The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1368 Unbelievable

Chapter 1368 Unbelievable
After getting the result he wanted, Gao Jiuding didn't stop there, because he didn't kill all the Yin soldiers just now.

Since he wanted to settle on this continent and establish a base, it was naturally impossible for Gao Jiuding to leave a huge hidden danger nearby.

So, after finding that there was no danger around, Gao Jiuding left immediately.

Anyway, it is impossible for the surviving human races to leave their hometowns and move far away, and they will still meet in the future.

After Gao Jiuding left, the remaining sisters finally came to their senses, and they felt a little unbelievable.

The two sisters looked at each other, and felt that what happened just now was like a dream!

"Oh!" The younger sister jumped up suddenly, and said in a startled manner: "Sister, we haven't asked the benefactor's name yet, how can we repay him in the future?"

My sister was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at the puff of smoke and dust in the distance with a complicated expression. There was a wild dragon there, and it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

She sighed faintly, and said: "Sister, we came here to pick up our parents, but we didn't expect to encounter such a thing. This time, the team we brought out all died. How can we explain when we go back?"

As soon as these words came out, the face of the sister next to her darkened. Thinking of the manpower lost just now, she felt very unwilling.

After they had inquired about their parents, they brought people over excitedly, wanting to pick them up and go back with them.

But on the way, I didn't expect to encounter such a terrifying cavalry.

These cavalry are like ghost cavalry from the black domain. A ghost fire is invincible, directly devouring the soldiers in their hands.

Even, in order not to drag the two sisters down, the parents directly let the group of ghost riders swallow them up.

Thinking about it now, that terrible scene is still vivid in my mind, and I will never forget it even in the future.

Countless members of the same race did not escape the fate of being devoured, no matter whether they were strong or weak, even a dozen or so masters in the realm of fighting spirit were not spared.

"Heiyu ghost clan, they are our eternal life and death enemies." The elder sister's face turned cold, and the original tenderness turned into a strong coldness.

The younger sister also had an angry face, she clenched her saber tightly and said, "Sister, those ghosts are too scary, if it wasn't for that benefactor, the two of us wouldn't even know what they were."

"Unfortunately, I didn't have time to ask his name, and I don't know if I will meet him in the future?" My sister lamented.

The younger sister's pretty face was slightly red, and she muttered: "Sister, you seem to have said that whoever comes to save you will marry him, but don't let them know, otherwise you will really want to marry him?"

The elder sister's pretty face turned pink when she said this, but when she thought of her parents who died tragically, her mood immediately became very depressed.

However, the two sisters also came to their senses. This is not the time to be sad. They need to work harder to survive. Only by working harder can they have the opportunity to avenge their parents.

The two immediately stepped forward and looked curiously at the two huge beasts in front of them. The blazing will-o'-the-wisp made the two feel lingering fear, it was really a terrifying flame.

"Sister, we won't be burned to death if we ride it?" My sister hesitated, but she was unwilling to give up.

These two ghost mounts are powerful ghost beasts, very powerful, especially the terrifying will-o'-the-wisp, which is definitely a nightmare for countless humans and creatures. If it is not strong enough, it will be burnt up after being infected.

The elder sister gritted her silver teeth slightly, and stepped forward resolutely. She nimbly turned over and rode on this huge ghost beast.

In an instant, she was engulfed by a raging will-o'-the-wisp!

Seeing that wisp of will-o'-the-wisp quickly enveloping his entire body, the scared sister almost screamed.

However, her elder sister was fine, she was grasping the will-o'-the-wisps around her body in surprise, her face full of surprise.

These will-o'-the-wisps can't hurt her?Thinking of the feeling of being burned by the will-o'-the-wisp just now, my sister couldn't figure out what was going on!

At this time, the younger sister could see a little more clearly, that ghost beast can control its own will-o'-the-wisp as it pleases, right?

Therefore, after connecting with the ghost beast, the ghost beast will control the will-o'-the-wisp and stop attacking its master!
After thinking about it, the younger sister was very moved, she immediately turned over, and also rode her ghost beast.

"It's amazing!" The two sisters were shocked. They felt that the flames emitted by the ghost beast didn't seem to exist. Even if they touched them with their hands, they couldn't hurt them, and even formed a powerful flame. defense.

The flame emitted by the ghost beast is actually a kind of yin fire, similar to the extremely cold blue flame in Gao Jiuding's hand, but it is much worse than the extremely cold blue flame.

After all, this is the will-o'-the-wisp that was absorbed by ghosts and trained. In comparison, the extremely cold blue flame is much purer.

