Chapter 1382
Gao Jiuding discovered that although there are many things, there are definitely not many good things. Even some valuable ancient artifacts, the aura in them is not a continuous piece of rich aura, but a sporadic and fragmented aura, which is very It is faint, but it does exist, which shows that these artifacts are originally forbidden to connect.

I just don't know what the situation is now, but no matter what the situation is, this kind of inexpensive thing will have some research value if you buy it.

The tour guide followed Gao Jiuding, strolling through the shops slowly, feeling a lot more relaxed, she breathed heavily, this is the correct way to go shopping, the rush in the morning was simply rushing to the market!
In fact, Gao Jiuding is the real authority when it comes to magic treasures and artifacts that have been around for a long time!

With a glance of his clairvoyance, it is immediately clear whether there is any aura, especially if there is any restriction, so some useless ancient artifacts are immediately invisible!

fake!fake!Fakes...still fakes!
Gao Jiuding secretly shook his head and sighed, all the fakes, they were all disguised as antiques, ancient artifacts, but in fact they were forged Xibei goods in disguise, because there was no restriction left in them.

Not to mention, it looks more like the real thing than the real thing. The main thing that fools me is those newcomers who have a little money but no experience.

Any monk has a heart for encountering adventures!

And those who really understand the market mostly rely on reselling to earn the price difference.

The ancient artifacts can’t be used as food when they are stored at home, and they have to be taken care of. If they are damaged, they will really be unable to cry, so it is true to convert them into cultivation resources!

As he was walking, Gao Jiuding paused. He stopped in front of a brightly colored pottery puppet and stared at it carefully. I!
However, after careful inspection of the sporadic auras displayed, Gao Jiuding saw layers of scattered auras. How many layers of restraints are these traces left behind?

Gao Jiuding may not be clear about other things, but he is very clear that the more layers of restraints are placed, the more powerful the magic weapon is.

Looking carefully at this piece of pottery, Gao Jiuding found that it was deliberately disguised and modified, and painted with colors to deceive people.

The transformation was a failure, the colors are so bright, it doesn't look like an antique at first glance!
Gao Jiuding looked at the price, and found that there were only ten middle-grade spirit stones, so he just paid for it and prepared to buy it!

The tour guide pursed his lips, feeling a little aggrieved, how many spirit stones did she earn for a month of hard work?

This local tyrant randomly gave away ten middle-grade spirit stones just for such a pottery puppet!

The tour guide couldn't help but interjected: "Senior, this pottery is so brightly colored, isn't it worth much?"

The chubby store owner was anxious: "How can it be worthless? I have placed this pottery puppet on this shelf for more than 100 years, and the colors have always been so bright!"

"Oh! It hasn't been sold for more than 100 years!" The tour guide curled his lips.

"Uh..." The fat boss had nothing to say, he looked at the duck and was puzzled.

Isn't it pretty?When he was a child, he rummaged through the innermost part of the warehouse for fun and fiddled with this duck.

It's just a pity that the pearls have always been dusty, and the price has dropped again and again, but they still can't be sold. They are all too blind!
"Can you sell the three middle-grade spirit stones?" the tour guide asked aggressively.

The fat boss sighed: "Forget it, just three middle-grade spirit stones, I'll sell them to you."

Such a good location, it's really not good to put such a pottery, let's replace it with the newly purchased top-grade magic weapon!

The tour guide glanced at Gao Jiuding proudly, the meaning was obvious, how about it?I saved seven medium-grade spirit stones for you in one go, isn't my tour guide very powerful?Could you give me a little extra tip?
Gao Jiuding laughed secretly, and gave the shop owner three medium-grade spirit stones. He took the pottery puppet, and passed the seven medium-grade spirit stones he took out just now to the tour guide: "Your reward."

"Huh?" The tour guide was a little surprised.

Gao Jiuding said: "This little thing is of great research value!"

Since the big benefactor likes it, the tour guide put it away happily. The seven middle-grade spirit stones were bargained just now. Will it be the same in the future?

At this time, the tour guide also knew that this big benefactor is really not short of money!
Of course Gao Jiuding is not short of money, what he is short of is his background, and this kind of ancient magic weapon with layers of restrictions is definitely Gao Jiuding's favorite thing.

If it was just pure spirit stones and spirit mines, you would not be so happy when you met Gao Jiuding, but this kind of thing that can obviously be left as an inheritance is a real treasure that can be passed down through the ages, and can exist as the foundation of the Gao Jiuding family Supreme treasure, such things are more valuable to Gao Jiuding.

Next, Gao Jiuding wandered around casually, but didn't see any particularly good ancient artifacts, so he went to the next shop.

The tour guide pouted slightly, and glanced at the pottery puppet in Gao Jiuding's hand from time to time, thinking about how to continue bargaining.

