soon as he left, he immediately moved the surrounding air, and this wave of fluctuation caught Gao Jiuding's attention. He stared at the rapidly disappearing figure with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Gao Jiuding looked at the figure of the young man and murmured: "The races here are not so easy to deal with. You must be careful in the future."

He felt that these races under the starry sky did not have an easy life, and as long as they survived, they must have great strength, just like the ghost hand that covers the sky, its owner must be a terrifying existence, isn't it Now he can compete.

"In the future, I will definitely catch up with these existences, and even surpass them!" Gao Jiuding made an oath, then turned around, only to find that Huanglong was trampling a ghost rider to death.

Then, the remaining two huge ghost beasts tried to escape in terror, but Gao Jiuding blocked them.

"You still want to run?" Gao Jiuding sneered and stared at the two black giant beasts in front of him. They were five meters tall, and their bodies were burning with a kind of cold blue flame, really like a hell's will-o'-the-wisp.

He looked at the ghost beast that looked like a wild horse in front of him, with black scales gleaming all over his body, but it was more ferocious.

There is even a sharp horn on the top of the head, shining with crystal blue light, which looks extremely cold.

Gao Jiuding thought, can he control these two ghost beasts?
From Gao Jiuding's point of view, these weird beasts should also be regarded as a kind of fierce beasts, right?

Although I have never seen it before, these two ends don't seem to be so difficult to deal with now!

Huh?At this moment, Gao Jiuding's expression changed, and he suddenly remembered that there were two more people?
He turned around and saw that the pair of sisters were struggling to get up, but unfortunately they were seriously injured.

The faces of the two sisters were miserable. They watched Gao Jiuding approaching, each feeling very nervous, because with the looks and appearance of the two sisters, it is easy to arouse evil thoughts.

"Sister, he doesn't want to do anything to us, does he?" the younger sister said with a pale face.

However, it was unnecessary for the two of them to worry. What kind of beauty Gao Jiuding hadn't seen before?

Besides, he doesn't have much interest in women now, because he already has eleven, which is enough.

Of course, if he wanted women, there would be countless beautiful young women willing among his subordinates.

It's a pity that he didn't have this thought. When he came around the sisters, he was surprised to find that they were a pair of twin sisters. Their appearance was very similar, even as if they were carved out of the same mold.

However, the two sisters, one with short hair and the other with long hair, surprised him for a while.

He has never seen twins, and even within his power, among the tens of millions of human beings, he has not seen a few twins.

Seeing such a pair now, he was really surprised, but he didn't think too much about it, he stepped forward and asked, "Do you have healing elixir or something? If so, recover quickly."

"Uh!" The two sisters were dumbfounded by this inexplicable sentence!
Before they understood the meaning of Gao Jiuding's words, they were speechless for a while, thinking that if there was, wouldn't they eat it sooner?Can you wait until now?
"If there was, we would have eaten earlier, should we wait now?" The younger sister replied angrily.

Gao Jiuding's heart moved, and he said with a light smile: "Well, I have a kind of panacea here, which can instantly restore your injuries, but this thing is very precious."

"Thank you benefactor for your rescue!" A soft voice came from the side, and the long-haired sister spoke.

Her voice is very soft, and it feels like a hot spring, which makes people feel comfortable after hearing it.

The woman stood up with difficulty and said, "Thank you benefactor for saving me."

Gao Jiuding nodded slightly, and said: "Girls, I do have an elixir to restore your injuries, but this thing is very rare and very precious. It has extraordinary effects and can even improve your strength."

"Is it that good?" The younger sister didn't believe it, and even became vigilant, this person doesn't look like a good person no matter what!

Her elder sister felt that Gao Jiuding had no malicious intentions, so she asked: "Benefactor, I don't know how to obtain these precious elixir. If possible, please help our sisters, and I will definitely thank you in the future."

The meaning in her words was obvious, she wanted to get the elixir from Gao Jiuding, after all, the two sisters were seriously injured.

It's good to be able to sit up now, but even standing up seems difficult, so I naturally want to recover quickly, otherwise, they will die in this wilderness!
"It's very simple, as long as you do me a favor, I can not only restore your injuries, but also give you two powerful ghost beasts as mounts."

Gao Jiuding stated his condition, of course, this condition is just an excuse.

Gao Jiuding suspected that he was responsible for their disaster, so he wanted to make up for it.

As for trying to find the pair of sisters, it was just a temporary idea. Of course, he also wanted to see if he could control the two remaining ghosts.

If you want to find someone to try, there are only these two sisters here, so naturally I choose them.

Gao Jiuding changed his voice, and said: "Of course, there are some risks in this, and it may be life-threatening. After all, I only have a [-]% certainty."

