Chapter 1376 Rune Tome
"Is this a sea giant giant dragon? I heard that it lives on the coast and is very ferocious. It has great strength in the water and is difficult to hunt." Someone introduced it in surprise, and he obviously knew something about this creature.

Gao Jiuding is even more aware that this is a marine creature. From the name of the giant dragon, it can be known that this kind of big guy with a length of nine meters occupies four or five meters with only one head, and its head is big and its body is small.

In fact, this is a tadpole that looks like it has been magnified countless times. Of course, the tail is much smaller.

This kind of organisms generally live in shallow sea areas, because they need enough oxygen to survive, so their main living area should be not far from the coast.

If this inference is true, it means that this place is not far from the sea.

Gao Jiuding was a little surprised, has he come to the edge of the sea?How far is it from this city?

Along the way, he didn't keep a detailed record of how long he had traveled. He was driving while practicing, so he didn't know how far he had traveled.

Thinking about it now, even coming to the edge of the sea, the city here must be a coastal city.

Otherwise, where are these people hunting these sea creatures from?Thinking of the ocean seen in outer space, it seems to have extended into the starry sky. Such an ocean seems to be boundless and very vast.

Of course, no matter where the sea is, it is extremely vast and mysterious, and the sea here is even more so.

In the ocean here, there must be endless sea beasts hidden, so the ocean is the most dangerous place.

There, countless gigantic sea monsters roamed about, even several times more terrifying than land.

Because, when humans enter the ocean, they not only have to bear the huge pressure of the sea, but also face the attacks of countless huge monsters, and even cannot exert their due strength in the sea.

"Dahai, it seems necessary to take a look." Gao Jiuding looked excitedly at the group of people passing by. The giant dragon they were resisting made Gao Jiuding secretly decide to take a look.

However, now I need to find a place to rest and see if there is any place for people to rest here.

He was very curious, whether there were restaurants and other places here. Of course, if life is not rich enough, it is impossible to have wine in a short period of time, because how can there be wine when food is not enough?

Through the restaurant, you can see a lot of things, and you can hear a lot of news.

"Look, it's Yalong Beast!" Suddenly, there was an urgent cry from the front, and someone pointed to the street ahead and shouted in horror.

Countless people looked over with wide-eyed eyes in amazement, and they really saw a huge beast approaching.

It was a sub-dragon beast with a body height of 16 meters. It was covered in gray and white, and its mouth was full of huge fangs, making it extremely ferocious.

"It's really a sub-dragon beast?" Feeling the coercion of that giant beast, some people were short of breath and felt a little scared. This was the induction of the sub-dragon beast's breath.

At this time, a young man was riding on Yalong Beast's back. He was handsome and powerful, and he was a master.

The young man was full of pride. He rode a huge Yalong beast and walked on the streets of the city, as if he was showing off.

In fact, this is a kind of showing off. The sub-dragon beast that has just been captured has been tamed at such a high price, so it is natural to show it off.

However, before the young man could show off for a long time, another even bigger monster walked on the street. It was also a sub-dragon, and its aura was even more brutal.

Is this a bullosaurus?Gao Jiuding looked at the burly young man in surprise, his face was simple and honest, but the bullock he was riding was very ferocious.

This Niulong is more than seven meters tall and more than ten meters long, and its strength is not weak.

Hearing the comments from the people around him, Gao Jiuding also knew a lot of the characteristics of Niulong. For example, Niulong is very ferocious, not only because of its strength and blood, but also because of its violent temper, which is difficult to tame.

Unexpectedly, someone has already tamed one, so many people are very curious about this burly young man, and want to know how he tamed the Niulong?

Many people envy it, but they are afraid of that bull dragon and dare not approach it.

The young man who rode the sub-dragon beast before had a bad complexion. He stared at the bull dragon approaching, showing a little fear, because the breath of this bull dragon was stronger than his mount.

"This guy actually caught a bull dragon?" The young man muttered uncomfortably.

Gao Jiuding discovered that the strength of the people here is not satisfactory, otherwise they would never attach so much importance to a bull dragon.

Now Gao Jiuding doesn't like Niulong anymore, and he doesn't like the Niulong not far away.

The Niulong had obviously been tamed not long ago, or in other words, hadn't been fully tamed yet, because that Niulong still looked very irritable, as if it would explode into trouble at any time.

This situation made Gao Jiuding understand that this Tyrannosaurus was subdued, not enslaved by special means.

These two situations are a bit different. If the beast surrenders, there is still a possibility of betrayal.

