The strongest miner in the universe

Chapter 1384 Family Heirloom

Chapter 1384 Family Heirloom

Returning to the main story, the magic pill used by the monks in the blood pill stage, or the magic pill used by the local three-turn body training monks, is of no use to the current Gao Jiuding.

However, it does not mean that the value of this kind of pill is low, because what is needed to refine the three-turn magic pill is a thousand-year-old elixir. Really can't refine it.

He is still very happy to exchange a three-turn God Demon Pill for what Gao Jiuding wants.

Therefore, Gao Jiuding took out a jade bottle without hesitation, and poured out a three-turn magic pill from it, and handed it to the young stall owner.

The stall owner stared blankly at the round, full-bodied and fragrant elixir in Gao Jiuding's hand: " kind of elixir?"

With just such a dazed effort, the overflowing aroma of the three-turn magic pill has already attracted many eyes!
Many peddlers were all stunned, wasn't that what that girl had always hoped for?
Is there really a fool who is willing to exchange a three-turn magic pill in exchange for that so-called family treasure?
All of them have seen that thing, it is not a treasure at all, it is an earthen pot that has no idea what it is for!
Just this thing for a panacea?Or the three-turn magic pill?No one would exchange it with her even if it was an ordinary third-rank pill.

But, what happened to the pill in that person's hand now?Are you kidding about the starry sky?

Many idle hawkers didn't even guard their stalls, and rushed over to find out.

"Hey, what kind of elixir is it, isn't it the foundation building elixir?"

"Three-turn body training pill? Impossible?"

"No matter how common the third-rank pills are, they can be used to build foundations, right?"

"Foundation building? Turn two to build a foundation, and turn three to build a foundation? You can already forge the foundation of the avenue!"

"Although I can't believe it, but smelling this fragrance, it must not be Fan Dan!"

Many shoppers also came over to watch the excitement, and more and more people gathered.

When Gao Jiuding saw the female stall owner, he didn't take his magic pill, so he was a little bit guilty.

Could it be that his alchemy skills are not at home?No wonder it was said that this was an ordinary rank three elixir.

Smack it, smack your lips, Gao Jiuding was a little helpless, he was indeed a bit opportunistic.

Gao Jiuding took out the jade bottle again, observed it carefully for a while, and then poured out another magic pill.

After all, he was not a professional alchemist, and the quality of the pills refined by Gao Jiuding varied, and the one just now was regarded as a low-grade pill.

"Here, I'll exchange two magic pills for you!" Gao Jiuding was complacent, thinking that he would exchange them with the only high-grade magic pill that he had refined?Thinking too much?
Although he didn't have much time to buy things, he still knew how to bargain high, and he would only give out two low-grade magic pills at most.

At this time, the female stall owner finally came back to her senses, she said in shock: "Senior, this... this doesn't seem to be a magic pill, right? I just want the magic pill."

Gao Jiuding said with a smile: "Don't worry, this is a magic pill, and it is much more effective than ordinary magic pills! If you don't believe me, you can try one on the spot. You have already reached the peak of the second turn. The foundation is quite solid. Take it If you go down, you can almost break through to rank three physique."

"Huh? Breaking through from the second turn to the third turn? Is this guy bragging about not making drafts?" The crowd was in an uproar, and many of them immediately booed.

Someone said: "Xiao Nizi, then you can eat one and try it. If you don't eat it for nothing, you don't want to eat it. If it doesn't work, then eat it for nothing. With so many of us watching, he can still regret it." !"

The stall owner looked at Gao Jiuding weakly, and she was about to cry.

Gao Jiuding was unhappy and kept raising his hand, so he flicked a magic pill, which flew into the stall owner's mouth.

The female stall owner was shocked, but the magic pill had already entered her throat, and it was too late to repent!

"Hurry up and meditate. The medicines of the God and Demon Pill are different, and the refined products are also different. The ones I use are all top-quality spiritual herbs, which are definitely not comparable to ordinary God and Demon Pills." Gao Jiuding Shi Shiran said.

what!The stall owner could only feel the spiritual energy dissipating from the demon pill that had entered her belly, like a torrential river flowing on one side, she didn't care about so much, and hurriedly sat cross-legged on the futon and began to meditate!
This God and Demon Pill was refined by Gao Jiuding himself. He knew very well that even though his technique was a little rusty, even though he did not have much experience in refining God and Demon Pill, the quality of the spirit grass he used was not low.

As long as this kind of magical pill is successfully refined, its quality is definitely much better than that of ordinary three-rank pills. It can be said that it is very safe for a little girl with two-turn physique to break through to three-rank.

Gao Jiuding crossed his arms and waited patiently. Anyway, he was already attracting attention, and he didn't mind showing more limelight.

Looking at the crowd around him, these guys are all rank one or two guys, their cultivation base is really too low, no matter how many people there are, they can't bring him any threat.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Gao Jiuding found several masters. Although those people were scattered widely, Gao Jiuding seemed to have seen them all.

