Chapter 1374
"Maybe it's a good thing, the five elements of ice, wind and thunder, plus yin and yang, can be considered a complete world!" Gao Jiuding muttered to himself again.

"Can't enter this small world? Or does this small world need these ghosts and beasts?" Although Gao Jiuding was a little disappointed that these ghosts and beasts could not be kept, it was not a big deal.

The yin-yang fish in front of him eventually collapsed due to instability, rumbled into a void in space, and finally disappeared.

Gao Jiuding thought about this problem, and it seemed that he had to be careful. Fortunately, this time it was only a ghost beast. If he made a mistake, the consequences would be disastrous.

"The rules under this sky are really strange. It seems that everything you do in the future needs to be treated with a rigorous and serious attitude." Gao Jiuding warned himself secretly.

Whether it is cultivation or comprehension, you must not be careless, let alone be as casual as this time, if you are not serious, it will inevitably lead to tragedy.

After clearing up his mood, Gao Jiuding decided to find some time to study the way of yin and yang, and the way of runes, and strive to enter a higher threshold and obtain a real promotion.

Now, he is just getting started, like a novice, without any experience and ability.

If you mess up like this, there will definitely be big problems, so you must first understand the way of formation patterns and runes, otherwise you will not be able to do it.

"It's a pity that these ten thousand ghosts and beasts should be dealt with." Next, Gao Jiuding was in a dilemma. How should he deal with these ten thousand powerful ghosts and beasts?
This is a problem, and I feel it is a pity to kill it. This is intentionally left, otherwise I would have killed them all together.

In the end, Gao Jiuding decided to seal it temporarily, wait for an opportunity, and then use it again.

It's a pity to kill this thing, so it's better to seal it for the time being. If it is useful to the Five Elements Realm, let them integrate into it little by little. If it is useless, seal it up and see when it will be used.

As for what these ghosts and beasts eat, Gao Jiuding got an answer from some memories of the ghost clan commander. The ghosts and beasts specially cultivated by the ghost clan don't need to eat.

That's right, what is surprising is that these ghost beasts don't even eat?

In fact, Gao Jiuding knew that it wasn't that he didn't eat, but that he only absorbed Yin Qi, or absorbed blood essence and blood to neutralize Yin Qi for cultivation. This was a mount specially cultivated by the ghost race according to its own characteristics.

Of course, the ghost clan is not just these mounts, this is just the most common mount.

Judging from the information Gao Jiuding learned, the ghost race is not only ancient and mysterious, but also very terrifying, because they have more wisdom than the demon race. wisdom.

"Although ghosts are terrifying, they can still be killed." Gao Jiuding calmed down.

After he obtained some secrets of the ghost race, he no longer felt taboo against this race. This is actually just a kind of creature, but it is more mysterious and weird.

If the human race wants to deal with the ghost race, it must have equal power, otherwise it will be difficult to fight against these powerful ancient races. This is not only for the ghost race, the previous orc race, spirit race, etc. are all enemies of the human race.

Gao Jiuding didn't stop there. After sealing the ten thousand ghost beasts, he put them directly into the storage ring on his finger. These ghost beasts were considered dead, and they were most suitable to be placed in the storage ring.

After the ghosts and beasts were collected, the valley was still full of entraining energy. It seemed that even without the Yin spirit veins, the Yin energy here would not dissipate completely for a while. Even Gao Jiuding suspected that it was the geographical location here that caused the The Yin Lingmai, not the Yin Lingmai, created the environment here.

After thinking for a while, Gao Jiuding arranged a simple formation to prevent outsiders from entering. Finally, he also arranged some formations around the valley, mainly based on protection and concealment, directly hiding the entire valley.

This is just concealment, Gao Jiuding is not yet capable of protection, as long as a strong person comes here, he will be able to see through it, this is because he has not learned enough formations.

After finishing these, Gao Jiuding can finally leave with peace of mind. He gallops fast on the wild dragon, but what annoys him is that this wild dragon is very powerful, but when it walks, it is simply earth-shattering.

"You have such a strong strength, wouldn't you restrain your aura? Even control your walking strength!" Gao Jiuding angrily scolded Huanglong who was sitting down.

And the latter lowered his head, his huge dragon eyes were full of grievances, as if being scolded by his master, he felt very wronged.

In fact, as a wild dragon, the purpose of walking earth-shatteringly is to frighten and show off.

This is an instinct of being an overlord. Its aura radiates out, steps on the ground, and shakes all directions. It is a kind of domineering declaration. Wherever it goes, it is its territory.

However, after Gao Jiuding's scolding, the wild dragon actually restrained its breath, and although it walked as fast, it didn't make much movement.

What even made Gao Jiuding stare was that the wild dragon didn't even step on any footprints. Obviously, the wild dragon is very good at controlling its own power, but it's just that it doesn't have the habit of doing so.

