The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1375 Blossoming Battle City

Chapter 1375 Blossoming Battle City
Roar!In the grassland in the distance, there was a roar of beasts, and countless wild beasts ran in a panic.

Then, at the edge of the forest, a big tree collapsed with a bang, and then a huge shadow rushed out.

It was a wild dragon with a figure standing on it, and it was Gao Jiuding himself who came out.

Looking into the distance, he vaguely saw a vague outline, and even felt that there was blood and vitality there, which was the breath of the human race.

Such a place where energy and blood gather is obviously not comparable to that of ordinary small tribes, so it should be very safe here.

Looking at Huanglong, Gao Jiuding was about to put it away, but after thinking about it carefully, he let it go again.

"Go into the mountain by yourself, don't be seen by others, and don't be killed by other beasts?" Recently, this barren dragon ate a lot of good food with him, so it's better to put it outside and harm the beasts here , so that it can also exercise by the way and digest the recent accumulation.

Gao Jiuding confessed that the wild dragon was very reluctant to give up. It roared in a low voice, and finally rushed into the forest quickly and returned to the mountain.

This was to enter the human city, so Gao Jiuding naturally didn't want to take this big guy with him. Besides, if he used Huanglong in the future, he could have a source.

If it is stored in the pagoda space, it will be a bit too conspicuous when it is taken out.

Just came here, Gao Jiuding didn't want to be noticed or even thought about by others, so let's keep a low profile!
He just wanted to find a place to rest, and to reflect on his recent gains. If he had time, he would study some formation patterns, runes, etc. again, all of which required a quiet environment and time.

He flew alone in the air, at a very fast speed, and within a few breaths, he came to the not far away from that vague and huge outline. Only then did he realize that it was really a city, and it was a huge city.

"Flowers Battle City?" Gao Jiuding looked at the city in the distance in great surprise. This is a battle city, but he doesn't know if it can fly.

This is not the first time Gao Jiuding has seen such a war city. Unfortunately, it seems that many war cities of the human race cannot fly to the sky.

This city is too huge, so it is not cast with bronze, but with a kind of black iron ore, a bit like the black iron ore Gao Jiuding collected before, but better than the black iron ore he collected , because the aura is more intense.

"Could it be that because of the strong gravity here, even the black iron ore has become better? Or is the refining method different?" Gao Jiuding can only think so.

As they approached, Gao Jiuding confirmed that the walls of this city were all cast from a kind of black iron ore.

The city wall is black and 100 meters high, very magnificent, and this also shows that this place is very dangerous, otherwise, it is impossible for any city to be built like this.

Gao Jiuding came to the gate of the city and stood among the passing crowd, observing this huge city with some surprise.

This kind of metal is cast, very strong, not weaker than the bronze city, but the runes on the outer wall are not connected together, which makes Gao Jiuding feel a little regretful, and feels that if a complete prohibition is formed, a stronger one will be formed defense.

"Who built this city?" Gao Jiuding walked into the city gate curiously, wanting to know who built this majestic city.

Inside the city, the bluestone-paved road looks very neat, and there are many houses on both sides, which looks very neat.

He walked all the way in, somewhat surprised, he was very curious about this city.

Through previous encounters, Gao Jiuding knew that it was not easy to build such a war city.

At the very least, an ancient furnace is needed to smelt ore, and only a high-level ancient furnace can cast such a huge city. So, how was this city cast?Does he have a high-grade refining furnace in his hand?
Gao Jiuding now has a lot of fairy materials in his hands, but he is short of high-level refining furnaces to refine weapons!
Walking into the city, Gao Jiuding found that the city was no smaller than the ancient bronze city he had seen before, and even bigger.

It can also accommodate tens of millions of people, and perhaps even more people. This is definitely an incomparably huge city, and it is the crystallization of human wisdom and hard work.

There are people coming and going here, it seems very lively, and everyone is full of blood. Although they can't compare with his subordinates in general, this is already very good.

It is really rare to see a force like Gao Jiuding popularize precious blood rice, or even popularize the practice of mind. Maybe there is, maybe it has not been encountered yet.

The crowd in the city was dense, and Gao Jiuding felt a kind of strength among the people who walked by. Here, the human race also occupied the top of the food chain.

"Everyone, give way, give way!" In front, a team came quickly, and they all rode tall beasts.

These ferocious beasts are generally two meters tall, and their speed is very fast. Obviously, those are some excellent mounts.

Gao Jiuding saw that these ferocious beasts had a lot of feathers on their bodies, sharp claws on their wings, and a lot of feathers on their tails.