Gao Jiuding secretly laughed, they probably didn't know that the seemingly ordinary pottery should be quite valuable.

For others, this is just a dispensable gadget, after all, it is an antique, not an antique, and now it only has commemorative value.

But for Gao Jiuding, as long as the internal prohibition is restored, countless magic weapons can be copied, and it is an ancient magic weapon that has been passed down for an unknown number of years and is still intact. This is its true value.

Gao Jiuding was very relaxed while strolling casually, but not long after, he discovered another treasure, which was a colorful shell.

The tour guide helped to negotiate the price, and finally bought it at the price of five middle-grade spirit stones.

Compared with the pottery that is worthless at first sight, the tour guide prefers this beautiful colorful shell. She really wants to ask Gao Jiuding to see what Gao Jiuding likes in these things?
Gao Jiuding put away the colorful shells directly. Compared with the pottery puppet, the value of this colorful shell is higher.

The tour guide pursed his lips and sighed secretly. This big benefactor is definitely not a fool, so they won't tell her what the value of these things is and how to find out.

Afterwards, Gao Jiuding visited a few more stores, but he didn't find any treasures worth selling, good ones, but the price was too expensive, Gao Jiuding didn't have much interest in the current magic weapon.

After all, in the world of self-cultivation here, magic weapons are rare and expensive, and the most important thing is that their refining skills are not well-known.

Next, Gao Jiuding soon got another harvest. It was a palm-sized dark red tortoise shell with a big crack on it, so the price was very cheap, and Gao Jiuding took it down with thirty middle-grade spirit stones. .

After buying it, Gao Jiuding looked at the tortoise shell. This is a good treasure. Looking at it, the history should be longer. It is definitely not thousands of years, but tens of thousands of years, or even hundreds of thousands of years.

This is the benefit of a long history. It is not easy to hand down a thing casually.

For example, this tortoise shell is very talkative. It should be the shell of a high-grade tortoise.

Gaining more and more things, Gao Jiuding also slowly became excited. Compared with the antiques on the earth with a history of 5000 to [-] years, the ancient artifacts here are worth studying.

He excitedly bought, bought, bought, bought good ones, beautiful ones, and novelty ones. Anyway, it was not bad for money. The storage ring had a lot of space, so he could stuff it casually, so he didn’t have to carry it in his hand and get tired.

Since it was placed in the storage ring, Gao Jiuding planned to give it to his wives along with the storage ring in the future.

Therefore, regardless of whether it is useful or useless, as long as it is beautiful, as long as it has commemorative value, Gao Jiuding will buy it all.

Of course, this can also deceive people. After all, it is too targeted, and it is easy to be targeted by others.

As he was walking, Gao Jiuding stopped, hey, then... isn't that Xuantie?
No, it should be the essence of black iron?Heaven-level black iron?

No, this thing should be the Iron Mother of the Spiritual Heart, a unique spiritual material that is the easiest to give birth to spirituality and form a spiritual treasure.

If Gao Jiuding hadn't obtained some knowledge of refining weapons handed down from ancient times in the small secret place inside the ancient city, Gao Jiuding would not have recognized this ore that looked like black iron.

At this time, the piece of iron mother of the soul was placed under the counter, it was a waste of money!

All the belongings in your shop, put together, are not worth one or two soul iron mothers!
Gao Jiuding smashed a medium-grade spirit stone, and bought the long piece of false black iron weighing half a ton!

Only one middle-grade spirit stone was used to buy such a large piece of Lingxin Iron Mother, how many spirit treasures would it need to refine?
Gao Jiuding was happy in his heart. He held it in his hand and stroked it. It was indeed the iron mother of the soul. He was not mistaken. Although it was only a low-grade one, such a large piece was considered top-quality!
In the future, even if it is resold, it can still make a lot of money. Of course, Gao Jiuding will never sell it. Even if this kind of thing is rewarded to his subordinates, his subordinates will keep it as a family heirloom.

At this time, the store owner was puzzled, such a lump of iron had been placed under the counter for many years, yet someone still bought it?The forest is really big and there are all kinds of birds!
Gao Jiuding continued to go shopping, but now he is serious, because there are quite a few real treasures here!
On this seemingly barren continent, it is not too barren!
For this kind of world with a highly developed cultivation civilization, Gao Jiuding is not polite, as long as he encounters good treasures, he will immediately take them all, and don't keep any of them for the store. If he has no vision, who is to blame?

Having harvested good refining materials just now, Gao Jiuding had other thoughts. He really wanted to see the refining methods here, so he came to the refining street again.

Gao Jiuding couldn't help but secretly nodded in admiration when he saw the dazzling array of exquisite utensils on the Qiqi Street, the cultivation civilization here is really developed!

However, it is not as developed as the demon star civilization in terms of development, because it only has exquisiteness, but it has not developed any supernatural powers on top of magic weapons.

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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