"It's not bad to know how to control power, but it's a pity that you can't fly." Gao Jiuding muttered all the way, getting more and more angry: "You say that you are a dragon overlord, why can't you even fly? How can you talk to the sky overlord?" Fight for territory?"

"If you are like this, you must not be able to defeat the overlord of the sky. Look at you, you are a bear, and you are still a dragon. I think you can't even defeat a bird." He muttered, which stimulated Huanglong's fierce character.

Roar!Ow!Loud roars came again and again, shaking the mountains and jungles, startling countless ferocious beasts.

This is the majesty of the dragon clan. It is really angry at the moment, but it is more of a grievance. Its master said that he can't fly and can't beat birds. This is the truth!

It was very aggrieved, all the anger along the way was vented on the fierce beasts it met, one after another was brutally torn into pieces by it, as if to prove that it was still very strong.

Chirp!There was a bird song from the mountains in the distance, and then a bird of prey flew into the sky and flew towards this side.

This is after Huanglong raged all the way, it attracted the attention of a huge bird. In other words, Huanglong was finally targeted by a more powerful guy.

Gao Jiuding stared at the huge bird of prey flying from the void. It was full of black energy and mighty. It was a demonic bird!

Gao Jiuding has seen this kind of devil bird before, and it is still very powerful. Just looking at its body that is a hundred meters away, and its wings that cover the sky and cover the sun, you know that it is not easy to provoke.

The strength of such a monster must not be underestimated.

"This continent is a bit strange. Not only ghosts have appeared, but there are also monsters. Are there still monster corpses? No wonder so many wild jungles have not been developed!"

At this time, Gao Jiuding also realized the danger here. Compared with the place he went to before, this continent is obviously more dangerous.

Of course, this has to exclude the starry sky near the black hole, because there are all void monsters, which are even more powerful.

The [-]-meter-long devil bird flew over and immediately stared at the wild dragon.

However, the wild dragon can't fly, the tragic guy, was hit by Gao Jiuding.

The huge demonic bird swooped down, hitting Huanglong with many scars.

Roar!The wild dragon roared angrily, but it was a pity that it was not the opponent of the devil bird. It was rubbed against the ground by the devil bird, and it would be taken back to enjoy in the end.

Naturally, Gao Jiuding couldn't just look at it, it was his own mount, so with a thought, a silver arc spread all over his body, he wanted to try the power of the ghost clan forbidden technique.

boom!Gao Jiuding soared into the sky, he waved his palm, just a simple blow!
With a bang, the silver light intertwined in the sky, forming a huge silver handprint, and hit the demon bird high in the sky.

In an instant, the void was shattered, and even the huge devil bird was affected. Its body stiffened, and its speed was extremely slow. It could only watch the handprints in horror.

With a bang, the handprint hit its huge chest.

Chirp!The devil bird mourned miserably, its feathers fluttered, and its blood spilled across the sky. Then its entire huge body was pierced by a blow, and its huge wings flapped and fell into the void, kicking up a puff of smoke and dust, forming a big pit.

Such a tyrannical devil bird was instantly killed in one blow, even Gao Jiuding was a little stunned.

He just wanted to try it out, to see the power of the forbidden technique he had just comprehended, but he didn't expect to kill the devil bird instantly with just this one stroke, which caught Gao Jiuding a little by surprise.

"It's a pity! It's too hard to start, otherwise you can grab it and study it. Even if you don't use it to refine it into an avatar, this is still a powerful mount."

Gao Jiuding flew down, with annoyance and regret on his face. He wanted to arrest him after being seriously injured, but he didn't expect to kill the devil bird immediately on the spot. He was really ashamed.

This devil bird is quite powerful. Although it is not as huge and terrifying as the one that was frightened by Gao Jiuding back then, it is still very powerful. Even the wild dragon at this moment can only be rubbed against the ground by it. Killed with one palm.

In the end, Gao Jiuding regretfully put away the corpse of the demon bird and continued on his way.

This time, he planned to find a human gathering place, at least a city, to rest for a while, to learn about the cultivation system here, and to comprehend his own Tao by the way.

Along the way, it has been very calm. Of course, the price of calm is that all the beasts are solved by the wild dragon.

This guy was bullied by the devil birds just now, and now he took his anger out on those ordinary beasts.

Of course, if it encountered some powerful beasts, this wild dragon would still be a bit miserable.

Although, it still defeated the opponent in the end, but that was because Gao Jiuding was there to help, and even gave it a lot of blood crystals to recover from its injuries.

Otherwise, some evenly matched fierce battles, not to mention complete victories, will cause other fierce beasts to peep at them. Fortunately, there is a wealthy master like Gao Jiuding, otherwise this barren dragon can't even think about going through battles again and again. more powerful.

(End of this chapter)

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