Chapter 1377
Checking the runes inside the room, Gao Jiuding even activated the defenses here, and even used rubbing symbols to rub some of this strange rune array.

Even so, he didn't enter the pagoda space to practice immediately, but sat down in front of a small table and began to organize the books he had just bought.

The monks here also have space magic weapons, but there don't seem to be many giant space magic weapons. If there are many, then those people who just entered the city would not be able to swagger with their prey on their shoulders.

Of course, it is also possible that the people Gao Jiuding saw just now were all ordinary civilians?
It was because of this suspicion that Gao Jiuding carried forward his low-key style and entered the inn with a large pile of books.

Gao Jiuding knew the runes here, but there were not many records in these books, so he quickly read a few books and understood the state of civilization here.

Generally speaking, the history here is very long, but among the various species, not many can last for many years, because this starry sky is too dangerous.

In fact, the most dangerous thing is not the huge group of monsters in the void, but the distance.

The civilization here is too close, and over time, there will always be conflicts. Moreover, despite the increase in strength and population, competition for living resources has become an unavoidable main contradiction.

Also, no matter how powerful a power is now, there will always be ups and downs in the long river of time. Therefore, when it is strong, it sweeps all directions, but when it falls into a trough, it must walk on thin ice, because if you are not careful, you will be caught. Genocide.

This Gao Jiuding has already seen it, just like the ancient bronze city he entered before, it has a long history, and it was not known how powerful it was at the beginning, but it was destroyed in the end.

There is also the small world that Gao Jiuding experienced just now, such a huge small world, the inner sealer demon god, the demon corpse, and the rock giant of the Jinshi clan, all of which are very powerful.

But didn't that small world collapse?Even if there is that bronze coffin, that small world cannot be preserved, right?
In addition to these, there is also the interspatial ring that Gao Jiuding got. Obviously, that thing will not be personal. With so many blood spar, isn't it cheaper for Gao Jiuding in the end?

For a civilization to be strong, the most important thing to pay attention to is inheritance. Only order can be passed on, and the inheritors continue to be passed on. This is the basis for maintaining long-term prosperity.

Therefore, in the long history, the civilization here has developed two forms, clan civilization and tribal civilization.

Of course, this is a race that has developed a civilization, so it will deliberately leave inheritance, and there is no civilization, just a simple group of fierce beasts and spirits living together, needless to say.

When Gao Jiuding entered this starry sky, the first thing he encountered were ferocious beasts and spirits, and spirits were those very powerful bugs, they were the real kings in the starry sky.

Maybe it's because the individual strength is too strong, and there is a racial field when they gather together, so that they don't have to use their brains. For countless years, they have no brains.

When you meet an enemy, turn all the enemies into food, and just do a simple mindless push.

Except for the most powerful spirit monsters, they are ferocious beasts, and they are also disorganized and undisciplined, but they are numerous and have strong racial talents, which is the basis for their survival.

Except for these uncivilized creatures, the rest are somewhat civilized, like the human race, which is also divided into two parts, clan civilization and tribal civilization.

For example, castles and cities are actually the evolutionary versions of tribes. Such forces generally either absorb and integrate many tribes, or rise up by attaching to clans.

The clan is also divided into two parts, one is the sect and the other is the tribe.

Zongmen is easy to understand, it is a sect formed by the combination of major families and tribes.

A tribe is a tribal alliance, or a single large tribe, but they are more orderly.

The tribal civilization belongs to the extensive barbaric civilization, and the city-state civilization is the intermediate transition stage between tribal civilization and clan civilization.

Therefore, most of the human races that Gao Jiuding encountered in the outer star field were barbarians, that is, tribal civilizations among the human races.

Compared with clan civilization, tribal civilization is much worse, so the land they occupy is also much worse.

Clan civilizations generally occupy star systems, while tribal civilizations can only struggle to survive in the periphery of star systems.

Gao Jiuding has never entered the star system, so he has not come into contact with large sects and tribes. Of course, this is also his opportunity.

If you really want to enter the star system, the good place there must be occupied by a large sect, where is there a place for Gao Jiuding to stay?
Of course, it is not easy to mix in this outer starry sky, because there are more monsters here, and the monsters are called beasts here, and you can tell by the name, all kinds of monsters, the established beast civilization Also different.

The orc civilization that Gao Jiuding saw had a battle star. They belonged to the humanoid civilization, and they were regarded as the advanced civilization among the orcs.

