The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1369 Black Iron Battle City

Chapter 1369 Black Iron Battle City
There are still 81 monthly tickets to be added, and the reward is still 4100 coins to be added!
Everyone in the hall stared at the two in disbelief. They met ghost riders, and they came back alive?

For a while, the entire hall fell silent, and the atmosphere was a little depressing.

On the side, a young man looked at the two sisters with flickering eyes. When he saw the two ghost beasts clearly, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

His face changed, and he suddenly said: "You guys are so nonsense, you have caused heavy losses to 1000 cavalry, and more than [-] people came back, and you even said it was a ghost race, how do you know, is it nonsense?"

This is a good saying, why do the two sisters know?

But then, with my sister's detailed explanation, everyone understood the key point, that was the young man who suddenly appeared, and that was the real master who killed the ghost clan.

"That is to say, he not only saved you, but also helped you control the two ghost beasts, are they the two beasts burning with phosphorous fire outside?" flashing.

"Yes, master, he was the one who saved us, and finally rode away on the wild dragon." My sister replied honestly.

At this time, the younger sister at the side glared at the young man at the other side. It was this man who gave them the face just now, as if he was not very friendly with the two sisters.

There were eight men and nine women present, one of whom was a woman.

She is the supreme leader here. She is powerful, intelligent and capable. This is the reason why she can sit in this position.

"The Heiyu ghost clan has finally come to us. We must be prepared, otherwise, if there are a large number of ghost riders attacking, we will be caught off guard." The woman's face was serious, seeing this key issue.

She scanned the crowd, looked at the two sisters at last, and said, "You two were going to pick up your parents, but you caused heavy losses to the entire cavalry team. This is your sister's responsibility."

She pointed out this sentence very seriously, and then said: "If you make a mistake, you will be punished. I will take back the cavalry team in your hands. If you want to lead the team again, you can recruit people yourself to form it."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the people present changed. The faces of the eight men were faintly excited, as if they valued this cavalry team very much, while the faces of the women were worried and felt a little angry.

The younger sister was even more angry, but was pulled by her own sister and dared not speak.

The older sister's face was very calm, she didn't make any excuses, she directly took her younger sister down, and the rest of the people got up and left with different expressions.

And the woman in the lead was meditating alone, her pretty face kept changing, as if she was thinking about something.

After a long time, two figures entered here again, it was the two sisters who left just now, and they came back again.

"Master!" The two sisters came in with sad faces, and the younger sister threw herself into the woman's arms and burst into tears. She was really sad.

Seeing parents being killed by those ghosts without being able to do anything, it is a terrible shock, and the trauma of the soul is not so easy to heal.

Although the elder sister looks weak on the outside, she is stronger than the younger sister on the inside. She endured the sadness and did not cry, but secretly turned the pain into strength.

"Okay, it won't be pretty if you cry any more." The woman gently comforted her, she was a little helpless, and lightly patted her sister's shoulders, feeling a little heavy in her heart.

If someone hadn't rescued the two of them, it is estimated that the two sisters would have difficulty escaping their bad luck.

Now at least the two of them can come back safely. This is already a blessing. As for the death of a loved one, anyone will experience it under such a disaster, and she is the same. As long as she is stronger, the pain will pass.

"Tell me about that young man." The woman asked earnestly, which was one of the reasons she valued the most.

Then, after my sister told her in detail, I finally got some understanding, but I still couldn't get more information, and I didn't even know the name.

After all, the two sisters also had no way of knowing Gao Jiuding's situation, and that alone was enough.

And the woman was deep in thought, not sure what she was thinking, and finally turned into a sigh.

A trace of regret flashed across her face, and she said: "Unfortunately, that person didn't tell you his name, or even where he came from, otherwise you can come and help us."

"Master, I don't think he is willing to come. That person gives me the feeling that he is not only powerful, but also definitely not the kind of existence who is willing to rely on others." The sister said.

The woman smiled lightly and said: "You misunderstood what I mean, what I mean is to invite people to come over as guests, one is to thank them for saving your life, and the other is to make friends with some such strong people, which is beneficial to us benefit."

"It's a pity!" She was a little regretful, but her face straightened, and she said, "I have no choice but to revoke the authority of the two of you to command the cavalry. After all, I will command the navy next. If you still occupy a cavalry, others will definitely target you." you."

The elder sister said with a serious face: "Master, I know the situation, but our internal affairs are too unstable. Even if we push back, some people will still be dissatisfied with our sisters. After all, we are not real soldiers. Now our sisters made mistakes. It's just an excuse."

