Chapter 1385
Discovering that Gao Jiuding would also exchange the so-called family treasures, many guys who didn't carry the family treasures with them rushed back to get them!
Taking advantage of the confusion, the female stall owner just now closed the stall and left quietly.

With a weak sense of existence, she was really not noticed by anyone.

Gao Jiuding watched her reach a safe distance, and then withdrew his gaze. Of course, he also paid attention to a few guys who had hidden their cultivation. He found that the expressions of those guys were a bit strange, as if they were very indifferent to his performance. Did you know he was rich?

Thinking about his performance in the past two days, Gao Jiuding thought that what he did was not out of line, so when was he being targeted?
"Don't worry, don't worry, come one by one!" Gao Jiuding waved his hand, and a long queue formed in front of him.

Don't tell me, this place has a long history, and there are quite a few people with family heirlooms. Since people have already been targeted, then play a big one, and if you find danger later, then it's the best policy!
After making a plan, Gao Jiuding also let go.


"Mine has a history of more than 1 years!"

"Don't take out an ordinary thing that is 200 years old, okay?"

"Don't make a mess!" The tour guide standing next to Gao Jiuding was also itchy in her heart. She tried her best to help maintain the order of the scene, and with her rank three cultivation base, she could still control the place.

Of course the tour guide was hoping that Gao Jiuding would be able to give her a magic pill, even if he was reluctant to use it, it must be very valuable!
"Don't, don't, don't, don't..." Gao Jiuding eliminated more than a dozen in one go, and finally saw a good baby, directly took out a magic pill, and delivered the pill with one hand and delivered it with the other.

"Senior, can I exchange two?" The peddler didn't expect to win the lottery, and wanted to win more.

"Only one, whether you like it or not." Gao Jiuding said lightly.

"Change! It must be changed!" The peddler immediately handed over the goods, and exchanged for a magic pill like a treasure. He was afraid that Xiaoxiao would take the idea of ​​​​the baby elixir, so he swallowed it in one gulp, put a futon beside him, and meditated Practice!

"Smart, with seniors on the side, it's very safe, hehe!" Countless pairs of red eyes stared at the peddler, this guy is really lucky!

Of course, more viewers who were just waiting and watching and feeling itchy could no longer hold back, and I also have family heirlooms!
Gao Jiuding smiled slightly, the next...

In just one stick of incense, Gao Jiuding traded out 27 self-made magic pills and exchanged them for 24 treasures.

If two should be given, Gao Jiuding will never give only one, full of credibility.

The guy who didn't exchange for the magic pill didn't get nothing. There were many heirlooms, which were spotted by the professional Taobao merchants squatting aside, and they sold a lot of them after bargaining.

Just waiting in line in such a large crowd, and more and more people, the advertising effect is really good.

Countless cultivators came upon hearing the news. In this world of cultivating immortals, no matter whether it is good or bad, who doesn't have a family heirloom or something!

Gao Jiuding was completely overwhelmed by himself, so the tour guide had no choice but to help.

The several long dragons at this time are so spectacular that they are all lined up on other streets!

Many people who didn't know the truth yelled: "What's wrong, who is sending money?"

"No, it's much better than sending money for free!"

"The heirloom can be exchanged for the three-turn magic pill, no, it is a three-turn magic pill that is a hundred times better than ordinary three-turn magic pills!"

"Advanced success rate is [-]%, there is no failure!"

"Stop teasing me, I'm going to line up!"

"Damn it, is it real or not? Isn't this too nonsense?" But everyone said that, and their doubts could not help but become dubious. Could it be that such a great good thing really happened?

At this moment, the sky above Ditan Street suddenly became unpredictable, and the surging clouds suddenly fell down, forming a huge funnel shape!

"That... that is... an advanced vision!"

"It really is an advanced vision, isn't it just an ordinary advanced? It can even attract celestial phenomena?"

"Damn it! It's so powerful! What are you waiting for, hurry up and queue up with the heirloom!"

Those who were lucky enough to exchange for the magic pill before, and successfully practiced meditation on the spot, were already grinning from ear to ear.

The cultivators who gathered to watch the excitement all staggered when they saw this vision!
What the hell, what's going on?Isn't it advanced three turns?Now that even the celestial phenomenon has been aroused, how much benefit will it get from being infused with the aura of heaven?
"Senior, tell us, what is going on?"

Gao Jiuding said casually: "Who told you that the God and Demon Pill is an advanced pill? The God and Demon Pill is used to condense the battle body of the God and Demon."

What?Everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded, oh my god, no wonder it's called Shenmo Pill.

At this time, everyone thought of the female stall owner just now, she was the one who asked to exchange the magic pill for the heirloom, so how did she know about the magic pill?