"You want to use us as an experiment?" The younger sister became angry at first.

But her elder sister stretched out her hand, and immediately nodded happily: "Benefactor, just try, our sister agreed."

She knew very well that at this time, let alone refusing, she couldn't even resist.

She faintly felt that Gao Jiuding didn't seem to have any malicious intentions, because she heard a special smell in Gao Jiuding's voice, was it ridicule with a hint of test?
He wanted his sisters to experiment to see if they could control the mounts of those ghost races. How much risk would there be?

There must be some risks in this, because Gao Jiuding discovered that the will-o'-the-wisps that diffused from the bodies of those ghost riders can do extremely great harm to people, and can even quickly erode human souls.

Of course, with Gao Jiuding operating, the risk is not great, because Gao Jiuding used the blood essence of the two sisters to portray the Concentric Curse, which is to allow them to communicate with ghosts and beasts, instead of using the blood soul curse to assimilate the souls of ghosts and beasts. In this way, even if the essence and blood are eroded, it will not cause much backlash.

As for why Gao Jiuding didn't test it himself, it was mainly because his essence and blood had become too powerful now.

After the advanced method, every drop of Gao Jiuding's blood essence can, in principle, be transformed into a blood god child, but the strength is different.

"Okay, you guys drink this, and then come and give me some of your blood, that's all." Gao Jiuding said, and took out two cups of golden liquid.

Both of them knew that they had no ability to resist now, even if Gao Jiuding wanted to do something to them, he didn't have to beat around the bush like this.

As soon as the two sisters took it, their faces were full of surprise, and they also knew the goods.

Finding something good, they drank it quickly.

Sure enough, as soon as the spiritual liquid entered the body, they immediately recovered from their injuries, and even their own strength improved.

"Benefactor, this is our blood!" Sister's soft words came, Gao Jiuding was serious, took the blood of two people, and immediately acted.

He used the blood of the two to draw the runes, and the bright red runes intertwined in the void, finally forming two mysterious chains of restraint.

In the end, the chain of restraint continued to split in two, a small half entered between the eyebrows of the two suppressed ghosts and beasts in front, and a large half entered between the eyebrows of the two sisters.

Roar!In an instant, the two ghost beasts began to struggle crazily. They roared again and again, and a ghost fire burned violently.

As the ghost beast struggled, the two sisters suddenly felt a strong impact on their souls. Their heads seemed to be hit by something, which was very painful.

"Ah! What are you doing?" The younger sister couldn't bear it at first, a ghost fire suddenly spread from her body, burning her body.

This situation caught Gao Jiuding a little by surprise, his expression changed, his whole body was filled with silver fighting spirit, and then he blatantly suppressed it.

"Go back!" Gao Jiuding suppressed the will-o'-the-wisps on the sisters' bodies one by one, and then pressed them into their bodies!
As the two ghost beasts gradually calmed down, the two sisters collapsed on the ground as if they had collapsed. At this time, their delicate faces were full of horror.

They felt as if they were going to die just now, because they seemed to have fallen into the fiery hell, but this feeling was fleeting!
Thinking of what happened just now, the faces of the two sisters were still full of horror. Their experience just now was too terrifying. They saw countless evil spirits roaring and wailing just now, which almost shook their souls away!
Fortunately, Gao Jiuding suppressed the will-o'-the-wisp, otherwise it would be miserable.

"The Concentric Curse has this function? This is considered successful!" Gao Jiuding looked thoughtful, although there was a little accident, but it finally succeeded.

What happened to the two sisters just now could only be due to the negative effects brought about by the connection between their hearts. However, if they can comprehend the ghost fire skills of the ghost clan, it would be a good thing!
In front of him, the two ghost beasts burning with will-o'-the-wisps were actually completely controlled by humans, which convinced him that these so-called ghosts were not so scary, they were just a kind of living beings.

"Okay, thank you for trusting me. These two powerful ghost beasts will be yours from now on. There is nothing wrong here. You should leave now!"

Looking at the two sisters who were in a daze, Gao Jiuding smiled and turned around, jumped onto the wild dragon and left directly.

The remaining two sisters were still in a daze. They looked at the two huge ghost beasts in front of them, but they still couldn't believe it was real.

These terrifying things can really be controlled by them, and now they have become the mounts of the two?

The two sisters stared blankly at the ghost beast, and suddenly, they saw another scene of horror.

This time, the two of them didn't panic just now, so they soon knew what happened.

After fully understanding the two ghost beasts, the two sisters burst into tears, because they remembered that their relatives were devoured to death by these terrible creatures.

 Thank you, the king of the emperor, the king of the earth, and the brother who poisoned you thousands of times for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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