"Master, won't my team be gone then?" the younger sister said aggrievedly, wiping away tears.

The woman smiled lightly and said: "You little head, can you think like your sister would think, you are twins, why are you so careless?"

"What I mean is, I want you to re-select personnel and form a stronger team. However, this time the navy will be formed, and you will do it. I am in a bit of danger now. The other two major systems in the city, Even some hidden forces are staring at us." She said seriously.

Then, she continued: "Even among our internal people, there are traces of other forces. If you two do these things yourself, I won't ask. I hope you don't disappoint me."

"Yes, master!" The expressions of the two sisters also became very serious.

They are aware of the seriousness of the matter, but the forces of the headquarters are stared at by the other two systems, and even other forces hidden in the dark!
This can also be regarded as the tragedy of the human race forces. When they came out to open up new territories, they would work together, and after a little achievement, they would start to split internally and start fighting internally. Their newly built battle city did not escape this fate.

Now, the two sisters also feel the pressure. It is not easy to rebuild a naval team.

And a powerful navy must be composed of sufficiently powerful warships, otherwise it really doesn't have much combat effectiveness.

For these, Gao Jiuding is not clear, he is not clear that the three beauties are talking about themselves.

Since he left, he has been meditating all the way, stopping from time to time, as if he was sensing something.

"Strange, according to the memory of the leader of the ghost clan, it should be nearby, why didn't he find it?"

In front of a barren mountain, Gao Jiuding stood on top of the barren dragon, thinking about something.

Gao Jiuding followed it all the way, but found no trace of the ghost clan.

According to the soul memory of the leader of the ghost clan, it was not easy for Gao Jiuding to find this place.

In fact, Gao Jiuding didn't get much information, because the soul of the leader of the ghost clan was protected. In order to break the soul restriction, he even brought out a powerful ghost clan expert, but Gao Jiuding still got a lot from that soul. useful information.

Gao Jiuding only found one piece of information about the origin of the ghost cavalry.

In other words, where is the large army of ghost riders, but he didn't find it after arriving here.

Gao Jiuding stood here, staring at the barren mountain in front of him. There was no life there, not even a single plant, let alone a single wild animal, as if it was a dead zone.

Seeing this, he was even more convinced that there was a powerful ghost clan force here, and it was that large army that caused the dead environment here.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding couldn't find them. Gao Jiuding was thinking about how to find out those ghosts. Suddenly, his expression changed, and he took out the sealed wisp of will-o'-the-wisp and sensed it carefully.

Under the influence of Gao Jiuding's huge spiritual consciousness, he finally sensed something different, which was a little bit of discovery.

"There!" Sure enough, it didn't take long for Gao Jiuding to discover something, and he immediately ordered Huanglong to enter the mountain to wait for him, while he flew into the air alone and disappeared into the barren mountain.

After only flying for 1 minute, Gao Jiuding felt the change in the external environment, and he felt a cold aura permeating the surroundings!
This place has become gloomy, as if there are countless evil spirits howling, which is creepy.

Gao Jiuding cautiously restrained his breath, and carefully concealed his progress.

Not far away, there is a huge valley, filled with black air in all directions, covering a large mountain range, making it difficult for people to see what is inside.

But he is sure that there is definitely a team of ghosts hidden here, in the valley filled with black mist.

Seeing this, Gao Jiuding's face gradually turned cold. He flashed quickly and broke into the black mist.

In the starry sky, he has seen this kind of place with a lot of yin, but on the continent, among the planets, it is absolutely rare to see such a strong yin.

The ghost race is most suitable for survival and cultivation in this kind of place, so Gao Jiuding knew he had found the right place.

He came here to avenge and kill. Now that he found this place, he must enter it and kill the ghost force in the valley.

As for whether there are powerful masters in the valley, Gao Jiuding didn't have the slightest fear. He even felt that this was an opportunity to understand the strength of the ghost clan.

He watched the giant bronze coffin rush into the vortex before deciding to track it down. He wanted to know how the ghost race attracted the ancient bronze coffin.

Of course, there is a ghost clan hidden here, which is also a great hidden danger. He must find this ghost clan and destroy it.

Roar!Sure enough, as soon as he entered the black mist, Gao Jiuding felt a burst of beast roars, it was a group of ghost beasts roaring.

From some fragmentary memories of the ghost clan leader, Gao Jiuding learned about the composition of some ghost clans.

 Thanks to brother SU482899 for the reward of 1000 coins, and thanks to the 72 brothers who are the king of the earth, who poisoned you thousands of times, and lived with fate!
(End of this chapter)

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