Chapter 1381 Quick Sweep

Taobao Taobao, as the name suggests, the real good treasures are found out, and most of the things here are inevitably suspected of being fake!
You can only search for treasures when you have a lot of things, so for those treasures that are tall at first sight, many people just look at them and are not interested. Well, it is probably because there is no spirit stone.

Of course, even if it is a large number of wholesale products, it is not so easy to miss, the most important thing is to pay attention to everyone's eyesight!

In the same stall or shop, if you buy a good product the day before yesterday, and buy it the day after tomorrow, it may be a fake product!
Comparing the two, one has to wonder if they are produced by the same store!

Even if you go to the door, the shopkeeper refuses to accept the account, leaving you helpless.

When civilization develops to a certain level, it actually goes through the same process. This kind of thing, Gao Jiuding can be seen much more on the earth, but on the demon star, the economic development is very poor.

Obviously, the economy here is very dynamic.

Coming to such a place, Gao Jiuding felt that he should be able to show his talents.

In terms of eyesight, needless to say his Gao Jiuding's eyesight, as his cultivation level improved, he found that his eyes became more and more powerful, so he could see even some ores that tried to hide his aura.

Gao Jiuding was gearing up, if he hadn't been alone, he would have thought that he would be able to sweep the entire Taobao street!

The first stop is of course the Meteorite Gambling Street. The volume of goods here is the largest, because there are too many asteroid belts in the surrounding starry sky.

In this market, there are not shabby street stalls, but garden-style shops on both sides of the road, and meteorite mines with strange shapes, like bonsai, with clearly marked prices, set up in a picturesque garden , but also don't have a scene.

From this we can also know how profitable the stone gambling industry is!

So, gambling can be found everywhere.

After observing it, Gao Jiuding found that only a very small number of people really bet on the best meteorites, and most of the people who spend money are nothing, so stay away from gambling!

It's pure nonsense that a small gamble will make you happy, or a big gamble will hurt your body. Don't even touch it is the kingly way!

Of course, playing cards and gambling are two different things.

Gao Jiuding didn't come here to gamble on stones, but to actually shop for treasures.

He went to the starry sky to hunt for treasures by himself, and he would encounter danger from time to time. How good it is now, as long as he is lucky enough to encounter top-quality materials, he will immediately see it.

However, here, let alone the ordinary two-level black and yellow materials, even if it is an earth-level material, Gao Jiuding can already look up to it
Now in Gao Jiuding's storage space, fairy materials are calculated by the ton!

Also, the more advanced the material, the more difficult it is for the aura to radiate. This is the obscurity of the fetish, so the starry sky mining will give birth to the stone gambling industry, right?

In Gao Jiuding's eyes, there was a flash of inspiration, and he was surprised and pleasantly surprised to look at a shop, which has the best spiritual mine!

Therefore, his eyes are different from other people's eyes. He can see things that others cannot see. This is his ability.

He glanced at the ore vaguely, and found that it was really good, and such a real top product, nine out of ten, was an existence beyond the earth level!

Therefore, it is not a fairy material, at least it is a sky-level material.

Gao Jiuding glanced over there in surprise, there really was a treasure!

Gao Jiuding casually entered a shop, turned left and right... and finally stood in front of a giant rockery 30 meters high.

rockery?meteorite?what is this?
Gao Jiuding carefully looked at the faint spiritual light outside, yes, it was it!

Although the spiritual light of this rockery is dim, but after careful inspection, it is found that its spiritual light is very pure.

Followed by Gao Jiuding, the one-turn bodybuilder, blinked strangely. After seeing Gao Jiuding stop, he hurriedly stepped forward and said to Gao Jiuding: "Seniors, this is not an ore for betting on stones, but an ore for gambling. It's a real rockery."

Gao Jiuding rubbed his chin and said, "This rockery feels pretty good. I'm short of such a rockery in my yard. Can you sell it to me?"

"This..." The buddy really doesn't know what to say, what's so good about this ugly, broken rockery?
The man coughed and said in a low voice, "Guests, you should spend more, and then this rockery will be used as a gift."

"Okay!" Gao Jiuding nodded, and turned his gaze to other places again. For the sake of this rockery, he didn't want to pick out all the top-quality materials in the store!
Gao Jiuding didn't know what it means to be polite. He picked and picked, and from the store's 10,000+ meteorites, he picked out a dozen of them that were of good quality.

These are cut asteroids, so they are considered meteorites, not complete asteroids.

Therefore, most of the prices here are very cheap, which can be described as dusty pearls.