It's a pity that the production capacity of the orcs is relatively weak, so in the starry sky, they generally rely on plunder to survive.

The forces in this starry sky are intricate and complicated. Apart from the largest human race and beast race, there are demon race, ghost race, and god race next, and some powerful races with special talents.

The protoss are the spirit race, obviously they depend on the civilization of the human race and the orc race to survive.

As for the demons and ghosts, they can only exist in the dark void of the universe. They are extremely thirsty for flesh and blood, so as long as they find human settlements or spiritual veins, they will flock to them without stopping.

Therefore, it is not a good thing to find ghosts on this continent.

However, it is not easy for the demons and ghosts, born out of yin, devil, death, and hostility, to survive in this starry sky. enemy because of natural opposition.

Both demons and ghosts need blood essence, so as long as creatures with blood essence are food for demons and ghosts, they are naturally opposed.

Therefore, in this starry sky, the demons and ghosts, or the demon corpses are all considered weak races. As long as they are discovered, they will be immediately besieged, which is a small problem.

"This starry sky is really chaotic!" Looking at the history here, Gao Jiuding laughed.

This starry sky is too big, and there are too many stars gathered, so there are more large and small planets suitable for living things, and there are more places to live, and more civilizations have been developed over countless years. Countless civilizations and races with different living habits have been born, and naturally there will be more various cultivation systems.

Not to mention different races, even if it is the same race, because of language, customs, etc. become hostile, there are countless forces that kill people every day.

Therefore, the human race is divided into sects, families, city-states, tribes, barbarians and other forces, and each major force is divided into countless small forces.

Like the barbarians, almost a small tribe is a barbarian, and there are sects, large and small, everywhere on the major planets.

This is still a human race with the same form, but on the side of the monster race, there are more forces of various sizes.

Not to mention others, such as the dragon clan, phoenix clan, and unicorn clan, followed by some large clans, such as the cow clan, fox clan, lion clan, etc. Although they are collectively called the beast clan, they are not a species at all. Some are still on the same food chain, and the contradiction is even greater.

"Well, these classics involve history, geography, customs, and annals of people. There is also a star map in this geography?" Gao Jiuding kept looking for the knowledge he needed.

The cultural inheritance here is fairly open. He learned a lot about the situation here through some miscellaneous books such as geography and customs, travel notes, biographies and so on.

The star map should not be accurate, because the starry sky here is too chaotic. Even if Gao Jiuding's Huoling battleship has an astrolabe disc, he still hasn't figured out how many star systems there are in the starry sky here. There is a swarm of asteroids flying around.

Looking at the star map is just a note of some large gathering places around. If you want to understand the situation here, you still need to read the biographies and travel notes written by individuals. Some of the records here are very interesting.

"Isn't this the magic crystal?" Gao Jiuding saw a record, hunting the void monsters, and got the crystals in their heads.

Void monsters have indeed absorbed some yin energy in the universe, or magic energy. It is not wrong to say that they are monsters!
In this way, isn't the crystallization in their heads the magic crystal?

"This kind of magic crystal is actually an important resource comparable to spirit stones? No wonder there are so many hunters here!" Gao Jiuding said thoughtfully.

"Could the blood spar in my hand be a different kind of magic crystal?" By now, Gao Jiuding had confirmed that the blood spar he got was not a natural ore, but rather like the one recorded in this travel book A magic crystal produced by void monsters.

"Only the magic crystal produced by monsters is easier to refine, right?" Gao Jiuding took out a blood crystal and studied it. This thing is said to be a spirit crystal but not a spirit crystal. It doesn't look like a magic crystal, but Definitely not Lingshi.

"Don't worry, this place is quite stable. Once you get familiar with this place, you will know a lot of things!" Feeling that there was no movement outside, Gao Jiuding put down his book and went directly into the nearby pagoda.

This time, he needs to recuperate. After all, his strength has grown too fast, and he needs to polish his increased combat power.

The space of the pagoda has become more complicated, mainly because there are more creatures in it.

Sitting in the palace in the center of the pagoda, Gao Jiuding looked inside!
He first carefully checked the changes in the pagoda. After the pagoda absorbed the giant spiritual vein, it has been changing. Even the spirit that has just been born with spirituality seems to have become silent, and it has no effort anymore. , connected with Gao Jiuding mind and soul.

This is improving, Gao Jiuding is not in a hurry, so he shifted his attention to the sea of ​​consciousness.

(End of this chapter)

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