As a body cultivator, who doesn't know how strong the physique of the gods and demons is?
In the age of ancient gods and demons, the legends of those strong men are spread everywhere here. Even now, there are still some ancient gods and demons appearing in some ruins from time to time. Everyone here has heard of their power. Some people have even seen it.

What a great benefit it is to be able to condense the body of gods and demons?
Those lucky ones were almost crazy with joy, they were able to condense the body of a god and demon!
What the hell, the effect of such a pill is more than ten times, or even dozens of times, that of ordinary triple-rank pills!
Such a precious pill, they just took it so easily, just to advance to rank three?
This is too prodigal!If you don't eat it, but resell it, wouldn't it be a big deal?

The lucky ones who still have a magic pill in hand are already blushing with excitement, and they know that they have made a fortune!
There are also some people who regret that they exchanged for the God Demon Pill, but he actually wasted it.

The lucky ones who have just broken through their cultivation base suddenly changed from thinking they were the luckiest in the world to the most unlucky in the world!
Some were even heartbroken and wailed!

Gao Jiuding let out a low voice: "Calm down! For you now, the third turn is much more promising than the body of the gods and demons, why are you screaming!"

Thinking about it, the lucky ones wiped away their tears. Although they are still distressed to death, at least they can barely accept the current result.

Everyone understands the truth of the crime of Huai Bi, and we are now rank three monks, no longer the sad first-level and second-level junior body-training monks.

After taking the most critical step of comprehension, their path will be widened in the future. After all, there is no shortage of resources in the wild, but you don't have the strength to get them.

Now that the strength has improved, there will be a lot of opportunities in the future, so take your time.

As soon as the news spread, let alone a street stall, the entire Taobao street was hit by a magnitude [-] earthquake!
Countless cultivators came rushing in, and there were even Rank [-] physique practitioners rushing over in a hurry!
Rank four monks can still line up with ordinary practitioners?joke!

There were a few masters on the spot who wanted to forcefully jump into the queue, but they were all knocked out by Gao Jiuding's slap, and they were thrown on the ground aside like dead dogs, surrounded by a large crowd of strong onlookers!
The Rank [-] cultivators here are different from Rank [-] Gao Jiuding. These guys are not even as powerful as those Rank [-] monsters in the wild. It is too easy for Gao Jiuding to deal with them.

With such a shot, there will be no one who is not open-eyed and wants to jump in line again.

They all lined up honestly, secretly guessing, could this senior be a disciple of a great sect?
Otherwise, how come the Rank [-] cultivators of the same level were all slapped over with a slap?

On the outskirts of Taobao Street, two monks in long robes with graceful demeanor looked at each other and shook their heads amusedly.

This master really doesn't care about meat and vegetables, he even takes a fancy to the things of little monks!
The two masters didn't look any more, the brilliance flashed slightly, and then disappeared. As long as Gao Jiuding is greedy enough and stays here for a long time, they will always seize the opportunity.

Time passed by every minute and every second. As time went by, the four long dragons gradually changed.

The long queue in front of the tour guide turned into a small dragon, while the long dragon in front of Gao Jiuding became bigger and bigger.

Without it, the guide can hardly be in charge, she is the one who keeps order.

The tsunami caused by the magic pill is getting bigger and bigger. Many lucky cultivators who have switched to the magic pill no longer swallow it directly, but carefully put it away for future use. Naturally, there are countless vendors around who want to acquisition.

It's also fortunate that this small world is guarded by powerful forces, and private fighting is strictly prohibited. Ordinary monks have to be honest and don't dare to make trouble, otherwise conflicts will be inevitable.

The most important thing is that truly powerful monks don't pay much attention to body refining pills below Rank [-]. At most, they are a little curious and buy one for research.

Gao Jiuding knew very well that there should be quite a few Rank [-] body refiners here, not to mention other things, but in the starry sky, how many fierce beasts with a physique above Rank [-] had he seen?
Thinking about the group of giant centipedes that he couldn't break through, Gao Jiuding still has lingering fears.

Besides, since a small stall owner has revealed the magic pill, there is no need for Gao Jiuding to hide it.

During the period of exchanging the magic pills, Gao Jiuding has seen many strange guys, they should be local alchemists.

From their occasional looks, Gao Jiuding knew that he was despised.

This is something that cannot be helped. After all, Gao Jiuding is not a professional alchemist. He was able to refine the three-turn magic pill, which is already the result of cheating in several links, and he can't ask for more.

The alchemy pills he is now refining are quickly explored by alchemy masters. This level of body refining pills is indeed the best pills for ordinary monks!
However, you get what you pay for, and the magic pill refined by Gao Jiuding is not cost-effective.

(End of this chapter)

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