However, there are also a few that are very expensive, and because they are too expensive, no one has enough courage to buy them.

Gao Jiuding was very shrewd, he bought the eight pieces that he could earn without losing money, and packed them away together with the rockery.

The clerk happily sent Gao Jiuding out, he really met a big benefactor this time!

The buddy can't be unhappy, because with this commission, at least one hundred middle-grade spirit stones can be obtained, and there is hope for the second-level body training!
The guy was a little strange. Many stone betting customers like to cut stones on the spot, but this one didn't cut any of them. It seems that he has been taken advantage of, so don't look back and make trouble.

If the man knew that the eight ores that Gao Jiuding bought were all the best in the shop, how would he feel?

Not to mention cutting all of them, if you just cut one out, the shop owner would have to vomit three liters of blood.

In fact, it has nothing to do with the guy, he is just a wage earner, and the shop owner doesn't know anything, so this transaction is a happy one.

Among the 10,000+ ores, less than ten were selected, and no one would think that there are treasures in them.

Gao Jiuding wished he could go back immediately and cut open the rockery to see what treasures were inside, but he had just arrived at Taobao Street, so there might be other good treasures out there!

Gao Jiuding went out again, his eyes flickered slightly, and there were several targets immediately, don't worry, come one by one!

The tour guide followed Gao Jiuding curiously, going in and out of various shops, buying one at this shop for a while, and buying two at the shop next door!
It was the first time for the tour guide to see such a stone gambler, and he didn't cut a single stone. Wouldn't it be tiring?
Running back and forth, the tour guide with a three-turn physique is sweating a little on his forehead!
Gao Jiuding was also helpless, after all, this is the realm of comprehension, and it is absolutely impossible to leave meteorites with good things hidden to him.

What Gao Jiuding missed now were all the best things, not ordinary spiritual materials, spiritual mines, or spiritual stones.

Because ordinary spiritual things have some special manifestations, either they contain strong aura, or they can emit unique aura.

Gao Jiuding has clairvoyant eyes, so the others must not?
The world here is so big, who dares to say that few people have unique talents?
How many years has Gao Jiuding been practicing?He has met several people, and they have special pupil skills.

Not to mention the inheritance among some ancient sects, families, and tribes here, so it is not so easy to check for leaks here.

However, there is too much accumulation here, Gao Jiuding will still gain something.

Of course, I don't know how many years it has been accumulated, just like that rockery, there is a top-quality spiritual object in it, which is why it has the characteristics of self-obscurity, otherwise, where would it be waiting for Gao Jiuding to find out?

Even Gao Jiuding's clairvoyance would not be able to see the specialness of the rockery if it was observed from a long distance, but if viewed at a close distance, there is no problem at all.

No matter how well the hidden fetish is hidden, Gao Jiuding can also see it. This is in the Five Elements Realm, and Gao Jiuding has tested it.

The black stone that was used to restore the ancient bronze warship and another black ore are very special. Even if it is a fairy material, Gao Jiuding can see it.

This is Gao Jiuding's ability, as long as it is not cut into pieces, Gao Jiuding can usually find good things with automatic stealth skills.

Of course, there is also a problem of survivor bias, because Gao Jiuding doesn't know if there is something that Gao Jiuding didn't discover, so in Gao Jiuding's feeling, he has caught all the good things in one go.

And this, Gao Jiuding didn't know, because he didn't find it, and he didn't know if it really existed.

In one morning, Gao Jiuding walked around almost the entire shop on Gambling Stone Street, and the tour guide followed him, his feet were numb!

After a brief lunch, Gao Jiuding came to the Ancient Artifact Street again to see if he could find any good treasures.

Gao Jiuding still wandered east and west, but in a short time, he took away three valuable ancient artifacts, which are really ancient artifacts.

Such ancient tools are not ores, nor are they magic weapons. They may have been magic weapons before, but they have gradually lost their effectiveness after being passed down for a long time, or the current monks don't know how to use them at all. Possibility of leaking.

If it is a magic weapon, other people can also see it, but if it loses its function, or its function is hidden, it cannot be seen by everyone.

When buying such ancient utensils, the first thing to look at is the age. Only when the age is relatively long and it is a real antique can it be valuable.

Because of these ancient artifacts that have lost their function, there is no aura at all from the outside. They can only be tested and studied to see if there is a formation restriction inside them.

Therefore, seeing that there is no aura reaction, and there is no formation left inside, it falls here and becomes the target of other people's Taobao.

Gao Jiuding is still very interested in this kind of antique, because Gao Jiuding can see some scattered auras when he observes it closely.

(End of this chapter)

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