Just like the Niulong in front of him, it looks very irritable looking at the crowd around it, as if it will attack at any time.

"Evil animal, be honest with me, if you scare people again, I will stew you!" The burly young man was furious.

Sure enough, the Niulong, who was a bit wise, immediately calmed down, but he still looked very irritable.

After Gao Jiuding looked at it, he didn't stop, but walked towards an area ahead, which was a commercial trading area.

As soon as I came here, I found that it was a bit more lively because there were countless people selling things.

There are so many people that it looks extremely prosperous, no wonder this place is called Fanhua War City.

Gao Jiuding checked for a long time, and found that the people here also use crystals for transactions.

It can be seen that this city controls a large number of resources such as spirit stone veins, and even has a lot of black iron veins.

This kind of ore is indeed better than the one in Gao Jiuding's hands. Here, it should be a common ore like bronze, obviously a natural ore resource.

It's a pity that Gao Jiuding can't use this kind of resource, and he doesn't lack it.

Looking at it while walking, the development of civilization here is a bit poor, and the utilization rate of resources is not high.

This made Gao Jiuding even more strange. How did such a backward civilization build a powerful war city?

Especially the kind of flying war city, how did they build it?There is also the flying asteroid of the beast race, which has a high technical content, which has already made Gao Jiuding envious.

"Hey, there is actually a bookstall selling books!" Soon, Gao Jiuding discovered his goal.

It was a bookstall, and there were sellers of ores and weeds around the bookstand. No, it should be spirit grass. Unfortunately, the level of alchemy here should not be high, otherwise it would not be so messy.

There are also some stalls dealing with ore and wood, and even some animal bones, animal blood, and animal hides.

The bookstall that Gao Jiuding liked was also dealing with animal skins. Of course, those books seemed to be written with animal skins as well.

Looking at the familiar runes, Gao Jiuding heaved a sigh of relief. This kind of simple runes are the local common characters, which can be regarded as a kind of runes.

Gao Jiuding, because he swallowed the souls of many important figures here, forcibly read some memories of the beast race and ghost race, and obtained some fragmentary memories of the city lord from the ancient bronze city with the magic hand, Gao Jiuding I am no stranger to this kind of rune.

Gao Jiuding saw that some people were reading, or choosing books, so he also moved over.

His choice is relatively broad, as long as there are different types of books, he needs one of each, and the price is not expensive anyway.

This kind of books that can be produced in large quantities should not be expensive anywhere.

Gao Jiuding listened to other people's transactions, and the price of each book was between one and ten low-grade spirit stones depending on the thickness.

Through this point, Gao Jiuding also confirmed that even here, the purchasing power of low-grade spirit stones is not low.

In just a while, Gao Jiuding picked out a dozen or so animal skin books. The thickness of this kind of book is not small, but the most one is only more than 300 pages, and the runes inside are relatively large, so there are very few records .

After paying dozens of low-grade spirit stones, Gao Jiuding put away the books directly, and then he walked to the next booth.

Maybe he found the right place, anyway, almost every few stalls here have some stalls with books for sale.

The bookstalls here don't just sell books, they also buy books. Of course, all they buy are orphans, or books with very little circulation.

After wandering around for several hours, Gao Jiuding also got a little understanding of this place.

The human race here is divided into two types, one is civilians and the other is warriors.

Commoners generally live in the city all their lives, responsible for farming and doing business, while soldiers are only responsible for fighting.

Here, it is the soldiers who protect the city, so the status of the soldiers is the highest, and they belong to the military nobles.

Everything here is for the soldiers. Of course, it can also be said to serve the city where all human beings live. Anyway, here, combat power is seniority. As long as you are strong, you can easily get everything.

Now Gao Jiuding can see clearly that the human race here lived a life of settling and hunting. They also farmed, but what they planted were all spiritual things and spiritual grass, like ordinary food. Humans here don’t know how to plant them. They mainly eat meat, supplemented by elixir.

Finding that there was nothing to understand here, Gao Jiuding found an inn and stayed.

This is not an ordinary inn, because this inn is built on spiritual veins, and some spiritual acupoints lead to guest rooms. Of course, such rooms that are conducive to cultivation are not cheap.

After checking it, Gao Jiuding found that this inn was completely covered by runes. It seems that no matter where the practitioners are, they need such a place.

After paying 1 yuan for low-grade spirit stones, Gao Jiuding found a room of the lowest class. The room was not big, only about ten square meters, and could only accommodate a bed.

Anyway, Gao Jiuding doesn't need the aura here, nor does he need much space, because he has plenty of room to move around.

(End of this chapter)

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