Chapter 1383 Nine Transformations Body Refining
There are many styles of magic weapons in this market, and there are all kinds of them, but they only have one function, and they are durable. As for other abilities, they have nothing.

Although he only bought some samples, Gao Jiuding was still in high spirits. He ran around and bought a lot, which he wanted to keep and study slowly.

The little tour guide could only sneer at Gao Jiuding's behavior. Of course, she sighed more, she really met a rich man.

After shopping almost, the tour guide introduced: "There is another good place to go, inheriting a street, there are quite a lot of good treasures."

"Inheritance?" Gao Jiuding didn't know why.

The tour guide explained: "This is self-importance. There are some people here who are good at life and restraint. They hang out in the deep mountains and old forests all year round. Their whereabouts are secretive and difficult to find, and they rarely communicate with outsiders.

To put it bluntly, they are tomb robbers. Some big tribes that have been passed down for a long time finally declined. The ancestral lands, tribal cemeteries, etc. left behind are the goals of these people. In their words, they are for inheritance!

This street is specially designed for these people, and adopts a policy of not leaving their names. Buyers and sellers all cover their faces and do not show their true colors. This way the transaction is safer, but it is also more discerning. "

Gao Jiuding realized immediately, he waved his hand and said: "Forget about the things dug up by the grave robbers, digging people's ancestral graves, you are not afraid of God's punishment!"

Speaking of tomb robbers, I have to talk about Cao Cao. The originator of tomb robbers in Chinese history, he became a captain who touched gold and personally directed the treasure collection on the spot. Naturally, he suffered retribution later, evil spirits entered his brain, and he did not die well. .

And Captain Mojin became extinct in less than a few decades, but later all kinds of bragging in it was amazing.

In other words, the tombs of ancient Chinese emperors have almost been dug up by tomb robbers and warlords, and some corpses that have been buried in the ground are put on display for people to visit. Is it because they committed too many crimes during their lifetime?
It is sad to treat the ancestors like this.

When natural disasters and mourning are everywhere, people have to burn incense and pray. It is the same thing to borrow money from the ancestors to save the disaster.

Digging other people's graves just for the sake of money and other selfish desires is another matter, and there will be retribution.

And in the world of comprehension, retribution is even more unpleasant, because the graves of monks are not so easy to dig.

Not to mention the organs, restrictions, and formations arranged in the tomb, but things like puppets, zombies, and ghosts are all possible. If you are a little bit more ruthless, you can get them like curses or something.

That's why Gao Jiuding has no interest in these things, because you don't even know if there are hidden dangers in those stolen things.

Of course, as a local aboriginal tour guide, I don't take it seriously. Those tomb robbers are skilled workers. If they dig up good treasures, they can make a fortune.

People live well, how can there be any punishment from God?
At most, the funerary objects are contaminated with a lot of yin energy. Ordinary people will indeed shorten their lives and suffer from chronic diseases if they have too much contact, but how can a cultivator be afraid of this?
Gao Jiuding just sneered, it's still the same old saying, it's not that the time has not come, but now you are digging someone's ancestral grave, there is no guarantee that your future descendants will be born without assholes!
Don’t think that having an asshole is just a myth, but it really exists. If the ancestors were wicked, the descendants are likely to have no assholes. Fortunately, in modern times, they can be surgically extended.

And babies without assholes in ancient times would really have to die early, and basically wouldn't live long!
Before Cao Cao died, he was extremely afraid of retribution. It is said that a total of 72 fake tombs were built, but not all of them were hollowed out in the end.

However, there has been no definite news about Cao Cao's real tomb. According to Gao Jiuding's understanding of the way of heaven, if he escaped past the first day of the new year but not the fifteenth day, he might have been dug up by some unknown tomb robber by mistake!

For example, the tomb of Cao Cao, which was circulated some time ago, seems to have no corpses inside. I don't know if it was destroyed by someone, or it is another fake tomb.

The tour guide was helpless, so he recommended a street of street stalls to Gao Jiuding. They were all street stalls, but they couldn't compare with shops. The vegetable market was like a mess, but there might be real treasures there!
Anyway, the tour guide herself rarely goes shopping on the street stalls.

Gao Jiuding is very interested in a street of street stalls, because such a place is more like an antique market on earth.

Gao Jiuding came to Ditan Street enthusiastically, and it was really crowded with people, very lively, very similar to the rally he liked to attend when he was a child.

Walking around, buying some snacks, Gao Jiuding can be said to be full of comfort.

In a very inconspicuous corner, a frail woman was standing in front of a small stall with her arms around her knees.

Different from the tall and professional folding wooden shelves sold in other stalls, her stall is just a straw mat on the ground, with a few stacks of homemade charms and a dark earthen jar on it.

The hawkers in other stalls are constantly hawking, which can always attract a lot of customers, but her stall is remote, and finally some customers pass by, but her hawking sound is like a mosquito. It can be sold!

In fact, her talisman was the cheapest sold in the whole street, almost at the cost price, with only a negligible profit.