Gao Jiuding thought about it for a while, and immediately determined that these people seemed to appear around him from time to time. Could it be that he was being targeted?

Gao Jiuding murmured a little in his heart, he looked at the female stall owner who was practicing, if she had her eye on him, let's try it out.

At this time, no matter how the audience felt, the female stall owner had already set off a storm in her heart!

In just a short while, she had already started to break through. She felt that her physique was constantly changing at this time, and every change made her stronger.

This feeling was so clear that she couldn't believe it.

And the most important thing is that this kind of elixir, which can change the body drastically, is actually very gentle.

Her body is currently undergoing earth-shaking changes, but all these changes are like boiling a frog in warm water, making her feel the drastic change, but it is not uncomfortable at all.

At this time, her internal body is rapidly strengthening, how can she undergo such a gentle and drastic change?
At this time, the female stall owner's heart had changed from shock to shouting!

God, what kind of elixir is this?It has such a miraculous effect!Could it be that he can directly achieve the third rank of body training?
You must know that the third turn is the biggest change, and generally there is only a very small chance of success!

Her younger brother had taken an ordinary three-turn panacea before, but failed to advance!

And the one she took, I don't know if it is the panacea of ​​the magic pill, but she feels that she is about to complete the metamorphosis.

The effect of this elixir is too strong, until now, it seems that there are still many medicinal effects that have not been fully stimulated!
The stall owner stopped thinking about it, she concentrated on seeking a breakthrough, maybe this is her destiny!

A moment later, a large mass of white air suddenly burst out from above the female stall owner's head, which meant something self-evident!

There was an uproar in the audience, unexpectedly... really rushed to the third turn?

From the late stage of the second rank to the third rank, what is the grade of the magic pill?
This is not over yet, and the stall owner at this time didn't care about the surprises. She continued to work hard and stabilized her cultivation, and finally broke through to the middle of the third rank, and then stopped meditating.

The female stall owner turned over and kowtowed to Gao Jiuding, and Gao Jiuding waved her up to help her up: "Fair trade, no need to be too polite."

Obviously, the female stall owner has gained a lot, she can only be grateful, but hesitates for a while, unable to say any words of gratitude.

Gao Jiuding doesn't need to be grateful, that earthen pot should be a good treasure, and its value is far more than a few magic pills, but it's just a crime to give her two magic pills, which is just right. It was a disaster.

Gao Jiuding was not a black hearted person either, he felt the sincerity of the female stall owner, and planned to make it up to her when he met her again in the future.

The female stall owner finally came to her senses, and hurriedly picked up the earthen pot from the stall, and looked at Gao Jiuding hesitantly.

"Senior, you said it was two just now, I ate one, do I have another one?" the female stall owner asked hesitantly.

Gao Jiuding spread out his hand and stretched it out, the palm of his hand was the one that hadn't been put away yet!

The female stall owner happily took the magic pill, then put the earthen jar into Gao Jiuding's hands, and hurriedly and carefully put the magic pill into the storage bag, covering it tightly, she I know, this time my brother will definitely be able to turn three times!

Gao Jiuding played with the earthen jar, nodded with satisfaction, it was not bad.

People around the audience, that is really all kinds of jealousy and envy!
Nine and a half out of ten of the stalls in this street are disciples of the first or second rank of body training. Who is not eager to get a body training pill?

Most of the people who come here to shop for treasures are ordinary monks, and monks with rank three or above rarely come to this kind of place to shop for treasures!

At this moment, the entire street was spread out, and there wasn't even a Rank [-] cultivator, and those who hid it with ulterior motives were not counted. Therefore, no one would think that Gao Jiuding was a Rank [-] cultivator!
Besides, there are many professional Taobao merchants here, squatting on this Taobao street. Once they find any good treasures, or suspected good treasures, they will buy them first and put them in the store for sale!
Therefore, it is recognized that most of the good treasures are in big shops, and even if there are treasures on the street stalls, they are very few!

Naturally, Gao Jiuding didn't know about such things. Isn't it normal to visit markets and street stalls on Earth?
The goods at the street stalls are beautiful and cheap. Gao Jiuding bought a lot of them before, so he was interested in coming to the street stalls to search for treasures.

"Senior, do you still want a family heirloom?"

"My family also has a family heirloom, would you like to have a look?"

The peddlers are all crazy, they want all of them for the three-turn magic pill!
Gao Jiuding nodded with a smile, and said: "Yes, there is a good baby, I will exchange it with you for the three-turn magic pill."

And such a good thing?It has always been a so-called heirloom that is useless in the warehouse. When will it be taken out if it is not taken out at this time?

Immediately, a few peddlers were called, and desperately took out the heirlooms at the bottom of the box from the storage bag and the storage talisman.

"Senior, can you see if it's okay?" Many customers who came to Taobao were also crazy. They actually have family heirlooms!

 Thanks for the reward from the brothers of the queen of the earth and the king of the earth!

(End of this chapter)

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