It's a pity that these beasts can't fly, and can only hunt and kill their prey with a swift and fierce posture.

This beast is very fast, and it can be caught as a mount, which shows that the humans here are not weak.

"Wow, look quickly, that's a crested bird!" Someone on the street exclaimed, and everyone raised their eyes to look, and exclaimed one after another.

It turned out that a huge flock of birds was approaching on the street. This was a huge bird, three meters tall and seven meters long, very big.

In fact, this size is nothing, but what makes people exclaim is that this is a bird with the blood of the Phoenix family, so it has a crested head.

Unfortunately, this seems to be a land bird and cannot fly.

However, just by looking at its flying hair, one can tell that it is a ferocious bird.

This kind of bird should be very powerful, and that huge beak should be able to easily peck rocks.

On top of the crested bird, there is a burly man. He looks a bit fierce, and his blood is even more powerful. This is a powerful person.

Of course, Gao Jiuding can also see that this big man has a fighting spirit, which is much stronger than ordinary people.

However, it is still not as good as some wizards with ancient bloodlines or high talents.

The bloodline aptitude of ordinary people cannot be compared with those with high talent or strong bloodlines, or even those geniuses of various races. This is the gap.

hold head high!There was a roar of a beast, and many people saw another huge beast approaching on the street.

This is a moon-watching rhinoceros, which looks like a rhinoceros, with two thick and slender horns, which are extremely sharp.

This kind of moon-watching rhinoceros is very good. It has a characteristic that it can survive on land or in water. It is a veritable amphibious monster, and the most important thing is that it is a monster with the same body of light and yin. Very rare.

According to legend, the moon-watching rhinoceros can be cultivated into the god of the moon-watching rhinoceros. It is a monster that can cultivate yin and moon domains and supernatural powers.

The one riding the moon-watching rhinoceros is a young man with good strength, at least ready to run through the blood of his whole body, and he is about to generate his own blood and fighting spirit.

Here, all kinds of people walk by, many are strong, and many are equally weak.

The ratio of strength and weakness here is very different, compared with Gao Jiuding's men as a whole, it is still a lot worse.

Gao Jiuding's subordinates have also grown up now, especially with good enough skills, almost all of them have refined a clone.

And the important generals under him all have a monster incarnation with the cultivation base of the Dharma phase. This is not comparable to the ordinary fourth-rank body refiners here.

Of course, if you have cultivated battle qi, or if you have cultivated into a fourth-rank body refiner in the domain, there is a difference. They are the existences that truly possess the combat power of the Dharma phase.

It's a pity that since coming to this asteroid, Gao Jiuding really hasn't seen many practitioners like this.

Of course, this is not to say that there are no masters here, because Gao Jiuding has seen several masters, not to mention the headless demon god, the demon corpse, and the unknown strong man in the bronze coffin, but the rock giant, The owner of the unknown ghost hand, etc., these Gao Jiuding are very difficult to defeat.

Also, those mutated centipedes that met by accident, as well as the five-colored bull, were existences that Gao Jiuding could not easily kill.

Recently, Gao Jiuding's strength has improved rapidly, so he already has enough confidence when facing monsters and fierce beasts like the five-color god cow, which is at the level of a monk. For the existence of the demon corpse, which is like a god, he still has to escape for his life.

Obviously, in this human city, there should not be many masters of this level.

Gao Jiuding observed carefully. Judging from the density of the crowd here, there are estimated to be about 1000 million people in the entire city. It is an extremely huge city, and it is the largest human city he has encountered so far.

You must know that there are no high-rise buildings here, so it can accommodate tens of millions of people and occupy an absolutely huge area.

"My God, what is that?" At this moment, there was another commotion in the crowd, and countless people looked excitedly, looking in the direction of the city gate in shock.

Gao Jiuding was also very curious. He turned around and looked over, only to be surprised to find that there was a large group of people resisting the arrival of a huge beast.

What surprised him was that this beast was a creature in the water, not a crocodile or anything else.

He stared at the dead giant beast, which was indeed a water monster.

"How big a giant water monster can hunt and kill this kind of thing?"

"It's amazing!" Many people were surprised and amazed, envious of that team.

It was a team of more than 30 people who resisted the arrival of the giant beast. They needed three people to resist the giant beast.

Gao Jiuding found that the blood of this group of people was stronger, and even the leader had a strong fighting spirit. Gao Jiuding just glanced at it and was sure that he had at least bronze fighting spirit.

It was not a fluke that these people were able to hunt and kill giant beasts in the water. However, is this place near the sea?
Such a huge water monster can only live in the ocean.

(End of this chapter)

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