If it wasn't for the cheap price, she would not even be able to pay the rent for the booth long ago, due to the fact that there are many repeat customers!

This young man wanted to be like other peddlers, yelling at the top of his voice, but he really couldn't do it!

She was born with a weak voice and a timid personality. It was not easy for her to muster up the courage to set up a street stall!
Not a single business, the young woman couldn't help frowning, and sighed faintly.

However, every time she was sad and discouraged, she would think about her younger brother who was exceptionally admitted by a small sect. At this time, her heart suddenly warmed up, and she had the courage to persevere!

Although my younger brother failed to hit the second turn the first time, but next time it will definitely be fine!
In order to save more resources for her younger brother's body training, she must work harder and harder!
"Shenxing Talisman, Rattan Armor Talisman, Fireball Talisman, Ice Blade Talisman... they are of good quality and cheap, let's take a look!" Although her voice was still as small as a mosquito, and it was getting smaller and smaller, she at least summoned up the courage to shout out. .

The stall owner pursed his lips and yelled again, twice, three times, four times...

Finally, a man and a woman walked over and looked at her booth.

"Guys, look... the talisman... is cheap." She hurriedly stood up, blushing, and stammered the price!
Under normal circumstances, as long as there are customers coming, most of them can be sold, after all, her price is so cheap.

Gao Jiuding squatted down, instead of looking at the low-level talismans that were only useful for low-level monks, he looked at the dark earthen pot instead.

After looking at it for a while, Gao Jiuding asked, "How do you sell this earthen pot?"

The young woman was taken aback. It had been a long time since anyone came to inquire about this earthen pot, and this earthen pot was almost a big joke spread all over the street.

She clenched her small fists and summoned up her courage to say again: "This earthen pot is a family heirloom of my family. I don't want to sell it for money. I just want to exchange it for a magic pill for my brother."

Gao Jiuding gasped in surprise, he finally heard a familiar term.

God and Demon Pill, a pill specially developed to cooperate with God and Demon Body Refining Art.

Of course, this kind of body refining elixir can be used by any body trainer, and there is no need to specialize in Nine Ranks of Body Training Art.

God Demon Body Refining Art is also known as Nine Turns Body Refining Art, and now Gao Jiuding is very clear why, because the cultivation environment he is in now is the place where he specializes in practicing Nine Turns Body Refining Art.

Don't tell me, if it was the original, Gao Jiuding would not be able to produce a magic pill, even if it was a low-quality first, second, or third-rank trial pill, he would not be able to produce it.

Three ranks is equivalent to the cultivation level of the blood pill stage, and the pills used for the following cultivation bases are not enough for him himself, after all, he has a large number of subordinates.

But it's different now. Gao Jiuding has recently become an advanced Faxiang and Nascent Soul. With his current strength, it's really not difficult to refine a few furnaces of God and Demon Pills.

Besides, his subordinates don't need the elixir he refined recently!
Recently, Gao Jiuding has been concentrating on cultivation. Every time he retreats in the Space-Time God Realm, he will take time to make up for his shortcomings, such as alchemy, refining tools, arrays, talismans, etc. He has been studying hard recently.

As a cultivator of Faxiang period, there is also a piece of animal skin to provide visualization space, allowing him to deduce various alchemy and weapon refining processes. Recently, Gao Jiuding has refined a large number of Huiling Pills, Replenishment Pills, Detonation Pills, Gods and Demons Pill, Bingling Pill and so on.

Of course, these are all pills used by monks below the blood pill stage. For Gao Jiuding, there are only two most useful pills, namely longevity pill and sixth-grade coagulation pill.

Longevity Pill is a elixir that prolongs a monk's life, but the extension time is not much. Now when Gao Jiuding is the most, it is still used to repair the damage to the body during the body training process.

Life extension is only three to five years, and after eating two or three times, it has almost no effect, so Gao Jiuding is usually used to repair hidden injuries in the body.

As for the sixth-grade coagulation pill, this thing is used by monks in the blood pill stage to improve the quality of the blood pill.

The monks of the sixth-grade blood pill can be forcibly promoted to the Dharma phase after taking the sixth-grade coagulation pill!
But after using it, the potential is exhausted, and you can only maintain the cultivation base of the initial phase of the law for life, but after taking this elixir, the chances of successfully advancing to the phase of the law will be very high.

Of course, Gao Jiuding didn't need this kind of elixir at first, but later when Gao Jiuding deduced in the visualization space, he found that after the medicinal materials used reached a thousand years old, this kind of elixir also has the effect of quickly recovering mana.

After all, it is a elixir that can allow monks to break through to the Dharma phase, so it naturally has some advantages, and one of the most useful functions for Gao Jiuding is to use this elixir to restore mana during the Dharma phase.

Of course, the speed of recovering mana will not be fast, or even a little slow, but the elixir usually used by monks in the Dharma Phase period requires the power of ten thousand years of medicine, and the elixir of thousands of years can be used to refine the elixir for restoring mana , is already very good, so Gao Jiuding is still very satisfied with this elixir.

(End of this chapter)

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