Now that the two sisters have tamed the ghost beast, this yin fire will naturally have no effect on them.

This situation made the two sisters' faces full of shock, their big eyes widened, and they looked very cute.

After a long time, the two sisters woke up one after another!

The younger sister shook her head and smiled bitterly: "Sister, we owe him our lives, and he used precious elixir to help us recover from our injuries, and now we have obtained such two powerful ghost beasts, this is a big debt."

Although she was a bit careless, she was very clear in her heart, and she owed all these things to others.

If they don't find an opportunity to pay back in the future, the two sisters will feel bad, after all, they are both kind people.

And if some people are greedy for cheap, they will naturally not think about this issue. They may think that if I get it, it is mine.

Anyway, these things are all obtained through experiments with them, so there is naturally no psychological burden.

"Let's go, let's go back quickly, this time the matter is too big, I will probably be reprimanded by the master." The elder sister said helplessly.

Afterwards, the two sisters galloped away on the huge ghost beast. There was no sound or even any trace left on the way, only some faint yin energy remained. As long as it takes a little longer, these yin energy will completely dissipate .

The ghost beast ran without any sound, as if two ghosts flashed by.

The shock on the faces of the two sisters has never subsided. It can be said that the more they understand these two ghost beasts, the more shocked they are.

This time when they rode on the ghost beast, they felt different. There was no bump or even a trace of resistance.

Although they were puzzled, they didn't dare to delay, but returned to a huge city at the fastest speed.

"Look, what is that?"

A pitch-black city stands in front of it. This is a whole-body black city, cast from a kind of hard black iron.

And at the door, there was a group of guards standing there, they stared at the two shadows approaching in the distance with surprise on their faces, they were two dark blue flames leaping and jumping.

Those people naturally didn't know that those were two ghost beasts, and they didn't know that it was the two sisters who had returned.

Their parents and relatives are gone, so it would be great to come back alive this time.

As the two will-o'-the-wisps approached, the crowd at the gate of the city rioted, and all those people felt a cold aura. Some of them were weak, their bodies began to tremble, and their souls even felt frozen.

These people didn't understand what was going on, but they felt two flames rushing into the city gate. By the time they realized it, it was already too late, and those two flames had already rushed into the city gate.

"Hiss! What the hell is that? I seem to see two figures." A guard shouted in surprise.

On the side, many soldiers looked at each other in blank dismay, they were all hesitating whether to report or even sound the alarm!

However, the last captain seemed to see something. Although he was surprised, he didn't panic.

"Don't panic, it seems that they are the disciples of one of our three leaders, and they are the ones who have returned."

"So it's their sisters who have returned!" Everyone suddenly realized, but then their faces froze, and their expressions became very strange.

Although they didn't see clearly what those two blazes were just now, but now they faintly felt that the cold aura coming from the blazes was unusual.

"Just now I felt like my soul was going to be frozen!"

"Huh? I thought it was an illusion, so you felt it too?"

"What is that? Why is it so powerful?"

"I don't know, it looks extraordinary!"

Everyone didn't know that the two sisters had returned to a huge courtyard at this time.

They quickly entered inside, while a group of guards stared at the two huge beasts very guilty. They had no fear, but a chill in their hearts and felt very uncomfortable.

"Master, master, we are back!" My sister yelled as soon as she entered the door, pulling a huge ghost beast, which immediately attracted the attention of a group of people.

A large group of people came out from the front hall, led by a woman, who was even more beautiful than the two sisters by three points.

The most important thing is that this woman has a very strong aura, and the mighty blood energy is almost condensed into substance. Such a situation is rare.

When he is not busy, whoever is not restraining his blood will let it out like this. Obviously, he does not know what happened to stimulate the woman and let her aura go out like this.

The woman frowned slightly, staring at the two huge monsters. Her body was full of energy and blood, which made the two ghost beasts who were pulled over feel very uncomfortable, and stopped moving forward!

It was the woman who felt this powerful Yin Qi that stimulated her own Qi and blood.

At first sight of this pair of ghosts, everyone will feel a chill in their hearts, and then they will feel the body and even the soul become cold for a while.

"What is this?" The woman stared at the two seriously!

The two sisters bowed their heads immediately, as if they had done something wrong.

Seeing the expressions of the two, the woman's heart moved, and she directly pulled the two sisters into the hall with each hand.

There was a large group of people sitting in the hall. They were part of the leaders of the city. There were men and women here. At this moment, they all looked at the two sisters in surprise.

"When you came back, you were attacked by ghosts?" A woman stood up in surprise and asked.

(End of this chapter)

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